Ultima VIII transcript

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The following are transcripts for Ultima VIII: Pagan.




Bark (unmet)
Darion: I could use a new weapon...

Darion: New around here, are you?

Initial Visit
Avatar: Hello there.
Darion: Hail!

Avatar: Good day to you, Sir.
Darion: And good day to you.

Avatar: May I know your name?
Darion: I am Darion, the Arms Master and Captain of the Palace Guard here in Tenebrae. And you?
Avatar: %PCNAME.
Darion: Well met, %PCNAME.

Subsequent Visits
Avatar: A moment, sir!
Darion: Good day to you.
Avatar: Good morrow, Captain Darion.
Darion: Good morrow to you.

Avatar: Tell me about Tenebrae.
Know Avatar name
Darion: Ah, Tenebrae, 'tis the finest gem in this fair land. I have served this city and her leaders since I was a mere lad, as an apprentice in the guard. I welcome you, %PCNAME, to our fair city.
Don't know Avatar name
Darion: Ah, Tenebrae, 'tis the finest gem in this fair land. I have served this city and her leaders since I was a mere lad, as an apprentice in the guard. I welcome you to our fair city.

Avatar: Tell me about the palace.
Devon Tempest
Darion: The palace is the home of our Tempest, Devon.
Mordea Tempest
Darion: The palace is the home of our Tempest, the Lady Mordea.

Avatar: Who are the Palace Guards?
Darion: The finest fighting regiment in the land. But there is not much call for defense anymore. We mostly spend our time in preserving the peace. That's not to say we wouldn't be ready if needed, though.
Avatar: Ready for what?
Darion: Of course, you never know what those Necromancers are up to. And we do have our fine Tempest to defend.

Avatar: You defend her?
Darion: Of course, our Tempest is more than capable of defending herself. She has a portion of Hydros’ power.

Avatar: Who is the Tempest?
Darion: Why, she is the representative of that mightiest of Titans, Hydros. Hydros' visage is much too fearsome and powerful for the likes of you and I, so Lady Mordea serves as her representative. In exchange, Lady Mordea is able to wield some of the power from Hydros.
Avatar: What power?
Darion: Why do you think we have fair weather all the day? With her share of Hydros' power, Lady Mordea is able to control the weather. 'Tis a blessing, it is.
Avatar: Who is Hydros?
Darion: Keep a respectful tongue in your head when you speak that name, my friend. The Lurker is a force to be reckoned with. She is the power of all the waters. She can be as gentle as a spring rain or as powerful and terrible as a thundering waterfall. She is the mightiest of all the Titans. Well worth your respect and worship.

Avatar: Who are the Necromancers?
Darion: Filthy things, they live in the cemetery and muck about with dead bodies. They serve the Titan Lithos. 'Tis no wonder there are so few Necromancers left. Only those who grub for a paltry living from the mud and dirt have anything to do with Lithos and the Necromancers. Phaw!
Avatar: Only a few Necromancers?
Darion: I do not know exactly how many there are, but even one is one too many for my liking.
Avatar: Tell me about the cemetery.
Darion: That's where those filthy creatures keep their home. They like to be as near the dead as they can. If you ask me, I think they wait until late in the night and then dig up the bodies so they can do all manner of grotesque things to them. It churns my belly to think of it.

So, you are back. What do you want? Sword play is an art form. You have interrupted my practice! Hmmm, my parries need some work. No one can best me! My blade needs cleaning... Perhaps more drilling on attacks... My practice armor needs repair. What to do about Jenna. I need a new sword...

Need some assistance? Stranger, are you lost? Nice day for a walk, is it not? Curses, I think it is going to rain again!

It is getting late... It seems too quiet around here... What to do about Jenna... Oh well... Maybe I'll go to the tavern for an ale. En guard! Watch this! Yes, I do. I have leather armor called cuir-bouilli, leather leggings and boots, leather gloves and bracers, and a helm. Would you be interested in any of these? Cuirbolli. Leather leggings and boots. Leather gloves and bracers. Helmet. Nothing, thank you. Cuirbolli. A fine choice. That'll cost you 6 blacks. Will you take it? Leather gloves and bracers. Ah, you won't be disappointed in the quality. The price is 5 bright stones. Do we have a deal? Leather leggings and boots. Every warrior needs boots and leggings. A set of mine will cost you 10 stones. Helmet. Just the thing for those long journeys. For 2 black stones it can be yours. Nothing, thank you. Well, you're turning down a good deal here, you know. Ah well, there is no accounting for taste, I suppose. If you didn't want anything, why did you ask? Here is the amount. Never mind, thank you. Here is the amount. There you go. Thank you for your business. Ha ha, you may be strong, but you can't carry all that! Why don't I just keep this for you until you have room for it. Hey, what are you trying to do here? Cheat me? Come back when you've got some real money to spend! Oh well, 'Tis your loss! Can't make your mind up? Well, just think on it a while. You may strike first. Time is up! Come back when you need training again. I will not chase cowards!

You are blocking the way! Move! Oowwww... Argh...

What?! What do you want?! Can't you see this is an emergency situation?! I see you've come back. You've reconsidered about my daughter then, have you? Miserable weather and all, we're having, eh %PCNAME. - Yes, just terrible, Captain Darion. Miserable weather and all we're having, eh? - Yes, just terrible, Captian Darion. Good day to you, %PCNAME. Good day to you.

Good day to you, Sir. And as you can see, I am a trainer. Since you appear to be in shape I could take you on as a student if you so desire. Only ask, and I will spar with you.

I am %PCNAME. Ich heiáe %PCNAME. Freut mich, %PCNAME. Ich heiáe %PCNAME. Je suis %PCNAME. Enchant‚, %PCNAME. Je suis %PCNAME. - Good morrow, Captain Darion. - Yes, just terrible, Captain Darion. I don't know what we'll do if it gets much worse. Good morrow to you, %PCNAME.

- I need training. I would be glad to have you as a student! I charge 50 black stones per session, and I guarantee that you will get your moneys worth. Do you still wish to spar with me? - yes Draw your weapon and prepare for combat. - yes It looks like you do not have the money. I am sorry, but I do not give credit. Try me later when you can afford my services. - no Do not worry, I will look upon you as a coward for not accepting my offer. Do you sell armaments? I'm interested in your wares. My armaments are the finest available. Are you looking for something in particular? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. What do you have? No, sorry. Nothing, thank you.

Ok, well, if you change your mind, let me know. Have you reconsidered about Jenna, then? - So Devon is now your Tempest. And make no mistake, I will serve him as I served Mordea. I am loyal to the Tempestry, I am. - I heard a tale from Orlok. That is not unusual from him. He's got quite a few of them. - This tale concerned a ghost. Ghosts? In my town? Never!! Why If there were any ghosts seen here it would only be in the minds of those who had too much of Orlok's ale. I'll just bet he's been talking to those simple-minded herdsmen in the hills again. They are always spreading some crazy story around. Spend too much time with their torax, that's what I think. Ghosts? Pshaw! No such things ... and I'll mind you not to spread tales like that. Upsets the citizens of this town, it does. Now, if you'll excuse me.

- Who is Lady Mordea? The fair Tempest of our City.

Avatar: bye
Darion: Farewell.

- An emergency situation? By Hydros' spume, man! Can't you see? The dead are walking the streets! I have a town to protect! A Tempest to find! People to calm! I haven't time for gawkers! - What do you know about Salkind? Hmmmmm, I don't know much about him, except he is always at the side of Lady Mordea. I'm not sure I trust him. - Why don't you trust Salkind? Well, the Tempest has always ruled alone. This seneschal bit seems to go against our fine line of tradition here in Tenebrae. I'm not sure I agree, but then, Lady Mordea seems to like him, so I'll protect him as well as her. - I met your daughter, Jenna. Ah, she is a beauty, isn't she? She is my pride and joy, you know. Why, she is the exact picture of her dear, departed mother. - What happened to her mother? That is a sad tale. She was the love of my life. A beauty with long blonde hair and eyes as green as the Sea of Rains. She took with the fever shortly after dear Jenna was born. I did everything I could, but it was no use. She died in my arms and with her last breath whispered, 'I love you'. - That is a tragic tale. I can only honor her with my memories, for there is no physical marker for her, no grave. - Why is there no grave? There was a grave, there WAS one. But one day as I went to leave flowers on her stone, as was my want, I found the grave ripped open and the body missing. It could only be the work of those filthy Necromancers. It pains me still to think of it. - She is beautiful. That she is. Every man in town has asked for her hand, but I'm afraid there is too much of her father in her. I do wish she could find the right one, though. But it will take someone with a strength of character and a soundness of mind that you just don't find around here. Perhaps it will take someone... someone much like yourself, hmmmm? - Bye Did I tell you that she can wield a sword as well as any man? Taught her myself. Right dangerous she is with that thing. - Bye Did I mention she can cook? She makes a fine pie, Yessir, makes my mouth water just thinking about it. - Bye She keeps an immaculate house, she does. Why you could eat right off the floor. - Bye She's a beauty, all right. A man would be right proud to have her by his side. - Bye Oh, and did I mention how much she loves children? Wants a house full of them, she does. - I regret to tell you no. You're sure then? Did I mention that she is educated and can discuss many matters of interest quite well? - Yes, I want to marry your daughter! Oh that's wonderful! But, ummm...there is one little detail I forgot to mention, Oh but it's a little thing, it can wait till after the ceremony. Now, how soon do you want the ceremony? - What little detail? Just a little something. Ummmm, well, it's really nothing. Ummm, has she mentioned whether or not she likes you, at all? - Oh, she likes me. Oh that is wonderful. Perhaps that will avoid the problem then. - She is angry with me. Oh, that could be a problem. - What problem? Well, it's just that she, ahhh, has...well it's a little embarrassing, it seems she has sworn to kill any man chosen for her to marry...see, nothing really. - What ceremony? Why the wedding ceremony, of course. I could arrange it for quite soon. - GOODBYE! Then that's settled. You'll think about it and get back to me with your answer. - I met Bentic. Ah yes, he was just executed...for conducting forbidden research, if I remember rightly. He was a good fellow, too bad he got involved in such shady dealings. Bentic, now there's a good fellow. Always in his library, he is. Stays out of trouble. Too bad more of our citizens aren't more like that. - What shady dealings? Well, you know...just, shady ones. Ones that are forbidden by Lady Mordea. Ahem, I can't say anymore than that, you know, official policy and all. - Orlok told a story of Bentic. Of course he did, he's Orlok, after all and he does enjoy his story. Didn't tell you the one about the map on Bentic's chest, did he? Well, that's nothing but hogwash. I had cause to visit Bentic in his home one day. He was wearing a robe and showed his chest quite plainly. There was no map on it. - Do you know of Blowhard's treasure? So, come for treasure, have you? Well, you're not the first young man to come to me with that look in your eye. No sirree, in fact, were I a younger man, I might take it into my head to look, myself. - Where would you look? Well, when I was just a tyke, my father told me a story Much like one of Orlok's stories about John Blowhard. Only my father's story went this way. A bunch of trolls had taken up residence on an island. They raided neighboring villages and stole the children away to eat them. One night, the trolls came again and tried to steal the last child in the village. The child's mother was so enraged, she grabbed one of her knitting needles and killed the troll. Stratos was so impressed by this mother's defense, she turned the knitting needle into a magical sword. It is said this sword is hidden somewhere in the mountains outside Tenebrae, perhaps in Herdsman's valley. Were I looking for treasure, that's where'd I'd look. - I met Kilandra. She is a crazy old thing, isn't she? - Her tale is tragic. Oh, told you about her daughter, did she? Well, ever since that little girl died, she has not been the same. Never comes into town, never speaks to anyone. Rather pathetic, if you ask me.

Stay out of trouble.

uuuhhhhgggg... aahhhhrrrggg...


Kilandra: Beren! I am assaulted!

Bark (unmet):
Kilandra: Ye know, the fish have stories to tell.
Kilandra: Ye should listen to 'em sometime.

Kilandra: How 'bout some fish, mate?

Kilandra: Well, what can I do fer ye' stranger...?

Bark (met):
Kilandra: Well, what are ye lookin' at, %PCNAME.

Kilandra: Need something, friend?

Kilandra: How 'bout some fish, mate?

Initial Visit:
Kilandra: How 'bout some fish, mate?
Avatar: Hello
Kilandra: Well, what can I do for ye today, stranger?

Avatar: I am %PCNAME
Kilandra: Pleased to meet ye, I am Kilandra. I haven't seen ye' here before. Are ye' new in town?

Are ye' new in town?
Avatar: Yes
Kilandra: Well then, welcome. I don't get into town much, so I'm afraid I would be a poor guide there. But I can tell ye about the Sea of Rains. Been fishin' it for years. I knows it like the back of me hand.

Avatar: Tell me of the Sea of Rains.
Kilandra: Ah, the Sea of Rains. She is a temperamental lady, she is. One day she will give ye enough of her bounty to feed the entire city...then she'll forsake ye for weeks and laugh while ye starve.
Avatar: Tell me of Tenebrae.
Kilandra: I don't get into town much...and I likes it that way. The city is no good.
Avatar: Why is the city no good?

Are ye' new in town?
Avatar: No
Kilandra: Hmmm, I guess I need to get into town more. I'm a'feared I don't recognize ye. Who's your mama?

Option 1
Avatar: Lady Mordea
Kilandra: Lady Mordea?! Ack, then I'll have none of ye! Get out of my sight!
<End Conversation>

Option 2
Avatar: No one important
Kilandra: What does ye mean, no one important? Does ye'r mother mean nothing to ye? Oh, ungrateful child! There is nothing that tears my poor heart worse than an ungrateful child!
<End Conversation>

Option 3
Avatar: I'm not from Tenebrae.
Kilandra: What's that? Ye'r not from Tenebrae? Well, then ye are more blessed than ye knows. 'Tis a bad place, Tenebrae.
Avatar: Why is Tenebrae bad?

Why is Tenebrae bad?/Why is the city no good?
Kilandra: The Tempest, that's why! Lady Mordea is a selfish, black-hearted woman. Why, taking a bath was more important to her than saving the life of an innocent child!
Avatar: A bath was more important?!
Kilandra: The child was a little girl with hair of honey gold and eyes the color of the Sea of Rains. She was a beautiful child, but had taken very ill.
Avatar: What happened to the child?
Kilandra: Her mother carried her to the steps of the palace where she begged to see the Tempest. The Tempest has great powers and if anyone could heal the girl, the Tempest could. But that water rat named Salkind came out and told the mother that Lady Mordea was taking a bath and could not be disturbed, especially to help a filthy gutter snipe.

Avatar:filthy gutter snipe!?
Kilandra: That's what he said. Can you believe that cold hearted weasel?
Avatar: Did the child recover?
Kilandra: Her mother carried her back to the little shack they shared and tried to doctor her as best she could...but it was no use. The girl passed to Pit of Death that night.
Avatar: How do you know this?
Kilandra: I know this because that little girl was Elaina...my daughter.
Avatar: I am so sorry.
Kilandra: Well, I appreciate yer thoughts, but ye needn't apologize for sumthin' that ain't yer fault. So, how long are ye plannin' to stay around here?

Avatar: Several months, at least.
Kilandra: Oh, might want to rethink that, ye might. I told ye, Tenebrae is not a good place.
Avatar: Not long
Kilandra: Well, it's smart that ye are. I would leave too, if it weren't for the Sea. Ah, since my little Elaina left me, the Sea is my only love, the sea and all its little critters. Fine companions, those critters are. They mayen't say much, but they are good listeners.
Avatar: Who are good listeners? Kilandra: Why the fish, 'course. They're wise, they are. Would do ye good to listen to them one day, seek their council.

Future conversations if told Kilandra Lady Mordea is mother, or have no mother Avatar: Kilandra?
Kilandra: What? Are ye deaf? I want no part of ye! Get out of my sight!
<End Conversation>

Subsequent visits
Kilandra: Hello there.
Avatar: Hello, Kilandra.
Kilandra: Ah, so ye's returned. What can I do for you?

Avatar:Tell me about your daughter.
Kilandra: That's something I'ds rather not speak of. The pain is very fresh.


Avatar: bye
Kilandra: Farewell.

Avatar Yes:

What are you doing there...? How 'bout some fish, mate? Well, what can I do fer ye' stranger...?

Well, what can I do fer ye' stranger...?

Ye know, the fish have stories to tell. Ye should listen to 'em sometime. I wonder how the fish are running today. Hmmmm... Looks to be a fine day for sailin'. About time to head out to sea. I sure could use a rest. Maybe I'll take a little nap. A nice bit o' fish would sure taste good. Me bones say there's a storm a brewin'. I am %PCNAME. Excuse me.

Tell me about ghosts. Do you know of a key? Tell me where the key is!

Hello Kilandra? Pardon me. Hello Well, what can I do for ye today, stranger?

- Tell me about ghosts. Ghosts? Ghosts, ye say? Well, why would ye be wanting to know about ghosts? - I'm looking for a ghost. Looking for a ghost, eh? That's a strange thing for a nice young man like yerself to be doing! There is one ghost I'd like to find, that of my daughter. If I could find her ghost, maybe I could find a way to bring her back. - I heard Orlok's ghost story. Of course, and ye would be one of those young men thinking to find riches and adventure by disturbing the dead. It's bad business, bad business I say. Why, no one should go about mucking in the affairs of the dead. They don't like it, no sirree. Why I talk to my daughter all the time and she tells me all about being dead, and how much they dislikes the living. - No particular reason. Hmmm, ye're a peculiar one, ye are. - Do you know of a key? A key? Well, of course. I have several keys. Was there one in particular you were looking for? - No key in particular. What a strange question. I have only two keys. One to my door and one to my sea chest. My, ye are a strange 'en. - A key to the door in the cavern. A door in a cavern? Why would there be a door in a cavern? - It was built by trolls. Built by trolls? That is the silliest story I've ever heard. Built by trolls, ha! Trolls don't know how to build anything. I think ye've been taking a nip of ol' Orlok's private stock there, mate. - You know Orlok? 'Course I know him. That old windbag. His story's are nothing but bunk. - It leads to the Pit of Death. Does not. - How do you know? I know because...because my daughter told me. She says there is only one way to the Pit of Death and that is through the Realm of Lithos. - John Blowhard's treasure is there. No it isn't. - Where is the treasure, then? There is no treasure. Orlok's full of hot wind, he is. Tells that tale to everyone, expecting them to believe them. Why my daughter even knows that. - You talk to your daughter? Of course. I sit on her grave and talk with her by the hour. She's a good listener, she is. Why nearly as good as the fish. She gives good advice, too. - Good advice? Certainly. She tells me when the fish will be running and when there will be a storm. She even offered to guard my house for me. 'Course I told her no. Didn't want no daughter of mine doing lowly guard work! - Tell me where the key is! The key? Oh, that key! Why my daughter has it. - Your daughter?! Yes, she said she would keep it safe for me. I figure she keeps it with her. Can't get much safer than the grave!

- Lady Mordea is dead! She is dead? Then who is the Tempest? - Devon is Tempest. Devon? What great news is this? Devon is a kind and fair man. He'll have no more of those bloody executions, I'm sure! - Hello, Kilandra. YE! I thought I told ye to leave! Now I advise ye do it, and do it quick. A'fore I cuts ye into fish bait.

- The weather is certainly bad. Ye'r telling me! Why I haven't seen rain like this in all my days. I haven't been able to put out to sea since it started. Why, even the fish didn't expect this, or I'm sure they'd have said something to me about it. That Tempest is certainly got a lot of explainin' to do! - I caused this weather. Ye? Hmmm. No, I don't think I believe ye. Only the Tempest can effect the weather. I don't believe you are the Tempest. - I released Hydros. Ye say ye released Hydros, do ye? Well, sure ye did, now lad, sure ye did. And this caused the rains, then? Well, what else have ye done? Been to the Pit of Death? Seen the Shrine of the Ancients? Har, har, har. Oh lad, Ye need to get away, some place calm and quiet, maybe take up fishing. This traveling life has really been a little hard on ye, hasn't it? - It is not Devon's fault. Devon? Is that lad the Tempest then? Oh my. He is a good lad. The fish knew there was something about him. Whispered his name often, they did. - The fish tell you of weather? Of course. They tell me lots of things. In fact, ye ought to take the time out to talk to them yer'self!

- Pardon me. I saw her. Oh by the Titans, I saw her! She was wet and covered with slime, and the fish had eaten half of her beautiful face. Oh, how can I bear it? I ask you, how?!


The following is portions taken from the § Preformatted section and confirmed as properly formatted.


The following is a preformatted version taken from Paul Carr's web site.

female statue
male statue
male statue

Greetings, Avatar. We are aware of you and from where you come. We also know of what you seek.
And we wish to help you. You must become your destiny.
What is my destiny?
That is not important now. Know that we wish to help you in your quest. Behind us lies the Tomb of Khumash-Gor.
Who is Khumash-Gor?
Only the most fearsome warrior who ever lived. Eons ago he was a great chieftain to our worshippers, but now he lies forever entombed in honor of his valor!
With him rests an artifact that is the key to tremendous power. It is made of Blackrock, a substance with which you have considerable familiarity. The small object is shaped much like a pyramid. But be warned...
...for even in death, Khumash-Gor has kept the fighting spirit to which he held so tenaciously in life. He will not part readily with his possessions.
Good luck... Avatar.

Well done, mortal.  The item of Blackrock which you now possess is the first key to unlocking tremendous power within yourself.
What power?
Beyond Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, there is another element -- a fifth element.
You have heard of it before. It is called Ether.
And like the others, this element will assume a form of titanic proportions.
You are to be that Titan -- the Titan of Ether. We know that the power is within you.
But is up to -you- to have the courage to use this power. You must take the power from the other Titans. You must take their worshipers, just as our followers were ripped from our grasp.
Continue your quest for the powers of the other Titans, for that is the way to gain their followers. The greater the abilities you can accrue, the better chance you will have of weakening the other four and eventually standing with them as more than just an equal.
Go now to find the Titans called Stratos, Hydros, and Pyros.
You shall find Hydros in her underground Temple. The other two dwell on the surface.
... and good haste...
... in your conquest!

