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Alonda, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Windemere
Description: mage

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

Alonda is a mage in Windemere in Ultima V: Lazarus.

A vain and petty woman, Alonda was adopted by Elistaria when she was a young girl living as an orphan in Yew. Alonda prided herself as the best of Elistaria's students in the black arts, feeling Pwyll and Edwin well beneath her abilities. The sorceress adored her mentor Elistaria, and thought her the most powerful woman in the land. She especially despised Edwin, who always mocked her physical appearance, while she accused him of vainly believing that Elistaria was physically attracted to him. A firm believer in the superiority of the dark arts, she believed Thrud and Arthur, who possessed no magical talents, were beneath even talking about. [1]
