Shame (Ultima IV)

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Entrance to Shame, Ultima IV

The anti-Honor dungeon of Shame resides on the northern shore of Lost Lake and was first entered in Ultima IV. The Purple Stone was found in it and it connected to two of the altar rooms. Its magic orb improved Intelligence and Dexterity. The surface entrance was located in a remote part of Britannia, forcing adventurers to sail down the Lost River to the Lost Lake.


Great wealth is to be had by those who can penetrate the 6th level of this sinkhole of doom, but there dwell creatures therein that 'tis best not to speak of in public meeting places, for the very mention of these beings is likely to cause a panic amongst the general populace.
U4-Shame-L2U4-Shame-L2U4-Shame-L2U4-Shame-L1-Room-6U4-Shame-L1-Room-7U4-Shame-L1-Room-8Magic orbsAcid fountainShame level 1
Shame level 1 – Click locations on the map for more details
U4-Shame-L3U4-Shame-L3U4-Shame-L1Lightning FieldLightning FieldU4-Shame-L1Lightning FieldU4-Shame-L3U4-Shame-L1Lightning FieldPurple StoneShame level 2
Shame level 2 – Click locations on the map for more details
U4-Shame-L4U4-Shame-L2U4-Shame-L2U4-Shame-L4U4-Shame-L2U4-Shame-L3-Room-5U4-Shame-L4Shame level 3
Shame level 3 – Click locations on the map for more details
U4-Shame-L5U4-Shame-L5U4-Shame-L3U4-Shame-L5U4-Shame-L3Secret doorU4-Shame-L4-Room-1U4-Shame-L4-Room-0U4-Shame-L4-Room-2U4-Shame-L4-Room-4U4-Shame-L4-Room-3Healing fountainMagic orbsMagic orbsHealing fountainU4-Shame-L3Shame level 4
Shame level 4 – Click locations on the map for more details
U4-Shame-L6U4-Shame-L4U4-Shame-L6U4-Shame-L6U4-Shame-L4U4-Shame-L4U4-Shame-L6Shame level 5
Shame level 5 – Click locations on the map for more details
U4-Shame-L7U4-Shame-L5U4-Shame-L5U4-Shame-L7Secret doorU4-Shame-L7U4-Shame-L5U4-Shame-L6-Room-9U4-Shame-L5Shame level 6
Shame level 6 – Click locations on the map for more details
U4-Shame-L6U4-Shame-L6U4-Shame-L7-Room-10U4-Shame-L6U4-Shame-L8U4-Shame-L7-Room-11Shame level 7
Shame level 7 – Click locations on the map for more details
Altar of TruthMagic orbsMagic orbsU4-Shame-L7Healing fountainU4-Shame-L8-Room-12U4-Shame-L8-Room-13U4-Shame-L8-Room-14Altar of CourageShame level 8
Shame level 8 – Click locations on the map for more details


Shame is a challenging maze with many false leads. The Purple Stone is located on level 2 and the Orbs are on the levels 1, 4 and 8.

First, you have no choice but to descend right down to level 7. Go into the dungeon room and close in on the eastern wall, then step into the now open coffin to open the wall so that you can exit. Ascend the other ladder to level 4, then walk through the secret door.

Now, first exit the series of dungeon rooms to the east to get two orbs, then to the south to reach the ladder up. Navigate through the dungeon room on level three to reach the western ladder, then get the Purple Stone on level 2. Ascend to get the orb on level 1.

Now backtrack back to level 4 and take the western exit to follow the ladders down to level 8. The rooms are packed with secret doors and monsters, and at the end are two more Orbs.

Ultima IV Dungeon Solutions
DeceitDespiseDestardWrongCovetousShameHythlothThe Abyss