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Surok, from Ultima VII Part Two
Species: human
Ultima VII Part Two
Location: Serpent's Fang

Surok is an Ophidian adherent of Order and healer who is stationed at the outpost Serpent's Fang during the events of The Silver Seed.


Surok was the oldest human inhabitant of the garrison, and he appeared to have a gentler temperament than his fellow warriors, speaking little of the righteousness of Order's crusade and revealing a weary cynicism regarding Isstanar's abandonment of the flesh and Elissa's ambitious nature.[1] Issantar, in his report to the Order Hierophant Calithiss, would speculate that Surok had grown embittered by seeing so many of his fellows fall in battle, and the healer's friend Tsandar would speak to his suspicions that Surok had been instrumental in freeing the Chaos-born "monster" known as Yurel.[2][3]

The Avatar could encounter Surok in the sick bay of the keep, where the old man would freely offer his services as a healer should the hero or a companion come to him injured. Having been at Serpent's Fang longer than any other warrior stationed there, he proved to be knowledgeable regarding a wide variety of topics and could inform the Avatar as to the particulars of the surrounding area, in addition to being able to identify a number of rare and magical artifacts the hero may have obtained.[4] Like Tsandar, he was deeply grieved by the loss of Ardiniss, the Commander who had preceded Isstanar, and he would prove grateful should the Avatar be able to retrieve the man's body for a proper burial.


Surok is the Healer of the keep. He is much older than his companions and seems weary of the discipline expected of him. I assume that seeing his friends die over the last several hard years has made him bitter. He does not seem comfortable around me, which probably has to do with my appearance. I hope to re-instill a sense of duty in him soon.


  • The player may become functionally immortal in the Silver Seed expansion areas after having killed Surok.
  • Surok is affected by the anti-force of Order and has become rather apathetic after all the cruelties of the war he's witnessed.
