Dark Monks

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The three Dark Monks appear before the Avatar

The Dark Monks are a trio of three sisters, representing a bigger order, who secretly work for the Guardian against the Avatar in Ultima VII Part Two, during the Silver Seed quest.


Only little is known about the organization the three sisters follow, which was due to the uttermost secrecy its members were working under in order to disguise the involvement of the Guardian. What they were telling outsiders could therefore not be taken at face value. However, it can be discerned by the known monks being fully aware of the Guardian's nature and experience with the Guardian's modus operandi, that like in other worlds the order was meant as a way to divide the population and allow the Guardian to get a foothold onto the Serpent Isle - like he tried later in Britannia with the Fellowship. The complete rejection of Ophidian philosophy supports that interpretation.

It's most likely that these plans were foiled by the untimely outbreak of the War of Imbalance and the world-wide destrction that followed.


Occasionally I overhear conversations between the warriors here in Seriss. They often mention the names of three sorceresses, members of the Dark Monks-Rieya, Solaria, and Drusilla. From the information available to me at this point, I must assume that these monks have great power.

They are not fond of the Order Forces; they believe in their own distinct prophecies. These monks speak some drivel about destroying the "Pawn of Prophecy." They believe their victim will arrive here through the powers of the Amulet of Balance. I don't know what to make of all their prattle. I don't think they are talking about our hero, the Champion of Balance. If he ever arrives here, I will give him the magic Key Ring as I have been ordered by thee, Calithiss, revered Order Hierophant.

The three monks haven't caused the keep any trouble so far; therefore, I shall allow them to remain in this area. Although I don't trust them under any circumstances, a treaty has been signed-they may each stay at the entrance of a different dungeon, as long as they repulse any interlopers seeking that route into Seriss. I haven't been here long enough to know them well, but I plan on gathering more material for my next report to thee.

Known Members[edit]