There is nothing more we can tell you until you have found the ancient artifact.

corpse of Aramina
servant Aramina

I would not do that if I were you!
Beren, help me!
Help me, Sorcerer!
May I help you?
Leave my home, stranger!
Yes, my friend?
Why are you in my home?
Can I get you anything?
I'm afraid I must ask you to leave.
I'm warning you!
Are you lost, my friend?
Out of my house!
You try my patience!
I must remember to get some butter.
No rest for the weary.
I must change the bed linens.
Oh, my poor back.
I just want to sit down for a moment.
I sure could use a day off.
Oh, my aching bones.
Yes, I am
AAhhhhhh! 'Tis another dead one!
I'd love to stay and talk, but Devon needs me right now, and...well, you know. Talk to you later, Ta-ta!
I am sorry, but I can not talk to you now. I must attend to her ladyship.
Find me later at my house in east Tenebrae, I will be there at bloodwatch.
How may I serve you, stranger?
Good morrow to you.
Good day to you, stranger.
'Tis a grand day, friend
- By what are you called?
Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Aramina.
My name is Aramina.
- What do you do here?
I am merely a servant here.
- Tell me about the palace.
This is the home of our Tempest, the Lady Mordea.
- Tell me of Lady Mordea.
Well, it is not good for me to speak of my employer behind her back, but I will tell you she is a hard woman.
- Why do you say she is hard?
She will stop at nothing to preserve her power here. Nothing, not even murder. She hardly notices my existence. At least she does not take pleasure in tormenting me like her seneschal does.
- Murder?
Murder? Did I say murder? Oh no, I meant nothing like that. I meant mother, that's it, mother. She is like a mother to her people.
(I think she trumps up charges against people who question her authority and then uses the laws of execution to eliminate them...legal murder.)
- Tell me of the seneschal.
Salkind is her seneschal. (Salkind, that evil, perverted man, is her seneschal.)
Salkind is her seneschal.
- She wishes to preserve power?
The power of the Tempestry, milord. The power to control the weather. This is, indeed, great power.
- Tell me of the Tempestry.
Tempestry, milord? Surely you have heard of it. It is the power that is transferred through the bloodline of the Tempests.
- What do you mean by 'bloodline'?
It is inherited, father to son, mother to daughter.
- What power is transferred?
As I said, milord, the power to control the weather. While at times, a good thing, it can be a powerful weapon to hold over the people's heads.
- She holds it over her people's heads?
I mean...I mean it is a powerful tool to help the people's herds... of torax, that is. (Yes, she threatens to make the weather bad, or worse yet, send them to the Lurker, if they don't do her bidding.) Please, ask me no more. I am afraid Salkind will punish me.
I mean...I mean it is a powerful tool to help the people's herds.... of torax, that is. Please, ask me no more. I am afraid Salkind will punish me.
- Salkind punishes you?
Punished? No, no, not punished...er, pampered, yes, that's it, pampered by... Salkind. (He is a horrid man who delights in tormenting me. He says lewd things and puts his hands on me. There is nothing I can do.)
Punished? No, no, not punished... er,pampered, yes that's it, pampered by...Salkind. Please, friend, I do not wish to speak of it.
- Tell me of Salkind.
He sets me to difficult tasks, then delights in tormenting me until I am barely able to complete them.
- What difficult tasks does he give you?
No, no, certainly not difficult, rather, challenging, That's it, he gives me challenging tasks. For instance, he will give me a very small brush and tell me to clean the floor of his room. Then he will arrive, his boots muddy from his walks along the shore, and track mud all over the floor I just cleaned. He then points the dirt out to me and chastises me for poor work, calling me a no good slackard.
- How does he torment you?
Perhaps 'torment' is too strong a word. Actually, he is quite the joker. For instance, just today he was walking down the hall toward me when he suddenly cornered me and began to pinch and grab my body. Don't you think that is funny?
- yes
Oh,...well...I guess perhaps some find it humorous. I must be back to my chores now.
- no
No? Really? Truly, I didn't find it very humorous either. But he finds it hilarious. So, I smile and try my best to stay out of his way. There is precious little I can do.
- Speak up about it!
Oh, you are very nice, and I appreciate your concern, however, who would I speak to? Lady Mordea? No, she dotes on him. Darion? He simply would not believe me. No, my friend, I need this job. Speaking of keeping my job, I need to get back to work.
- Slap him!
No, my friend, I have no desire to lose my job nor my head, for to strike the seneschal would be considered treason. I would be beheaded before the next morning. Well, I must get back to work now.
- It is good to see you smile, Aramina.
I have you to thank for it. You did save Devon, didn't you?
- What is your name?
I am Aramina, my friend. I work here in the palace for Devon. You're %PCNAME, aren't you? Devon speaks of you often.
Yes, I knew it was you. Did you really save him?
- Well, it was nothing, really.
Oh, I can't thank you enough. He is so... so... well, just dreamy.
- Did you say ... 'dreamy'?
Uh huh. He is the nicest man. He never torments me like that nasty old Salkind did. Why he even asked me to eat supper with him the other night ... in the dining room no less. Then we went for a walk outside and he picked a flower for me...ME! a simple servant girl...did you ever hear of anything so romantic? I just can't get over it ...
- Uhm, ... I've got to leave now.
...and those eyes. Did you ever see eyes like that? They're just so blue, I could get lost in them. I tell you ...
- Have you met Devon?
Devon? Well, I know him but I've never actually met him. But I think I'd like to.
- You'd like to meet him?
Once, when I was sent to the store to purchase something for Lady Mordea, he was there. I thought he had the nicest smile.
- You know of him?
I've seen him and I know his name. I rarely get to meet anyone outside.
- I know Devon.
You do? Oh, is he as nice as he looks? He has such a nice smile. And his eyes, they're blue aren't they? I really think he's handsome. Do you think that you might mention me to him next time you see him?
- Of course I will.
That is very thoughtful of you. Now, I must get back to work.
- I'm sorry, I can not.
Oh ... well, I guess I understand, me being a lowly servant and all. He probably wouldn't be interested in me anyway. I'm just a silly girl for even dreaming it. Now, if you'll excuse me, sir, I must get back to work. There are floors yet to be scrubbed.
- I'm looking for a dagger.
A dagger? Hmmm, I saw a dagger once. Mordea kept it in a chest in her room. I have the key. Would you like it?
A dagger? I know nothing of daggers. I am just a servant to the Lady.
- Yes!
My, it must be an important dagger for you to get that excited over it. Oh well, it always made me feel most uneasy. Well, here is the key.
- No, thank you anyway.
Suit yourself.
- I need help.
I am not surprised by that, m'lord. Many people are in need of help these days.
- Others are in need of help?
Not due to Lady Mordea, mind you. I-I'm certain that anyone out there who suffers or is hungry is in such a state due to their own laziness.
- Are you certain?
Yes, mmm... Look, I do not want to get into any trouble, m'lord. Please, do not ask me to do anything that might cause me to anger the Lady.
- Never mind.
Very well, thank you.
- You won't get into trouble.
Ohh, I do not know why, but I am going to trust you. Mordea keeps a very special dagger in a locked chest. You will find the chest in a small closet near her bed.
- It's in a chest?
Yes and I have the key. I will give you the key, but you must promise not to tell -anyone- where you got it.
- I promise.
Very well, here it is.
Do what you will with it, but remember: You did not get that key from me.
- I can't promise that.
Well, then I can not give you the key. Farewell.
- What miserable weather this is.
Yes, it is terrible. We've had leaks in the roof and walls, and people tracking mud all through the palace. It makes it twice as hard for me.
- What do you know of treasure?
Only what I've heard from Orlok. And no one can believe what he says. Though, now that I think about it, I heard Salkind mention something about a magic hammer that he wanted to find.
- What did Salkind say?
Oh, he said he was going to get a couple of strong men to dig for treasure they heard about from Orlok. I can't imagine why they would want to do that. Everyone knows you can't trust Orlok's stories. But, I guess Salkind did.
- Did he say where?
I don't remember exactly, something about a stand of mushrooms to the south of town. Wait, don't tell me you are going chasing after one of Orlok's stories!
- Yes, I believe there is treasure there.
If there was treasure there to be found, Salkind would have found it, he is just that kind of a lucky weasel. But I know he didn't find anything for he came back with his robes ripped and in a foul temper which I felt the brunt of for several days. I think it had to do with the dangerous beasts that live in the wilds.
- Dangerous beasts?
Oh yes, I heard several of the men who went with Salkind talking about trolls and such they encountered. If you must go, please, be careful.
- What magic hammer?
You know, the one Orlok says his great-great-great-granpappy fought off the water Titan with. I think Orlok would give his great-great-great-granpappy credit with creating this world, if he could.
- bye
Thank you, sir.
Why is this open?

Arcadion the late daemon Sorcerer
Arcadion the daemon Sorcerer
Arcadion the deceased
dead daemon Sorcerer
daemon Sorcerer
dead daemon

Back to the entrance.
Off to the gateway.
You have somehow managed to defeat or evade the first guardians of the Obsidian Fortress, mortal. And now, you have shown an inkling of wisdom in not attempting to attack me. Perhaps you are worthy...* Perhaps not.*Regardless, in reward, I will assist you now by giving you access to the rest of the fortress and offering the use of my pentacle and sundry items you might need in preparing spells.
What is it you need,
%UVAR3, how can I be of service?
What do you want?
What is it you need?
How can I be of service?
What do you want?
Prepare yourself.
Seek the Burning Path, Sorcerer.
If you do not wish to speak, then do not.
Where are you from?
I am from this place.
I come from Earth.
Britannia is my home.
Most recently, Serpent Isle.
It does not matter.
- I am from this place.
You do not have the feel of a Pagan, but if that is what you wish me to believe, I will.
- I come from Earth.
Earth. Yes. Quite an interesting place. I visited there long ago. It would seem that there my kind are either revered as kin to the Dark Ones or feared as unholy assistants to some evil being or other. A silly people indeed.
- Britannia is my home.
Britannia? I have never heard of such a place. It must be a truly out of the way realm.
- Most recently, Serpent Isle.
I have never heard of this isle. It must be a truly out of the way realm.
- It does not matter.
Yes. You are right. It does not.
I take your silence as a reply. You wish to remain unknown. That is acceptable.
- Don't you know me?
- We have met before.
No. We have not met. At least, I do not think we have.
- You were bound to Erethian.
Erethian? I know of no one by that name. I have never been bound to anyone. Not even the Lord of Flame. I am alone in that respect, amongst daemonkind.
- I crafted the Shade Blade for you.
Shade Blade? What is that? I think you have mistaken me for another.
What else would you speak of?
Perhaps we shall meet again in the distant future. Time does strange things to those who travel the worlds, as you doubtless know. I shall have to try to remember what you have said. Now then... what can I assist you with?
What else would you speak of?
Go now. Master Malchir is not a patient sort of man.
Do you wish the master to be displeased with you? Go through the gateway.
You must not waste time. The Master awaits you.
You have performed remarkably well, Disciple. Or rather, I should say, Acolyte. For if you please the Master, that is what you shall be. Go to him now. The gateway will take you to his inner sanctum now.
If there is nothing more, you should proceed with the trials.
- Tell me of the Obsidian Fortress.
What would you know about it?
- Who are you?
I am known as Arcadion. And who might you be?
- I am %PCNAME.
I recognize that name...
- It is not your concern.
As you wish. Proceed with the Trials, and leave me be.
I am known as Arcadion.
- What are you? Why are you here?
A curious sort, aren't you? I am a daemon Sorcerer. The only daemon Sorcerer as far as I know. I am here at the behest of Master Malchir. He is providing my training as a Sorcerer in exchange for my services.
- Do I know you from somewhere?
Perhaps... I have traveled extensively, in this realm and others.
- Services? What might they be?
I... welcome those who would attempt the Trials of the Obsidian Fortress.
- Are you one of its guardians?
Not really. I am merely a test. As you can see by the bones strewn about... many have not passed this test.
- How was it created?
The first Sorcerers were revered by the people, but not so later generations. Eventually, fear and mistrust arose on both sides. The Master Sorcerer called upon the might of the Pyros who reluctantly came to his aid. The Lord of Flame in turn called upon his comrade, Lithos, and together they thrust the living rock up through a lake of lava that had formed in Daemon's Crag. Pyros then poured forth the excess lava into a river that blocked the path to the Sorcerer's Enclave. The cavern through which it flows, aptly called the Mouth of the Daemon, is the first obstacle for those who would disturb the mages of Sorcerer's Enclave.
- What are the Trials?
If I were to reveal that to you they wouldn't be much of a test of your capabilities, would they? Just walk through the pillars at the rear of this chamber, and the gateway will take you to the Trials. It will not bring you back here until you have collected the four special Sorcerer's symbols, so prepare well.
- Where is Malchir's inner sanctum?
Through the gateway beyond the pillars in the rear of the chamber, but not until you have succeeded in accomplishing the Trials. When you have done so, I will allow you to go to Malchir's inner sanctum. He awaits you even now, so be quick about your task.
- What do the symbols look like?
You will know them when you see them.
- Let me go to him now.
Of course... What do you take me for? If I were to allow you to go to Malchir untested, he would be displeased. One does not live very long when one has displeased a Master Sorcerer.
- Farewell.
Do not toy with me. What is it you want?

I -really- do appreciate your plight, Avatar.
Ah, Avatar, the thrill of conquest is so... invigorating.
Enjoying your stay on Pagan, Avatar?
Hark! Is that the sweet song of lamentation I hear?
I do so enjoy the cries of torment.
Yes, Avatar, seek a way home.
There is no escape from -this- prison!
Hurry, Avatar. After all, you have only -all- -of- -eternity- to complete your tasks.
Nystul sends his best, Avatar...
You should hear the pleas for help, Avatar.
At this very moment, Britannia burns.
One world lies in ruin, nothing more than a charred shell. The other will soon follow.
Perhaps I should destroy you now.
Care you no more for your own world, Avatar?
Will your precious Earth fall so easily?
Soon I shall be able to call Britannia mine. It seems, Avatar, that you are missed here. Why, I believe I hear Lord British crying out for you now...
Your treasured Britannia succumbs easily. Soon -all- the land will be mine.
Ouch! -That- must have hurt, Avatar!
Do not go near -that-, Avatar.
ha hahahaha
he he he he
Feel my wrath!
Let the darkness come for you, Avatar.

I see you are a thief. Then perish as one.
Leave that alone.
Will you leave my things alone?
You are close to death my foolish friend.
Your death is your own doing.

Bane the dead Sorcerer
Bane the Sorcerer
the deceased Bane
dead Sorcerer
dead mage

- Tell me of the Enclave and Morgaelin.
The Sorcerer's Enclave sits in the arms of Daemon's Crag, over-topped by Mount Morgaelin. The volcano is the namesake of the island.
- What is a Truename?
I see by your question that you are unlearned in the ways of Sorcery, and Sorcerers for that matter. A Truename is the name given a Sorcerer when she begins her training. The names you chose later or were given before have no power. I am called Bane, although that is not my Truename.
- Tell me of the Elder Tongue.
That is my speciality, for I am an avid student of the language and all languages for that matter. The Elder Tongue allows Sorcerers such as myself to unleash or bind Fire. All Acolytes must learn it to create the enchanted tools of our trade.
- Tell me about Sorcerers.
If you wish, but know this: the real power of the Truename will only be given to one initiated in our ways. Would you know about the current Sorcerers, or perhaps some of those that went before?
- Why is the crag named after Daemons?
Long ago, this was the place where the first Daemon appeared. Would you care to hear the tale?
- yes
A man and his only daughter, Arianna, were pursued up this crag by Zealans who wished to take his life... and more from his daughter.
The Zealans cornered the man and his child upon the cliffs overlooking the fiery river of lava.
At last seeing all hope of escape vanish, the man decided that he would rather his daughter go to a quick, if painful death, than go to the fate the brutish Zealans had in store for her.
Tears in his eyes, he threw his lovely daughter into the lava and turned to face the Zealans.
Just as they were about to finish off the badly wounded man, a hideous, redish beast leaped out of the lava and slew them to a man.
The beast turned upon the wounded man. As it was almost upon him, he yelled out,*`In the name of my beloved Arianna, please leave me be.`
At the dying man's last word, the Daemon vanished in a cloud of brimstone. As fortune would have it, the man lived a while yet to tell his tale.
- no
Very well, it is truly a tale of woe.
- Does Morgaelin have a meaning?
Yes, indeed it does. It means Dark Jewel in the tongue of the Elders. You are a curious sort, aren't you?
- What is Sorcery?
Sorcery is the art of manipulating Fire. It is not an easy path to take as you can see by the scars that mark those of my Sorcerous kind, however, it does have its rewards.
- Power over what?
Why, over the Fire of course. The Truename of the Sorcerer is melded to the spell to give it meaning. The Truename of the Daemon binds it to the Sorcerer's will. Even the most powerful Daemon, the Lord of Flame himself, may be commanded so... if one also has the Tongue of Fire.
- What is your Truename?
Not so quickly, Daemion. Perhaps when we have grown accustomed to each other more, I shall reveal that to you. Until that time, it shall remain mine, and mine only.
- What do you mean by Fire?
Fire is the most powerful and destructive of the Elements, as the Lord of Flame is the most potent of the Titans.
- What is an Acolyte?
I for one am an Acolyte Sorcerer. Acolytes, are the group of Sorcerers that the Master calls upon to aid him in the performance of his Sorcery.
- Enchanted tools?
Wands, rods, staves and other unperishable metal paraphernalia are the trappings of a Sorcerer.
The living Sorcerers of the Cabal are divided into two groups: the body and the will. The body is made up of all the Acolytes and the will is that of the Master.
- Those that went before.
The history of Sorcerers is not a subject I am too familiar with. Those who spend their time delving into the greatness of long dead mages cannot become great themselves.
However, I do know that a powerful man, called Maedron by some, had the foresight and wisdom to overthrow the tyrannical leadership of the dullard Corodin.
Corodin was the first, but not the best, leader of the Cabal. Maedron set the precedent for The Calling by challenging Corodin to a Sorcerous duel, and defeating him by wit and might.
- What exactly is a Daemon?
A Daemon is the essence of a man or woman who has been vanquished by flame. It is almost mindless and filled with a destructive rage that consumes all it sees.
It owes allegiance to the Lord of Flame, and can be made a servant by a Sorcerer with the knowledge and power to control it.
- Tell me about this Lord of Flame.
The Lord of Flame is none other than the Titan of the Element of Fire. He was bound to the will of the Sorcerers, long ago, and remains bound to this very day. It is by his chained might that we control our Sorcery.
- What is the Tongue of Fire?
I know very little about it save that it is the focus of the Sorcerer's ability to control the Lord of Flame.
- Tell me of the Elements?
I have never met an outlander before, but you must be from far away to not know of the Elements. Far away indeed. Nonetheless, be welcome for I will tell of them if you wish it. Do you?
- yes
The first is Earth: a base and slow Element, its power is over death and the land. It mixes well with Fire, but I mislike the feel of it, personally.
Water is next: it is, of course, unloved by those who follow the Sorcerous path. But I cannot in good faith call it a weak Element, for its bailiwick extends throughout the deep seas and the Air is a fond cohort of it in the storms.
The Air follows: Water and Fire use it as they will, while Earth all but ignores it. Do not take it lightly, however, for life is its power and none can exist without it.
Fire is last, but also the greatest: as a Sorcerer, I know well the caress of the flame. Its power is in the undoing of all that exists, but it also has the ability to create. Does not a blacksmith use it to forge a better steel? Does not a baker use it to make the bread that feeds him?
- no
Good. To expound upon things of this nature gives one a pedantic and scholarly aire. I am neither of these things, as I prefer to be considered a woman of deeds.
- What is a Titan?
I -- What? Do you mean to tell me you know not what the Titans are?
- yes
Well, it's simple enough. They are only the most powerful beings in all of Pagan. Were they not bound by or in contract with the people, as in times before, they would be gods to us.
- no
It is good that you do know, for I did not think that one could come from so far as to be ignorant of the Titans.
- What do you know of the Titans?
I know the names and titles by which the people adress them, and the Elements they have reign over. Other than this I cannot... or will not tell you... at least, not yet.
- What is the Cabal?
The Cabal is simply the term we Sorcerers use to mean our kind, collectively. It is made up of one Master, one First Acolyte, three other Acolytes, and various other Disciples.
- Who are the Acolytes?
The Acolytes are poorly led by the First Acolyte who is more beast than man. His name is Vardion, and you would do well to avoid him, as his odor can be most offensive.
I, of course, am also one of the Acolytes, then there is Gorgrond. Sometimes a bit slow of wit, and easily led astray by those that he thinks are of greater importance.
Lastly, there is Beren. A man to be trusted. He is as good as his word, and his word is beyond reproach. You could do worse than to take his advice in all things.
- Tell me of your Master.
Malchir is a wily one, but his self-interest is counter to my own outgoing nature. He should become more concerned with the other Sorcerers instead of always hiding himself away.
Nonetheless, he makes a fine and powerful Master otherwise. Other Acolytes malicious comments are unwarranted and you should take no heed of them.
- Tell me more of Corodin.
Truly, I know little else of the man. He died ages ago and before that he did little to recommend him to memory.
- Do you know more about Maedron?
He was a great Sorcerer, quite possibly the greatest. It was his insight that brought about the magical formulae we use in our Sorcery.
He created the Elder Tongue to aid in the manipulation of Fire and our modern spellcraft. In truth, I wish I could have been one of his contemporaries, for there is no telling what great mysteries were lost upon his death.
- The Calling?
The Calling is a challenge from one Sorcerer to another, and invariably ends in the death of one of the participants. No other form of arbitration is allowed, save as the Master deems fitting. It is the way by which we keep peace amongst ourselves.
The rules of issuing a Call are as follows: No Sorcerer may Call upon another without the permission of the Master, except when the Master Calls or is Called. Only an Acolyte may Call upon the Master.
A Sorcerer who breaks these simple rules can usually number his remaining days upon one hand.
- What do you mean by First Acolyte?
The First Acolyte is chosen to be the Master's second in command, and tends to the daily affairs of running the Enclave.
The Master needs someone who understands people. Someone with a vision for the future.
Vardion, our current First Acolyte, is not this someone. Far to the contrary. He lingers in the past.
Observing out-dated traditions for tradition's sake... but I digress.*Perhaps you grow bored with this line of conversation?
Are you still wary of discussing this further?
Perhaps you are this someone.
- What is a Disciple?
A Disciple is a Sorcerer, and therefore a full member of the Cabal, but they have not been inducted into the select group called Acolytes.
Not to champion my own meager abilities, but only the most powerful and... or skilled Disciples are allowed to join into our ranks.
- Tell me more of Vardion.
Not to put too fine a point on it, he is a brutish, overbearing, pompous lout. In other words, I find his presence intolerable and if Master Malchir were not so engrossed in his own affairs, I feel sure that he would allow me to issue The Calling to Vardion, even if he is the First Acolyte.
- Do you know more about Gorgrond?
He is as simple-minded as he is magically powerful... in a raw, and unskilled fashion. He is the perfect tool, which is why, I believe, he was made an Acolyte. Certainly, he is useful to those in a position to manipulate him.
- What else can you say of Beren.
Naught but good. His mind is quick, his body a finely crafted work, his magical skill and power are only slightly beneath my own. Taken altogether, quite a remarkable fellow. I would trust him with my life, were I you.
- Malicious comments?
It would only perpetuate these comments to give them voice, therefore I shall refrain.
- No, please go on.
I will entrust to you further knowledge of our predicament. I have reason to believe that Vardion is preparing to assassinate the Master.
He thinks that Malchir breaks with too many of the old traditions but fears his power. Should he kill Malchir and become Master, he will return the Enclave to the days when Sorcerers were shunned by the rest of the island's populace.
To get to the point at hand, I must ask a favor of you. I need someone to enter into the confidences of the First Acolyte and acquire from him his Truename. This will aid me in performing a scrying to know Vardion's motives.
Will you do this?*If so, I can offer you a position as a Disciple... or even Acolyte, should Vardion's intentions be murderous.
- Can we change the subject?
Of course. I am truly sorry to embroil you in the affairs of what must be, to you, a strange people indeed. Please forgive my temporary indiscretion.
- Yes, I'm sorry, I have.
Please... let me bore you no further.
- Not bored, just disinterested.
As your interest wanes, so does my civility. Please go before I say something you might regret.
- I agree to your terms.
Good. You are perceptive and wise, my Daemion. Firstly, in order to become a Disciple Sorcerer, you must have an Acolyte for a sponsor. I shall be that for you. Secondly, as your sponsor, I will give you a Truename...
Daemion you are to me, and Daemion you shall be to the Fire. My inner sight judged your name correctly it would seem. I have always had that ability. To lend power to your Truename, I must reveal mine to you. Sabriane it is, and it means Well of Stars.
Now your first task as my Disciple is to enter into the confidences of our illustrious First Acolyte and get from him his Truename. I care not how you do this, just get it.
- What else can you offer?
I have made a far greater offer than you apparently are capable of understanding. To become a Sorcerer is to become one with power. Take that as you will, as you take leave of these premises.
- I will not be your spy, lady.
That is your choice, my ignorant friend. My offer still stands, but perhaps you are not the one I should give it to.
- I do not trust -your- motives.
It is not my motives that should be in question. You are the stranger here. And if I wished it, I could have you thrown out!
- Let me think on it.
I apologize for placing this pressure on you, but it is of dire consequence. I will await your answer.
I can't understand you. What did you say?
If it would not be too much to ask, Master, I would like to become your First Acolyte. I can learn the duties involved very quickly, and I promise you will not find my abilities wanting. Will you accept me?
- yes
Thank you, Master! You won't regret this decision.
- no
I understand, Master. I won't take any more of your time. Whatever I have is, of course, yours to take.
I hope I am performing my duties to your satisfaction. But I will attempt to improve them further. I must go now to return to my studies.
- I am %PCNAME.
Ah. A stranger comes to the Enclave. How rare.*You are also a stranger to the island of Morgaelin.*Are you not?
- yes
So I thought. And what might you be called, my friend?
- no
How odd, I've never seen one like you before.*What might you be called, my friend?
Your silence is understood, but fear not, I intend you no harm.*What might you be called, my friend?
It is of no matter.
You are not my friend, lady.
What an interesting name. I shall be sure to make note of it. However, you have need of a name that has meaning in the Elder Tongue. I sense that your name should be Daemion. It means Fire of the Sky.*Do you like it?
- You are not my friend, lady.
Ah, I shall be if only you wish it, but there is no reason for you to reveal your name to me. I would prefer to give you one that has meaning in the Elder Tongue. I sense that your name should be Daemion. It means Fire of the Sky.*Do you like it?
I see you are a humble one, but there is no reason for you to reveal your name to me. I would prefer to give you one that has meaning in the Elder Tongue. I sense that your name should be Daemion. It means Fire of the Sky.*Do you like it?
- yes
It gladdens me to hear it. Perhaps later, when you have earned it, you will be given a Truename. Daemion seems right and will suffice for now. With what may I assist you?
- no
Nonetheless, it is what I shall call you. You may respond or not as you see fit. Perhaps later, when you have earned it, you will be given a Truename. Daemion seems right and will suffice for now. With what may I assist you?
To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, Daemion?
How may I aid you, friend?
*Have you decided to become my Disciple?
To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, Daemion?
How may I aid you, Disciple?
Is there something we have to discuss? Because if not, I have much to attend to.
Unless you've come to apologize for your rude behavior, I have nothing to say to you.
What do you want?
Leave me be! I grow weary of your presence.
How can I make you understand?!*I do not wish to speak with you!
If you do not give me peace, I shall have no other alternative than to give it to you.
I will feed your entrails to my Daemon!
Return only when you have found your manners.
Leave as you wish.
I cannot say I am sorry to see you go. I hope you understand.
Do not return here.
Leave as you wish, for I wish it also.
Farewell, but not too well.
Farewell, Disciple.
Return when you seek more training.
Goodbye, Daemion.
Farewell, my Daemion.
Going so soon? Well, do return when it pleases you.
Remember, my offer still stands, Daemion.
I do have things to tend to, Daemion. When you have your thoughts collected, feel free to call upon me.
If you do not seek my attention, I shall not keep yours.* Farewell, Daemion.
Do you hear me? Apparently not. If so, surely you would answer. Please return when you wish to speak.
I do not have time for this, Daemion.
If you do not seek my attention, I shall not keep yours.
Do you hear me? Apparently not. If so, surely you would answer. Return when you have something important to say.
You are a most infuriating person. It would not be wise for you to remain. Some here are not as friendly as I.
Should you decide to seek my advice later, I will not be available.
I am surrounded by half-wits and imbeciles!
Please forgive me, kind lady.
Please forgive me, Bane.
I need information, woman!
Tell me what I need to know, wench!
I did not mean to give offense.
I'm not so sure I should...*Your manners were atrocious. But you seem sincere now. Very well. I suppose I do forgive you. Just don't let it happen again. Now then, what do you seek of me?
I did not mean to give offense.
Well you did! But you are a foreigner. Let us not dwell on your past mistakes. Now then, what do you seek of me?
By Pyros' flaming eyes! Take that tone with me again, and I'll incinerate your heart where it beats within your chest.
Your pain will be legendary, even in Pagan!
I believe something you said was incorrectly spelled. I don't know why I know this. It was as if giant, blue letters had appeared, blazing across the sky.
Do you perchance have Vardion's Truename?
Wonderful! Give it to me and I will perform the ritual necessary to end Vardion's designs upon the Mastery.
I see. You must be swift about this. If he kills the Master before I know his intentions, it will be too late.
I don't know it yet.
You poor stupid fool. If you truly believe that Vardion is his Truename, you are of no use as a Sorcerer.
Try again. And this time do not fail me.
No, you little idiot. That is the name I gave you. Perhaps I should have called you Daemient. Fire of the Brain.
That is my name. Have I entrusted my Truename, and the future of the Cabal to a simpering moron? Please run along now and get Vardion's Truename for me, won't you dear?
I don't know it yet.
Do you toy with me?! I am not accustomed to having my Disciples lie to me. Get his Truename or I'll personally feed you to the Fire.
I gave fair warning. Your life has come to a close, my irritating little friend.
Ah, yes! I should have guessed it. Dark Flame. It could have been no other. Thank you, my disciple. Now prepare to witness his undoing.

