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Mentorian, from Ultima IV
Species: human
CollapseUltima IV
Description: tall mage
Location: Cove
Transcript: Mentorian

Mentorian is a tall mage dwelling in Cove during Ultima IV.


Mentorian's young apprentice Jingles could be found in Paws, where the youth would gladly tell the Stranger of his master's knowledge of the Gate Travel spell and would describe the remote village of Cove and how travel to it might be possible.[1]

Once the hero managed to find the hidden settlement, Mentorian could be found therein, seeking out ways to divine greater Truth through magic. If asked regarding the Gate Travel spell, he would see the aspirant's ankh and reveal its components (sulfurous ash, black pearl and mandrake root), taking kindly to the Stranger in light of the pilgrimage toward Avatarhood.[2]


  • In the Nintendo port of Ultima IV, the Japanese developers transliterated Mentorian's name into Japanese characters, but when the game was localized in English, the name was erroneously rendered as "Mentallion".
  • In the NES-port, Mentorian-Mentallion claims to be the "Master of the Gates".[3]
  • In the alleged journal of the Avatar discovered by historians Robert De Main and Carlotta Stein, Mentorian exacts a promise from the hero not to reveal the composition of the Gate Travel spell to anyone else.[4]

See Also[edit]

Gate Travel spell thread: Jingles → Mentorian

Name changes in the remake:
