Japanese clue books

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A big number of Japanese clue books by several companies were released in Japan to assist with the games and their console ports from Ultima III to Ultima VII. Of course, books also were written for the normal computer entries as well.

Books Sorted by Game[edit]

Ultima Trilogy I Clue Books[edit]

Ultima I II II Handbook

Ultima I II II Handbook

Title: ウルティマI II IIIハンドブック(Ultima I II III handbook)
Publisher: BNN
Author: 生田治(Osamu Ikuta), 松本浩(Hiroshi Matsumoto)
Published: April 25, 1990
Original List Price: ¥1600
Length: 224 pages
ISBN: 4-89369-105-8

While the exact contents of this publication are not known, it is known that in the style of the publisher, the book was printed in monochrome and collects solutions for the first three games. It was published at the same time the collection was released in Japan for the FM Towns.

Ultima III Clue Books[edit]

Ultima Perfect Solution

Ultima Kanzen Kouryakuhou (Perfect Solution)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima)完全攻略法(kanzen koryakuho/perfect solution) 〜恐怖のエクソダス〜(kyofu no Exodus/fearsome exodus)
Publisher: ポニカ出版(Ponica shuppan/Ponica publishing)
Author: Tatsuya Yoshimura, Hiroshi Suga, et al.
Published: October 10, 1987
Original List Price: ¥380
Length: 96 pages
ISBN: 4-594-00178-5

This is a clue book for the NES-port of Ultima III from PONICA Publishing, written by Tatsuya Yoshimura, Hiroshi Suga, et al. and published October 10th 1987 for a price of ¥380. The book does offer the usual things a clue book includes: character tips, the items, weapons and armour, all maps and a complete solution. Of note is, that the book has two more editions, which do differ in their layout and parts of the content. Only the final version includes a small two-page comic. The revisions were called Perfect Solution Technique and Perfect Solution Technique Final Revision.

Ultima Perfect Solution Techique

Ultima Kyofu no Exodus Kanzen Koryaku Technique Book (Perfect Solution Techique)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) 恐怖のエクソダス(kyofu no Exodus/fearsome Exodus) 完全攻略テクニックブック(kanzen koryaku technique book/perfect solution technique book)
Publisher: 徳間コミュニケーションズ(Tokuma Communications)
Author: 野村宏平(Kouhei Nomura), 柴尾豊太郎(Toyotaro Shibao) aka 柴尾英令(Hidenori Shibao)
Published: November 10, 1987
Original List Price: ¥600
Length: 128 pages
ISBN: 4-88658-040-8

The evolution of the Perfect Solution above. It basically contains the same content, only somewhat expanded.

Ultima Perfect Solution Techique Final Revision

Ultima Kyofu no Exodus Kanzen Koryaku Technique Book Kanketsuhen (Perfect Solution Techique Final Revision)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) 恐怖のエクソダス(kyofu no Exodus/fearsome Exodus) 完全攻略テクニックブック(kanzen koryaku technique book/perfect solution technique book) 完結編(kanketsuhen/final edition)
Publisher: 徳間コミュニケーションズ(Tokuma Communications)
Author: 菊島恵三(Keizo Kikushima), 臼杵明宏(Akihiro Usuki)
Published: December 30, 1987
Original List Price: ¥400
Length: 64 pages
ISBN: 4-88658-074-2

Considering this was advertising itself as a final edition, with only half of the pages this book was radically cut down from Perfect Solution Technique. On the final two pages it does contain a short comic strip.

Perfect Guidebook to Overcome

Ultima Kyoufu no EXODUS Kanzen Hissho Guidebook (Perfect Guidebook to Overcome)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) 恐怖のエクソダス(kyofu no Exodus/fearsome exodus) 完全必勝本(kanzen hisshobon/guidebook for perfect victory)
Publisher: JICC出版局(JICC shuppankyoku/JICC publishing)
Author: ベニー松山(Benny Matsuyama), コルクあちや&ノースリーブス(Cork Achiya & No Sleeves), 佐野玲子(Reiko Sano)
Published: Nobember 9, 1987
Original List Price: ¥380
Length: 64 pages + map
ISBN: 4-88063-320-8

This is another clue book for the NES-port of Ultima III. This one was released by JICC in November 1987 to a retail price of ¥380 and it 65 pages long. While basically containing the same information as the book from PONICA, it sports many highly-deformed anime illustrations and is printed in full color. Included was a foldout map containing maps of all the dungeons and the overworld.

