Forum:New account

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Forums: Index > Codex Discussion > New account

Okay. I've some problems with making an account. First I have request an account (Arthgon) and I've respond to the email to confirm it. What now? Sorry, If this is a silly question.

Ehm, maybe if you got name and password, trying to log in?--Tribun 13:09, 27 November 2012 (PST)
I know that it is silly, but should I get a password? Could you tell me step by step please? I have confirm the email what now? Should I create an account? Sorry all about this.
I'm really sorry about this. I am not usually confused about this sort of things, but for everything is a first time right? Edit: should I press email password?

Have you talked to an admin? After we've had trouble with spammers, admins have to send you the password per e-mail.--Tribun 13:46, 27 November 2012 (PST)

Not yet. Should I use the email that I've got the confirmation from or talk to one here? I am not sure who the admin are here. Sorry.
There are several admins. Fenyx4 should be your best bet. You should try to get their attention with a forum thread, as I don't know how to mail them.--Tribun 13:58, 27 November 2012 (PST)
Ahoy. Sorry I only check the accounts page once a day or so. We turned on account confirming to combat spam, um, awhile ago. I can't find the discussion we had about it... and you're only the second new account since then. Thanks for bringing it to my attention you prolly wouldn't have been confirmed until tomorrow otherwise. You should be confirmed now. -- Fenyx4 15:00, 27 November 2012 (PST)
Ah here is the discussion from late last year. -- Fenyx4 15:05, 27 November 2012 (PST)

Thank you for helping me out. --Arthgon 15:33, 27 November 2012 (PST)