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StarCraft Inc. was the developer and publisher of multiple Ultima game ports in Japan. The company no longer exists, having dissolved in 1996.

History with Ultima[edit]

Origin tried to release ports of their games to the Japanese market, but due to it being a highly protected market, a local partner had to do the job. The choice went to StarCraft in 1984, who already had porting experience. Ultima II and Ultima III were ported to several popular Japanese computer systems of the time. The ports were being very literal, imitating the originals a lot. However, it is likely that the ports were not the big success which Origin had hoped for, thus they did not renew the contract and did try again in 1986 with PonyCanyon, this time with with overwhelming success.

List of Ultima-Works by StarCraft[edit]

Computer Ports


  • One bizarre piece of merchandise which StarCraft had released was the Ultima III jigsaw puzzle, which came with the port. It is not known where the idea for that came from.

Logo Gallery[edit]

External Links[edit]

Companies involved with the Ultima series
The Main Studio Origin Systems Inc.
Western Companies California Pacific Computer Co.Electronic ArtsLooking Glass StudiosMicroProseMindscapeSierra On-Line, Inc.
Japanese Companies Fujitsu Ltd.PonyCanyon Inc.StarCraft Inc.