Ultima IV Clue Books[edit]

Ultima IV Clue Book

Ultima: Seija eno Michi Guide (Quest of the Avatar Guide)

Title: Ultima: Seija eno Michi Guide
Publisher: Book Ltd. / Tsushin
Published: September 1989
Original List Price:
Length: 15 pages

There is only litte information about this Ultima IV clue book. It is for the NES-port of the game and is printed in color. It does hold maps of all the towns, as well as shop table, a moongate map and an explanation of the virtue system. As far as could be reconstructed, the short length of the book is due to it being part of a series of short books to give basic help for Famicom games. The books had at least one re-issue with a new cover.

Ultima IV Clue Book

Ultima: Seija eno Michi Guide (Quest of the Avatar Guide)

Title: Ultima: Seija eno Michi Guide
Publisher: Book Ltd. / Tsushin
Published: September 1989
Original List Price:
Length: 15 pages

Re-issue of the book above with a new cover.

Guidebook for Perfect Victory

Ultima Seija he no Michi Kanzen Hissho Guidebook (Guidebook for Perfect Victory)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) 聖者への道(seija he no michi/road to saint) 完全必勝ガイドブック(kanzen hissho guidebook/guidebook for perfect victory)
Publisher: JICC出版局(JICC shuppankyoku/JICC publishing)
Author: 北枕獲(Eru? Kitamakura), 外山鹿之介(Shikanosuke Sotoyama?Tonoyama?), 久生・K(Kujo? K), 作山哲広(Tetsuhiro Sakuyama)
Published: October 20, 1989
Original List Price: 660
Length: 128 pages
ISBN: 4-88063-663-0

This clue book was made for the NES-port of Ultima IV, is printed fully in color and contains among other things an explanation of all the classes, the monsters, a map of the moongate system and maps of the towns together with the offered services. While the laguage barrier prevents further analysis, a walkthrough most likely is included as well. Of note is, that illustrations for all of the classes (inlcuding AVatar) were drawn.

Ultima IV Handbook

Ultima IV Handbook

Title: ウルティマIVハンドブック(Ultima IV hand book)
Publisher: BNN
Author: 竹山正寿(Seiju Takeyama), 岡田明美(Akemi Okada)
Published: March 22, 1988
Original List Price: ¥1600
Length: 220 pages
ISBN: 4-89369-045-0

While the exact contents of this publication are not known, it is known that in the style of the publisher, the book was printed in monochrome.

Perfect Solution Technique Book

Ultima Seija he no Michi Kanzen Koryaku Technique Book (Perfect Solution Technique Book)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) 聖者への道(seija he no michi/road to saint) 完全攻略テクニックブック(kanzen koryaku technique book/perfect solution technique book)
Publisher: 徳間コミュニケーションズ(Tokuma Communications)
Author: 岩本政雄(Masao Iwamoto), cooperated with 岩瀬忠(Tadashi Iwase)
Published: October 10, 1989
Original List Price: ¥650
Length: 112 pages
ISBN: 4-88658-186-2

Another cluebook for the NES-port of Ultima IV. This one was printed fully in color and besides the walkthrough itself contins among other things a character creation guide, an analysis of the classes, a detailled book of magic, a beastiary, and of course maps and guides to all locations. The book does sport numerous specifically drawn illustrations and all the maps are hand-drawn as well. There was one revision of the book, as seen below.

Perfect Solution Technique Book Final Revision

Ultima Seija he no Michi Kanzen Koryaku Technique Book Kanketsuhen (Perfect Solution Technique Book Final Revision)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) 聖者への道(seija he no michi/road to saint) 完全攻略テクニックブック(kanzen koryaku technique book/perfect solution technique book) 完結編(kanketsuhen/final edition)
Publisher: 徳間コミュニケーションズ(Tokuma Communications)
Author: 岩瀬忠(Tadashi Iwase)
Published: Nobember 10, 1989
Original List Price: ¥480
Length: 64 pages
ISBN: 4-88658-200-1

This basically is a cut-down version of Perfect Solution Technique Book. While the content is the same, it was heavily compressed, losing many illustrations, while others were shrunk. That way they managed to reduce the page count to half of the original.