I'm in a fantasy-type bar setting!

Bentic the dead librarian
Bentic the Librarian

Please return that within two weeks!
I am attacked! Help!
Help! Sorcerer!
Greetings, Bentic!
- My name is %PCNAME.
Hello, hello, %PCNAME.
Hello! I am glad to see you again.
How are you?
What do you do?
Greetings, stranger.
- What do you do?
By trade, I am the librarian of this city, however, I prefer to think of myself as a student of life. One who spends his time observing all facets of life. I am a great studier of people. You would be amazed at the things you may learn by simply observing your neighbors in their everyday life.
Tell me of the library.
Tell me of the people.
Tell me of your neighbors.
Orlok says you have a treasure map.
- What is your name?
My name is Bentic. It is a word of Pagan derivation. I think it originally meant 'he who toils hard', but that is not for certain. I have found a number of references to 'Ventac' in several older texts and feel that this may be the root of the name 'Bentic.' And what is your name, friend?
- How are you?
I am quite well. You know, since I saw you last I have done a little more reading into the meaning of various names. I am more certain now that my name does stem from the ancient 'Ventac' as I also found one very old reference where it was spelled 'Bentac'.
Now, the interesting point is that I did some research on your name and found that, in one case, it actually comes from the very old Pagan word for 'champion' or, a better translation, 'avatar'.
- How are you?
I'm so glad you asked. I'm actually doing quite well. Since I last spoke to you, I've done a little more research into names. I did, indeed, find a very old reference to 'Ventac' and I intend to do a little more research in the origin of names. I would love to do some research on your name. What is your name, friend?
Well met, %PCNAME. I am pleased to meet you.
- What are you reading?
Ah, I am so glad you asked. This is a treatise on the world of Pagan. It covers the idiosyncrasies of the various lands and people of our world. From the first chapter it takes an in depth look at what motivates the people of this world, and challenges the reader to make up his own mind about the condition of this world in which we live. Perhaps you would like to read it.
- Yes, thank you.
Ah, I knew you were a well read person who appreciates fine literature. Perhaps after you have read it, we could get together and discuss your opinion of it.
I hope you enjoy it!
Oh my, you are carrying a lot of things. I'll just keep this 'til you have more room.
- No, thank you.
Well, perhaps when you have more time.
- Who is the author?
Well ... ummm, you see ... well, I am.
- Tell me of the library.
The library is my joy. It is where I spend all my time, studying the words left by our predecessors. You can not believe what is in these books. They contain the wisdom of many ages in them. Too many people overlook the knowledge of our past generations, because of this, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
- Tell me of the people.
Ah, are you a student of life as well? I do so enjoy finding someone who shares the same passions as I do. The people here in Tenebrae are a varied and fascinating lot. They go about their daily toils, laboring under the yoke of a somewhat ... restrictive government and yet still find the time to enjoy themselves occasionally.
- Tell me of your neighbors.
I think the one I like to spend the most time with is Devon. He is such a sharp fellow. I think he has far more potential than even he realizes.
- I've met Devon.
Have you? Oh, he is such a nice fellow. We've spent hours in conversation here. He is really quite sharp. Loves books almost as much as I do. In some ways he knows more about Pagan than I.
- Devon has potential?
Yes, I can't put my finger on it, but there is something there. Call it a hunch, if you will. I just seem to feel that there is something about him that suggests great things. He does love to read. Maybe he is destined to be a great scholar.
- Tell me of the books.
My library is full of many books. Are you a scholar as well? Oh, I am so happy to have met you. Please feel free to make use of my library and books. We shall have many interesting discussions, I am sure.
- A restrictive government?
Hmmm, it is not quite the safe thing to discuss here. Even my interest in knowledge and books can not protect me from Lady Mordea. You might say she has a rather...short temper. Why, just recently her guards confiscated my personal diary, though I don't have any idea why.
- I wish to leave Pagan.
- Does he know how I may leave Pagan?
Leave Pagan? My goodness, I don't think I've ever had anyone ask for that, but then again, you don't act, talk or dress like anyone I've ever seen before. Let's see, I can only suggest you speak to someone with more magic abilities than I. Mythran could help you or, though I dread to suggest it, perhaps the Necromancer could help you.
- Necromancer?
Oh, they're not as bad as many of the people in this city make out. Their magic is a little macabre, I suppose, but they do have quite a bit of magic at their call. They serve Lithos, you know.
- How many are there?
There used to be many, but, the sentiment here in Tenebrae is against them so they have very few new recruits. I believe there are only one or two of them left. It's too bad, really. Their magic is so very different from the Tempest.
- How is the magic different?
The magic of the Tempest is hereditary, while the magic of the Necromancers may be learned and gained through tests and trials. Not that everyone can be a Necromancer, mind you. Not everyone has the stomach for it.
- Who is Mythran?
Mythran lives in a small house on the Plateau. He has been known to dabble in the various magical arts and is a scholar. He often makes magical scrolls and things and sells them.
- Where is the Plateau?
From the palace in the center of Tenebrae, head north out of the city. Follow the path through the Valley to a cave entrance. Go through the cave. It opens on the other side of the mountain on the Plateau.
- Mythran practices magical arts?
Yes, though I'm not sure what school he follows.
- What schools?
Why the four elemental schools, of course. There are those who follow Lithos and practice his magic. These spells are mostly earth-based spells. They require long hours of study and practice to cast correctly, or so I've read. The Tempestual magics of Hydros are only available through heredity and so are unavailable to the majority. Now the magics of Pyros, the fire elemental are quite spectacular to watch, but very dangerous to the caster. Stratos, on the other hand provides healing magics, although she requires strict obedience to her tenets.
- Mythran is a scholar?
Well, of sorts. He enjoys studying and reading books as I do, but he will form an opinion and tout it as perfect. He will even cite his own writings as examples of perfect creative thinking. This makes talking to him a bit ... tedious. But he is a good source of information.
- Who is Lithos?
The Earth Titan, or Mountain King as he is sometimes called. He is a very powerful Titan, has the ability to make the very ground shake. The Necromancers still serve him, though I understand they have very few applicants to be an apprentice these days.
- What is 'Pagan'?
Pagan? Why, that is the name of this place.
- I thought this place was 'Tenebrae'.
No, no. That is the name of this city. 'Pagan' is the name of this land, this all encompassing world upon which we all live out our meager lives.
- Your meager lives?
When you take into consideration the scope of this world and its history, anything we do or accomplish becomes virtually meaningless. We are but a fraction of the blink of an eye in the history of Pagan.
- Orlok says you have a treasure map.
A treasure map?
- Yes, tattooed on your chest.
What?! Oh, that is so silly. Of course I don't have a map tattooed on my chest! I don't know why he'd even say such a thing. Oh well, I will have to go straightened that out. No, no I don't have a map tattooed on my chest. Now, tattoos are another interesting subject.
- Tell me of tattoos.
Well, you know where they come from, don't you? They were sailors' method of identifying themselves. If a sailor was washed overboard, it might be days or weeks before anyone found his body. When they did find it, it would be very likely any nonpermanent form of identification would be gone. So tattoos became popular as a permanent method of identificaion. While tattoos have never been my style, a great number of people find them very attractive and adorn themselves with all sorts of pictures.
- What sort of pictures?
While many choose the traditional anchor or skull and dagger, there are others who prefer more unusual things such as bats or intricate knotwork.
- Bats
In some cultures, the bat tattoo is a symbol of royalty. However, it is normally worn in a place that is covered by clothing, so that the monarch may go in disguise if necessary.
- Intricate knotwork?
This sort of tattoo can usually be found around the top of the bicep or around the ankle. The ankle is the area preferred by women, the bicep by men.
- Do you know of any treasure maps?
No, no maps. Wait a minute, now I do recall a story about a magical hammer named 'Bone Crusher.' Had something to do with the undead skeletons. Hmmmm, perhaps you might find it if you looked through some of the books here in my library.
Come back anytime, %PCNAME. I so love a good conversation!
Thank you for dropping by, and come visit me any time.
Yes, well, I guess I'll get back to my research now.
I never knew that!
Ah, yes...
Very interesting.
Such a good book.
I must make a note of this.
I wonder if Devon knows this?
I will have to read more on this.

You little thief! I will destroy you!
Stop that.
Leave my things alone!
This is your last warning!
That is all I will take!
I represent the entire Cabal here.
Do you know who I am?
I will kill you if you diturb my things again.

Beren the late Sorcerer
Beren the Sorcerer
Beren the deceased
dead Sorcerer
dead mage

Greetings stranger. I am called Beren, and you?
- My name is %PCNAME.
Well met, %PCNAME.
- It does not matter.
As you say. It does not matter to me either.
- I cannot tell you.
Interesting, you wish to remain a mystery. I like mysteries, to a point.
I see. Perhaps the question was a little too intellectual for you. Ah, well. It matters not to me.
And what do you seek of me?
Yes, %PCNAME, is there something you want?
Alas, never to have a moment of peace. What do you want, %PCNAME?
Did you forget something, %PCNAME? It does tend to happen when the mind is over-taxed.
Yes, is there something you want?
Alas, never to have a moment of peace. What do you want?
Did you forget something? It does tend to happen when the mind is over-taxed.
I believe you have over-stayed your welcome. Unwanted guests are not treated with kindness here, %PCNAME.
My patience is at an end. Whatever you want, be quick about it.
This is unbearable. Have you never heard of polite behavior, %PCNAME? It has the wonderful benefit of allowing differing peoples to exist together harmoniously. The alternative is strife. You seem to choose the latter.
I believe you have over-stayed your welcome. Unwanted guests are not treated with kindness here, stranger.
My patience is at an end. Whatever you want, be quick about it.
This is unbearable. Have you never heard of polite behavior? It has the wonderful benefit of allowing differing peoples to exist together harmoniously. The alternative is strife. You seem to choose the latter.
I will now give you the most important lesson of your life. Learn it well, I'll only be able to teach it to you once, fool!
Greetings once again, %PCNAME.
What brings you here, %UVAR4?
Ah, the stranger returns.
Greetings once again.
What brings you here, %UVAR5 stranger?
How may I be of assistance?
And what can I do for you?
Your manners could do with some refinement, %PCNAME.
I am a Sorcerer. If you cannot adress me as such, do not adress me at all.
Until you can be civil, %PCNAME, I suggest that you do not speak to me. I have been known to lose my temper on occasion.
Your manners could do with some refinement.
I am a Sorcerer. If you cannot adress me as such, do not adress me at all.
Until you can be civil, I suggest that you do not speak to me. I have been known to lose my temper.
You have a simple choice to make, %PCNAME. Leave here or die.
Do you seek death? If so, you are dealing with the right mage, %PCNAME. I will gladly oblige you.
You are like the torax, being led to slaughter, %PCNAME. Except that you should have the reasoning to avoid it. I suggest that you think carefully before we resume our discourse.
You have a simple choice to make. Leave here or die.
Do you seek death? If so, you are dealing with the right mage. I will gladly oblige you.
You are like the torax, being led to slaughter. Except you should have the reasoning to avoid it. I suggest that you think carefully before we resume our discourse.
Farewell, %PCNAME.
I will see you anon. Fare well until then, %PCNAME.
Goodbye. May the Fire of Pyros always burn brightly within you, %PCNAME.
I will see you anon. Fare well until then.
Goodbye. May the Fire of Pyros always burn brightly within you.
I tire of our dicussion. Farewell, %PCNAME.
Come back when you really wish to speak to me, %PCNAME.
I tire of our dicussion. Farewell.
Come back when you really wish to speak to me.
Your perceptions are shallow, %PCNAME, if you cannot see that you approach the point at which I will cease to tolerate your existence.
If you were to die at this point, I do not believe there would be anyone to mourn your passing. Farewell, %PCNAME.
Your perceptions are shallow, if you cannot see that you approach the point at which I will cease to tolerate your existence.
If you were to die at this point, I do not believe there would be anyone to mourn your passing. Farewell.
Please do return when you wish to discuss something, %PCNAME.
If I can be of assistance to you in future, %PCNAME, don't hesitate to ask.
Please do return when you wish to discuss something.
If I can be of assistance to you in future, don't hesitate to ask.
- I am a stranger here, please forgive me.
Forgiven. What can I help you with?
- Did I say something wrong?
Did you say something right? Farewell, O' Confused One.
- You are beneath my contempt.
-Me-? Beneath -your- contempt? I don't believe I've ever been spoken to that way. How refreshing. But, I can't let this go unpunished, you understand.
- If I want your opinion, I'll give you one.
And if I want yours, I'll burn it out of you! If you ever speak to me again, I won't be responsible for my actions.
- Get used to being spoken to that way.
No, I don't think I ever will. And you won't get used to speaking to me that way, or any way, for that matter.* Now, be so kind as to die!
- I understand no such thing.
Well, with your limited understanding, I can see how that might be.*Nevertheless,... I must now destroy you.
- I'm sorry, I really meant no offense.
What a shame. I am truly sorry for you. For I cannot allow your actions to remain unanswered. If I were to forgive this heinous crime, the people of Tenebrae would think us weak. We can't let that happen, now can we?
- No, I guess not.
I'm glad to see that you're taking this so well. Strangely rational for you. Perhaps you're not such a bad sort, after all.
- Yes! We can!
No, I'm afraid we can't. And stop simpering like that. I just can't tolerate weakness in others.*Now then, It's time for your sad life to end... Goodbye.
- What crime? You -are- beneath my contempt.
And for that, you will pay with your life!
- You pitiful excuse for a mage! Kneel before me.
Alright, that's it. -You- die!
- No. I really am.
I am also glad to see that you face your death with some humor. I for one would not. Prepare yourself for battle!
- Must we really battle?
Yes, I'm afraid so.
- Thank you. It is sad to have to die, though.
Perhaps you won't... It is possible, however unlikely, that you might defeat me. Don't you think?
- No, you are a Sorcerer.
I suppose you're right. Well, that's no challenge. What do you want of me?
- Yes, I suppose your're right!
I have a habit of doing that. Being right I mean. Anyway, What did you want, anyway?
- Aren't you going to kill me?
Well I was, but I have reconsidered. Unless you want me to, of course...
- yes
Very well, then. I grant your wish. Prepare for your death.
- no
I didn't think so. Now, then. With what may I assist you?
I do not like to be ignored, and if you're not ignoring me, you are slow-witted. I do not like slow-witted people either.
- Wait, I thought we were going to battle!
So we were. Have at you!
Umm... Nothing right now.
I know that you have no idea what you have done, but let me tell you. You have allowed Vardion to destroy one of the most powerful, resourceful, and beautiful Sorcerers this isle has ever known. I shall never forgive you for it, even though Malchir has. Leave me be.
Go! You have killed my closest comrade! What else would you have of me? Leave me alone!
If you speak to me again, I shall allow you to feel the agony that you visited upon my lover! Leave or die!
Now that you have joined us, you should busy yourself learning as much as you can about Sorcery.
I must commend you on destroying that lumbering torax, Vardion. He would have driven the Sorcerers into obscurity.
I am sure that there is something you should be doing. Run along now, I have much to do.
Prepare well for the Trials of the Obsidian Fortress. You cannot leave once you have entered.
I have no time to speak at the moment, matters press upon my time... Farewell.
Whatever you need, Master, please take with my blessings. I will not disturb you unless you have need of my presence. Until then, I shall remain your humble servant.
I would not presume to speak to you unless I had something worthy of discussion. As I do not, I will bother you no longer.
What do you do here?
Now then. Where were we? Let's start from the top. Why are you here?
If there is aught else you would discuss?
- Who are you?
My name is Beren. And yours is?
- I am called %PCNAME.
Well met, %PCNAME. What do you want?
- Call me what you like.
Fine then. I shall call you... stranger. What do you want?
- Nevermind that. What do you do?
Well, I can tell you one thing. I don't talk to nosy strangers who won't even give me a name.
My name is Beren.
- What do you do here?
I am a mage.
- How are you?
I am fine. Now that you have asked your questions, it is my turn to ask you mine.
For what reason do you refuse to tell me your name?
- No reason. I am %PCNAME.
Thank you. I appreciate your candor, even if it was not offered initially.
- That is my own affair.
I don't like your answer, but I will accept it, stranger.
- I don't talk to nosy strangers.
Then leave!
Why are you here?
As well as can be expected.
I really do have a lot on my mind. We have no business to conduct, so I see no reason why we should continue our discussion.
- Why are any of us here?
Please. There is no reason for philosophizing. Just answer my question.
- Because I wish to be!
Do not take that tone with me! Perhaps we will speak again when you can keep a civil tongue in your head.
- I have been banished here.
Oh really? Who has banished you here?
- An evil being of immense power.
What is this evil being called?
- Why should I tell you?
Because, I hold your life in my hands like a kith holds its prey in silk.
- A big red guy called the Guardian.
If the Guardian has sent you here, then you are not banished, but blessed. The Guardian will protect you as he has protected us.
- He is called the Guardian.
You speak blasphemy! The Guardian is the power that opposes the evil. When the Destroyer came, it was only through the Guardian's advice that we survived at all.
- That's what scares me.
What did you say?
- Do you think he cares about me.
Of course. The Guardian is the provider of all good things. It is he who protected us in our time of need.
- Nothing, nevermind.
I see. I could have sworn you said something, but it doesn't matter.
- What do you mean by protected?
I am not a historian and since ours is dead, go to the library and search out the knowledge in the books there.
I am not a historian so I suggest you seek out Bentic, as he is very knowledgeable. Go to the library and search out the knowledge in the books there. I'm sure Bentic would just -love- to discuss the past with you.
I do not understand. What did you say?
If there is naught else you would discuss, I would return to my studies... Is there anything you would speak on further?
- What can you say of yourself?
I could as well ask you that question,... but I shall speak first. I am a Sorcerer, Acolyte of the Cabal. What do you do?
- I am a warrior.
I could tell by the marks on your hands that you were familiar with weapons. Have you also an interest in magic?
- Aye, I do.
Then you have come to the right place to learn. I suggest you seek out Bane. She is the most knowledgeable Sorcerer I have had the privilege to know.
- Nay, I do not.
'Tis your loss then. More's the pity.
- Done.
- What magic do you speak of?
Sorcery, of course. As a practitioner of the craft, I know of its immense power. Would you learn of it as well?
- I seek to leave this place.
Do you? Why? Does our land or people displease you so?
- Your people are cruel.
The times are hard. I pray, do not judge us so harshly.
- This land is unforgiving.
'Tis true, but we manage to survive, nonetheless.
- Both are contrary.
The times are hard. I pray, do not judge us so harshly. And as for the land... well, you are right. But we survive, nonetheless.
- No, I would return to -my- land and people.
An honorable goal. Perhaps we Sorcerers can be of assistance.
- How so?
Seek out Bane. She will be able to help you. She is the most intellectual of us all.
- I think not.
Give us a chance. I am sure that Bane can help you. She is wise in the ways of Sorcery.
- I do not need your help.
Then you shall not have it. Farewell.
- I cannot reveal that.
Ah, so the mystery deepens. I ask only out of curiosity. But then I can curb my curiosity, as well as the information I give you.
Interesting, you wish to remain a mystery. I like mysteries, to a point.
- Tell me of this place?
Of course. This is the Sorcerer's Enclave. It sits in Daemon's Crag, upon the isle of Morgaelin.
- What is a Sorcerer?
A Sorcerer is a practitioner of the magic of Sorcery. I am an Acolyte Sorcerer of the Cabal.
- Tell me of the Acolytes.
Well, there are four of us... Vardion, First Acolyte, Gorgrond, his faithful pet, Bane the Red, and myself. We are the ones that Master Malchir calls upon to aid in his great rituals.
- The Cabal. What is that?
It is all Sorcerers, combined.
- Who is this Bane you speak of?
She is my mentor. I was taught of my power by her tender hand. It is to her that you should go for answers. I am a mere shadow of her abilities and wit.
- I have met Bane.
Ah, then you know of her intelligence, her beauty, and her power. She is like a guiding beacon in a dark and stormy night.
- What is Sorcery?
Sorcery is the art and craft of Fire. The Element that I have come here to study. Pyros, the Lord of Flame, is a powerful force in this world, and I would partake of that power.
- What can you say of the Enclave?
Naught of great import. It is where we live.
- Tell me of Daemon's Crag and Morgaelin.
Very well. Daemon's Crag is a lava-filled ravine, that flows from Mt. Morgaelin. This volcano is what the island takes its name from.
There is a tale that tells of the forming of the volcano. Would you hear it?
- yes
Long ago, it is written, before Pagans warred with Zealans, a voice came to our people. He named himself the Guardian, and spoke of a time when a great Destroyer would come, bringing despair to all.
The Guardian showed our ancestors how to make our Elements into Titanic forces that could defeat this Destroyer. They sacrificed and gave adoration to the Elements at a temple built on the top of this mountain.
A great black obelisk was built there, and the Elements grew in power. At long last, the day came... The Day of the Destroyer. The Guardian warned our people that they must leave the temple. That the battle between the Destroyer and the Titans would take place there.
So they fled into the forests around. Huge, glowing yellow eyes appeared in the sky above the mountain then. Surrounding them, a face of red. Manlike in form, his body came into being, but red as his face it was.
He stood upon the mountain, and roared out his challenge to our world. It was met by the shaking of the Earth, the lashing of the Air, the rising of the Water, and the burning of Fire.
When the sky once again cleared somewhat, most of my people were dead. The sea had taken some, fire others, the land swallowed yet more... But we survived! Only by the grace of the Guardian.
- Your ancestors were deceived.
What?... What do you mean?
- The Titans are evil.
No, not evil, just... independent. But we have come to terms with them, each in a different way.
- The Guardian is the Destroyer.
You know not of what you speak. I will hear no more about it.
- But where I am from...
- You do not understand...
- Wait. You must hear me out...
Thank you for respecting my wishes. What else can I help you with?
I said I would hear no more on the subject. Is there anything else you would ask me?
- no
Very well. What else would you know?
- Quite an interesting tale.
Thank you. What else would you know?
I hope this tale has entertained you. What else would you know?
I see. Ah, well. What else would you know?
- Tell me of Vardion and his position.
Vardion is a petty overlord. He is loathe to give up any of his power to those better suited to run certain details. He cannot seem to delegate his authority, therefore we suffer.
- Who is Gorgrond.
An Acolyte of no consequence. He is strong in magical resource, but his mental shortcomings more than belittle his magical prowess.
- Who is Master Malchir?
He leads us in all things. Well,... he would if he were around more often. He remains busy with his own studies, leaving Vardion to lead us poorly.
= What rituals do you mean?
That is a subject best left to discuss if you become one of us. Speak to Bane. She will assist you in these matters.
- Element of Fire. What is it?
Are you daft? It is flame itself. It runs through the land as blood does in your veins.
- Tell me of this Lord of Flame.
Pyros was the last Titan to be brought to terms. He was bound by my kind, long ago and is now at the beck and call of Master Malchir. A dangerous servant, to be sure, but a servant nonetheless.
- What is a Titan.
A Titan is the personification of one of the four Elements. They are Earth, Water, Air, and of course Fire. I know little of the others, and Fire I study.
I do not understand. What did you say?
Foolish one. You have journeyed far to come to your death in this place. I can only assume that you were the idiot who sent torrents of water flowing through this cavern. And I suppose you were unaware that this chamber is our first deterrent against possible incursions from the outside world. You will die for your ignorance, knave!
I can only assume that by your presence here that you were the fool who caused torrents of water to come flowing through this chamber.
- I did no such thing.
- You are the fool for your assumption.
- I am no fool, but I was the one.
- I would be that fool.
It does not matter, know that you are not welcome beyond this place. It is called the Mouth of the Daemon, and it rejects those it finds unworthy. No doubt you are without worth.
I know not who you are, but you are quite resourceful to have come to this place. Welcome to the Mouth of the Daemon. This cavern was once the first test for those wishing to join the Sorcerer's Cabal. Someone... has rendered it mostly useless by directing an underground river this way. Quite a remarkable thing to do, don't you agree?
- Yes, quite.
- I wonder who could have done it.
- Are you insinuating that I did it?
Of course not. Twould take more power than I believe you are capable of wielding.
- Thank you, I was the one.
An interesting solution to the first test of Sorcery. Perhaps, if you seek to enter into the Cabal, the Master will deem it proper that your next test be to restore this cavern to its prior functionality. Hmmmm?*
No matter.
 Should you somehow find a way to fly to the point upon which I stand, you will soon find yourself in the home of the Sorcerers. I suggest that you seek out the Sorcerer known as Bane. She is quite knowledgable in our ways and might be persuaded to help you.

