Forum:Ultima VII Part 2: magic projectiles as weapons

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Forums: Index > Research > Ultima VII Part 2: magic projectiles as weapons

Here's a neat oddity that I found while playing the game years ago, and since it isn't already mentioned in the list of weapons I thought I'd add it here:

In some places there are enemies that fire magic spells. If you pause the game by pulling up the character menu when one of those magic projectiles is near you, you can actually pick it up and place it in the hands of your characters. They will then be able to use the projectiles as a weapon and fire an unlimited(?) amount of them.

Unfortunately I don't remember which enemies' projectiles you can pick up, but iirc it worked for two different ones, and one was from a spider-like(?) creature found in the grass plains of Moonglow (looking at the monster data, that should be the Gazer).

Well, since that is pretty obviously a bug, as the programmers never intended you to do so (same as getting these with Vibrate), these things shouldn't be included in any lists. --Tribun (talk) 18:26, 4 February 2020 (UTC)
One could argue if it should be included in a complete list of weapons since it is possible to get these without cheating, but if not it should still make a good addition to the bug section, I guess? IkeFox (talk) 18:34, 4 February 2020 (UTC)
If you can figure out the mechanics, then yes, a nice new bug. --Tribun (talk) 18:40, 4 February 2020 (UTC)