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Margaret, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Castle Britannia
Description: cook
Ultima V
Margaret, from Ultima V
Description: cook
Location: Castle Britannia
Transcript: Margaret

Margaret is the elderly Cook at Castle Britannia in the upper kitchen during the events of Ultima V.


The grandmother of young Desiree, Margaret said that since there weren't many visitors since Lord British’s disappearance, they nowadays mostly served the guards in the castle. She believed that he had succumbed to the perils of the Underworld, and that now with the Shadowlords, the whole land seemed to have become colder.[1]

She also offered hot broth for the price of 5 gold pieces.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

Margaret was proud to tell the Avatar that she was involved in most of the cooking in the castle, although Stephen, whom she admitted was a nice man and a good cook, took care of the lower kitchen. Margaret told how her kitchen was the largest in Britannia, mostly serving the castle's guards, since there were few visitor with Lord British’s disappearance. She felt that Lord British must have perished in the Underworld, or else he surely would have returned by now, and hoped that Blackthorn would soon move into Castle Britannia, so that she could once again prepare huge feasts for the the castle's parties. She felt Blackthorn was a nice man who would rule Britannia well.[2]

Margaret also told the hero that she had looked after her granddaughter Desiree since her parents were killed many years ago, telling how they were found floating face down near their broken cart. Margaret felt Lord British was not such a great ruler to allow such violence to occur in his realm.