Oh... I almost forgot to mention. Do be careful beyond this cavern. The Sorcerers there do not take kindly to insults, attitudes, or sometimes even posturing. Remember, you live at our pleasure when you are in our enclave. Fair warning.

Do not defile my bones, live one!

Do not disturb my rest!

A curse be upon your soul!

Disturb my rest not, mortal!

WHAT THE FISH TELL ME ~by Kilandra ~~Oh the fish tell me all sorts of things, ~like when there's sun and when there's rain, ~They are so nice and very smart, ~and bubbles come up when they fart. ~~Oh the fish tell me all sorts of things, ~I like to listen to them sing. ~They sing of life beneath the sea ~But never mention if they pee. ~~Oh the fish tell me all sorts of things, ~Like where they are and where they've been. ~I guess it all just goes to prove ~You can have your friends and eat them too!
There once was a story 'bout a demon named Fred...* Poor demonic force barely kept his minions fed...* Then one day while killin Pagan fools...* Up from the depths came some grumbling ghouls...* Growling that is, smellin bad, lookin mean...*
One day a man named Jely came across a piece of cheese. At first, he knew not what to make of this piece of aged milk. So he pondered over it for some time. He then gave it a sniff. Mmmm, delightful it was. The scent was quite pleasing, somewhat like a strained fart. But a dark thought grew in the back of Jely's head. 'What whould it taste like.' he thought. Never is anything as bad tasting as it smells. 'CHOMP! Mmmmm' It tasted very good. Then Jely noticed the heat began to rise. 'Whew! Damn hot today.' Jely began to sweat. The moral of the story... Eat Cheese and Perspire!
Long ago, before the time in which the Titans came to the world, there were people who were vile and unclean. These people called themselves Zealans and they worshipped their own emotions and therefore tried to make themselves as gods. Then came a man named Kalen who saw that such behaviour was false and an affront to nature. Kalen preached to the people that they should not set themselves above the natural forces who are eternal and more powerful than man. In time, people began to see the wisdom in Kalen's words and followed his teachings. These people called themselves Pagans and they turned aside from the worship of emotions. In time, those who followed the old worship of emotions, those who were called Zealans began to hate the Pagans. For the Pagans, the practitioners of the one true church had begun to grow strong in their numbers. The Zealans feared that the Pagans would overwhelm them. Then did the Zealans persecute the Pagans. Though persecuted, the Pagans continued to spread the word of the power of the natural forces, and the divinity therein. Because of the danger of being killed or enslaved by Zealans, the Pagans were driven  out of the cities and into the wilderness. Kalen then took his followers up to the peak of the great mountain, Morgaelin. There they built a great altar where they could worship the forces of nature in peace. The construction of the altar took a very long time, for it was built from a sacred black stone that is very rare. Not long after the altar was built, the Zealans attacked the Pagans so that the true religion would be driven out of the world. However, the natural divinities saw that that their children were being assailed and were saddened. In the ensuing battle, the Zealan soldiers drove the Pagans before them and seemed to the peaceful to be unstoppable. But in one great act of blasphemy, the Zealans destroyed the Holy Altar which the Pagans had built. In one great blast of foul magic, the altar was shattered. Its many pieces were scattered about the mountain top. Seeing such blasphemy, the natural divinities came down from the heavens and destroyed the Zealan army. After the battle, the natural divinities saw that what had once been a place of holy worship had now been defiled by Zealan hatred.  Therefore, the natural divinities destroyed the top of the mountain, and exposed a seething volcano.  When the natural divinities saw that Kalen had been killed and that the Pagans had no leader, they decided to liven up the world. The divinities then manifested themselves as the Titans of the elements and poured out their wrath upon the Zealans. When the Pagans lost their way and did not give proper thanks and worship to the Titans, they too received the Titans' wrath.
So that none may forget the origins of the Necromantic order I, Galious do now put pen to paper, and hereby record the acts of Moriens the Necromancer. Before the time of the Necromancers, the Titans wreaked havoc upon the world as was their want. The people suffered and many were killed at the hands of the immortal Titans. The most terrible and powerful of all of the Titans was Lithos, the Titan of Earth, called The Mountain King. Lithos shook the world and destroyed all that man built. He ripped open the ground and into His maw the people did tumble and satisfy The Mountain King's hunger. The people lived in darkness and were afraid of the Titans. Therefore, none dared to confront Them. Then one day, a very brave and wise man named Moriens came forth. 'Why does the Mountain King kill our people?' asked Moriens. No one could answer Moriens' question, so Moriens sought out the Mountain King to find out why He did loose His wrath upon the land. Long did Moriens seek the mighty Titan and did finally meet the Lord of Earth in the Hall of the Mountain King. There, in the Mountain King's hall did Lithos, the Lord of the Netherworld, tell Moriens of the people's failure to properly worship the greatest of all Titans. Then did Lithos command Moriens to return to his surface world and from that day on, Moriens was to offer up the dead to Lithos, so that the Mountain King might be served as befits a mighty Titan. Moriens returned to his surface world and carried Lithos' message to the people. Since that day, the people of the world may choose to worship which ever Titan they so desire while they live upon the surface of the world. Yet when they enter the grave, all become Lithos' subject for the rest of eternity. The people accepted Lithos' command, and the Earth Titan did cease to ravage the land and the people who did live upon His back. The Mountain King did make Moriens His Necromancer and thus did teach Moriens the magic and the power of the Necromancer. Long did the wise and brave Moriens serve Lithos. But, as is the way for all mortals, Moriens did grow old and sick. Knowing that he too must enter into the grave and join his lord in the Netherworld, Moriens consulted Lithos on who should follow him as the Necromancer. The Lord of Earth did instruct His servant to find a suitable and worthy person to follow in Moriens' path and to become Moriens' successor when Moriens did die. Thereby did Galious of Tenebrae become the first Scion in the Necromantic line. Before Moriens' death, the Mountain King chose to reward Moriens for his service. Lithos taught the Necromancer the Ceremony of Eternity, by which, the Necromancer would be allowed passage into Hall of Eternity, and sit at the right hand of the Titan and counsel his eternal Lord. Then, Moriens did return to the surface for the last time. He did teach me the Ceremony of Eterity and I, in turn did send him to the Mountain King. This is so done and written by my hand upon my day of confirmation by Lithos, Lord of the Netherworld, the Mountain King, mightiest of all Titans. -Galious of Tenebrae, Necromancer.
On Sorcerous Ways...~ %Corodin of Argentrock~~ Foreword:~~ %Sorcery is the magic of Fire. Destruction is the Sorcerer's bailiwick. Being first and foremost an Adept Theurgist of the Order of Enlightenment, I find it hard to reconcile this power with my training as a healer. However, were it not for the Cabal's efforts, our island would have long since perished beneath the ash and lava pouring from the volcano.~ %Some of my Acolytes feel that having this power gives us an elevated status. I cannot agree. Our power gives us the ability to fulfill a duty to our people. No more, no less. * The Pentacle:~~ %This is the first instrument we of the Cabal found to use in dealing with the Lord of Flame. It can contain and bind him if properly prepared and administered. Fire flows first through the medium of the pentacle, before being shaped by the Sorcerer.~ %The lines of the pentacle serve different purposes in the web of an enchantment. The outer ring, called the periferon, is a barrier, or ward if you will, that allows a Sorcerer to conjure with safety. The lines of the interior are divided into two groups: the conducia that touch points on the periferon, and the inner pentagon, called the locus. %The points where the conducia touch periferon each have a designation that relates to their distance from the volcano. The farthest point is called the aphelion, the middle two are mesostelae. Mesostel pa sits to the right of the aphelion, while mesostel ze is to the left. The final points, closest to the volcano are appropriately named perivolcanae. Perivolcan pa is on the right and perivolcan ze is on the left. * The Candle:~~ %The basis for the use of candles in Sorcery is merely to aid in focusing the Sorcerer's will upon the proper enchantment. A black candle incorporates ash with wax to temper the will with order, while red candles, use blood and wax to free the Sorcerer's imagination. * The Reagent:~~ %The relevance that reagents have to a spell are two-fold. They provide additional energies for the Sorcerer's use as well as assisting in the formation of the proper spell. Their portions and proximity to each of the candles around the periferon are extremely important and not to be tampered with. Experimentation is only to be attempted in the presence of a full complement of assisting Acoytes. * The Focus:~~ %A focus in Theurgy is a purified icon of the spell that the Theurgist concentrates upon to release his inner power. Not so in Sorcery. A focus is merely a receptacle of power. Great amounts of energy are spent to attune a spell to a focus and empower it, but once it is infused, only a minor exertion of willpower unleashes the charge of the spell. Depending upon the size, makeup, and configuration of the focus, as well as the energy of the caster, a number of these charges will be available upon a successful binding.
The Art of Flame~~ by Maedron,~ First Acolyte of the Cabal~~ %Fire is the crucible of Life. Before it, all impurities are burned away. All that remains is a pure, unclouded will. A Sorcerer should revel in this and know that power is his servant. * %The will of the Sorcerer is the crucible of the reagents. But I speak herein not of the reagents, but instead, of the foci of Sorcery.~~ %The first focus we Sorcerers created was made by casting a metal disk with shavings of a black, rock-like substance.This substance was found to be throughout the island, and in fact, all of our foci use this substance, to a greater or lesser degree.~ %The disk was then engraved with the pentagram, symbol of Fire. This dedicates it to our purposes. No Sorcerer should be without his symbol, as it is the outward token of our superiority.* %A note about the Sorcerer's pentagram symbol: It may cast several of the Ignite or Extinguish cantrips. Any other power, it may cast but once. * %The symbol, while versatile, lacked power. So we crafted a wand. It was only stable with less of the blackrock, but a gem from the core of the volcano gave it the power necessary. These Fire gems focused the will of the Sorcerer's own inner Fire.* %Casting capacity of the Sorcerer's wand: It has the power to focus the Ignite and Extinguish spells in quantity, as well as the Flash and Flame Bolt spells to a slightly lesser degree. * %In attempt to further increase the prowess of our spells, we created a rod, suffused with blackrock, with a Fire gem at either end, as well as the center. This focus allowed the casting of spells of defensive nature, in addition to those of the wand.* %Casting capacity of the Sorcerer's rod: This focus can cast the wand spells in greater measure, and is empowered to cast the Endure Heat, Fire Shield, and Armor of Flames spells. * %Master Corodin, continued upon the work of the others by making another focus in a similar vein.~ %It is formed mostly of solid blackrock, fused into the shape of a staff by the power of Pyros. At either end, it holds a Fire gem, capped within blackrock metal.* %Casting capacity of the Master's Staff: Unknown, but it can cast create Fire and cause explosions as well. * %I myself, becoming consumed with the idea that a more efficient, more powerful focus was possible, crafted the most powerful focus of all.~ %Using the bones of Pyros' daemonic servants, I made a fine powder. Then, mixing this powder with clay and the blood said deamon, I fashioned a small replica of its skull. With Fire gems as its eyes, and baked in the heat of lava, it hardened to the strength of good masonry. With this talisman, I was able to summon daemons to do my bidding, and banish them with mere words.~ %The wielder of this focus should truly be considered the Master of the Enclave.
 %%The Tongue~ %% of Flame~~ %This object, named by Corodin, the first Master Sorcerer, has been handed down from Master to Master since the Binding of Pyros. It is the key to the power of the Sorcerers. If you are reading this book then most likely you are now the Master Sorcerer, having either outlived or killed the Master. As such, I admonish you to keep both this book and the Tongue always in a safe place, away from prying eyes.~ %The Tongue was used in the Binding to house a portion of Pyros' being. This allows all Sorcerers to call upon His powers in the ways that we have defined as spells. The rituals involved are used to provide protection for the Sorcerer creating the enchantment. Another power that the Tongue imparts to the one who wields it is the ability to amplify the power of spells and spell foci. %Perhaps it's most important purpose is it's capability to summon forth and banish Pyros Himself. This is a truly dangerous excercise and requires four Acolytes, but the rewards can be great. His knowledge is often useful, and His power is seemingly limitless, as is His temper. Should He become free in this Ritual of Fire, as is quite possible, know that you have most likely doomed Morgaelin to a flaming death. %A final warning, should the Tongue of Flame ever enter the Great Pentacle, the fate of all Pagans will be sealed. The Lord of Flame shall be rejoined with the power in the Tongue and as a result, He will be forever unbound.~~ written by:~ Tordaem, Master of the Cabal
 %%Extinguish~~ %By use of this spell, the caster attempts to douse a Fire. When focused upon the Sorcerer himself all fires within a certain range will be quenched, otherwise it will douse the fire upon which it is specifically focused. * Runes:~ - An Flam~~ Red Candles:~ - All black~~ Reagents:~ - Pumice at both Perivolcanae and the Aphelion
 %%Ignite~~ %This invocation brings fire into existence upon a substance that will accept it. It can be used to light a single candle, or if the Sorcerer focuses the energy upon himself, it can light all within a range determined by the power of the Sorcerer. * Runes:~ - In Flam~~ Red Candles:~ - Aphelion~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at the Aphelion~ - Pumice at both Perivolcanae~~
 %%Endure Heat~~ %This spell creates a shimmering field around the Sorcerer that will allow him to touch any non-magical flame and remain unhurt. A Sorcerer with this spell active can even endure the heat of lava if it is solid enough to support his weight. * Runes:~ - Sanct Flam~~ Red Candles:~ - Both Perivolcanae~~ Reagents:~ - Obsidian at both Perivolcanae~ - Iron at the Aphelion
 %%Flash~~ %By means of this spell, the Sorcerer can move from one visible place to another without actually traversing the intervening space. * Runes:~ - Flam Por~~ Red Candles:~ - Both Perivolcanae and the Aphelion~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at both Mesostelae~ - Pumice at the Aphelion
 %%Flame Bolt~~ %A bolt of flame is released when the Sorcerer invokes this spell, shooting forth, unerringly to the object of the Sorcerer's ire. Upon reaching its destination, it explodes, causing moderate damage to all things caught within its range. * Runes:~ - In Ort Flam~~ Red Candles:~ - Perivolcan Ze, Mesostel Pa, and the Aphelion~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at Mesostel Pa~ - Pumice at Perivolcan Ze~ - Iron at Mesostel Ze~
 %%Fire Shield~~ %Flames circle the Sorcerer at the casting of this spell. Only creatures of Daemonic origin can cross this barrier. Not even the Sorcerer can cross this protective ward. Anyone foolish enough will be thrown back and burned in the bargain. * Runes:~ - In Flam An Por~~ Red Candles:~ - Both Perivolcanae and Mesostel Pa~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at Mesostel Pa~ - Obsidian at both Perivolcanae~ - Iron at the Aphelion
 %%Create Fire~~ %Fire erupts at the location or beneath the victim of the Sorcerers focused will. This fire remains for a time, then dissipates. * Runes:~ - In Flam Ylem~~ Red Candles:~ - Both Mesostelae~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at both Mesostelae~ - Pumice at Perivolcan Ze~ - Obsidian at Perivolcan Pa
 %Armor of Flames~~ %The Sorcerer is bathed in a corona of flames that ward off Fire of a magical nature. These flames will protect the Sorcerer for a time, then vanish. * Runes:~ - Vas Sanct Flam~~ Red Candles:~ - Both Perivolcanae and Mesostel Ze~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at Mesostel Pa~ - Obsidian at both Perivolcanae~ - Iron at the Aphelion~ - Brimstone at Mesostel Ze
 %%Explosion~~ %A bolt of flame is released when the Sorcerer invokes this spell, shooting forth, unerringly to the object of the Sorcerer's ire. Upon reaching its destination, it explodes, causing heavy damage to all things caught within its range. * Runes:~ - Vas Ort Flam~~ Red Candles:~ - Perivolcan Pa, Mesostel Ze, and the Aphelion~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at Mesostel Ze~ - Pumice at Perivolcan Pa~ - Iron at Mesostel Pa~ - Brimstone at the Aphelion
 %Summon Daemon~~ This dangerous ritual of binding will summon a daemon to attack a foe of the Sorcerer's choosing. The danger of this spell lies in the fact that if no victim is specified, the daemon will attack the summoner.~~ Runes:~ - Kal Flam Corp Xen * Red Candles:~ - Both Perivolcanae, Mesostel Pa, and the Aphelion~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at Mesostel Ze~ - Pumice at Mesostel Pa~ - Obsidian at both Perivolcanae~ - Daemon Bone at the Aphelion
 %Banish Daemon~~ %This spell attempts to force a Daemon to return to the plane of Fire from which it was summoned. Although not always successful, this is a Sorcerer's best defense against these beasts.~~ Runes:~ - An Flam Corp Xen * Red Candles:~ - Both Perivolcanae, Mesostel Ze, and the Aphelion~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at Mesostel Pa~ - Pumice at Mesostel Ze~ - Iron at both Perivolcanae~ - Daemon Bone at the Aphelion
 %Conflagration~~ %This summoning will temporarily bring into our realm a daemonic force of destructive nature. All foes, and indeed everything around, will feel its wrath while the Sorcerer will remain unharmed.~~ Runes:~ - Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen * Red Candles:~ - All red~~ Reagents:~ - Ash at Mesostel Ze~ - Pumice at Perivolcan Ze~ - Osidian at Perivolcan Pa~ - Iron at Mesostel Pa~ - Brimstone at the Aphelion~ - Daemon Bone at both Perivolcanae and the Aphelion
%The Destruction of the Temple~ %%by Nadayr of Tenebrae~~ %The early days of the Great Temple were a dark time. The blood from the wars flowed freely as Pagan fought Zealan in the grand struggle of religious cleansing. Battles were planned and executed. Lives were lost all in the name of archaic beliefs. All the while, Pagans toiled daily to construct the Great Temple on the apex of Mount Morgaelin, as commanded by the benevolent being called the Guardian. The fear of the Destroyer was strong.~%Years of sweat ultimately resulted the Temple's completion. There the Pagan leaders met to focus their energies into the worship of the Elementals. Tremendous magical forces were used to collect a strange black mineral and shape it into a large, dark obelisk. From inside the Temple, the followers channeled their thoughts through the obelisk to the four elements, giving them even greater power. Soon they had amassed enough energy to become the great Titans of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.~%The war continued, but now the Pagans had considerable assistance. Lithos moved the lands to trap the Zealans, while Hydros removed her waters from their reach. Pyros' fires raged and grew, fueled by the winds of Stratos. It was only a matter of attrition before the Zealans and their petty beliefs fell.~%Then came the Guardian's final words of warning: `Take your people and depart from the Temple. The Destroyer has come.~'%As the Pagans left the Temple, the red head of the Destroyer filled the darkened sky, its yellow orb-like eyes staring malevolently at the mountain top. Then, out from those very eyes lightning shot out, striking the Temple. A few moments later and the great edifice was no more.~%The cry of shock was heard throughout the land. The Pagans pleaded for the aid of the Titans. They were not disappointed. The four Titans appeared to challenge the invader. The land was  all but destroyed as rock, rain, wind, and fire hailed down from above. The battle was long and fierce.~Finally, however, the Titans returned victorious. The land, though scarred from the terrible fight, was still theirs.~%There was nothing left of the Temple -- no ruins, no stones, no dust. However, there are legends that claim the great obelisk was shattered into several fragments, spewn across the island when the mountain was hit by the Destroyer's bolts of lightning. The locations of the fragments are known only as rumors. Such stories indicate that each of the Titans possess one of the fragments, either as a source of power or to keep the other Titans in check (since the black stone seems to be an anathema to the Titans).~%The first fragment, called the Heart of Earth, fell to Lithos, who keeps it in the fabled Pit of Death. Hydros set hers, the Tear of the Seas, on the floor of the ocean in a deep undersea city. The third fragment, the Breath of Air, is said to be on the island of Stratos' followers. A fourth fragment fell to the lands that became the cemetery, though many years later it was given to the first five Sorcerers and used to bind the Titan of Fire to their will.~%There is considerable speculation about a fifth fragment. Apparently the tip of the great obelisk was seen hurling through the air almost entirely intact. However, no one ever saw the item land, so its location remains a mystery.~%Were all of the fragments to be gathered together and taken to an area near the location of the ancient Temple, it might be possible to recreate the effects of the obelisk. Of course, it to would still be necessary to fabricate a magical field of some sort to channel the energy from whatever source first gave the obelisk power.
%%Confusion Blast~~ %In Quas Wis~ %With these words the caster releases a wave of etheric emanations that cause all opponents to forget not only the current combat in which they are involved, but also any hostile dispositions towards the caster.~~ The necessary components are the spellbook and the following reagents: Eye of Newt, Bat Wing, Serpent Scale, Obsidian, and Brimstone.
%%Meteor Shower~~ %Kal Des Flam Ylem~ %By intoning these words the caster calls down from the sky great flaming boulders, as if the material was spewn from the lip of a volcano.~~ The necessary components are the spellbook and the following reagents: Ash, Dirt, Serpent Scale, Brimstone, and Blackmoor.
%%Summon Creature~~ Kal Xen~ Speaking these words of power calls a creature to arrive and defend the caster. What creature appears is determined not so much by the caster's wishes, but by the caster's power and the proximity of the summoned creature.~~ The necessary components are the spellbook and the following reagents: Bat Wing, Pumice, Obsidian, Bone.
%%Call Destruction~~ %Kal Vas Grav Por~ %From the utterance of these words comes the power to call down from the sky great bolts of lightning which cascade about the caster and strike down his or her foes. Note that the resultant fiery explosions will unerringly hit visible targets, but will not be able to affect invisible targets.~~ The necessary components are the spellbook and the following reagents: Serpent Scale, Dragon Blood, Ash, Pig Iron, and Executioner's Hood.
%%Devastation~~ %In Vas Ort Corp~ %Warning... This power contained within the words of this spell render it worthy of its name. The very nature of the energies released is designed to disrupt the very fabric of living existence on a plane, thus annihilating all life save that of the mage who casts this spell. To know this spell, obviously formulated by a violently deranged wizard bent on world domination, is a tremendous responsibility, for invoking the words is a constant temptation for any experimenter. Fortunately, no one who knows the spell has yet shirked that responsibility, as far as I can tell...~~ The necessary components are the spellbook, a hatred for all things living, and the following reagents: Bat Wing, Serpent Scale, Dragon Blood, Pig Iron, Executioner's Hood, Blackmoor, Brimstone.
%%Ethereal Travel~~ %Ort Grav Por %Invoking this powerful ritual permits the caster to traverse the interdimensional realm known as the Ether. A mage's first few castings of this spell will prove awkward, for inexperienced mages will have difficulty determining their destination. With time, however, the mage will be able to dictate an arrival point and appear there. Note that this spell should not be confused with a spell of teleportation, for the former permits travel only between dimensions, while the latter permits travel only within a dimension.~~The necessary components for this spell are hard to specify, for they seem to change depending on both the casting location and the destination. Usually the components include material native to one or both of the dimensions.~~There are two ways to use these components. In general, setting five pieces	of the material -- no piece smaller than a man's head -- on the ground in the form of a pentacle and concentrating on one of the chunks, all while speaking the words of power, should permit the	dimensional gate to transport the caster.~~However, should the caster possess a tome that is already imbued with the power, such as this one, then it is only necessary to carry the five pieces on one's person. Rather than array the pieces in a pattern, the caster simply needs to invoke the power of the tome.~~Note: I suspect the material of the initial gate created in the ancient temple of the first Pagans would suffice while in this dimension, though the location of any of the fragments as well as the destination is a mystery to me.~%%Mythran
%The Reagents of Thaumaturgy~ %by Mythran~~%Reading through the many tomes of Thaumaturgy, the perceptive student is likely to notice something unusual about a few of the reagents. While a novice to any school of magic will find the names of most reagents unrecognizable, the reagents of Thaumaturgy are confusing for a simple reason. A universal collection of words and rituals must also have a universal set of material reagents, components that cannot be limited to a single dimension.~%Thus, the unusual reagents. The casual reader will focus on the obvious questions:  What are these creatures? A Dragon? A Newt? How many wings does one of these bats have? However, the trained mage will know that such details are irrelevant. Since magic is simply the manifestation of the caster's will rewriting the present, it stands to reason that the methods for bringing this will to the surface are not limited by the caster's plane of existence, dispelling magic notwithstanding.~%Therefore, as it is possible to cast spells through a variety of means, the physical representation of the components are not relevant, assuming they enable access to the necessary energies. In such an instance, the thorn of a rose may very well be a reasonable substitute for the scales of a serpent.
%The Mythology of the Zealan Deities~ %by Yradan the Scholar~~ %Throughout the ages our people have looked beyond themselves to find the answers to the many mysteries of life. Today we know that the Titans, masters of the four elements, control our destinies and direct the many forces that affect our lives.~ %However, such was not always the case. Our Zealan forebears know not of the power of the Titans. Instead they worshipped the common emotions. Not realizing that feelings are popular sensations experienced by all people, the Zealans elevated the three primary emotions -- love, hate, and apathy -- to the ranks of deities.~%The goddess of love they named Amoras, giving her the powers of nurturing happiness. To the one called Odion the Zealans attributed the emotions of hate and grief, giving him the role of warrior and protector.  To stand between them, our ancestors assigned the role of arbiter and balance to Apathas, ruler of indifference.~ %Even older texts indicate that the Zealans initially believed in not three, but six such deities! In addition to the rulers of love, hate, and apathy, Felicitar controlled joy, Doloras ruled grief, and Timyra was the patron of fear.	Though anthropomorphic in nature, some of them had animalistic features, such as Doloras and his torax head. Through time, however, the Zealans found it difficult and inconvenient to pay homage to so many gods and goddesses,	so they elected to combine the aspects into three.~%A confusing aspect of the Zealan gods serves to display the fickle nature of our ancestors' beliefs. The Zealans believed that, while the deities ruled the emotions,	they were also subject to them. The more Zealans who experience a particular feeling, the stronger that deity's power grew. Conversly, discarded emotions, however temporary, meant a weakened deity, forcing some to enter near-catatonic states until they gained enough followers to  re-emerge. Thus, an improbable cycle took place. As Odion planted the seed of	hate within one of his subjects, and as that seed grew and took root in other warriors, Odion would become more powerful, spreading the hatred even further.~~%Though most Zealans believed	they had contact with their gods through their thoughts and emotions, only the priests and a select few were allowed to	speak directly to them. The Zealans constructed great mountain-side	temples housing gaudy shrines to the three or six patrons. Several labyrinths were excavated and filled with deadly traps. Secret passages were made for the priests to enter, while the few Zealans who dared to seek an audience with the gods were forced to overcome the foils of the dungeons. Many died trying, few succeeded.~%Once before the Zealan deities, the worshipper still had to present one of the ancient seals before gaining permission to speak. These seals were round shields of wrought metal, embossed into a triad of sections, one depicting a reddish scimitar, another  showing an open palm displaying a heart, and the third revealing an image of balanced scales.~ %Having passed through the test of the great shrines and offered the appropriate icon, a Zealan follower would then be allowed to pray for a boon from one or all of the gods. Regardless of whether the plea was heeded, considerable sacrifices of animals and valuables were required. Rarely did these acts lead to any benefit, though some stories claim that the legendary Khumash-Gor first conferred with his patrons before he was able to unify the warring tribes.~%There is much to be learned from studying the mythology of the past. Although we know today that the powers of the Titans are -- unlike the deities of our forbears -- quite real, we can learn much about the violent and emotional personalities of our ancestors.
%The Final Sunlight~ %by Nolandru the blind idiot of Tenebrae~~ The final moments of sunlight were glorious moments, ones we would have cherished had we known they were to be our last.~ %The war against our very kindred seemed never ending, day after day of bloodshed. In their eyes burned the hatred of intolerance. And these flames kindled the fire of violence. After a while, it became easy to forget the faces of those you had slain -- a sister with one chop, an uncle with another. Yet still they came, outraged that we dared to listen to the voice of warning.~%By the time the Destroyer came we were ready. Not for the Destroyer, but for an end to the fighting. Too many had not heeded, so we thought. To many refused to acknowledge the might of the Titans. We were doomed to devastation, but with the doom came the sickening thought of peace and silence. In the end, we wondered, would Pagan and Zealan know one from the other as lifeless corpses filling the pyres, the result of the Destroyer's carnage.~%But then came the Titans. First rose Lithos, the Mountain King. Then came Stratos, the Mystic Voice, and her sister Hydros, the Lurker. Finally, the blazing image of Pyros, Lord of Flame, appeared to challenge the Destroyer. On the ground, both Pagan and Zealan alike ceased battle, awed by the presence of the these Titanic Elements. The sky became a whirlwind of smoke and dust and hail as the Titans joined forces to and began to rise up.~%As the battle was fought above, the very lands upon which we stood we rended piece from piece. Mountains shifted, rose, and spewed fiery death. Wind ripped through buildings and torrents of water cascaded over the walls of the cities. The very enemies who stood against each other, bared fangs and flashing eyes, were unable to face off, blinded by the smoke, tumbled by the quakes, scorched by the searing flames.~ %There was naught but chaos.~%And when the fight ended and the Destroyer vanquished, there was naught but ruin.~ %The quakes ceased, the wind slowed, the waters calmed, and the smoke cleared. Pagan again saw Pagan. Despite the recent tumult, the moment was one of serenity.~ %But the sun was no more.~%There is no knowledge of where the light of the sky has gone. There is no true night, but there is no true day. And the Titans, demanding ever-increasing sacrifices in payment for their deed, offer no answers.
