Jukari Tribe

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Jukari Tribe
Location of the Jukari Tribe
Located in: Eodon
Type: tribe of Eodon

The Jukari Tribe, living in south-eastern Eodon, has very unclear origins.


The Jukari Tribe live in rather primitive conditions, being, with the exception of the Haakur Tribe and the Sakkhra Tribe, the least developed tribe in the valley. That is probably because of their habit of living close to lava, which not only is a hazard but also forces them to put so much energy into survival that they don't have any time and energy left to develop further. The constant conflict with their neighbors, the Haakur Tribe, also is not helping in the matter.


Previously to the arrival of the Avatar in Savage Empire, they had experienced a tragedy with a lava flow killing their old chieftain and the shaman at the same time, putting the tribe into a crisis. The new chief Jumu was willing to join in the Avatar's cause on uniting the tribes, as long as the Avatar could manage to get back a sacred hide to them, whose cave was now cut off by a lava flow. The Avatar managed to do so by temporarily cooling lava patches with a fire extinguisher, and gained their allegiance, for which they would even put aside their hostilities with the Haakur Tribe..


A reverent and hard-living race, the Jukari occupy lands in the vicinity of the valley's active volcanoes. Their lives seemed to be dedicated to a few simple tasks: Finding enough to eat in the harsh, unpromising volcanologists' paradise they occupied; placating the nature - spirits whom they felt cause the earth to rumble and the mountains to "spit fire," and coping in a warlike fashion with the nearby tribe called the Haakur.

The Jukari are amongst the most primitive of the valley's tribes, and their dialect of the languages gives me few clues as to their outer-world origin.


In the village:


Locations on Eodon
Tribes Barako TribeBarrab TribeDisquiqui TribeHaakur TribeJukari TribeKurak TribeNahuatla TribePindiro TribeSakkhra TribeUrali TribeYolaru Tribe
Other Locations Drum HillKotlMyrmidex CavesOld Pindiro VillageRafkin's laboratoryTeleport pads