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Braunam, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: New Magincia
Description: proprietor of The Den
Ultima V
Braunam, from Ultima V
Description: proprietor of The Den
Location: New Magincia

Braunam is the proprietor of The Den in New Magincia in Ultima V.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Braunam was unwilling to speak with the Avatar, and immediately requested the hero to leave his room at The Humble Palate unless the Avatar supplied the Resistance password: “Dawn”. Upon hearing the password, Braunam only lightened slightly, stating his prices were terrible, and he would only deal with current Resistance members, swearing to kill the hero if his position were betrayed.[1]

Braunam sold torches, lockpicks, and peer gems. Braunam admitted he had no idea why guild shops sold torches, noting they were not illegal, and jested that perhaps someone had once burnt Lord British's beard with one, and they had been illegal until the liege's pride had recovered. Braunam admitted that people joined the Resistance for many reasons, and that some wished to gain a position of power, while others truly wished to see the overthrow of Lord Blackthorn’s regime. The guild man felt that actively resisting Lord Blackthorn's rule was not the best way to overthrow the ruler, feeling that Blackthorn had always been a wartime ruler, and could only command if at the head of an army. He was certain that Blackthorn would be forced to remove martial law, and his power would soon begin to wane.

Braunam personally only fought against Blackthorn because he was a man who could only thrive in wartime. Without someone to fight, he was merely a drunkard and an unsuccessful pirate, so when the war began, he merely chose which side he agreed with most and began to excel. Landon had been impressed by his ability to blend in and go unnoticed, and had asked Braunam to establish a Resistance headquarters in New Magincia. Braunam realized he fought only so he could feel like a hero, for without the battle, he felt unimportant. He felt that Lord British was an excellent peacetime ruler, but that the liege needed to summon the Avatar whenever Britannia was threatened, for the hero was accomplished at war, but mundane in times of peace. Braunam's only hope was that after the war he would be rewarded sufficiently by Lord British that he could return to his life as a vagabond and drunkard, but at least a rich one.

The Avatar could receive a key to Braunam's room at The Humble Palate from the innkeeper Genne if the Avatar provided the Resistance password.[2] Genne knew that Braunam conducted business out of his room, but stated Genne had no idea what kind. He paid Genne sufficiently to abate his curiosity, and made the innkeeper well aware that the lives of his wife and daughters would be forfeit should he be betrayed to Blackthorn’s men.