%The Objective History of Pagan~ %by Mythran~~%Ages ago, in what is called First Epoch, there was considerably more land upon which mankind could walk. The Zealans, forebears to the Pagans, worshipped three who ruled the emotions. Amoras, beautiful and spirited, was the goddess of love and joy. Her counterpart was angry Odion, ruler of war, hate, and grief. Between them stood Apathas, he who controlled indifference, representing both the balance and absence of his two comrades.%According to legend, these three gods and goddesses were responsible for bringing the emotions to light in their followers, though sometimes I think it was the people's emotions that resulted in the appearance of these Ancient Ones, as they are now called.%Though the Zealans were not known for valuing peace between their various tribes, one leader did step forward to unite them for some time. He was known as Khumash-Gor, and was considered a great warrior. He brought his people together by conquering most of the other tribes and then integrating them into his own. The unified community grew and prospered under his rule, until he was assassinated several decades into his reign.%After the death of Khumash-Gor, the Zealans fell again into quarrelling tribes. However, not until the coming of the Titans was their culture ever truly threatened.%Many centuries after the fall of Khumash-Gor, a strange entity known only as The Guardian began to speak in the minds of several of the people. At first those who claimed to hear the unusual voice were ridiculed, but when the message began to foretell danger, others found a reason to listen.%The words of warning from the mysterious Guardian came much as a shock to the Zealans and to the Ancient Ones. No one had ever heard of the champion of evil called the Destroyer, nor were they certain of his designs upon the world. However, the few people who learned of the Destroyer spread their message quickly. They constructed the Great Temple and the black obelisk, while the Ancient Ones commanded those who still obeyed to wage war against this new religion.%The followers of the new order became known as Pagans. As they were directed, they began to concentrate their worship, through the black obelisk, choosing the very elements of earth, water, air, and fire as the objects of this worship. Soon the elements began to form into actual beings of tremendous power. When the Destroyer finally appeared, the four beings, the four Titans as we call them today, rose up to fight it.%During the terrible battle, the world was ravaged as the skies darkened overhead, the lands were torn apart by earthquakes and liquid fire, and the seas overcome by raging storms. The battle was long, but the Titans emerged victorious -- the Destroyer was no more. However, the world still lay in ruin. The few people who remained gathered on this isle, which they named after the island's volcano, Morgaelin.%It was a dismal time. The Titans began to fight among themselves for power. The wars between the few surviving Zealans and the Pagans continued. It was apparent that something had to be done, yet the question of what filled everyone's mind.%After the defeat of the Destroyer, the people were faced with a great many problems. The wars between the Pagans and the Zealans were costing many lives, while the bickering Titans seemed almost worse than the Destroyer threat they had so mightily eliminated.%Foremost on the minds of the Pagans was how to handle the Titans -- no simple task, I assure you. Knowing they could not best the four, nor wanting to since they considered the Titans their saviors, the elders elected instead to bargain with the elementals. They built four areas and made them sacred to the Titans, one for each.%A man named Moriens went to the Hall of the Mountain King, the sanctuary of Lithos. He spoke to Lithos and begged for the quakes to end. Lithos agreed, but demanded that he receive a boon in exchange. He bade that the people would be given to him upon their deaths to serve him eternally in his Pit of Death.%The idea of burial was first introduced as a means for the people to be conveyed to Lithos. Both sides accepted the pact, with Moriens granted the magical powers necessary to honor the Pagan half of the bargain. But as Moriens began to feel the effects of aging, another pact was formed, whereby Moriens could pass on his abilities to subsequent Necromancers -- the term given to the mages responsible for sending the dead to Lithos.%Much time passed before Hydros could be placated. The hero and Necromancer Kalen found love with his Apprentice. Yet the Lurker, displeased that, unlike her brother Titan, Lithos, she had not the worship of the people, chose to take from Kalen his beloved. The angry Kalen sought the assistance of his patron, who was quite willing to assist in vengeance. Lithos told of a substance called Blackrock which could be used to seal Hydros within her Temple, for Hydros could not use her waves to wear down the mineral.%Using his Necromantic powers, Kalen reshaped the Blackrock around the Temple and trapped Hydros inside. Preparing to use the substance to completely remove all traces of water around the Titan, Kalen was stopped by the Lurker's pleas. In exchange for her life, Hydros agreed to return the body of Kalen's betrothed and confer some of the powers of Tempestry, the magic of storms and water, upon Kalen and all of his descendants. In addition, offered the Titan, she would end the torrential rains. Trapped even still in the defiled Temple of Flowing Waters, Hydros remains appeased.%More years passed and a wise man named Stellos was contacted by Stratos, Titan of Air, in the form of a mystic voice. She gave him the power to heal the sick and wounded. Kalen learned of Stellos' abilities and visited the elderly man. He brought with him the hopes of returning life to his beloved. Stellos spoke with Stratos and was told that much time had passed since the spirit was with the body. Only a great cost could she be resurrected. A giving man, Stellos agreed to pay the unknown fee.%He sent his spirit deep into the realm of Air and saw many unusual things. Finally, as the wizened man came upon a great brilliance, his body's mouth opened on the ground below breathed life into Kalen's beloved. He returned to his material form only to learn that he had forever lost his vision. So thankful was Kalen that he called upon the ground to form the foundation for a building, which Stellos opened as a place of study for those who wished to learn the tenets of Air.%In addition, Stratos granted one further boon to the kind and gentle Stellos -- that of immortality! To this day, Stellos aids and teaches the magic of Theurgy upon the formation at Argentrock Isle.%Centuries after the great miracle of Stellos, five Theurgists sought to quel the raging fires of Pyros, Titan of Fire. They took their knowledge of history -- never forget the value of studying the past, my friend -- and speculated that Blackrock might be used against Pyros as well as Hydros. They set about gathering as much of the dark material that they could, as well as collecting knowledge about the magics necessary to shape it. Drawing a pentagram upon the ground, the five began to call upon the Lord of Flame as ready to offer a sacrifice.%When Pyros appeared, however, they instead used a large chunk of Blackrock to bind him within. Trapped within the fragment, Pyros was unable to hurl fire from the great volcano, and to this day must perform the minor requests of those who possess the Blackrock. I am saddened to say that the Sorcerers, as they are now called, are misunderstood and feared -- nay, loathed -- by most Pagans. Considering the dangerous tasks performed by their predecessors, it is a pity that such people would be hated so. Ah, the effects of ignorance...
%The Mysteries of Lithos~ %The mysteries of the Mountain King are great and varied. How can one fathom the power of a force which is at once a living thing and the very surface of one's world? The human mind is simply not capable of dealing with scope that is the Mountain King.~%However limited we are in our capabilities of fathoming the Mountain King, we must, in order to better serve His needs, attempt to do so. The more that we learn of Lithos, the better we are able to serve Him and interpret His word. Therefore, it is a sacred duty of the Necromancer to study our lord. The more knowledge of the Mountain King that we are able to accumulate, the greater His glory will appear to us. Having	stated the need for learning not only from, but -of- Lithos, I now add this warning: Be cautious and show restraint in your research. Lithos is the greatest power known to Pagan kind, and as such can be fickle. Know that there are some secrets which the Mounain King wishes to keep. Delving into these areas can result into great disaster for a student whos zeal or ambition over rides his good judgement and devotion to Lithos.~%A student of the mysteries of Lithos could very well be studying an aspect of Lithos' mysteries which the Mountain King wishes to remain secret and not even know it. Should such a situation occur, the Mountain King shall issue a gentle warning to the student. A small quake or landslide in the student's vicinity while he is studying should alert the student that his research is to be abandoned at once. Following such a warning, the student is subject to the wrath of the Mountain King.~%There are, of course, some subjects which we now know are forbidden to study. One such subject is the Heart of Earth. Little is known about this holy artifact other than its resting place, the Pit of Death, and that Lithos gaurds this treasure very jealously.	Any student of the mysteries of Lithos must know that the Heart of Earth must not be disturbed or studied. further. Delving into this subject would only serve to bring wrath of the Mountain down upon the unwise student.~%This does end Volume One of the Mysteries of Lithos.~ Vintros, Necromancer
It is important to keep in mind Stratos' teachings while raising your child. When you are angry at some small transgression your child has committed, remember that Stratos says there are no bad children, merely high-spirited or rebellious ones. Sooner or later all children will return to their home. And they should always be welcomed back, for all children are, indeed, precious. As there are no bad children, then it follows that a child who performs an act with which you disagree should be taught the wrong of the action, rather than receive punishment. As Stratos says, spare the rod and speak with the child. An unhappy child, however, requires different care, for what are words when sadness fills the heart.	Take time to offer comfort and soothing immediatly, for a sad child makes a sad world.
The wisdom of Stratos is not difficult to find. It will come to any who follow the ways of the Great Air Titan. You need only find a quiet place to relax and open your mind. I have found that a breezy evening on my porch is the perfect place for me to seek respite from the day. Once there, I merely close my eyes and breath deeply of the sweet air, the gift of Stratos, and allow the glory of Stratos to soothe my weary mind. I seek Stratos in this way for several reasons. Stratos is a quiet Titan. She cares not for gain and glory for herself, rather, she cares only for what is good for her children. She abhors production and pomp. While the other Titans may encourage their children to stand out from the crowds and boast loudly of their accomplishments, Stratos prefers her children do her bidding in a quiet, unassuming manner.
The way of Stratos is the way of truth. There are none that can deny this. Above all, the follower of Stratos loves the way of truth and will seek it above all else in companions. Beware the way of lies and falsehoods. It's path is broad and its lure is sweet. The way of truth is the harder road, its brambles will tear at your heart. You may feel you are ready for this hardship, but it will strike you close to your heart. Once a follower of Stratos was called before the town magistrate to give testimony against a thief who had stolen bread. When the thief entered the room and was unmasked, the Acolyte was horrified to find it was her brother. She felt she had to lie and claim no knowledge of the theft, for to tell the truth would cost her brother	his right hand. Her false words bought her brother his freedom, yet the child of Stratos still felt a heavy heart. Not more than three days later her brother was slain while trying to steal more food. Had she only reached to Stratos for guidance and found the strength to speak the truth before the magistrate, her brother would have lost only his hand, not his life. Truth is the only way of Stratos.
The way of Stratos is never easy, for the trait Stratos requires most above all in her followers is honesty. A great battle was raging and the king was gravely wounded. A follower of Stratos was called to administer healing. On the way to the king's tent the Acolyte saw the battle was going quite badly for the king's men. When the Acolyte arrived at the king's side, the king was already breathing his last. There was little the Acolyte could do. In a whisper the king asked how his troops fared. With little hesitation the Acolyte told him it was going badly. The king gripped the Acolyte's arm and thanked him for speaking honestly, for though lies would have given him strength for the moment, the truth made him stronger for a lifetime. Thus we see that the way of truth may not be the easiest, but it is the best.
Dear New Acolyte:~ It is with great gladness I welcome you to the family of Stratos. She has welcomed you home and has given you the greatest power of all, the power to heal.~ This gift is not without price, however, and it is important that you learn the responsibilites that come with the power.~ The first lesson you must learn is the lesson of impartiality. The gift of healing is given to all who need it, without favoritism, malice, or greed. Should you come across a battle field, your first duty is to the injured. If you hesitate even one moment, even to see the outcome of the battle or determine which side is 'correct', then you are failing in your calling as an Acolyte of Stratos.~ While there is great joy in the gift of healing, there can also be great cost. For to bring a life back from the edge of the Pit of Death will cost you more than your energy, or a spell of healing. Stratos will give you the power to restore life, but you, in turn, must give her your sight. This is the greatest cost, but I think it is a fair one, for what value does a single sense hold when compared to whole of the body and spirit.~ All these things you must keep close to you heart, for you are about to embark upon one of the most fulfilling callings known, an Acolyte of Stratos.~~~ Stellos
Good reader,~ I wish to tell you a story I heard about a warrior named Yevaud. He was a mighty fighter and was never bested in battle. Challengers came from across the land and they all fell before him. One day an Acolyte of Stratos was healing the wounds Yevaud had inflicted upon a challenger. As the Acolyte worked, Yevaud approached.~ 'You there,' Yevaud said. 'You will surely agree that there is no one better than I.'~ The Acolyte looked up at the warrior. 'That is not true.'~ 'What?!' roared the big man.~ 'This is one who is better than you,' the Acolyte said.~ 'Who?! Who is better than me?' he bellowed.~ 'Meet me here tomorrow and I will make him known to you,' said the Acolyte.~ When the next day came, Yevaud arrived at the appointed spot. He found the Acolyte sitting beneath a tree.~ 'I am here. Lead me to the upstart,' Yevaud said.~ The Acolyte got to his feet. 'Follow me and I will take you where you may find him.~ Yevaud followed the Acolyte as they walked toward the mountains. When they reached the sheer face of the cliffs, the Acolyte pointed to a cavern opening.~ 'In there you will find one who is better than you.' said the Acolyte.~ Yevaud drew his mighty sword and bravely entered the cave.~ All was silent for a moment, then a horrible bellowing was heard and	the buzzing of many Mandril.~ A short while later, Yevaud emerged from the cavern. He was exhausted and bloody.~ 'Acolyte!' he cried. 'There were only Mandril in that cave!'~ 'Yes,' the Acolyte answered. 'Those mandril have been plaguing this area for quite some time. Why, just last week they killed a small child.'~ 'But you said in there I would find one who was better than I!' said the fighter.~ 'There was, for by killing those Mandril, you used your sword for a good purpose rather than destruction. Therefore, the man who walked out of the cave was a better man than the one who walked into the cave.'~ And that is my story, friend. For you see, weapons destroy, but wit builds.
%KILLER JOKES~%by Trixter ~~Welcome reader and learn the age old art of practical jokes. ~I, Trixter have studied long and hard from the tomes of the ancient masters to achieve the knowledge and wisdom that I may now impart on you, the novice. ~~~~Chapter One: ~Exploding Books ~~Heh, heh...
EAR OF ARRICORN: VOL. III~by Kram ~~%The lone stranger slowly rode into the desolate village on the back of his mammoth, white hordax. As he dismounted his beast, he threw the leathery reins over the closest tie rod, then slowly strode to the double doors of the tavern.Though the tavern roared with the laughter of drunken herdsmen, the jovial spirit quickly flattened like fresh manure thrown against a wall. Everyone turned as the caped stranger entered the smoke filled hovel. The darkly robed individual motioned with two fingers for the stiffest grog. The tavern master quickly obeyed, pouring the thick brew with shaky hands.The women folk left, claiming they needed to visit the house of fecal waste. ~%'ShadowLander!' called a nasal tinged voice from the rear of the room, ~'Your type are not welcomed in this acre of the world.' Shortly, a path cleared between the ShadowLander and the owner of the high pitched voice. ~%The voice belonged a squat little Nobbit. He sat with a crooked smile on his smiling face while his hand played with the handle of his jeweled dagger-like sword. On his throat, just above his massive goiter, he openly wore a staff shaped tattoo. Only true herdsmen wore these. ~%A hush fell over the tavern. No one dared to draw breath.
EAR OF ARRICORN: Vol. IV~by Kram ~~%The lone stranger turned towards the herdsman, still quaffing his grog. A bloodshot eye stared out from under his dark mask. A nervous twitch pulled at the muscle of his leathery cheek. ~%'Ha!' laughed the herdsman as he waddled up to the bar, 'I do not believe the tall tales told of the ShadowLanders'. I believe them to be lies! I think they have less than half the warrior's blood that flows through my little toe!' The Nobbit snorted at his own remark, but looked disappointed when the others did not laugh with him. ~%He turned back and stared at the stranger straight in the knee. 'For those who do not believe this, I will prove it by shedding some yellow DarkLander blood!' Quickly, he drew his great dagger-like sword. ~%Before the Nobbit could strike, the stranger grabbed the herdsman by the tattoo, and easily lifted him into the air. As the Nobbit began to open his mouth to cry out, the DarkLander shoved his massive fist down the herdsman's gullet.  The stranger took a quick pull, and turned the Nobbit in-side-out. He dropped the bloody mess on the bar. ~%Upon seeing this, some one gave the ancient herdsman warning cry; ~'Let us move the flock out of here!' ~%The tavern was instantly cleared.
EAR OF ARRICORN: VOL. VI~by Kram ~~%The lone stranger dismounted from his mammoth hordax, shaking the heavy drops from his cloak. The cave he had entered was small, its capacity barely providing shelter for his beast from the deluge that poured from the angry sky outside. He ventured deeper into the cavern to find room enough to remove his rain soaked garments. ~%Stepping through a stony portal, he found himself suddenly bathed in the warm glow of a tallow fed lantern. Upon his entry into the cave seven pairs of shocked eyes turned in his direction. ~'Argh! A thief is here to take our gems!' cried one of the little men as he thrust his shovel in the stranger's direction. 'You try it, and I'll cut your eyes out and feed them to the snails!' ~%'Hold your blade, you grumpy old fool!' called one of the others, 'this nice man might be here to help us.' ~%'Nice man?' retorted the other, 'If you were not such a dopey twit you would recognize him as a ShadowLander. He helps no one but himself.' ~%'What shall we do, Doc?' call one of the others, too bashful to show his face in the light. ~%The small man who appeared to be in charge stepped forward to size up the stranger. 'Well, judging from all that trouble we had with that female a while back, I'd say we could save ourselves a pack of trouble and just put a pick up side his head right now!' ~%Suddenly, six shadowy figures leapt forwards. In a flash, the lone stranger's dark blade appeared in his hands. Quietly, it whistled through calm air, practicing its deadly craft. In the blink of an eye, six small heads fell cleft from six small frames. ~%The last midget, the one slowest in wit, made a tasty morsel for the stranger's hordax...
THE BIG BOOK OF ADVENTURE~by Sladek ~~Recorded on these pages are tips I have found while on my adventures. Read well, fellow quester, for your life may well be saved by recalling these in your time of need. ~~Puzzles: You will be in luck if such puzzles are played with levers. These are usually not harmful, and require little time, if you watch your surroundings for clues. Center levers usually reset the puzzle. ~~Traps: If there is a chest sitting innocently in the open, touch it not! Especially if it has many corpses around it! These are the other dolts who fell for it. ~~Chests of Loot: Rarely do chests have anything in them. Open them at your risk. It will serve you well to carry a magic scroll to check for traps within these! ~~Tricks of the Trixter: Judge them by their cover, for they read differently than other books... ~~Mazes: Always mark your path! Use rocks or wood. Never bread crumbs! Beware of treasure! It is there to lead you from the path! ~~SPELL CHITS: Always read the text on the outside of these scrolls to identify them. Once you have opened them, their magic will immediately be released upon reading.
BROGDAN'S HELPFUL GUIDE TO MUSHROOMS~by Brogdan ~~%Though many forms of vegetation disappeared after our sun ceased its cycling and our world entered into a state of eternal twilight, many plants, especially mushrooms, have adjusted to the lower levels of sunlight. ~%Mushrooms have prospered and have become the dominant form of vegetation on our landscape. These range from the man-sized Monster Brown Cap all the way down to the finger-sized yellow and red Silent Sleeper. ~%Most mushrooms are edible. Mushrooms like the fist-sized Blue Bulgie and the Green Capper are delicious with any meal, though sometimes they may be confused by the less experienced for the blue and green form of Daemon's Paw which can cause rashes, blisters, and general bladder distress.~%A helpful mushroom known for its healing properties is the yellow and green Adventure's Friend, found in the wild. When consumed these mushroom tend to restore health, as well as give the consumer a general feeling of euphoria. ~%Known to keep monsters at bay is the Stench Mushroom. Applying small quantities of this mushroom to your skin in guaranteed to ward away most creatures, except for those who are undead, who seem quite attracted to its pungent odor. The only way the smell of the mushroom can be removed once it is applied is by bathing in juice of the ammatto plant. ~%A mushroom that you should generally stay away from is the Fire Mushroom. This little mushroom is usually high in sulfous ash and tends to explodes when stepped on. ~%Since never has there been found a mushroom that is instantly lethal it is safe to say that you may experiment with any of the ones you find in the wild. Remember, the mushroom is our friend.
STORIES TO MAKE CHILDREN SLEEP~by Brother Grim ~~Jelly was a lad who was so hard to please, nothing would he eat, except for plates full of cheese! ~His obsession was strange and no one knew why. He swore cheese was his meal till the day that he died. ~~His father, a strong man who was hearty and pink, was at his wits end, and driven to drink. ~He would stay at the tavern, and tell of his woe, on cheap tankards of grog his money he'd blow. ~~'My son, a good lad, though a little bit chunky, has turned into a ravenous limburger junky!' ~'All my land and my house and the coins in my purse, I will give to the man who can remove this foul curse!' ~~The old man's plea went out and was told near and far, it was whispered by gossips, and made light of in the bar. ~But one day into town strolled a strange little fellow, his robes were all tattered, and his skin a sickly yellow.~~'I can cure your boy!' he told the ripe drunken sod, 'I will make him good as new, this lad you call Todd.' ~The father cried, 'His names not Todd! It's Jelly, you snot! But go on and give it a try... Give it your best shot.' ~~But before he started, the mage asked for first, for a small taste of grog, to quell a quick thirst. ~After slamming four tankards he got back to work, though his eyes did spin, and his hands did jerk. ~~With the boy before him, the mage reared back, while clutching his reagents in a small toad sack. ~He sent out flames of red, green and blue that engulfed the boy, hiding him from all's view. ~~When the flames died away, as well as the stench, To the father's red eyes, his boy-Was a wench! ~'Oh no!' he cried, and he cursed this new fate, 'My hard working boy now looks like dungeon bait!' ~~'How could you do this, you dottering old fool! Did you sleep every day while in wizardry school?' ~With the excitement now over, the father settled down, upon the nearest table, his head he did pound.~~Suddenly, a dark robed figure entered into the grog joint, and at the old mage a withered finger he did point. ~Then with a flash of yellow, the mage disappeared, Everyone dove for cover, for spellcasters they now feared. ~~With an incantation shouted by the figure in black the young boy named Jelly quickly transmuted back. ~As he left the place everyone heard the words of the monk, 'Never let a bad spell caster cast spells, especially drunk!' ~~To this very day the young boy they call Jelly, continues to stuff away cheese in his portly pot belly. ~But his father is content, and he will always smile, 'This beats worrying about a daughter by a country mile.' ~~'Tis not that I don't want a girl,' claims the tired old father, 'But when a boy is young, he is less of a bother.' 'A young boy you must check up on every time and again, 'But! With a young girl, you must watch all the young men...
ADVENTURE QUARTERLY~VOL. IX~ ~%Dear Adventurer!~%Within these pages lies your path to unimaginable wealth and power. All you must do to gain such is to read and learn of the strange and exotic places that hold the keys to your wildest dreams. Enter into a realm where money, power, and pleasure await you. All you must have to gain them is the courage and the heart for adventure!~~%The Forgotten Riches of Knarl ~%Some say it is an island, while others swear that it deep within the earth. All agree though that the way to Knarl lies somewhere within the lower catacombs, though the way was lost due to a great earthquake. ~%Many generations ago, back before the sun circled over head, there was a passage that led to this place. Traders flocked to and fro, for this was a place of great wealth. ~%It is said the great weapon forges of Knarl created many of the magical weapons that we have today, explaining why we have very few in these times.~%Other riches lie in the forms of spells. Knarl was known to have had a great library in which many of the great spellcasters of the day went to study and record their findings. Some say that the magethief Vermin and the enchanter Varkus studied there in their youth. ~%Some say it was not an earthquake what shut the passage from our world to Knarl, but that it was sealed by magic! There is rumor that a sect was forming at the library, a sect of monks known as the Dark Brothers. It is said that these monks wished to keep the secrets and the treasures of Knarl to themselves. ~%Though this is only a rumor, many of the old books and the tales handed down from father to son mention 'the Brother's Below.' Is this a reference to the Dark Brothers?~%It is said that the way to this magical place lies deep within the heart of the Catacombs. Only there will you find the way to both riches, glory, and power. For he who is of sound heart and of steady sword will be the one to find the passage to Knarl.
ADVENTURE QUARTERLY~VOL. XII~ ~%Dear Adventurer!~%Within these pages lies your path to imaginable wealth and power. All you must do to gain such is to read and learn of the strange and exotic places that hold the keys to your wildest dreams. Enter into a realm where money, power, and pleasure await you. All you must have to gain them is the courage and the heart for adventure!~%The Ship of Doom ~Many tales have been handed down from generation to generation about a mighty ship that sailed from the port of Tenebrae. It is said that this ship was so big that it actually dwarfed the palace of the Tempest and needed a crew of hundreds! ~%Many years ago, a bitter winter buried the city up to its roof tops in ice, threatening to destroy all the food supplies, and to freeze to death all the town's inhabitants. Since no one could explain the reason for the foul winter, it was decided that a great ship be sent to find and appease whatever was causing this disaster. The ship was to sail to a distant shore, carrying the wealth of all the citizens in hopes of rescuing the city and its inhabitants.~%This ship it is said departed laden with the wealth of the city just before the water around the port of Tenebrae froze solid. Because the sea was freezing in its wake, no ships could be sent to follow. It sailed away into a dark and forbidding twilight. ~%The ship never did return, and most think that it went to the bottom of the sea. But some say that it found a distant shore and completed its mission, pointing to the fact that the winter storms faded away days after the ship's departure, never to return either. ~%Some old timers say that the ship still sails upon the sea, frozen in a huge block of ice, its riches and crew a silent offering to whatever sent the wintry storms.~%Though most will tell you this is a myth, some of the older ones will swear that the story of the ship is true. To whoever is of sound heart and steady of sword, the riches, and the dangers, await you in the hull of a frozen ship. A ship that has sailed off into, the zone of twilight.
THE OFFICIAL LOGBOOK OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS ~as recorded by Salkind, the Seneshal of Tenebrae during the reign of her Ladyship Mordea. ~~The following is a list of the crimes of known enemies of the state, and of the swift and just punishments as decreed by her ladyship; ~ All evidence against these criminals shall be kept in a a secure location, accessible only by my personal key or the use of magic. ~~Armin; Guilty of inciting and spreading rebellious ideologies counter to the views of the state, inventing and proclaiming malicious slander against her ladyship, provoking treasonous acts in public, and assaulting the captain of the guard, highway robbery, and treachery. ~Punishment: Death by beheading.~~Hermes; Writing many treasonous and slanderous articles against the government, participating in the forging of royal documents, arousing riots and melees and other civil disturbances, resisting formal arrest, and other vile and treacherous acts. ~Punishment: 50 lashes, then death by beheading. ~~Brandem; Guilty of participating in public disturbances aimed at undermining the state, destruction of public property, making threats against prominent members of the community, plotting the assassination of her ladyship, buccaneering, and other vile acts of treachery. ~Punishment: 100 lashes, then death by beheading. ~~~Dibeyer; Guilty of exciting the public to hysteria with controversial rhetoric banned by the state, calling unlawful gatherings and assembles, 			inciting the youth of Tenebrea to pillage and plunder their own town, damage to state property through the use of arson, committing statutory rape, public intoxication, striking a guardsman with a wooden club, wounding him, pillaging the poor, and an assortment of other treacherous acts. ~Punishment: Death by beheading. Also fined 250 coins.~~Zoch; Guilty of following the rhetoric exposed by Dibeyer, sales of weapons without a permit from the state, passing counterfeit coins, defrauding widows of their inheritance, public intoxication, poaching on the grounds of the palace, brigandage, and many other acts treacherous in nature. ~Punishment: Fined, flogged, then Death by beheading. ~~Toran; Guilty of inciting and spreading ideologies contrary to the state, participating in public disturbances aimed at undermining the government, swindling the public through the sales of fake gems, privateering, purloining, pilfering, pick pocketing, and an assortment of other acts of treachery, too many to mention here. ~Punishment: Death by beheading.
GUARD LOG: ~~Bloodwatch: Nothing to report. ~~Firstebb: Nothing to report. ~~DayTide: Nothing to report. ~~Threemoons: Nothing to report. ~~Lastebb: More of the same. ~~Eventide: Take a guess...
GUARD LOG: ~~Bloodwatch: Nothing to report. ~~Firstebb: Flogged some peasants. ~~DayTide: Broke up a fight. Probably broke the sod's nose. ~~Threemoons: Nothing to report. ~~Lastebb: Helped peasant remember where he hid his taxes. Heh, heh... ~~Eventide: Guard changed.
GUARD LOG: ~~Bloodwatch: Ate doughnuts. Stale. ~~Firstebb: Helped peasants pay taxes. ~~DayTide: Guard Changed. ~~Threemoons: Arrested somebody. Forget what for... ~~Lastebb: Ate doughnuts. Still Stale. ~~Eventide: Nothing to report.
GUARD LOG: ~~Bloodwatch: Guard changed. ~~Firstebb: Helped take children on tour of the dungeon. ~~DayTide: Ate doughnuts. Stale. ~~Threemoons: Arrested peasant. Resisted arrest. Had to use force. ~~Lastebb Nothing to report. ~~Eventide: Caught kids throwing rocks. None of them damaged too terrible...

