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This article is about a group of cannibalistic humans from Ultima Underworld, sometimes called "ghouls". For the variety of undead creatures which bear this name, see Ghouls.


The exiles are creatures of the Abyss sometimes mistaken for ghouls. They appear in Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss. Their time in the nether regions of the Abyss caused mutations which lead to ghoul-like appearances and behaviors, but they are not hostile.


Originally these were people from the Abyss colony who were, for one reason or another, expelled from the colony (the reasons given in the Memoirs of Sir Cabirus are vague) and instead of going back to the surface had ventured deeper into the Abyss. There the dark powers of the place started to mutate their bodies, resulting in them becoming the green-skinned exiles. Inhabitants of the Abyss refer to these individuals as "ghouls," but this is clearly a misconception. Whereas ghouls are reanimated dead bodies, the exiles are alive and not the malevolent creatures that ghouls are. There are however Exiles who gave in on the corrupting powers of the Abyss, which then twisted their minds, causing them to become evil and feral. Known as "dark ghouls", those twisted creatures were no longer capable of reason and became outcast from the Exile community.

The Avatar met them on the fifth level of the Abyss, where most of them could either give guidance to the hero or create some unique items. After the destruction of the Abyssal colony, it is not known what became of them.


What follows has been written by me in the interests of Honesty and Justice. The fact that Sir Cabirus did not include these facts among his own writings was no doubt a simple oversight. – Corby

Some colonists prove unable or unwilling to live according to the Code of the Avatar. A few became discouraged by life in the Abyss, which is hard and bleak. Some were formerly wicked men who honestly adopted the Eight Virtues, but who, through weakness of will, returned to wickedness. There are those who say that the Abyss itself works to degrade the quality of a man's character, but Sir Cabirus regarded this as sheer superstition. Those unable to live in peace with the rest of us are asked to separate themselves, and if they will not go of their own will, they are driven at the point of the sword. Most Exiles join Baron Almric's keep, or from there sail back to their former lands. However, some Exiles descend further into the Abyss than any colonists dwell. Knights who have explored the deeper recesses tell of reclusive beings - they call them "ghouls" — who eat rats and vermin. Our warriors claim that the Exiles have degenerated in physical form, and that even though they were once of several races and colors, all approach a common, horrific semblance. I suspect these are stories embellished by a few rounds of ale, for who can believe such an occurrence!

Important Members[edit]

