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Eldroth’s dialogue portrait
Eldroth, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Profession: provisioner
Ultima VII
Location: Vesper

Eldroth is a provisioner in Vesper in Ultima VII, known for his mangled proverbs.


Eldroth is a self-styled counselor in Vesper who will frequently speak in grandiose anti-proverbs, fancying himself a dispensary of eloquent advice, when in reality most of what he offers are naught but common adages he butchers. Whether or not he believes in his own grandiloquence is uncertain, as being a man of some years, his memory appears to be declining.[1] Nevertheless, the clownish provisioner has gained the respect of many of the humans living in the town, and his sophistry even managed to win Auston the position of mayor.[2]

Eldroth shares the common human fear of a gargoyle uprising and advocates for preemptive action against the gargoyle population, stating that "the best defense is a good defense."[3]


Of course, what canst thou expect from a mayor Eldroth supports. He may know provisions and equipment, but there is not enough gold in Britannia to make me listen to any of his advice.


Prices in Ultima VII were as follows:[4]

Goods Cost
BackpackU7.png Backpack 10
BagU7.png Bag 3
HoeU7.PNG Hoe 10
FlamingOilU7.PNG Oil flasks (dozen) 48
PowderKegU7.PNG Powder keg 30
ShovelU7.PNG Shovel 10
TorchU7.PNG Torch 4