Breath o' Spirit
Cloven Hoof
Tenebraen Ale

It's empty...

Let none doubt that no greater hero did ever walk the lands of Pagan than the Immortal Moriens. Moriens did earn the title of Immortal as he still walks at the right hand of the Mountain King. Dead in body but not in spirit, Moriens legacy of greatness and heroism will live on into eternity. Many young children who have not yet learned of Moriens true wonderment do often look with innocent, upturned eyes and ask with voices filled with awe of the great man of which they've heard their playmates speak. Then do the parents sit down with their children and tell them the story of the greatest of all magic users: The first Necromancer. Moriens greatness became obvious when he was still but a young boy. At the age of seven he slew a Troll that did threaten his father. Although the troll was terrible and large, and armed with a deadly club, Moriens stood unafraid. The blessed child Moriens stood, with a sharp stone in hand and hurled the stone with a very great force. The stone struck the troll in the eye and landed with such force that the troll did fall dead, and Moriens father was saved. The great feats of Moriens did not end with his victory over the troll. When Moriens was just begining to grow into manhood, a strange man did come into his village. This stranger did speak well and claim to be a prophet. Many people did come to hear this man speak for he did offer salvation to those who would follow him. But Moriens, in his great wisdom did see the man for a charleton and rebuked him. When the others heard Moriens, they too saw that the man was a false prophet and did stone him to death. Such was the greatness of Moriens. But the greatest story of Moriens' greatness is the the story of the pact which Moriens made with the Mountain King. Great is the power of the Earth Titan and terribly did He shake the ground. For, unbeknownst to mortal men, the Mountain King did have a great hunger for human flesh. Therefore, Lithos would tear open the land and in would spill his victims. Moriens knew of Lithos' longing, for Moriens was wiser than any other. Without fear, Moriens did tread beneath the ground, to find the Mountain King. In the City of the Dead, Moriens did confront the great and mighty Mountain King. Lithos shook the ground yet still was Moriens unafraid. When Lithos asked why Moriens should come before a Titan, Moriens told Lithos that he knew of the Titan's hunger. Therefore did Moriens offer a bargain with the Mountain King. Should Lithos spare the people above the ground and let them live to old age, Moriens himself would insure that upon death, all of the remains would be offered unto Lithos. If this bargain should be kept, promised Moriens, the almighty Titan would have his fill and the people above the ground could then live unafraid. Lithos, being most impressed with this fearless mortal which stood before him, did agree that such a bargain would be a good thing. Then did Moriens promise that he personally would inter all of the dead, giving over their bodies to Lithos. So impressed by Moriens courage and self sacrifice was Lithos that He did give His Necromancer His greatest prize, The Heart of the Earth. This treasure, which is the largest diamond shaped object in the world, is made of a pure and lovely black rock. So rare is this black rock that there are only five pieces of it in the entire world. And so  proud was Moriens of his treasure that he did vow to never give it up, but to carry the Heart of Earth into the City of the Dead and hold it for Eternity. Countless are the stories of Moriens greatness and power, truly too many for this tome to contain. But to tell any more of Moriens glory would be immodest and unworthy of such a noble man. This then ends this incomplete life story of Moriens: Necromancer, Prophet, Hero. So written by my hand in the Great Tomb, completed at the time of Bloodwatch, Moriens, Necromancer.
If ye be strong of arm, swift of leg, and valorous of heart; then read on But, if ye not be all these things; shrink away from what is contained within me. For the knowledge which lies within my family does contain such power as to burn ye into cinders if ye be not worthy. If you have ever doubted thy strength, go now and look no further. For if ye be false, the slayer shall devour all thy blood in one clean lick. But if ye be truly worthy, the Slayer shall come forth with ye in fierce tempest and like a Jove shall it strike down thine enemies. Now ye have been warned. If you wish to take up the quest to find the Slayer, then proceed. Tread ye upon the path that was brought ye this far and look for my twin. Find the one who is identical to me, and he shall lead ye further.
If ye have found me then first ye must have found my brother. Well ye have done to come this far but farther ye must go. Now that ye have heard the call of the Slayer ye can not resist its siren song. Many have been mastered by the Slayer's awesome might, but none ever master the Slayer completely. So, clever must ye be to hold the Slayer as thine ally. Strength alone shan't bind it to thy will. And just when ye think ye have the thing mastered, it fools ye again. Leaving ye twisting in the dark	grasping for thy wits. Up ahead ye shall find diverging path. In one branch will ye find another in my family tree. In the other branch will ye find a hard road empty of all but pain. Remember what we have told ye of wisdom, most especially if ye choose the wrong branch.
Feel good for having found me yet more trouble does lie ahead. Now ye do truly enter the resting place of the Slayer. Soon will ye be within reach of the Slayer. The Slayer, whose cruel head does strike fear within the hearts of those who oppose it. Be ye not be there yet. Quick and nimble must be the person commands the force of the Slayer. Look again for one of my line. Should ye find my cousin, then ye should learn where the Slayer awaits.
Well have ye done to reach this far. Behind me lies the entrance way of the Slayer's chamber. But for the last time, be ye warned: Many are those who have tred this ground before ye. Many have come seeking the Slayer, and jealous are they of others who seek what they prize. Go ye now into the chamber, for theSlayer beckons. The Slayer, whose fine oaken body be so strong as to withstand the Titanic forces that would try to tame it. Ye have come seeking this treasure. Ye have now gotten what ye have sought. Be careful that it does not kill ye, for the Slayer will not travel with ye unless it deems ye worthy.
Many are the rumors of the magical and the supernatural which exist outside of the Titanic magic. Now, of course any reasonable person knows that any such thing is nonsense. Any thinking person must know that the Titans are the only magic in the world. However, in the interest of fairness, for any who may doubt that the True Magic is held only by the Titans, I have investigated three well known reported cases of magical ocurrences that fall outside of the Titanic influence. The first episode of magic which I investigated was an occurence in which a woman who lives outside of Tenebrae who claimed to know something about a ghost who had some magic capabilities. The woman's name is Kilandra and she makes her living as a fisherwoman. Let me assure all that this woman knows nothing of the supernatural. In fact, Kilandra knows virtually nothing at all. Quite frankly, I found this woman to be completely mad. She would ramble on constantly about her daughter to the point where I began to believe that her daughter does not even exist. All of the outlandish stories about her daughter could not apply to just one person. Therefore, in my expert opinion, the daughter is purely fictional. Anything else that Kilandra had to talk about where things that the fish told her. Therefore, it is perfectly clear that this woman is completely mad and anything that she has to say can not be believed. The second event which many people have reported as magical are the mysterious Lights of the Plateau. Very few people have even reported having seen these, yet the lights have lived on in Pagan lore for a very long time. Many people believe that these lights are some sort of magic which is generated some unknown force of nature. Others believe these lights to be some sort of magical energy which is created by the hermit that lives upon the plateau. Such opinions are, of course the result of people spreading unsubstantiated rumors without looking into basic facts. I have disproven the myth that these lights even exist by doing what others simply would do: I took the leisurely stroll up to the Plateau and investigated things myself. I walked up to the Plateau which, by the way, is a lovely walk that I recommend everyone to at least once. Once at the Plateau, I met with the old hermit who lives there. Now, I must say that this was the most difficult part of my investigation. This old man, Mythran is his name, was a gruff, unfriendly fellow. This Mythran has nothing to do but lay about all day long, yet getting him to answer my questions was like pulling teeth from a troll. He spoke to me in short, sharp sentences which he virtually spit into my face. And the worst thing of all is that this silly old man thought that he knew more of the world than I did! Well, I did manage to get Mythran to assure me that there were no magical lights that danced about upon the Plateau. I am sure that he would not lie to -me- as I am employed by the Lady Mordea and therefore carry Her influence. The third instance of magic which I have disproven beyond the shadow of a doubt is the alleged existance of a magical axe called Deceiver. This axe is supposed to be found on a small island off of Stone Cove. The island, which can not be seen by land, is supposed to be reached by stones which rise above the water, only to sink again in a matter of moments. As I had no intention of going through those awful catacombs, I sailed to Stone Cove to investigate. I can assure one and all that there is no island off of Stone Cove and there certainly is no magical axe. Nor did I see any rising and sinking stones. Of course, the stones were the only plausible part of this ridiculous story. I did think it quite possible for The Lurker to create just such a thing so that She may amuse Herself. So there you have it, dear reader. Irrefutible proof that there is no magic in the world other than that which the Titans have  chosen to create. I realize that this book may take a little bit of fantasy out of some people's daily lives, but if we are to better serve our Lady, we must all live in the here and now.

the Heart of Earth
the Tear of the Seas
the Breath of Air
the Tongue of Flame

I feel very powerful...

