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This article is about a chef from Ultima V. For other uses, see Stephen (disambiguation).

Stephen, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
Profession: chef
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Castle Britannia
Description: cook
Ultima V
Stephen, from Ultima V
Location: Castle Britannia
Transcript: Stephen

Stephen is the lower kitchen chef of Castle Britannia during the events of Ultima V.


Stephen eagerly told the Avatar how he really liked his job and preparing food – even for large events like banquets. However, he then added that there had not been one of these in a long time, ever since Lord British had vanished.[1]

He really did not want to talk about their vanished king, trying to steer the conversation back to the topic of food.

Stephen shared his quarters with Alistair, the bard and Chuckles, the Royal Jester.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Stephen proudly told the Avatar that he was the head of the lower kitchen. He was extremely proud to be the chef for Lord British, and thought the king liked his cooking more than any others'. Stephen thought it impossible that a man like Lord British could simply disappear from the face of Britannia, and lamented that with his lord gone, there was nobody to enjoy his roast pheasant, which he cooked for the king's splendid feasts. The saddened cook had tried to convince Biggs to host a feast, with Alistair’s songs and Chuckles’ jokes, to liven the mood of the castle again, but the steward had refused.[2]

Stephen thought that his boss Margaret from the upper kitchen was a truly great cook, and a very compassionate woman to take in Desiree after her mother died. He felt she was sometimes bossy though, and mocked her as 'mother' when she tried to command his kitchen. Stephen joked that when old Margaret died, Desiree would call him mother.


  • In Ultima V: Lazarus, Stephen's character portrait is modeled on Marc "Sergorn" Charlot, a member of the game's French localization team.
