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Banter, from Ultima IV
Species: skeleton
Ultima IV
Location: Magincia
Description: skeleton, once held the Silver Horn
Transcript: Banter

Banter is an animate skeleton who may be found haunting the ruins of Magincia during Ultima IV.


The crumbling figure would tell the Stranger it once held the Silver Horn, an artifact of great power that could be used to pass by the daemonic guards of the Shrine of Humility. It would direct the hero to ask Demitry more of the horn and would reveal Wierdrum had once been to the shrine.[1]

Banter's remains were eventually laid to rest during the fallen city's resettlement, commemorated in New Magincia’s cemetery with a wooden cross the returned Avatar could find in Ultima V.


NES remake.
  • In the Nintendo remake of Ultima IV (Japanese original), Banter can be identified with the skeleton in the same location. This character was removed in the English localization.

See also[edit]

Shrine of Humility thread: BanterWierdrumSimple & Joseph

Silver Horn thread: BanterDemitrySuzannaMalchor


  1. Banter. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima IV transcriptUltima IV. "horn, job, shrine".