""Way of the Avatar Notebook

Ultima IV Avatar ho no Michi Notebook (Way of the Avatar Notebook)

Title: ウルティマIV(Ultima IV) アバタールへの道(Avatar he no michi/the way of the Avatar) ノートブック(notebook)
Publisher: ASCII
Author: editorial staffs of ASCII LoGiN magazine, including Tetsuo Kanai(金井哲夫)
Published: September 1, 1987
Original List Price: ¥880
Length: 181 pages
ISBN: none (treated as magazine)

This book was released as 別冊ログイン(bessatsu LoGiN/LoGiN supplemental volumes) Sepember 1987. Since it was treated as a magazine, it's not seen as a true book. Other than that, no information is known.

Ultima V Clue Books[edit]

Ultima V Clue Book

Ultima V Clue Book

Title: ウルティマV クルーブック(Ultima V Clue Book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 佐藤俊之(Toshiyuki Sato), 平井太郎(Taro Hirai), 水田俊彦(Toshihiko Mizuta)
Published: December 20, 1990
Original List Price:
Length: ¥1800
ISBN: 4-7952-7621-8

This is a clue book for the Ultima V from Locus/Seiunsha, written by Toshiyuki Sato, Taro Hirai and Toshihiki Mizuta. It was published December 20th 1990 for a price of ¥1800. It is known that the book is for the computer version of the game and that it is not printed in color, with maps being the raw tile data from an editor.

Ultima V - Complete Analysis

Ultima V Tettei Kaiseki (Complete Analysis)

Title: ウルティマV(Ultima V) 徹底解析(Tettei Kaiseki/complete analysis)
Publisher: ASCII
Author: 竹内誠(Makoto Takeuchi)
Published: October 31, 1990
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 181 pages
ISBN: 4893660748

This clue book for Ultima V is for the computer version (as the console version was never released in Japan). It is printed in monochrome and while the maps are from an editor, it does contain special illustrations for things like section headers and armour. Besides the obvious walkthrough the book at least contains a map of Britannia with all locations, maps and guides to the cities and keeps, solutions to the dungeons as well as an analysis of items, such as armour.

Ultima V Handbook

Ultima V Handbook

Title: ウルティマVハンドブック(Ultima V handbook)
Publisher: BNN
Author: 竹山正寿(Seiju Takeyama), 岡田明美(Akemi Okada)
Published: September 20, 1991
Original List Price: ¥1900
Length: 256 pages
ISBN: 4-89369-116-3

This clue book for Ultima V is printed in monochrome. While the maps at first look like from an editor, they actually are hand-drawn. The book does sport numerous illustrations specifically made for this publication. Besides a walkthrough, it at least contains maps and guides to all places, a map of Britannia with all places of interest, a chracter guide (with portraits) and a fold-out map of the Underworld with all places of interest.

Ultima VI Clue Books[edit]

Ultima VI Clue Book

Ultima VI Clue Book

Title: ウルティマVI クルーブック(Ultima VI Clue Book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 金井哲夫(Tetsuo Kanai)
Published: November 30, 1991
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 168 pages
ISBN: 4-7952-7625-0

The is a clue book for Ultima VI from Locus/Seiunsha, written by Tetsuo Kanai. It was published November 30th 1991 for a price of ¥1800.

Ultima VI - All about the False Prophet

Ultima VI Clue Book - itsuwari no yogensha no subete (All about the False Prophet)

Title: ウルティマVI(Ultima VI) 〜偽りの預言者〜(itsuwari no yogensha/false prophet)のすべて(no subete/all about thereof)
Publisher: JICC出版局(JICC shuppankyoku/JICC publishing)
Author: Hiromu Inoue
Published: May 20, 1992
Original List Price: ¥880
Length: 112 pages
ISBN: 4-7966-0325-5

This clue book is 110 pages long and contains maps and hints for important quests in the SNES-port of Ultima VI. It originally retailed for 880¥ and was published by JICC in May 20th 1992. In contains color maps of all cities in Ultima VI, black and white maps of all dungeons, a big fold-out map of Britannia and character art for all playable characters. It was written by Hiromu Inoue.

Ultima VI - Victory Solutions

Ultima VI Itsuwari no Yogensha Hisshou Kouryakuhou (The False Prophet Victory Solutions)

Title: ウルティマVI(Ultima VI) 偽りの預言者(itsuwari no yogensha/false prophet) 必勝攻略法(Hisshou Kouryakuhou/victory solutions)
Publisher: 双葉社(Futabasha)
Author: さいとうよしこ(Yoshiko Saito)
Published: May 12, 1992
Original List Price: ¥700
Length: 112 pages
ISBN: 4-575-28165-4

This clue book for the SNES-port of Ultima VI is printed in full color. Besides the obligatory walkthrough it at least also contains an explanation of the game mechanics, guides and maps to all locations, a party roster map, an overview of all the enemies in the game and a detailled list of all important items in the quest.

