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Efram, from Ultima VI
Species: human
Profession: provisioner
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Britain
Transcript: Efram
The Ultima 6 Project
Efram, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Britain

Efram is the provisioner of Britain in Ultima VI.


Efram was a gruff, direct man with little interest in conversation. When the Avatar tried to talk with him, it soon became clear that the provisioner just wanted to know if the hero would buy something, or not. However, his selection was quite good.[1]

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Efram was much expanded on. He told the hero that he ordinarily stocked plenty of dynamite, but recently he had gotten low because his friend Adan had purchased most of it. Adan had worked a deal with Terri at the Royal Mint to supply them gold from Despise and have the mint waive the ordinary 10% tax charged to exchange for coinage. Efram was worried about his friend, because Adan had not checked in for some time and Efram had recently outfitted another individual headed to the dungeon. At the provisioner's request, the Avatar could head to the dungeon in search of Adan.

Should the hero delve into the depths of Despise, the body of Adan would be discovered, slain by another adventurer, who was a greedy rival for the gold. This rival was killed by the beasts in the dungeon. The Avatar could report this grim news back to the devastated shopkeeper either right away or after allowing Hermione to copy the maps in Adan's journal. In the first case, Hermione would deny the Avatar entry into the guild. Efram, after getting these bad news, needed some time to collect himself.


Of course Britain has the usual sorts of businesses as well. There’s the Wayfarer Inn, [sic] Efram the provisioner, the North Star Armoury and Iolo’s Bows (run by his former apprentice Gwenneth, these days – ask her about the triple crossbow she’s experimenting with).


Prices in Ultima VI were as follows:[2]

TorchU6.png Torch 3
FlaskofOillU6.PNG Flaming oil 4
PeerGemU6.PNG Peer gems 20
BackpackU6.png Backpack 10
BagU6.png Bag 3
ShovelU6.PNG Shovel 15
PowderKegU6.PNG Powder keg 30


  1. Efram. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, buy".
  2. Dr. CatThe Book of Prophecy (Ultima VI). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1990. Page 53.