Underworld Series

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The Underworld Series

The Underworld Series is a compilation of Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II, published in 1993.


Both games come on one CD in their completely patched version, thus a number of bad bugs from the floppy releases are never encountered. Included in the package are also Memoirs of Sir Cabirus, A Safe Passage Through Britannia and both paper maps. They are all the same as in the original releases. The rune bag from the first game on the other hand was not included.

After Electronic Arts bought Origin, they drastically downsized the package to reduce costs. All later editions from 1995 onward only contained a CD, the last editions even just a jewel case without a box, with all documentation and maps on it as PDF files. In Europe, a boxed version of the compilation was never released, just the jewel case version. In the European editions, the PDFs on the CD are in English, German and French, even though the games themselves are still in English only.

Included in the Compilation[edit]

The following things got included with the compilation: (only the full boxed version)


  • Since the Underworld games are not included in the regular Ultima compilations, this compilation was for a long time the only way to acquire the games, until GOG released them as a digital download in 2011.
  • The US release of the collection is version 1.50S, while the release in Europe is version 1.94S (same as the GOG release).


Ultima Trilogy IUltima Value PakUltima Trilogy IIUltima I-VI SeriesThe Complete Ultima VII
Underworld SeriesUltima CollectionBest of Both WorldsUltima World EditionUltima Complete