Ultima VI Handbook

Ultima VI Handbook

Title: ウルティマVIハンドブック(Ultima VI handbook)
Publisher: BNN
Author: 飯島一彦(Kazuhiko Iijima)
Published: November 25, 1991
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 200 pages
ISBN: 4-89369-160-0

While the exact contents of this publication are not known, it is known that in the style of the publisher, the book was printed in monochrome.

Ultima VI Advanced Manual

Ultima VI Advanced Manual

Title: ウルティマVI アドバンスドマニュアル(Ultima VI advanced manual)
Publisher: 大陸書房(Tairiku Shobou)
Author: 曠野一光(Kazumitsu Arano)
Published: July 11, 1992
Original List Price: ¥1922
Length: 208 pages
ISBN: 4-8033-3880-9

Little is known about this publication, not even for which platform the cluebook is for.

Runes of Virtue Clue Books[edit]

Runes of Virtue Victory Solution

Ultima Ushinawareta Rune Hisshou Kouryakuhou (Runes of Virtue Victory Solution)

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) 失われたルーン(ushinawareta rune/lost runes) 必勝攻略法(Hisshou Kouryakuhou/victory solutions)
Publisher: 双葉社(Futabasha)
Author: 中島理彦(Norihiko Nakajima)
Published: January 12, 1992
Original List Price: ¥680
Length: 112 pages
ISBN: 4-575-15205-6

No information about the contents of this book has surfaced yet.

Savage Empire Clue Books[edit]

Savage Empire Clue Book

The Savage Empire Clue Book

Title: ウルティマ サベージエンパイア クルーブック(Ultima Savage Empire Clue Book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 金井哲夫(Tetsuo Kanai)
Published: April 30, 1993
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 160 pages
ISBN: 4-7952-7629-3

No information about the contents of this book has surfaced yet.

Ultima Underworld Clue Books[edit]

Ultima Underworld Clue Book

Ultima Underworld Clue Book

Title: ウルティマ アンダーワールド・クルーブック(Ultima Underworld Clue Book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 金井哲夫(Tetsuo Kanai)
Published: January 25, 1994
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 160 pages
ISBN: 4-7952-7630-7

Quite a bit more is known about this Japanese clue book for Ultima Underworld, therefore it has its own article:

Japanese Ultima Underworld Clue Book
Underworld Solution Guide

Ultima Underworld Solution Guide

Title: ウルティマ(Ultima) アンダーワールド(Underworld) 攻略ガイド(koryaku guide/solution guide)
Publisher: 毎日コミュニケーションズ(Mainichi Communications)
Published: March 31, 1997
Original List Price: ¥980
Length: 80 pages
ISBN: 4-88563-783-2

Little is known about this publication, other than that it was published for the PSX-port of Ultima Underworld.

Special Solution for Victory

PlayStation Hisshouhou Special Ultima Underworld (Special Solution for Victory)

Title: プレイステーション(PlayStation) 必勝法スペシャル(hisshouhou special/solution for victory special)
Publisher: 勁文社(Keibunsha)
Published: April 30, 1997
Original List Price: ¥1070
Length: 144 pages
ISBN: 4-7669-2710-9

Little is known about this publication, other than that it was (logically) published for the PSX-port of Ultima Underworld.

Ultima VII Clue Books[edit]

Ultima VII - Victory Solution

Ultima VII the Black Gate Hisshou Kouryakuhou (Victory Solutions)

Title: ウルティマVII(Ultima VII) ザ・ブラックゲート(the black gate) 必勝攻略法(Hisshou Kouryakuhou/victory solutions)
Publisher: 双葉社(Futabasha)
Author: 佐藤俊之(Toshiyuki Sato)
Published: January 15, 1995
Original List Price: ¥750
Length: 80 pages
ISBN: 4-575-28391-6

This book was written for the SNES-port of Ultima VII. It is printed fully in color. While due to the language barrier it's impossible to know the exact contents, examination reveals that besides a required walkthrough the book contains an explanation how to play the game, a map of Britannia with all important places marked and solutions to the dungeons (which is good, since most of the game is dungeons).