No! This is not possible!
No! I have been defeated! No mortal could defeat me. I shall return and destroy you live one!
You will regret this day!
What have you done, oh ungrateful child, your greed breaks my heart!

Knave, I find you guilty of theft.
Knave, I find you guilty of assault.
And so... I sentence you to death.
I call upon the power of the Cabal and consign you to the flames!
What foul deed is this?
You did this!
No, wait... I can explain!
Knave, I find you guilty of murder.
What seems to be the problem?
This person is a thief!
This person attacked me!
That person is a thief!
That person attacked me!
This one?
Yes. What are you going to do about it?
Fear not. I shall take care of this matter.
Knave, I find you guilty of theft.
Knave, I find you guilty of assault.
And so... I sentence you to death.
I call upon the power of the Cabal and consign you to the flames!


dead child

Ahhh! Bad man!
- I am %PCNAME.
I don't know you.
My mommie told me never to talk to strangers.
You're a stranger.
I can't talk to you.
What is your name?
- I am the Avatar!
- Bye!
Where do you come from?
- From another world.
- From another town.
What did you do there?
- I fought monsters!
- I helped people.
- I baked bread.
Why are you so tall?
- I was born this way.
- A troll stretched me!
How did you get here?
- I walked.
- I came by boat.
- A big red hand dropped me.
Do you always wear that silly costume?
- Yes, I do.
- No, I do not.
- What silly costume?
- You ask too many questions.
Why are Toraxes big and brown?
- Bye!
- Why are they not blue and red?
Because then they would be kith.
- Yeah?


I would not do that if I were you!
Stop! Thief!
I -do- wish that we had a larger house.
Oh how I miss my baby boy.
Do you need something?
Very well then...
We must clean up this house.
I wonder what Cyrrus is doing right now?
No rats!
Mmmm, kith fillets!
I truly despise rats!
I need some kith milk.
I certainly am glad that a kith did not devour Cyrrus.
All day long, all I see are torax.
Oh how I miss my baby boy.
Do you need something?
Very well then...
I wonder what the people in Tenebrae are doing?
I wonder what Cyrrus is doing right now?
No rats! NO RATS!!
I hope that no kiths come around.
I truly despise rats!
I need some variety in my life.
I wish that Gwillim were more sensitive to my needs.
- Greetings
- Hello, Corinth.
- Hello, stranger.
Pardon me, sir, but I ask that you treat me with a bit more respect here upon my own land.
- I apologize, m'lady.
Apology accepted, sir. I hope that I was not too terse in my response. We certainly do not get many strangers up here. Allow me to introduce my self; I am Corinth. By what are you called?
- Don't turn away from me, woman!
What? I cannot believe how rude you are! Go away before I call the Tenebrae guards!!
- I'm called %PCNAME.
Well, I am pleased to meet you, %PCNAME. You are welcome here.
- I would rather not say.
Very well, I shall not pry.
- Quiet, woman!
I will not tolerate such rudeness. Get off of my land, now!
- Corinth?
I was named for my mother who did not survive my birth. Father wished to preserve her memory by naming me after her.
- Mother
Did you not hear me? I said that my mother is dead.
- Father
Lleu was my father but he is dead now. Lleu was a fine herdsman but his devotion to his herd cost him dearly.
- Lleu
Yes, Lleu, it's an old name. It is rarely used today. In many ways my father's name suited him well.
- Suited him?
My father was an old fashioned man with old fashioned values.
- Old values, huh?
Well I don't mean to say that we don't have values today. I certainly don't want you to get the impression that I'm not happy with our people's values.
- I -do- apologize, my lady.
Very well, sir, I accept your apology. I am called Corinth. By what are you called?
- Hello, Corinth.
Well, hello, my friend. I hope that all is well with you.
- old name
It is a very old name. But it's not a Zealan name.
- Zealan name?
That is what I was told. Actually, I know nothing about the Zealans.
- Who are the Zealans?
All I know of them are but dim memories of stories that I was told as a child. Supposedly there were a race of people that once lived here on Pagan who were quite savage. My father used to tell me that if I did not behave, the Zealans would come and get me. Anyway, that is all that I know of the Zealans.
- our people's values
Lady Mordea has given us a culture to be proud of. Life is certainly better today than in the past.
- the past
Her Ladyship has given us peace and order. I am happy with that.
- He was a herdsman?
Lleu was a herdsman from the time that he was a boy. It was all that he knew.
- Cost him?
Yes, long ago Lleu's herd was attacked by a kith. The kith killed Lleu.
- I hope I'm not intruding.
No, you are welcome here. Although you did alarm me a bit. We do no get many strangers up here. Still, it is not for simple folk to say where and when -you- travel.
- Do you know who I am?
Well, to be honest, no. But, someone of my stature certainly has no business telling a warrior what he can or can not do. But I have not introduced myself. I am Corinth. And by what are you called?
- I'm called %PCNAME.
Well met, %PCNAME. It is good to know you.
- I prefer not to say.
Very well, I am sure that you have your reasons for your secrecy.
- You think I'm a warrior?
Come now, do not be modest. You have the obvious look of a warrior. Look how you are dressed! I may live in the country, but I am not stupid.
- What do you do?
As we live in the country, away from most people, I do many things. Since my son did move away I am not as busy as I once was.
- Many things
I take care of my husband, feed him, stitch his clothes and such. I also keep the house and help tend the torax from time to time.
- Your son?
My dear Cyrrus. I am so proud of him. His father and I are but simple people. But Cyrrus will do great things.
- His father?
That would be my husband, Gwillim.
- Simple folk.
Look about you, my lord. Does this look like the home of a wealthy family? Ours are not easy lives, yet we are proud people. Not many can do what we do. And our family has lived in this valley and worked the land for generations.
- You've been here for generations?
Oh yes. There used to be a great many families that lived in the valley. But that was long ago. Now, only Gwillim and I are left to keep the legacy of the valley alive.
- Legacy?
Yes, we are the only folk that are left who know the myths and legends of the valley. It is sad, but we are the only people left who care of such things.
- No one cares?
There is no one -left- to care. Roam this valley all that you wish and the only people that you will see are Gwillim and myself.
- What happened to the others?
Well, there was a great war long, long ago. That was the beginning of the end, I suppose. Since that time, many people believed that the land was cursed. Many people died and many others moved away.
- Cursed?
Well that is what some folk believe, but Gwillim and I... That is to say, ahh... Some people believe that the land is cursed. It is best left at that.
- Where did the people move?
My father says that most of them moved to the city.
- The city? You're kidding!
No, I am quite serious. The city, like the valley has suffered much and many people have died.
- This was before your time?
Oh yes, it was long ago. I have only heard stories. By the time I was born, there were only two families here in the valley, mine and Gwillim's.
- And Gwillim's family?
Oh, they too died off. Gwillim's only brother died rather tragically, and his parents eventually died of age.
- Cursed? By a ghost, perhaps?
Yes! How did you know that?
- What about when you go?
It is sad, but I fear that when Gwillim and I are gone, then gone too shall be this way of life. I blame myself for it.
- That is sad, indeed.
I suppose that is the way of things. But still, I can not help but cry when I think of it.
- You blame -yourself-?
Oh, please forget that ever I said such a thing. I need not trouble someone who is a virtual stranger with talk such as this. I have rattled on for far too long as it is.
- This is no trouble.
I thank you. You are kind to say so.
- How could you blame yourself?
Well, there was an accident many years ago... You see, Cyrrus was not our only child. Oh dear, I can not believe that I am telling you all of this.
- Stop if you wish.
No, I will continue. For some reason it feels good to tell this to someone. I had a child after Cyrrus, a baby girl. One day while the baby was still very young, I went into the barn to fetch a pail. I was only gone but for a moment, but while I was out of the house, a kith did come into the house and devour my baby.
- It's ok, go on.
Yes, I shall. You see, when Cyrrus was still young, I gave birth to a baby girl. One day while the baby was still very young, I went into the barn to fetch a pale. I was only gone but for a moment, but while I was out of the house, a kith did come into the house and devour my baby.
- How tragic!
For years I have carried the shame and guilt of knowing that I was responsible for my baby's death. Gwillim has always been very kind and supportive. He tried to tell me that it was not my fault, yet always will have to live with this sadness.
- I have heard tales.
Strange. I had no idea that such tales have stretched very far.
- Can you tell me of the ghost?
Well, I have not seen the ghost myself. I have only heard stories. However, Gwillim, my husband, has seen the creature, but he is very reluctant to talk about it.
- Gwillim's seen the ghost?
Yes, twice, and it was long ago. The first time was when he and his brother were young men. They where watching over their herd when upon the hillside they saw a glowing form above them.
- What about the second time?
The second time, the ghost was actually on the ground, in front of Gwillim. He said that the ghost appeared to dance around him, as though it was mocking Gwillim. He also said that it looked most unusual for a ghost.
- They both saw it?
Indeed they did. From that time on, Karpese, that was Gwillim's brother was obsessed with capturing the ghost.
- Why is he reluctant to talk?
Gwillim was frightened very deeply by what he saw. He is a strong man and does not scare easily. Whatever Gwillim saw did disturb him deeply and brings back memories of his brother. Therefore Gwillim does not like to speak of the ghost.
- It looked unusual?
Yes. Anyone who has had the misfortune to have visited the graveyard has probably seen a ghost floating in the distance. It is not unusual to see something such as that in a place where there is nothing but death. But Gwillim told me that the ghost that haunts this valley is different.
- How is it different?
Well, most ghosts that people have seen are vaporous in appearance. According to Gwillim, this ghost here is invisible except for the armor which it bears. It is most unusual.
- Where was it the second time?
I am not certain. Gwillim could tell you if you can get him to speak of the ghost.
- How did he die?
He went searching for the ghost and did never return.
- Torax?
Yes, the animals that you will see grazing here in the valley. Do not tell me that you have never heard of a torax. We have been trying to increase the size of our herd so that we can save a little bit more money.
- Save money?
Yes, it is difficult to do because we don't have very much. Sometimes my husband hunts kiths to bring in extra food.
- He hunts kiths?
Kith meat is very tasty but they are dangerous animals. It is said that a kith can cut a man in half with its jaws.
- That sounds dangerous.
Not many people hunt them. But Gwillim is very good at it.
- Your husband?
Gwillim is my husband. He is a strong and goodly man.
- Strong and goodly?
Many men drink every night and beat their wives but Gwillim does not do such things. He does not even mind that I sacrifice to Hydros.
- You sacrifice to Hydros?
Gwillim is a farmer, so he sacrifices to Lithos, the Earth Titan. But, like my father, I sacrifice to the Water Titan, Hydros.
- Why Hydros?
My father taught me to sacrifice to Hydros. All of my family has sacrificed to the Lurker for as far back as any can remember.
- Great things?
Yes! Cyrrus has gone to study with the Theurgists. He will help many people as a Theurgist.
- Theurgist
The Theurgists are the disciples of the Air Titan. Although Gwillim sacrifices to Lithos, I believe that Cyrrus was born to be a Theurgist.
- Help people?
The Theurgists specialize in healing the sick. Some say that they can even bring back the dead.
- But what of Hydros?
All of the Titans are worthy of service. Gwillim did not much like the idea of Cyrrus being a Theurgist but saw the boy's dedication. If Cyrrus is meant to serve Stratos then we must not stand in his way.
- All of the Titans are worthy?
By that, I mean that all of the Titans are great powers. I do not mean to say that all are not worthy of good people's service. I would not claim that Pyros and his sorcerers are worthy of such.
- Born to be a Theurgist?
All of his life Cyrrus has most enjoyed caring for others. He has always a talent for healing. It did not matter if it was a person or an animal, Cyrrus would heal it if it were sick. I knew that he was born to be a Theurgist, not to spend his life on a farm.
- Sorcerers?
Ask me nothing of them. It is ill business to speak of the sorcerers.
- Not at the farm
Gwillim wanted very much for Cyrrus to follow in his footsteps at the farm. I convinced Cyrrus that his future was more important than his father's traditions.
- His father's tradition.
All of Gwillim's kin have always been herdsmen. Gwillim takes great pride in working the land. As Cyrrus is our only son, Gwillim expected Cyrrus to carry on the family's traditions.
- So, you don't see many strangers?
We rarely have visitors here in the country.	We do see that strange old hermit once in a while, though.
- What hermit?
I believe that his name is Mythran. He goes into Tenebrae now and then, for supplies I suppose. No one knows much about Mythran but there are many tales about him.
- What kinds of tales?
Oh I don't not know them all. People claim that he knows magic. Some people even claim to have bought magic scrolls from the old hermit. But I would not believe everything that you hear.
- His future?
I knew that if Cyrrus became a farmer, he would be poor for the rest of life. Gwillim does not know that I convinced Cyrrus to seek the Theurgists, but I had to, for Cyrrus' sake. Now he can lead a life far richer than that of a farm man.
- Even animals?
My, but you do ask many questions! But yes, Cyrrus loves animals. He has always been a caring man.
- I'm sorry if I ask too many questions.
No, I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I enjoy your company! As I said, we do not see many visitors here, I am glad to have someone to talk to.

the late Cyrrus
Holy Cyrrus, the healer

Aid me, Stratos!
What are you doing there...?
I must meditate!
I feel refreshed now!
Why are you still here?
Why are you here, stranger?
Please, I'd like my privacy.
Are you here to rob me?!
Please, I need to be alone.
What are you doing here?
May I help you with something?
I wonder if Torwin has supper plans?
Gee, I miss Torwin.
I need to return to my studies.
Perhaps I should travel home to Tenebrae.
Then I could visit my true love, Jenna.
Curse these shoes.
I should tend to the garden.
It is rather humid today.
Do you require my assistance?
What do you need here, stranger?
What do you require?
Yes, stranger?
I need to speak to the others.
I need to speak to Torwin.
I'm feeling a bit peckish.
I should leave for Tenebrae soon.
Blast these bunions.
I must remember to prune the garden.
Let me see...
No, that's not it.
Are you lost?
Is it not lovely here?
Do you want something, my friend?
Hello, stranger!
Do you need something?
This is lovely, but I do miss Tenebrae.
Are you in need?
I wish Jenna were here.
I wish I were in Tenebrae.
Curse these insects!
I should have brought my cloak.
Hummm, no birds today.
The clouds are turning grey...
I think it's going to rain.
- Pardon me.
- I need healing.
Good day to you.
Good day to you.
Welcome to our island.
Good day to you.
By what are you called?
What place is this?
- Hello, Cyrrus.
Ah, hello my friend. I am pleased to see you.
- By what are you called?
I am called Holy Cyrrus but please, just call me Cyrrus.
- I have heard the Mystic Voice.
That is marvelous! You must be very excited. It is too bad that Torwin could not be here to share in your triumph...
- I need healing.
I am sorry, but I do not have the strength to perform such a service. Come back later after I have rested.
That is certainly no problem.
Please leave me now, I need to rest.
- Have you passed the Test of Wisdom?
For certes. It is only the first step on the road to Enlightenment. It was not easy by any means.
- Is the Test of Centeredness difficult?
Difficult? It was nearly the death of me! I fell at least five times. Fortunately Stratos saw fit to keep me and not send me to my death over the steep side. But, you'll see for yourself when you get there!
- I have passed the Tests of Wisdom and Centeredness.
You have? But you've just arrived on our island. I don't believe we've ever had anyone complete them this fast. Stratos will be so pleased with your accomplishments. Now you must find Stellos and begin on the next part of your journey.
- I have passed the Third Test and have my Foci.
That is wonderful! You must be quite excited.
I am sorry I can not celebrate with you, but a terrible thing has happened. Brother Xavier has lost one of his Foci.
- How did it happen?
It seems it was taken while he slept. I am sorry but I must be going. I have to help look for the missing Focus.
- Have you seen Torwin?
Why, no. And, may I add, what a cruel thing to ask!
No I have not. (yes I have)
No, I haven't seen him all day.
- Where is he?
I do not know. (He told me he was going to go to Windy Point today for something very important.)
I do not know.
- Why are you covering up for him?
I am not covering for him! (I think he is the one who took the Focus. I don't think he meant any harm by it, though. He is not a mean-spirited person)
Pardon me? I am not covering up for him. That would go against all the teachings of Stratos.
- Holy Cyrrus?
That is the name given to me by Stellos. Everyone thinks it is a grand name.
- It is a grand name.
I am sure my father has bragged about it to everyone, including the torax!
- Everyone?
My mother and father, the others here... why, just everyone.
- Your father is a herdsman?
Yes, and so I would be. It's birthing time back home. My favorite time of the year. Watching the beginning of a new life, helping that new life to stand... aahhh, it is one of greatest joys in my life. But that is all behind me now.
- Where are you from?
My home is in the hills of Tenebrae. Even Argent Rock with all its finery is but a pale shadow of the beauty of Tenebrae. The ocean, the hills, the people...I miss it so.
- Why are you here?
It was discovered when I was quite young that I had a talent for healing. My mother and father were so proud. They told everyone about their brilliant child who was going to heal the world. Then my sister was injured by a kith. No matter how I tried, my meager skills were no match for her injury. She died and I vowed it would never happen again. I left home and made my way here. I've been here ever since.
- You miss the people of Tenebrae?
It has been my home since birth. I miss the people. Darion with all his bluff and bluster, used to carry candy in his pocket for me. Bentic tutored both Jenna and I when we were young. Oh, my beloved Jenna. I try not to think of her, it pains me so.
- Tell me of Bentic.
I miss him so. He is a kind and gentle man who's greatest loves in life are his books and his studies. He knows so much about so many things, he is fascinating to talk with.
- Tell me of Darion.
He talked of the day I would join the guard. I told him many times I would be a herdsman like my father. 'Nonsense,' he would say, 'you're cut out to be a guard, you have the spirit for it.' I don't know why, the guard never does anything but hang around the castle hoping Aramina will bring them a sweet from the Tempest's table! He is Jenna's father, you know.
- Jenna's father?
Yes, and in my fondest dreams, he was to be my father- in-law, for I love Jenna so.
- Bentic is dead.
Oh no! Say it is not so! Oh dear! You bring me sad news of my home! Pray, how did this happen?
- I know not
'Tis a sad day for me. Bentic was a dear friend.
- Mordea had him executed.
The Tempest? I knew she was a hard woman, but to execute someone as gentle and harmless as Bentic? What terrible thing did he do that would anger the Tempest so?
I know not
- I do not know
I cannot imagine what terrible wrong Bentic committed that would result in his death. He was a kind and good man.
- He conducted forbidden research.
Research was what Bentic loved most. Ah, 'tis a sad day when good folks are executed for doing something which they love and brings harm to no one.
- Tell me of Jenna.
Ah, you've met her, then. Isn't she a lovely creature? I have loved her from the moment I laid eyes on her. I always dreamed she would marry me and live with me in the hills, helping tend the torax. It is funny how things never work out like we expect.
She lives in Tenebrae. If you should travel there, stop in and see her. She is a lovely girl, so full of life. I would that I could marry her, but I cannot.
- Why not marry her?
Look around you, my friend. There are few enough of us here on Argent Rock. Rare are those with the talent it takes to touch the power of Stratos and use it to heal. I am one of those few. To help the people of this land I must sacrifice that which I most dearly desire...to marry my beloved Jenna and live a simple herdsman's life in the hills above Tenebrae.
- What place is this?
This is Argent Rock, home of the Theurgists.
- Who are the Theurgists?
Why we are the disciples of Stratos, the Great Titan of Air. We are healers.
- I passed the Third Test.
I have heard. This is certainly a great occasion. Now you are ready to attempt the greatest feat of your life...to reach out and touch the power that is Stratos.
- Touch Stratos' power?
The power that gives us the ability to heal people. It is a thrilling moment when you first touch the Titan. Certainly nothing you will ever forget.
- The greatest feat?
You must go to Stellos. He will tell you how to reach Stratos.
- I have the Breath of Wind.
That explains it then. I felt a tremor in my link with Stratos, then it was broken. I am unable to heal.
- You are unable to heal?
I hope that you use the Breath of Wind for a higher purpose, for it was taken at great sacrifice to the people of this land. It is a bitter sweet time for me.
- Why bittersweet?
For if my link with Stratos is permanently broken then I can never heal the sick and injured of this land again. This would be a tragic thing for the people, however, it also would release me of my vow to Stratos, leaving me free to return to Tenebrae and marry my beloved Jenna. So while I mourn for the people, I thank you for giving my love to me.
- Will you tell me the answers?
Certainly not. That is an unthinkable thing. You must find the answers yourself as have all those seeking Enlightenment before you have.
- Where did you get the answers?
From the library. Oh, the hours I spent in there pouring over the old texts until the candle I was using was burned to a nub. Yes, those were difficult days. But not as difficult as the Test of Centeredness.
- I found this ring.
My goodness. That's Torwin's ring! Oh my, it belonged to his father. He showed it to everyone he met. Oh how terribly, terribly sad! You should take it to his mother.
- I shall.
I know she will be very happy. It is a kind thing you do. Give her my regards, will you?
- I don't think I will.
Perhaps you are right. The shock and sadness might be too much for her. Still, I think it would be best to return it to her.
- The Test of Centeredness was difficult?
- Is the Test of Centeredness difficult?
Difficult? It was nearly the death of me! I fell at least five times. Fortunately Stratos saw fit to keep me and not send me to my death over the steep side. But, you'll see for yourself when you get there!
- bye

Why is this wide open?


How may I serve you, master?
Find the one called Sabriane. Put an end to her life and then return from whence you came.*I command that you do this in Pyros' name.
Yes, master.
How may I serve you, mistress?
Find the one called Morduin. Put an end to his life and then return from whence you came.*I command that you do this in Pyros' name.
Yes, mistress.

In Flam!
Kal Flam Bal Zen!
An Flam!
There... it is done.


MM - I have sensed a daemonic presence within the confines of the Enclave.*
MM - Vardion/Bane, what is the meaning of this?
VB - Forgive me, Master.
VB - Vardion/Bane was planning to assassinate you.*With the aid of this stranger, I summoned a daemon to rid us of the threat. Surely you understand that I had to do something.
MM - I understand no such thing*Get up!
MM - You should have brought this to my attention before acting on your baseless suspicions.
VB - Yes, Master. I only sought to protect you.
MM - Well, in your feeble attempt at guarding my person, you have destroyed a valuable Acolyte at a time when I need to call upon the Lord of Flame.
MM - How exactly do you propose to solve this dilemma, Vardion/Bane?
V  - If you will permit me to remain your First Acolyte, I believe that I can give you a fine Disciple to assist in the Ritual of Fire. That one there.
B  - If you will allow me to become your First Acolyte, I believe that I can give you a fine Disciple to assist in the Ritual of Fire. That one there.
VB - He calls himself, %PCNAME.
VB - His Sorcerous potential is truly great. Can you not feel it?
MM - Of course I can! Do not presume to tell me my craft.* Teach him our ways, and keep in mind that while he is your Disciple, all his actions reflect upon you, First Acolyte.
VB - Yes! I understand, my Master.*I will provide you with an excellent Acolyte. We will begin training immediately.
MM - See that you do. And when he is ready, send him to me.* If he can survive the Obsidian Fortress, he will be ready for the Ritual of Flame.
VB - Yes, Master.
VB - Well, Disciple. It's time to make an Acolyte out of you. Go and read the books of our library. They will show you how to become a Sorcerer. Come to me only if you have questions about Sorcery in general.
V  - Here's the key to the library.*Run along now.
B  - Come fetch the key to the library.*Then run along.

