A gold nugget is the raw form of the precious metal gold. Appearing in Ultima VI, Ultima VII and Ultima VII Part Two, they are not readily negotiable as currency but can be exchanged for currency.
Nuggets are usually found by digging in the very earth that created them. However, in this raw form the gold, while certainly valuable, is unusable for buying anything. Therefore the nugget has to be exchanged – usually at the national mint – for actual money. The nugget then is melted down together with others into gold bars, which are the raw material source for the minting of more gold coins.
Exchange Rates[edit]
- Terri at the Royal Mint in Ultima VI will exchange every nugget for 10 gold coins.
- Cynthia at the Royal Mint in Ultima VII will exchange every nugget for 10 gold coins.
- Devra at the Inn of the Sleeping Bull in Ultima VII Part Two will exchange each nugget for 20 gold coins.
- Bucia in Moonshade in Ultima VII Part Two will exchange each nugget for 30 guilders.
Appearance in Ultima Underworld[edit]
The alchemist Anjor on the fifth level can make a gold nugget but needs someone to gather material for him from a dangerous mine haunted by hostile ghosts.
- In Ultima VI, nuggets can be dug up from the ground. Dungeon Shame is especially rich in nuggets.
- Gherick in Ultima VI does need a gold nugget to create a magic shield.
- For some reason, headless are quite fond of possessing gold nuggets, as they are often found on their lifeless bodies.
The exchange rate in Ultima VI
The exchange rate in Ultima VII
The exchange rate in Ultima VII Part Two