Character attributes

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Character generation screen in Ultima I (PC), featuring character attributes.
Character generation screen in Ultima III (NES).
Character generation screen in Ultima II (C64).

In the Ultima series, character attributes or statistics (commonly abbreviated to stats, or Ztats for the key command in earlier titles) indicate the relative abilities of the player character and other party members, with each game handling them somewhat differently. Contained herein is an overview of the three main attributes used in Ultima IV onward, as well as the changes in their implementation for each title.

For earlier Ultima games, see the individual articles for each installment:

Character attributes in Ultima I

Character attributes in Ultima II

Character attributes in Ultima III

Please note this is only an overview. For the exact calculations, go to the pages for the stats in question, also reachable in the navigation at the bottom.



Strength (STR) determines two things:

  • First and foremost, STR determines the efficacy of a weapon against an enemy. Only high strength allows full damage, otherwise a penalty is applied. Several weapons also have a minimum STR needed before they can be used in the first place.
  • In some games, STR determines how much the character can carry around, although the exact calculations differ from game to game. It also determines the minimum strength needed to carry certain types of armour.


Dexterity (DEX) determines two things:

  • The chance to hit an enemy and the frequency of attacks. This is especially important for ranged weapons, which far more rely on the warrior having a good aim with high DEX.
  • The chances of evading an enemy's blow entirely.


Intelligence (INT) is responsible for determining the mana pool of the character. The exact formula differs from game to game, but there is no penalty for low INT to actual spellcasting ability.


Ultima IV[edit]

These attributes were used for the first time in this way in Ultima IV. In this game, the attributes can go as high as 50.

  • STR determines if there is a damage penalty, but carrying capacity is not yet of a concern.
  • DEX determines the hit chances of the character and the enemies.
    • DOS – With 0 DEX a character has a 50% chance to hit with each point of DEX adding about 0.4%, granting a probability of about 65% at 39 DEX. Then at 40 there is a sudden jump to a 100% chance to hit.
    • Apple II – With 0 DEX there is a 50% chance to hit with each point of DEX adding about 0.8%, granting a probability of about 89% at 50 DEX.
  • INT calculation for the mana pool uses the following formula: (INT × X = MP) X stands for the magic ability modifier of the various classes and goes as follows:

Ultima V[edit]

Starting with Ultima V, some modifications were done to this system. Attributes in this installment only go as high as 30, and have some of their calculations changed.

  • STR now also determines if a character can wear a certain armour or use a certain weapon, with a minimum requirement needed for some of them.
  • DEX now not only determines the hit and evade chances, but high DEX also ensures that a character has several turns in a combat round before the enemy can act.
  • The INT-modifications were changed, but the lower overall mana pool is compensated for with generally lower mana consumption. Magic ability is determined as follows:

Ultima VI[edit]

Some important changes were made to the attributes in Ultima VI:

  • STR no longer hinders equipping something; weight became a game mechanic, so it now determines how much can be carried. There is a distinction between equipped items and inventory. Items (like weapons and armour) can be equipped to the weight equal the STR attribute, while the inventory can hold items of a weight up to double STR.
  • DEX was not modified in any way.
  • INT modifiers were radically simplified. Besides the Avatar, only rangers and bards still have magic. While all other classes have mana equal to (INT/2) (rounded down), the Avatar has (INT × 2) the mana of the INT attribute.

Worlds of Ultima[edit]

The Worlds of Ultima titles Savage Empire and Martian Dreams essentially work the same as Ultima VI. However, the INT attribute is mostly useless, as in Savage Empire only Triolo can cast magic, while in Martian Dreams there is no magic at all, and therefore no need to ever elevate INT at all.

Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II[edit]

In both Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II, attributes can only be assigned at the beginning and not raised (except in a few cases). Therefore, getting good attributes at the start is important. See also Character creation in the Underworld games.

  • STR determines the overall carrying weight, with (2 × STR) being the weight the Avatar can carry in Ultima Underworld while the formula is approximately (1.35 × STR + 29) rounded in Ultima Underworld II. STR also factors into the calculation of the damage a weapon does to an enemy in combination with the attack and weapon skills. STR also appears to be the base stat for Vitality with the formula in Ultima Underworld approximately (0.24 × STR + 29) rounded as well as hit points gained per level with the formula around (STR / 5) rounded down.
  • DEX, together with weapon skills, determines the hit chances, and with the Defense skill, the evading chances. DEX does not appear to change Avatar's jump height but is has been reported that high DEX characters in Ultima Underworld II only are slightly faster. Speed is normally around 2 tiles per second while Jump height is around 0.5 tiles high.
  • INT, together with the mana skill, determines the mana pool, and with the casting skill, the chance of a spell being successfully cast. The formula for both games appears to be (INT / 8 × mana skill + INT / 12) rounded. It has been reported that INT also plays a role in mana points gained per level.

Ultima VII and Ultima VII Part Two[edit]

Statistics display in Ultima VII.

In Ultima VII and Ultima VII Part Two, the formula for the attributes is made slightly more complex.

  • While STR still determines possible penalties when hitting enemies, the weight a character can carry is no longer split up. STR is now multiplied by two and determines the overall weight a character can carry around, everything included. Also, STR now directly determines how many hit points the character has as a maximum.
  • DEX no longer directly influences hit and evade chances. Instead it flows into the attribute Combat, which is battle ability. Combat is either risen by training DEX, or can be trained directly. The formula for this is somewhat complicated and described under Training in Ultima VII.
  • INT now is a factor for the attribute called "Magic", which is casting ability and in return directly determines the mana pool (Magic=Mana). Magic is raised by training INT, but can also be trained directly. The formula for this is somewhat complicated and described under Training in Ultima VII.

Ultima VIII[edit]

Attributes were changed in Ultima VIII and can only be trained through "learning by doing." Attributes can only go as high as 25.

  • STR was modified in that at first it only offered carrying weight of (STR × 2), but the patch raised it to (STR × 4). Hit points are double the STR.
  • DEX determines as usual hit chances and evasion.
  • INT directly influences the mana pool, with (INT × 2 = mana). It also determines how many charges are stored in a focus when creating a Sorcery spell.

Ultima IX[edit]

In Ultima IX the system was completely changed. All three attributes now have four levels, which can be pushed to the maximum over the course of the game (unless the player is a shepherd). Also, how they work was changed significantly compared to previous installments:

  • STR still determines the amount of health available. Each level of STR gives the Avatar 30 HP, the maximum being 120. Also, the higher levels give damage bonuses of +2, +4 and +8 damage done.
  • DEX only determines the number of combat techniques the Avatar can learn for each weapon, the number equivalent to the current level.
  • INT gives 10 karma per level, 5% spell resistance per level and damage bonuses of +2, +4 and +8 for spells on the higher levels
  • The mana pool is determined by the karma, which is measured on a scale from 0 to 200 and is not bound at the attributes. See also Karma list for Ultima IX.


Character Stats
The Main Attibutes StrengthDexterityIntelligence
Past Attibutes CharismaStaminaWisdom