Talk:Summon Moongate

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Is the Orb of the Moons in Ultima IX actually different from the Orb of the Moons in Ultima VI and VII? I know the moongates stopped working in Ultima VII, but I just kind of assumed it was the same old orb of the moons, and it was just the new ritual and the freeing of the shrines that allowed the moongates to become active again. Dungy 13:57, 22 April 2011 (PDT)

Yes, it is different in how it works (see article) and how it looks. The old Orbs had been stones, very uneven, while the new Orb is a perfect sphere. I think that is enough evidence.--Tribun 14:00, 22 April 2011 (PDT)
Inconsistencies in mechanics/appearance don't necessarily dictate a difference in lore, as we should be well aware by now. For example, the moonstones functioned differently between U4 and U5, but for all intents and purposes, they're still meant to be the same thing. Besides, the inventory graphic for the Orb in U7 looks pretty spherical. --Terilem 15:38, 22 April 2011 (PDT)