Template:UU1 spell row

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Creates a table row for a runic spell in single-game mode

These rows are meant to be below template:runic circle single header


{{UU1 spell row
  |name=            name of the spell
  |link=            link, if different than name
  |runes=           2-3 characters, runes to cast the spell
  |description=     description from manual
  |type=            duration, instantaneous, missile, targeted
  |icon=            linkable image name
  |iconbg=          background color for the icon, default is that only duration spells get a background
  |notes=           additional comments

If not given, icon and iconbg may be auto-determined based on spell type


{{UU1 spell row
  |description=This spell increases the height and distance of its caster’s jumping ability
  |notes=this is fun!
Uw1.runestone.Vas.pngUw1.runestone.Uus.pngUw1.runestone.Por.png Leap Vas Uus Por This spell increases the height and distance of its caster’s jumping ability duration Uw1.spellicon.leap.png this is fun!


Runes Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Uw1.runestone.In.pngUw1.runestone.Lor.png Light In Lor Illuminates a darkened area duration Uw1.spellicon.light.png duration spell, auto icon and bg
Uw1.runestone.An.pngUw1.runestone.Jux.png Remove Trap An Jux Negates the targeted snare targeted Uw1.cursor.touch.png target spell, auto icon and bg
Uw1.runestone.Ort.pngUw1.runestone.Jux.png Magic Arrow Ort Jux Fires a magic arrow at your opponent missile Uw1.cursor.aim.png missile spell, auto icon and bg
Uw1.runestone.Ort.pngUw1.runestone.Jux.png Magic Arrow Ort Jux Fires a magic arrow at your opponent missile Uw1.magicarrow.png specified icon, auto bg
Uw1.runestone.Ort.pngUw1.runestone.Jux.png Magic Arrow Ort Jux Fires a magic arrow at your opponent missile Uw1.magicarrow.png specified icon, specified bg
Uw1.runestone.In.pngUw1.runestone.Bet.pngUw1.runestone.Mani.png Lesser Heal In Bet Mani Heals your minor wounds instantaneous no icon, no bg

See Also[edit]