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Gwenneth, from Ultima VI
Species: human
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Britain
Transcript: Gwenneth
The Ultima 6 Project
Gwenneth, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Britain
Ultima V: Lazarus
Gwenneth, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Location: Britain
Description: shopkeeper at Iolo's Bows
Ultima V
Gwenneth, from Ultima V
Description: shopkeeper at Iolo's Bows
Location: Britain

Gwenneth is an employee of Iolo's Bows in Britain during Ultima V, and the owner of the store during Ultima VI.


Gwenneth was apprentice of Iolo in Ultima V, keeping the shop afloat together with Gwenno during Iolo's forced absence (he was made an outlaw). Other than that, not much was known about her at the time.

With her master's retirement after Ultima V she assumed ownership of Iolo's Bows. As an essential supplier for the Britannian military against the Gargoyle invasion, her business was extremely profitable during the time of Ultima VI, when she again met the Avatar. The only manufacturer of triple crossbows in Britannia, she sold the Avatar her only triple crossbow in stock for 400gp. Her main supplier of bolts and arrows was the fletcher Lynn. Always respectful of her former master, she refused to gossip about Iolo behind his back.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

A fletcher by trade, Gwenneth also worked sales at Iolo's Bows, tending the shop in Gwenno and Iolo’s absence as they adventured in search of Lord British.[1] The young fletcher spoke highly of her two masters, and both Iolo and Gwenno felt safe entrusting her with their business while off adventuring.[2][3]

Gwenneth told the hero that most of their wood was supplied by Palin in Yew, who also helped supply Oreste and Antos. Prized for her arrow making, the young fletcher acknowledged that many of the local woodsmen came to her when in search for top quality arrows, which she attributed to her habit of angling the feathers on the shaft, causing the arrow to spiral.

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, If Gwenno was not present, Gwenneth would ask Iolo where his wife was, joking the bard was off fighting the Gargoyles without her permission. Should she be present, Gwenneth would react and greet her friend. Unfortunately, Gwenneth had no triple crossbows available for sale at that moment and told the Avatar, that the normal waiting time on the list for these weapons would be six months. However, for the Avatar she would halve the waiting time to three months.

Gwenneth kept her word, and gave the finished triple crossbow to the Avatar after three months had passed.


Of course Britain has the usual sorts of businesses as well. There's the Wayfarer Inn, Efram the provisioner, the North Star Armoury and Iolo's Bows (run by his former apprentice Gwenneth, these days - ask her about the triple crossbow she's experimenting with).


  • Gwenneth jokes about how people confuse her and Gwenno.
  • If the Avatar is too poor to buy a magic bow in Ultima VI, Gwenneth makes a one-time exception and gives one for free.
  • A Gwenneth Bowynne of Glamorgan is listed as a participant in the Society for Creative Anachronism’s (SCA) barony of Bryn Gwlad, where Richard Garriott has been known to assume the persona of Shamino Sallé Dacil. In the SCA, Bowynne received an award for crossbow making, and is a former cadet of the late Gwenllian "Gwenno" Gwalch'gaeaf (Kathleen Jones).[4][5][6] In light of Gwenneth's apprenticeship to Iolo and Gwenno in the Ultima series, it is likely the character was inspired by this person.
