Talk:Soul Cage

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"The Soul Cage, when treated correctly, was used to trap a Liche.

The Soul Cage was invented by Mordra to trap the Liche in Horance, so that the Liche Potion could destroy him. However, Trent, the blacksmith of Skara Brae, died in a fire before he could finish it. His ghost continued the work in Ultima VII, until the Avatar helped him overcome his rage. When it was finished, it was bathed in the Well of Souls. It was then empowered to trap the Liche.

It was destroyed, after the potion took effect, dissolving into dust"

Is the name Liche Potion correct? Was this the actual name of the item?

Was the Liche in Horance? I thought Horance was a liche.

Did the Avatar really help him overcome his rage? The method this was done is kind of different than what is written here.

Did it dissolve into dust? What ultimately happened to it?

(Dungy 17:08, May 16, 2010 (UTC))

Did you play the game?
-It's just called a potion in the game. I had to give this item logically a different name to set it apart from normal potions.
-Yes, it was in Horance. After all you meet Horance in Ultima VI, where he is a normal mage, although quite mad, and people the all act like he always had been human.
-How would you describe Trent losing his rage after giving him the ring?
-Yes, the cage dissloves after to potion took effect. Nothing is left of it.
Seriously, I don't invent these things.--Tribun 17:17, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, many times. I was uncertain if this was the events as they occurred. I'll drop it and leave it. (Dungy 17:38, May 16, 2010 (UTC))
You need to drop the attitude, Tribun. Seriously. I think all of us recognize the work you've put into this wiki, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of the articles here are either poorly written or contain unnecessary elaborations, speculations or, yes, purely made up facts or opinions, so Dungy can hardly be blamed for asking. Part of writing for a wiki is being able to handle when someone challenges - or rewrites - an article you've written. Wikis are collaborations with no room for bruised egos; there is no need to lash out just because someone questions an article. Sometimes the article will stand up to scrutiny, like in this particular case, and sometimes it won't. Either way a temper flare is completely unnecessary. --Warder Dragon 17:56, May 16, 2010 (UTC)