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Culham, from Ultima VI
Species: human
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Jhelom
Transcript: Culham
The Ultima 6 Project
Culham, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Jhelom

Culham is a bard in Jhelom in Ultima VI.


Culham was a small man who loved to sing and tell tales to the patrons of The Sword and Keg. The bard told of the ghosts that used to haunt Old Magincia, but most of all he loved to sing tales of valor along with Jerris his fellow bar patron. He had learned the mantra of Valor, ra, from Sir Simon, and had incorporated it into his song, telling the hero of how it gave one great strength and bravery when in need.[1][2]

Culham also told a tale of how a group of gypsies once tricked Immanuelle out of a horse. The gypsies snuck a poisonous weed into a horse's trough, making the animal bloated and ill. They then convinced Immanuelle that the horse had an infectious disease called 'arturosis', and if the animal was not destroyed it would infect the rest of the herd. Immanuelle agreed to pay the gypsies to remove the horse from the herd, thinking she had saved the rest of the animals. The gypsies on the other hand had themselves a delicious horse stew.


It’s a cheerful, lusty, down to earth sort of tavern, where the sin of moderation is rarely practiced. Bards are always welcome there, but even when none are to be found, the fighters will sing their own songs, striving to make up in loudness and enthusiasm what they lack in experience. They’ve worked the Mantra of Valor into one of their ballads, I hear.


  1. Culham. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, spir, old, chee, gyps".
  2. Sir SimonUltima VI transcriptUltima VI. "mant".