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Zaksam, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Profession: trainer
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Vesper

Zaksam is a trainer working in Vesper during Ultima VII.


Zaksam was, like many of the human inhabitants of Vesper in this age, taken with racist beliefs about the local gargish population. Believing them to be prone to senseless fits of violence, the trainer cautioned the Avatar, if asked, that the gargoyles would rob unsuspecting humans should they travel through their community, and played on such fears to promote his business.[1]

Agreeing with the sentiment that violence was the inevitable end to the attempted gargoyle integration, Zaksam had little love for mayor Auston, feeling that the man was incompetent to ultimately lead the town against an uprising. While he had little love for extremists such as Blorn, the warrior made it clear that he felt the conflict with the other race was intractable.[2]


“Many elements make a good fighter,” claims Zaksam, a weapons master in Vesper. “In battle, the warrior must be strong, quick and perceptive. He, or she — I don’t want to offend anyone — needs the strength to hit harder, the skill to land the blow, and the intelligence to know when and where to strike.”
Though Zaksam says he prefers to augment his style with his strength, he maintains that “the basis for good fighting does initially lie with the fighter's agility and skill.”


Zaksam offers the following training services:[3]

Points Benefit Cost
3 +1 STR +2 Combat 40




  1. LianaUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "gargoyles, rob, violence".
  2. LianaUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Blorn, mayor, residents, Vesper".
  3. Morris, Andrew P. Ultima VII Clue Book (Ultima VII). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Page 51.
  4. Zaksam. To the Death! (Ultima VII – in-game).
  5. Morris, Andrew P.. Key to the Black Gate (Ultima VII). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Page 50.