Ultima Underworld II Clue Books[edit]

Ultima Underworld II Clue Book

Ultima Underworld II Clue Book

Title: ウルティマ アンダーワールド・クルーブック(Ultima Underworld Clue Book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 金井哲夫(Tetsuo Kanai)
Published: September 22, 1995
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 248 pages
ISBN: 4-7952-7636-6

No information about the contents of this book has surfaced yet.

Ultima VIII Clue Books[edit]

Ultima VIII Clue Book

Ultima VIII Clue Book

Title: ウルティマVIII ペイガン クルーブック(Ultima VIII Pagan Clue Book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 金井哲夫(Tetsuo Kanai)
Published: May 30, 1996
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 122 pages, with two perspective-view large maps
ISBN: 4-7952-7643-9

No information about the contents of this book has surfaced yet.

Ultima Collection Clue Books[edit]

Ultima Collection Official Clue Book

Ultima Collection Nihonban Koushiki Clue Book (Official Clue Book)

Title: ウルティマ コレクション 日本版(Ultima Collection nihonban/Ultima Collection Japan edition) 公式クルーブック(koushiki Clue Book/official clue book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 金井哲夫(Tetsuo Kanai), アバター原田(Avatar Harada) aka 原田一郎(Ichiro Harada)
Published: May 5, 2000
Original List Price: ¥3200
Length: 328 pages
ISBN: 4-89814-091-2

No information about the contents of this book has surfaced yet, though it can be assumed that since this is for the Ultima Collection, that content from previous clue books from Locus was re-used while adding in the missing games.

Ultima IX Clue Books[edit]

Ascension Perfect Program

Ultima IX: Ascension Perfect Program

Title: ウルティマIX: アセンション(Ultima IX: Ascension) パーフェクトプログラム(perfect program)
Publisher: 高橋書店(Takahashi Shoten)
Author: 佐久間康文(Yasufumi Sakuma), 重信普律(Fritz Shigenobu)
Published: March 20, 2000
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 160 pages
ISBN: 4-471-36057-4

This clue book for Ultima IX is printed fully in color. Interesting is, that the book uses renders from cutscenes that were dropped as high-detail illustrations. Thanks to an English table of contents, it's know that the book besides the walkthrough itself includes a story-section, item and spell descriptions, an analysis of the creatures and tactics against them and an explanation of the virtues.

Ultima IX Official Clue Book

Ultima IX: Acension Koushiki Clue Book (Official Clue Book)

Title: ウルティマIX: アセンション(Ultima IX: Acsension) 公式クルーブック(koushiki Clue Book/official clue book)
Publisher: ローカス(Locus)
Author: 金井哲夫(Tetsuo Kanai)
Published: March 31, 2000
Original List Price: ¥2000
Length: 312 pages
ISBN: 4-89814-092-0

As of this writing, nothing is known about the content of the book.

Ultima IX: Ascension Complete Guidebook

Ultima IX: Ascension Complete Guidebook

Title: ウルティマIX: アセンション(Ultima IX: Ascension) コンプリートガイドブック(complete guidebook)
Publisher: 勁文社(Keibunsha)
Author: 金本太郎(Taro Kanamoto), 長谷川健太郎(Kentaro Hasegawa)
Published: April 10, 2000
Original List Price: ¥2000
Length: 144 pages
ISBN: 4-7669-3456-3

As of this writing, nothing is known about the content of the book.

Ultima IX: Official Guidebook

Ultima IX: Ascension Koushiki Guide (Official Guidebook)

Title: ウルティマIX: アセンション(Ultima IX: Ascension) 公式ガイド(koushiki guide/official guidebook)
Publisher: ソフトバンク パブリッシング(Softbank publishing)
Author: Chris McCubbin, David Ladyman
Translator: 太田有香(Yuka Ota)
Published: April 22, 2000
Original List Price: ¥1800
Length: 184 pages
ISBN: 4-7973-0973-3

As of this writing, nothing is known about the content of the book, though it is highly likely that it is just a translation of Prima's Ultima IX Strategy Guide.


External Links[edit]

Foreign Language Books
Japanese The Genesis of UltimaJapanese clue booksJapanese Ultima Underworld Clue BookOfficial Fanbook
German Ultima IX German clue bookX‑Games Ultima IX clue book