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Caradon, from Ultima VI
Species: human
Profession: paladin
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Serpent's Hold
Transcript: Caradon
The Ultima 6 Project
Caradon, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Serpent's Hold

Sir Caradon is a paladin in Serpent's Hold in Ultima VI.


The Avatar met young Sir Caradon in Serpent's Hold recovering from battle against the gargoyles. Sir Caradon told the hero his gruesome tale of how he and ten companions tried to free the Shrine of Honesty from a group of gargoyles, but just before charging the group of gargoyles, Sir Caradon saw them drink something from a small vial. Empowered by their magical draught, their foe fought like cyclones, and Sir Caradon's captain ordered him to return to town for help when only the two of his companions were left standing. Sir Caradon returned with more men just in time to see the gargoyles throwing the last of his companions' bodies into a large fire to ensure they could not be resurrected. The gargoyles then immediately fell over dead.[1]

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Caradon correctly placed the Shrine of Honesty on Dagger Isle. He noted there was one spell that was capable of bringing back the dead even with the destruction of their body, Anju Sermani, but only the most vile of wizard would dare cast it, for its invocation would cause the death of a newborn.


  • Caladon claimed to have fought Gargoyles near the Shrine of Honesty just outside of Yew, but Yew and the Shrine of Honesty are on opposite ends of Britannia.


  1. Caradon. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, heal, shri, dead, fine, veng, beas".