Taunts of the Guardian
The Guardian is not above getting directly involved in the conquering of worlds. However, his true nature and sadism reveal themselves in his psychological warfare. The Guardian is very fond of torturing the minds of his enemies, mocking, tempting or outright scaring them. Despite all the destructive power he has, his voice is maybe one of his most powerful weapons and he does not hesitate to use it.
Ultima VII[edit]
The Guardian's telepathic abilities is how the Fellowship was engineered. While his Cube Generator uses an artificial copy of his voice to tempt the masses, he himself designates certain people to whom he speaks directly.
The Guardian tries in Ultima VII to hide his true goals by acting as a benevolent literal guardian wanting the best for the Avatar. The Guardian often tries to misdirect the Avatar or gives truly bad advice, such as admitting to be the Avatar when meeting gargoyles in the tavern in Vesper. After the Avatar learned of the Guardian's evil, the being stops pretending to be a friend and outright mocks the hero, especially during the discovery of Alagner’s death and after the destruction of the Black Gate.
The Taunts:
- "Avatar! Know that Britannia has entered into a new age of enlightenment! Know that the time has finally come for the one true Lord of Britannia to take His place at the head of His people! Under my guidance, Britannia will flourish. And all the people shall rejoice and pay homage to their new Guardian! Know that you, too, shall kneel before me, Avatar. You, too, shall soon acknowledge my authority; for I shall be your companion... your provider... and your master!" (introduction)
- "Ha, ha, ha."
(several times when the Guardian thinks the situation as funny)
- "You had best not do that, Avatar!"
(when caught stealing)
- "Yes, that is the proper direction to travel, Avatar."
(leaving Trinsic to the north, other times)
- "You are traveling in the wrong direction, my friend!"
(leaving Trinsic to the south, other times)
- "Do not go in! It is a trap! Do you not see? It is a trap!"
(Entering Destard after getting Batlin's quest to get the funds)
- "Do you really know where you're going, Avatar?"
(several times)
- "Yes my friend, rest and heal, so that you are strong and able to face the perils before you. Pleasant dreams."
(when going to sleep)
- "Go inside. Tell them you are the Avatar."
(standing before Vesper tavern)
- "That is precisely the thing to do, Avatar!"
- "Go away!"
(trying to look in several crystal balls)
- "Avatar, you are not welcome here!"
(trying to reach the Cube Generator)
- "Do not go! You will surely die!"'
' (entering Deceit after getting the charged Ether Ring)
- "Well done, my friend! You are truly an Avatar!"
(killing Lord British with the plaque above the throne room door)
- "Poor Avatar! Poor, poor Avatar! Ha, ha, ha!"
(companions and Avatar die)
- "No, no, no! Think again!"
(inside Cube Generator)
- "Are you sure? Think again!"
(inside Cube Generator)
- "You are not going to trust the Time Lord, are you? Careful, my friend! Do not believe him!"
(Meeting the Time Lord the second time)
- "Thank you for the information in the notebook, Avatar! It was most useful! Ha, ha, ha!"
(finding Alagner murdered)
- "So, Avatar! The moment of truth has come! You can destroy the Black Gate, but you will never return to your beloved Earth or you can come through now and go home! It is your choice!"
(disabling the gate-force field)
- "No! You cannot do that! You must not! Damn you, Avatar! Damn you!" (destroying the Black Gate)
- "Avatar! You think you have won? Think again! You are unable to leave Britannia whereas I am free to enter other worlds! Hmmm... Perhaps your puny Earth shall be my next target! Ha, ha, ha, ha!"
(closing taunt after the Black Gate's destruction)
The Guardian also presents a teaser, which heralds Ultima VIII. When the Avatar finds a large X on the eastern part of Britannia, near the northern coastline of the Dryland, his voice booms jibberish, which is "I am the Pagan lord." backmasked. It can also be heard at the end of Credits section.
Ultima Underworld II[edit]
The Guardian is more active in his taunts in Ultima Underworld II. Besides the Avatar, his main target, he taunts and practices psychological cruelty on all the inhabitants of the castle. Julia complains that she is barely able to sleep and when she curses the Guardian, he laughs at her. He tempts Syria with a world where battle is the only measure and Nanna with a world where all are equal. Dupre also complains how the Guardian makes fun of him in his sleep.
