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Landar, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Moonglow
Description: clothier

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

Landar is a clothier in Moonglow in Ultima V: Lazarus.

Purveyor of the finest garments in the land, Landar took great pleasure in working with silks, satins, and other fine linens. He admitted to charging top rates because his material had to be imported from Buccaneer's Den, and felt that his clothing was all of premium quality. Most of his orders came through the Oppression, who had large supplies of gold and a taste for fine silks, and hoped his fame would someday top that of the former clothier Fenelon in Minoc. He knew little of the circumstances regarding Fenelon's fall other than that the man had been deemed a traitor by the Oppression, but was pleased that events had worked out favorably for his business. [1]

The clothier praised Donn Piatt, the Oppression representative in Moonglow's colour sense and leadership, but felt that things in Britannia weren't perhaps as stable as he was led to believe. Landar also felt Lord Blackthorn had a difficult job ahead of him controlling the land, and couldn't understand why more wasn't being down to stop the Shadowlords, noting that Zachariah had claimed to have learned much about their nature, but was dismissed out of hand and ridiculed by Donn Piatt.

Should the Avatar meet Landar at home reading in the evening, the clothier spoke of how he had read about a special golden silk created by golden spiders, and dreamed of making the finest clothes from them. Admitting that his quest was of very little importance in the scheme of things, he still asked the hero to seek out these creatures, and would provide the hero with a suit of the finest clothes for helping. The Avatar could find golden silk in the swamps of Dagger Isle, returning the silk for the aforementioned reward.
