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Immanuelle, from Ultima VI
Species: human
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Trinsic
Transcript: Immanuelle
The Ultima 6 Project
Immanuelle, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Trinsic

Immanuelle raises horses in Trinsic in Ultima VI.


Immanuelle was a bit of a flirt who enjoyed teasing the Avatar. She joked that there was a special name some people had for her, and she would love to show the Avatar how she got it. Despite her flirtatious attitude, Immanuelle was also passionate about the horses she raised. She freely admitted that she could hardly bear parting with any of her horses, although, there were a few that failed to please her with which she might part.

The bard Culham sang a tale of how a group of gypsies once tricked Immanuelle out of a horse. The gypsies sneaked a poisonous weed into a horse's trough, making the animal bloated and ill. They then convinced Immanuelle that the horse had an infectious disease called 'arturosis', and if the animal was not destroyed it would infect the rest of the herd. Immanuelle agrees to pay the gypsies to remove the horse from the herd, thinking she had saved the rest of the animals. The gypsies, on the other hand, had themselves a delicious horse stew.[1]

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Imanuelle feared for the safety of her horses which had been left outside the walls of the city during the siege, for she had heard the Gargoyles ate horse flesh. When told of Baden’s plan to free the city, she assured the hero she would be too busy aiding Tobatha the healer to do much good during the oncoming battle.

After the siege of Trinsic, Immanuelle informed the hero that she could not sell any horses, for they had been all purchased by Lord British for the war effort.


Some folk live outside the wall — my dear friend Immanuelle for one. She runs the finest stable you'll ever see, and I won't deny we've done a little horsing around, on occasion...


Immanuelle made the following offer in Ultima VI:[2]

Goods Cost
U6-horse.png Horses 60


  1. Immanuelle. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, sell, buy, some".
  2. Dr. CatThe Book of Prophecy (Ultima VI). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1990. Page 54.