The Avatar is often visited by the Guardian while sleeping to either be given dreams of questionable veracity of his troops marching through Britannia (the only known invasion force would have entered the castle) or taunting updates on his plans to destroy Britannia. From time to time, the Guardian would comment upon certain events.
Taunts directly against the Avatar:
- "Yes, British, hasten to thy vain struggle. But know this -- all who choose to serve me shall be spared. All others shall rot within these walls." (taunting the whole castle)
- "I have won another to my cause."
- "Greetings Avatar! My associates and I are embarking on a little vacation. I hear the beaches on Cove are nice. As it is said on your world, wish thou wert here. Ha, ha, ha"
- "Perhaps thou seest thy future here."
(entering Anodunos)
- "Ha, ha, ha!" (trap in Killorn Keep)
- "My troops encounter thy friend the Lord Draxinusom. I shall send thy regards."
- "I'm making many new friends in Britannia."
- "This world is mine! Do you like what you see?"
(entering the "Hall of Losers" in the Pits of Carnage)
- "Patience, Avatar! I shall be with thee shortly!"
- "Thus all who oppose me."
(entering second level of the Tomb of Praecor Loth)
- "Think what power could be thine..."
- "Thy feeble wrigglings amuse me."
- "Perhaps thy world might find peace such as this."
Ultima VII Part Two[edit]
Strangely enough, the Guardian rarely tried to speak to the Avatar while on Serpent Isle. The only time his voice is heard on the island itself is, when the Avatar goes to sleep or when he tells Batlin that death is the punishment for betrayal, before withdrawing his protection, which leads to Batlin's death.
However, the Guardian is back to mocking the Avatar in the outro, by making fun of the hero helplessly floating in the void, before grabbing the Avatar.
His lines:
- "Pleasant dreams Avatar. Ha, ha, ha."
- "See how I reward those who fail me!"
(killing Batlin)
- "Well, well, well Avatar... You have managed to thwart me once again. By restoring balance where chaos once reigned you've saved your cursed world. But now here you are...poised at the edge of eternity. Where would you go? Back to Britannia? To Earth? Perhaps you would join me on another world altogether! We do have a score to settle!" (endgame)
- "Pleasant dreams Avatar. Ha, ha, ha."
Ultima VIII[edit]
From time to time, in Ultima VIII the Guardian makes comments on the Avatar's struggle on Pagan in the most sarcastic manner possible, while also giving taunting updates on how his armies were busy with conquering Britannia. It is clear that this time this is purely a private amusement of his to have fun at the Avatar's expense.
His taunts:
- "You have been a thorn in my side for far too long Avatar... Your two worlds will be crushed. Britannia first, then Earth! I shall parade you before their conquered people as the fallen idol of a pathetic ideal... I banish you to the world of Pagan! No one here knows of the Avatar." (introduction)
- "I really do appreciate your plight, Avatar."
- "Ah, Avatar, the thrill of conquest is so... invigorating."
- "Enjoying your stay on Pagan, Avatar?"
- "Hark! Is that the sweet song of lamentation I hear?"
- "I do so enjoy the cries of torment." (After Vardion or Bane is killed)
- "Yes, Avatar, seek a way home."
- "There is no escape from this prison!"
- "Hurry, Avatar. After all, you have only all of eternity to complete your tasks."
- "Nystul sends his best, Avatar..."
- "You should hear the pleas for help, Avatar."
- "At this very moment, Britannia burns."
- "One world lies in ruin, nothing more than a charred shell. The other will soon follow."
- "Perhaps I should destroy you now." (after the summoning of Pyros)
- "Care you no more for your own world, Avatar?"
- "Will your precious Earth fall so easily?"
- "Soon I shall be able to call Britannia mine. It seems, Avatar, that you are missed here. Why, I believe I hear Lord British crying out for you now..."
- "Your treasured Britannia succumbs easily. Soon all the land will be mine."
- "Ouch! That must have hurt, Avatar!" (after serious injury)
- "Do not go near that, Avatar." (several important places)
- "Ha, Ha, ha!" (several times, even the outro)