Character death

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In the Ultima series, the eventuality of meeting one's demise is almost unavoidable. How this affects the adventuring party can vary greatly from game to game, however.

Death in the Games[edit]


If killed in Akalabeth the player will be directed back to the menu and have to create another character.

Ultima I[edit]

If killed in Ultima I, the player's character will be resurrected, but with only 99 Hitpoints, 99 Food, no Coin, and no weapons other than hands. Considering the severe restrictions this causes, it is far easier to simply load the last saved game and try to avoid getting killed.

Upon death, a skull is shown to announce the end of the player. If defeated by Mondain: Thou are dead! Thou hast been defeated by. Mondain the Wizard! THE UNIVERSE IS DOOMED!

Ultima II[edit]

In Ultima II, when killed, the player is forced to resort to loading a previously saved game or creating a new character. There are no resurrections available.

Dying outside of Earth has even more severe consequences as it can cause an unwinnable state in the game.

Ultima III[edit]

In Ultima III, if the entire party is killed, the player is forced to resort to loading a previously saved game or creating a new party of characters. If only one party member is killed, the option for resurrection by another party member or at a healer is available. However, even that can go wrong and turn the player to ashes, where only Anju Sermani can help. Letting a player cast it reduces the caster's wisdom by 5 points.

In the LairWare remake, the player has the option of resurrection, at the cost of all weapons/armour/equipment/coinage (other than starting items).

Ultima IV[edit]

In Ultima IV, if the entire party dies, all previously dead characters will be restored, appearing before Lord British, in the throne room of his castle. Equipped items will be present, but gold and other items are lost. As long as at least one party member is alive, dead party members can be resurrected either by healers for a hefty fee or with the Resurrect spell with no ill effect to anyone.

Dying no longer ends the game.

Ultima V[edit]

In Ultima V, should the party perish, the spirit of Lord British will appear to resurrect them, but at the cost of experience points. The lost experience points are calculated with the Avatar's karma. The higher the karma, the fewer points are lost. The restored group will be transported to Castle Britannia with no losses in equipment.

Deaths of single characters again can be cured either by healers for a hefty fee or with the right spell.

Ultima VI[edit]

In Ultima VI, if the Avatar dies, previously dead characters will be restored when Kal Lor is chanted, with the party appearing before Lord British, in the throne room of his castle. Experience is lost in the process, calculated with the Avatar's karma.

Again, when other party member die, they can be resurrected with the fitting spell or by a healer for a hefty fee. However, their bodies have to be present for it.

Ultima Underworld[edit]

If the Avatar dies in the game, the player is greeted with the face of death in form of a smirking skull and must reload a previously made save or start a new character, unless the Silver Sapling is found. It must be picked up and replanted for it to work with the Avatar. Once planted, dying will cause the Avatar to wake up right where the Sapling was planted. The only penalty from dying after that is losing a certain amount of experience points.

If dying in the void after tossing the talismans and being pulled through the portal, the Avatar will not be able to resurrect, regardless of the Silver Sapling

Savage Empire[edit]

Should the Avatar's hit points get reduced to zero, then the hero falls unconscious, only to wake up back with Intanya, who tells how the hero had been brought back to him. The entire party is back in best condition as well. The cost however is quite a bit of experience.

Also, should a party member die, the three shamans Intanya, Kunawo annd Balakai can try to resurrect them if their body is present. There is a chance it doesn't work, in which case the companion is lost forever due to being buried, thus it is wise to save before asking for it.

Martian Dreams[edit]

Should the Avatar's hit points get reduced to zero, then the hero falls unconscious, only to wake up back with Dr. C.L. Blood, who tells how the hero had been brought back to him. The entire party is back in best condition as well. The cost however is quite a bit of experience.

Also, should a party member "die", Dr. C.L. Blood can try to resurrect them if their body is present. There is a chance it doesn't work, in which case the companion is lost forever due to being buried, thus it is wise to save before asking for it. Note that Chsheket can always be resurrected, though that requires Tesla's help.

Ultima VII[edit]

In The Black Gate, should the Avatar "die", the entire party will be set loose and the Avatar will wake up in the Fellowship shelter for the poor in Paws. Feridwyn will claim that two Fellowship members brought are responsible for the rescue. This resurrection method happens after every deadly encounter, even the final battle at the Black Gate. It is basically impossible to die permanently by physical means. Should the Avatar die before going past the copy protection in Trinsic (which is only possible by starving or enraging the guards), then the game starts back at the beginning.

For fallen companions exist four possible methods. Besides going to a healer and having the companion resurrected for a high fee (performed with no guarantee), one can either use the fitting spell, Lord British is asked to do it for free, or Jaana is asked (limited times possible).

Ultima Underworld II[edit]

If the Avatar dies in the game in Britannia (Castle Britannia or in the sewers), the player must reload a previously made save or start a new character, being greeted by the face of death in form of a smirking skull. However, if death happens in one of the other worlds, the hero then will wake up back in the sewers next to the blackrock jewel. However, dying and waking up in Britannia brings a severe loss of experience points and levels with it.

If the Avatar dies in the game in Castle Britannia while fighting with the NPCs the player will wake up in jail. After a moment Lord British will appear and tell them to knock it off and let them out.

Ultima VII Part Two[edit]

Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle has a similar but more straightforward method as The Black Gate. At the very beginning of the game, the Avatar receives a Hourglass of Fate which allows the party to come back to life after a deadly encounter. After "death", they will appear in the monastery on the Monk Isle. From there the party will appear back either at the site of defeat or pretty close to it. The same conditions of the Avatar dying triggering the process and being impossible to die permanently by physical means remains.

The hourglass also can resurrect fallen companions without cost by using it.

The Silver Seed add-on has a similar resurrection method. Should the Avatar "die", the entire party loses and they wake up in the Serpent's Fang keep, next to Surok. Like in the main game, dying permanently is impossible by physical means.

Ultima VIII[edit]

There is no resurrection in the game, death on Pagan is very much permanent. If the Avatar dies in the game, a special death theme plays and a tombstone with the words "Here Lies the Avatar, Rest in Peace" appears on the screen. After that, the player is forced to load a previously saved game or create a new character for a new game (if it happened early).

Ultima IX[edit]

Again, death is permanent in this game. If the Avatar dies in Ultima IX, a special theme is played with the camera focused on body of the Avatar. The GUI is removed, but the player retains some controls such as opening the journal. After some seconds, the journal opens to the page with latest savegame. Only loading a saved game or starting anew now is possible.
