Eastern Sign Post

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Eastern Sign Post
Located in: Lands of Danger and Despair
Type: sign post
Eastern Sign Post (U1).png
The Eastern Sign Post

The Eastern Sign Post is a monument in the days of old Sosaria, located within the Lands of Danger and Despair. It appears in Ultima I.


This sign post was one of eight major sites in the realm which adventurers once quested to find, in search of power or at the behest of the numerous kings of the land. Those who approached it felt none of the magical forces which surrounded so many other sign posts, and the location had no effect upon the capabilities of adventurers approaching it.[1] All this sign bore was a simple tautology, "Go East to go East."

After the death of Mondain, and the sundering of Sosaria, this curious artifact, like many prominent landmarks, vanished with the passing of time. It is not known what became of it. Eventually, the Ophidian culture placed their Shrine of Balance upon the landmass it once inhabited, calling it Sunrise Isle.


Lands of Lord British (or "Sosaria" in Ultima III)
Cities BritainDawnDeath GulchDevil GuardGreyMontor
Castles Castle of Lord BritishCastle of the Lost King
Landmarks The Pillars of Protection The Tower of Knowledge
Dungeons (Ultima I) Death's Awakening ☥ The Dungeon of Doubt ☥ The Dungeon of Montor ☥ The Dungeon of Perinia
The Lost Caverns ☥ The Mines of Mt. Drash ☥ The Mines of Mt. Drash II ☥ Mondain's Gate to Hell ☥ The Unholy Hole
Dungeons (Ultima III) Dardin's PitDungeon of DoomDungeon of FireDungeon of the SnakeDungeon of Time
Mines of MoriniaPerinian Depths
Islands and Other Sites AmbrosiaAmbrosian ShrinesIsle of FireMt. Drash
CollapseLands of Danger and Despair
Cities The Brother ☥ Bulldozer ☥ Dextron ☥ Gorlab ☥ Lost Friends ☥ Magic ☥ Turtle ☥ Wheeler
Castles Castle of the White DragonShamino's Castle
Landmarks Grave of the Lost Soul The Eastern Sign Post
Dungeons The Dead Cat's Life ☥ The Dead Cat's Life II ☥ Dead Man's Walk ☥ The Dungeon of Doom ☥ Free Death Hole
The Hole to Hades ☥ The Morbid Adventure ☥ The Skull SmasherThe Spine Breaker
Lands of the Feudal Lords
Cities Arnold ☥ Gerry ☥ Helen ☥ John ☥ Linda ☥ Owen ☥ The Snake ☥ Wolf
Castles Castle Rondorin Castle Barataria
Landmarks The Pillars of the Argonauts The Pillar of Ozymandias
Dungeons Advari's Hole ☥ The Dead Warrior's Fight ☥ The Gorgon's Hole ☥ The Horror of the Harpies
The Horror of the Harpies II ☥ The Labyrinth ☥ The Savage Place ☥ Scorpion Hole ☥ Where Hercules Died
Lands of the Dark Unknown
Cities Clear Lagoon ☥ Gauntlet☥ Imagination ☥ Nassau ☥ Ponder ☥ Poor ☥ Stout ☥ Wealth
Castles Black Dragon's CastleCastle of Olympus
Landmarks The Sign Post The Southern Sign Post
Dungeons The End ☥ The Guild of Death ☥ The Long Death ☥ The Metal Twister ☥ The Slow Death ☥ The Tramp of Doom
The Troll's Hole ☥ The Viper's Pit ☥ The Viper's Pit II