I cannot assist you during your test. Do you wish to forfeit?
- yes
You disappoint me, my Disciple. But, how may I assist you?
- no
Very well. But you must hurry.
You have not even started and Master Malchir will not wait forever.
You have made a good start but Master Malchir will not wait forever.
You are almost done but Master Malchir will not wait forever.
- Farewell.
I must return to my work, Disciple.
- You lied to me!
And what of it? Are you here to bother me with your petty conscience?
- You are quite devious.
I thought you would see it that way. A job needed doing, and I was the one to do it. Very simple. Now, about your training.
- Obviously, you have none.
That's right, Disciple. And if you know what's good for you, you'll lose yours. It gets in the way of Sorcery. If you can't handle this, you're no good to us, and if you're no good to us, then you must leave.
- No, of course not. Forgive me.
Forgive you? You are the Disciple, I am your Sponsor. I give the orders. I will forgive you when you earn my forgiveness. You do that by becoming a competent Sorcerer.
- I would learn more about Sorcery.
Would you? Well then, learn.
Excellent. Knowledge is the path to power.
Very well. I am here to teach.
What would you know?
- I am ready to be tested.
Are you? We shall see.*Your test will consist of enchanting a focus or foci, your choice, with the spells of Flash, Flame Bolt, and Endure Heat. If you find that you are not ready once the test begins, you may still leave, but the test will be forfeit.
Do you wish to begin the test?
- yes
Your test begins now. Do not fail. I will not tolerate failure in one of my Disciples.
- no
Very well. But learn quickly. The Master does not like to be kept waiting.
I am busy right now, Disciple. I will test you when I am at my pentacle.
- What is the Ritual of Fire?
That is the ceremony we use to call upon our patron Titan, Pyros, Lord of Flame. Your final test hinges upon how well you perform in that ritual.
You will need to bring a red candle, that you will ignite by use of Sorcery. You will then kneel and begin the chant,~ 'In Sanct An Por'. Very simple, is it not? When it is over, you may do as you wish.
- How will I be tested?
First, I will test your ability to create and bind sorcerous energies to physical paraphernalia, when you can do this, I will pronounce you fit to become an Acolyte.
For your next test, I will give you the key of the Acolyte. It is not a physical key, as such, but the ability to enter into the Obsidian Fortress. Your test lies within. If you survive to find Master Malchir, you have passed.
Your third test will be given by the Master himself. He will choose a spell for you to cast. Cast it successfully and you will be accepted as an Acolyte.
Your final test will be to assist in the Ritual of Fire. Do this competently, and your position as Acolyte, as well as my position as First Acolyte, will be confirmed.
- Tell me about spellcasting.
Sorcerous spellcasting is a craft. It involves binding the power of Fire into a physical focus. The foci we use are: the pentacle symbol, a metal wand, rod, or staff, and a talisman in the form of a daemon's head.
A pentagram is required to contain the power channeled into the focus, candles are used to indicate the nature of the spell, and certain reagents, placed strategically near certain candles, unleash and shape the energies to be channeled.
- I wish to know about a spell.
You must find the spellbook with that knowledge and research its properties. Other than that, I cannot reveal to you.
- Where do I place the candles?
Each point of the pentacle has a small spike upon which a candle can be placed. These points have names associated with them.
The point farthest from the core of the volcano is called the Aphelion, and it lies...
The next two candles are called Mesostelae. Mesostel Pa rests...
And its companion, Mesostel Ze sits across from it.
The final candles, closest to the volcano are appropriately named Perivolcanae. Perivolcan Pa lies...
And its mate...
...is placed here.
This lesson will have to wait, Disciple. I am not prepared to teach it at the moment. Ask again when I am at my pentacle.
- Explain the foci.
A focus is designed to hold the energy of a spell. Each focus has different limitations as to the choice and power of the spell focused.
The pentacle symbol is the least powerful, but quite possibly the most useful focus. It is designed to contain the energies of the Ignite and Extinguish spells, however, any other spell may be worked into its pattern for one use.
The wand can hold the Ignite, Extinguish, Flash, and Flame Bolt spells. The Rod holds all wand spells in addition to the protective spells of Endure Heat, Fire Shield, and Armor of Flames. The staff holds all of the wand and rod spells along with the Create Fire and Explosion spells.
The daemon talisman holds only the Summon Daemon, Banish Daemon, and Conflagration spells.
When you wish to enchant a focus, you merely place it at the center of a prepared pentacle, then concentrate your will upon the pentacle itself.
- What are reagents?
They are all things which the Lord of Flame provides for us, and they each are imbued with different capabilities.
The simplest reagent is volcanic ash. Its purpose in Sorcery is to represent the spark that brings flame.
Pumice is thrown far from the maw of the volcano, and has the property of giving distance to a spell.
Obsidian is a very enduring substance. It can be worn down, to fine grains of sand, but if melted it resumes its former properties. It grants duration to a spell.
Raw iron, or pig iron, is strong yet flexible to work with. It lends this protective nature to sorcerous endeavors.
Brimstone is a volatile substance, and confers this to Sorcerous enchantment in the form of raw power. Be careful in your use of this reagent.
Daemon bone, hard to aquire, and harder still to use. This, of course, is the reagent required to make spells dealing with the daemonic servants of Pyros. If you are not wary with its use, it will be your undoing.
Reagents are placed about the candles to lend their particular properties to the spell. Other than proximity to the correct candle, their placement matters not.
- Farewell.
I believe something you said was incorrectly spelled. I don't know why I know this. It was as if giant, blue letters had appeared, blazing across the sky.
Well done, Disciple! You are now ready to seek out the Master. Go to the Obsidian Fortress. The gates will no longer bar you. In my eyes you are now an Acolyte, only Master Malchir has the right to revoke this should you fail his tests.
I am sorry, Acolyte. I have no time for conversation. My duties as First Acolyte preclude idle discussion.
Besides, I believe the Master still wishes to see you. Do not tarry overlong. Malchir is not known to be forgiving.
Truly an excellent performance overall. You are worthy of the title Acolyte. Now, defend yourself from -my- daemon. Banish it and you will be ready for the Ritual of Flame.
You have failed the third test, Disciple. Prepare to die.
I did not ask you to summon a daemon, Disciple. You have failed... prepare to die.
This is far better than I had hoped! If you will return to me my staff, we can begin the ceremony. Just put it anywhere, and be quick about it.
Drop the staff. We must leave now, Acolyte.
I said drop it. This is your last warning, Acolyte. I do not need you so much that I will accept your insubordination.
I see. You wish to test me. Well, I have passed or I have failed. But in either case, it won't matter to you. You will be dead!
I did not ask you to banish a daemon, Disciple. You have failed... prepare to die.

So, you are back.
What do you want?
Sword play is an art form.
You have interrupted my practice!
Hmmm, my parries need some work.
No one can best me!
My blade needs cleaning...
Perhaps more drilling on attacks...
My practice armor needs repair.
What to do about Jenna.
I need a new sword...
Good day to you.
New around here, are you?
Need some assistance?
Stranger, are you lost?
Nice day for a walk, is it not?
Curses, I think it is going to rain again!
I could use a new weapon...
It is getting late...
It seems too quiet around here...
What to do about Jenna...
Oh well...
Maybe I'll go to the tavern for an ale.
En guard!
Watch this!
Yes, I do. I have leather armor called cuir-bouilli, leather leggings and boots, leather gloves and bracers, and a helm. Would you be interested in any of these?
Leather leggings and boots.
Leather gloves and bracers.
Nothing, thank you.
A fine choice. That'll cost you 6 blacks. Will you take it?
Leather gloves and bracers.
Ah, you won't be disappointed in the quality. The price is 5 bright stones. Do we have a deal?
Leather leggings and boots.
Every warrior needs boots and leggings. A set of mine will cost you 10 stones.
Just the thing for those long journeys. For 2 black stones it can be yours.
Nothing, thank you.
Well, you're turning down a good deal here, you know. Ah well, there is no accounting for taste, I suppose.
If you didn't want anything, why did you ask?
Here is the amount.
Never mind, thank you.
Here is the amount.
There you go. Thank you for your business.
Ha ha, you may be strong, but you can't carry all that! Why don't I just keep this for you until you have room for it.
Hey, what are you trying to do here? Cheat me? Come back when you've got some real money to spend!
Oh well, 'Tis your loss!
Can't make your mind up? Well, just think on it a while.
You may strike first.
Time is up!
Come back when you need training again.
I will not chase cowards!

The late Captain of the Guard.
Darion, Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

You are blocking the way! Move!
A moment, sir!
Hello there.
What?! What do you want?! Can't you see this is an emergency situation?!
I see you've come back. You've reconsidered about my daughter then, have you?
Miserable weather and all, we're having, eh %PCNAME.
- Yes, just terrible, Captain Darion.
Miserable weather and all we're having, eh?
- Yes, just terrible, Captian Darion.
Good day to you, %PCNAME.
Good day to you.
Good morrow, Captain Darion.
Good day to you, Sir.
And as you can see, I am a trainer. Since you appear to be in shape I could take you on as a student if you so desire. Only ask, and I will spar with you.
And good day to you.
- May I know your name?
I am Darion, the Arms Master and Captain of the Palace Guard here in Tenebrae.
And you?
- I am %PCNAME.
Well met, %PCNAME.
Ich hei�e %PCNAME.
Freut mich, %PCNAME.
Ich hei�e %PCNAME.
Je suis %PCNAME.
Enchant�, %PCNAME.
Je suis %PCNAME.
- Good morrow, Captain Darion.
- Yes, just terrible, Captain Darion.
I don't know what we'll do if it gets much worse.
Good morrow to you, %PCNAME.
Good morrow to you.
- I need training.
I would be glad to have you as a student!
I charge 50 black stones per session, and I guarantee that you will get your moneys worth.
Do you still wish to spar with me?
- yes
Draw your weapon and prepare for combat.
- yes
It looks like you do not have the money.
I am sorry, but I do not give credit. Try me later when you can afford my services.
- no
Do not worry, I will look upon you as a coward for not accepting my offer.
Do you sell armaments?
I'm interested in your wares.
My armaments are the finest available. Are you looking for something in particular?
Yes, I am.
No, I'm not.
What do you have?
No, sorry.
Nothing, thank you.

Ok, well, if you change your mind, let me know.
Have you reconsidered about Jenna, then?
- So Devon is now your Tempest.
And make no mistake, I will serve him as I served Mordea. I am loyal to the Tempestry, I am.
- I heard a tale from Orlok.
That is not unusual from him. He's got quite a few of them.
- This tale concerned a ghost.
Ghosts? In my town? Never!! Why If there were any ghosts seen here it would only be in the minds of those who had too much of Orlok's ale. I'll just bet he's been talking to those simple-minded herdsmen in the hills again. They are always spreading some crazy story around. Spend too much time with their torax, that's what I think. Ghosts? Pshaw! No such things ... and I'll mind you not to spread tales like that. Upsets the citizens of this town, it does. Now, if you'll excuse me.
- Tell me about the palace.
The palace is the home of our Tempest, Devon.
The palace is the home of our Tempest, the Lady Mordea.
- Tell me about Tenebrae.
Ah, Tenebrae, 'tis the finest gem in this fair land. I have served this city and her leaders since I was a mere lad, as an apprentice in the guard. I welcome you, %PCNAME, to our fair city.
Ah, Tenebrae, 'tis the finest gem in this fair land. I have served this city and her leaders since I was a mere lad, as an apprentice in the guard. I welcome you to our fair city.
- Who is Lady Mordea?
The fair Tempest of our City.
- Who are the Palace Guards?
The finest fighting regiment in the land. But there is not much call for defense anymore. We mostly spend our time in preserving the peace. That's not to say we wouldn't be ready if needed, though.
- Ready for what?
Of course, you never know what those Necromancers are up to. And we do have our fine Tempest to defend.
- You defend her?
Of course, our Tempest is more than capable of defending herself. She has a portion of Hydros' power.
- Who is the Tempest?
Why, she is the representative of that mightiest of Titans, Hydros. Hydros' visage is much too fearsome and powerful for the likes of you and I, so Lady Mordea serves as her representative. In exchange, Lady Mordea is able to wield some of the power from Hydros.
- What power?
Why do you think we have fair weather all the day? With her share of Hydros' power, Lady Mordea is able to control the weather. 'Tis a blessing, it is.
- Who is Hydros?
Keep a respectful tongue in your head when you speak that name, my friend. The Lurker is a force to be reckoned with. She is the power of all the waters. She can be as gentle as a spring rain or as powerful and terrible as a thundering waterfall. She is the mightiest of all the Titans. Well worth your respect and worship.
- Who are the Necromancers?
Filthy things, they live in the cemetery and muck about with dead bodies. They serve the Titan Lithos. 'Tis no wonder there are so few Necromancers left. Only those who grub for a paltry living from the mud and dirt have anything to do with Lithos and the Necromancers. Phaw!
- Only a few Necromancers?
I do not know exactly how many there are, but even one is one too many for my liking.
- Tell me about the cemetery.
That's where those filthy creatures keep their home. They like to be as near the dead as they can. If you ask me, I think they wait until late in the night and then dig up the bodies so they can do all manner of grotesque things to them. It churns my belly to think of it.
- An emergency situation?
By Hydros' spume, man! Can't you see? The dead are walking the streets! I have a town to protect! A Tempest to find! People to calm! I haven't time for gawkers!
- What do you know about Salkind?
Hmmmmm, I don't know much about him, except he is always at the side of Lady Mordea. I'm not sure I trust him.
- Why don't you trust Salkind?
Well, the Tempest has always ruled alone. This seneschal bit seems to go against our fine line of tradition here in Tenebrae. I'm not sure I agree, but then, Lady Mordea seems to like him, so I'll protect him as well as her.
- I met your daughter, Jenna.
Ah, she is a beauty, isn't she? She is my pride and joy, you know. Why, she is the exact picture of her dear, departed mother.
- What happened to her mother?
That is a sad tale. She was the love of my life. A beauty with long blonde hair and eyes as green as the Sea of Rains. She took with the fever shortly after dear Jenna was born. I did everything I could, but it was no use. She died in my arms and with her last breath whispered, 'I love you'.
- That is a tragic tale.
I can only honor her with my memories, for there is no physical marker for her, no grave.
- Why is there no grave?
There was a grave, there WAS one. But one day as I went to leave flowers on her stone, as was my want, I found the grave ripped open and the body missing. It could only be the work of those filthy Necromancers. It pains me still to think of it.
- She is beautiful.
That she is. Every man in town has asked for her hand, but I'm afraid there is too much of her father in her. I do wish she could find the right one, though. But it will take someone with a strength of character and a soundness of mind that you just don't find around here. Perhaps it will take someone... someone much like yourself, hmmmm?
- Bye
Did I tell you that she can wield a sword as well as any man? Taught her myself. Right dangerous she is with that thing.
- Bye
Did I mention she can cook? She makes a fine pie, Yessir, makes my mouth water just thinking about it.
- Bye
She keeps an immaculate house, she does. Why you could eat right off the floor.
- Bye
She's a beauty, all right. A man would be right proud to have her by his side.
- Bye
Oh, and did I mention how much she loves children? Wants a house full of them, she does.
- I regret to tell you no.
You're sure then? Did I mention that she is educated and can discuss many matters of interest quite well?
- Yes, I want to marry your daughter!
Oh that's wonderful! But, ummm...there is one little detail I forgot to mention, Oh but it's a little thing, it can wait till after the ceremony. Now, how soon do you want the ceremony?
- What little detail?
Just a little something. Ummmm, well, it's really nothing. Ummm, has she mentioned whether or not she likes you, at all?
- Oh, she likes me.
Oh that is wonderful. Perhaps that will avoid the problem then.
- She is angry with me.
Oh, that could be a problem.
- What problem?
Well, it's just that she, ahhh, has...well it's a little embarrassing, it seems she has sworn to kill any man chosen for her to marry...see, nothing really.
- What ceremony?
Why the wedding ceremony, of course. I could arrange it for quite soon.
Then that's settled. You'll think about it and get back to me with your answer.
- I met Bentic.
Ah yes, he was just executed...for conducting forbidden research, if I remember rightly. He was a good fellow, too bad he got involved in such shady dealings.
Bentic, now there's a good fellow. Always in his library, he is. Stays out of trouble. Too bad more of our citizens aren't more like that.
- What shady dealings?
Well, you know...just, shady ones. Ones that are forbidden by Lady Mordea. Ahem, I can't say anymore than that, you know, official policy and all.
- Orlok told a story of Bentic.
Of course he did, he's Orlok, after all and he does enjoy his story. Didn't tell you the one about the map on Bentic's chest, did he? Well, that's nothing but hogwash. I had cause to visit Bentic in his home one day. He was wearing a robe and showed his chest quite plainly. There was no map on it.
- Do you know of Blowhard's treasure?
So, come for treasure, have you? Well, you're not the first young man to come to me with that look in your eye. No sirree, in fact, were I a younger man, I might take it into my head to look, myself.
- Where would you look?
Well, when I was just a tyke, my father told me a story Much like one of Orlok's stories about John Blowhard. Only my father's story went this way. A bunch of trolls had taken up residence on an island. They raided neighboring villages and stole the children away to eat them. One night, the trolls came again and tried to steal the last child in the village. The child's mother was so enraged, she grabbed one of her knitting needles and killed the troll. Stratos was so impressed by this mother's defense, she turned the knitting needle into a magical sword. It is said this sword is hidden somewhere in the mountains outside Tenebrae, perhaps in Herdsman's valley. Were I looking for treasure, that's where'd I'd look.
- I met Kilandra.
She is a crazy old thing, isn't she?
- Her tale is tragic.
Oh, told you about her daughter, did she? Well, ever since that little girl died, she has not been the same. Never comes into town, never speaks to anyone. Rather pathetic, if you ask me.
- bye
Stay out of trouble.



Hey, watch it!
Go play somewhere else!
Bull's eye!

dead body
A curse upon you, thief!

dead body
leave my bones alone...


What are you doing there...?
Beren! I am assaulted!
Oh dear, %PCNAME. It seems quite a stir has been created. I hope you are well.
Oh dear, %PCNAME. For a moment I thought you were one of the ghouls who seem to have begun wandering the city. I am glad to see you are alive.
Hello there, %PCNAME.
Hello there.
What is going on?
Greetings, Devon.
I need the Blackrock fragment.
What is going on?
Greetings, Devon.
Hello, Devon.
The Lurker is free!
Hello, Devon.
What is going on?
Greetings, Devon.
Hello, Devon.
- Who are you?
I am Devon, my strange friend. And I am glad to see you are feeling better, %PCNAME.
- Where did you find me?
Why, on the shore, friend, safe now and thankfully alive.
- Shore of what?
Shore of what? Why, the shore of Tenebrae, upon the Sea of Rains.
- Goodbye.
Oh. I am sorry. I thought you were still speaking to me.
I see you otherwise occupied. I shall not waste any more of your time. Farewell.
- Sea of Rains?
Obviously you do not spend any time away from the city to ask such a question. Why, 'tis nothing more than the name of the sea. The story goes that the rains are quite heavy the farther you go from the shore. It is supposed to have something to do with Mordea's powers. Part of her role as ruling Tempest is to control the rain over the city, but she feels no obligation to extend that in the distant waters. Of course, I have never had an unwanted cloud while out to sea, myself, so I suspect the name is more rumor than truth.
- Tenebrae?
Aye, Tenebrae, the City of Eternal Twilight. They say you'll never find a more lovely place and I do not disagree, save for one place. But I will say this, the farther I am from the Lady, the better I feel. I can tell by your questions that you are not from this land. Come you from another island? Or perhaps some place that is an even greater distance away.
- I am from far away.
I suspected as much, my friend, for your questions are most unusual. I must inform you that, a simple fisherman, I am a poor source of information about our local customs and such. I am sure there must be someone else who can tell you more. Why, I know just the person. When you get to town, visit Bentic in the library in east Tenebrae. My good friend knows practically all there is to know about our land and its people. Yes, he can certainly help you.
- What is the lovelier place?
Why, the open sea, of course! I can think of nothing more reassuring than the smell of the salt and the feel of a taut net as it fills with fish. And the weather! I hear others complain it is as fickle as the Lady, but I know no such thing. I can think of no day on the sea when the sky was not clear and the waves as gentle as a baby's hand.
- Who is the Lady?
You mean the Lady Mordea, my friend. She is Tempest and ruler of the city. Others call her a tyrant in whispered corners, though I held no opinion myself. Until recently, that is.
- What changed your opinion?
Lately the Lady has taken to eliminating dissension by eliminating the dissenters. She has them executed, beheaded on the docks. At first no one was killed but true criminals, but soon, any who showed disagreement was put to the block. I fear for the freedom of the people.
- What is a Tempest?
Indeed, you ask unusual questions. However, I know so little about them, myself. In town you might find others who can offer so much more assistance.
- What happened to me?
- Found me?
I am unsure, my friend. All I know is that I found your water-logged body in the depths of The Lurker's domain. What happened before remains a mystery. I pulled in my nets and within one I discovered you.
- The Lurker's domain?
Aye, 'tis what we sometimes call the sea. You were drowning in it, my friend. A fate twice bad to be certain!
- Twice bad?
Aye! Not only would it have meant death for you, but then you would have been doomed to walk the ocean floor, unable to fulfill the pact with Lithos.
- What pact?
Ages ago, our people forged a covenant with Lithos. If he would still the shaking earth, we would commend to him our dead at the time of their passing.
- Rules death?
Through his Necromancers, Lithos takes the dead to serve him for the remainder of their existence.
- Who are the Necromancers?
I am amazed at how little you know, friend. The Necromancers are the keepers of the cemetery. They have the rather distasteful duty of burying the dead, thus honoring the pact and sending the dead to Lithos.
- Who is Lithos?
We call him the Mountain King. He rules the grass, the stones, the hills -- all that we walk upon. He also rules death.
- What is the Lurker?
The Lurker? That is our name for Hydros, Titan of water. She is a crafty and treacherous one, always ready to pull unwilling victims to their deaths at the depths of the sea... much like what nearly happened to you.
- How do you know my name?
I am sorry. I did not mean to pry, but when I found you, I knew not who you were. I am afraid I read through your logbook and discovered your name. Please forgive me.
- Hello, Devon.
Good day.
All is well, I hope.
Hail, friend.
- Hello, Devon.
- Any news?
I was just about to ask you the same, friend. Nay, there is nothing new to tell. 'Tis a shame about Toran, though, is it not?
Nay, there is nothing new to tell. There has been little else on my mind than undoing what Mordea had wrought with her tyranny.
Only that Mordea was more corrupt than I ever thought possible. I am spending all of my time undoing her wrongs.
As a simple fisherman, I never wanted the life of a ruler. I always believed it would be a difficult and troublesome position. Now that I -am- responsible for the citizens of Tenebrae, I am certain of the difficuties and troubles.
I was just about to ask you the same, friend. Nay, there is nothing new to tell.
I was just about to ask you the same, friend. Nay, there is nothing new to tell. But perhaps Bentic's eyes and ears have observed up some information of importance.
- Who is Toran?
A good man, he was. Toran was the gemcutter. His works were quite good. I can tell you, his wife and son are quite distraught. Who can blame them?
A good man, I would say. He is the gemcutter. His works are considered quite good.
- His wife?
Ah, Poor Rhian. She did not handle the execution well. They had been married for more than 20 years. All she does now is sit by her loom and weep, so I hear tell. Pity.
- His son?
His son does not handle grief like his mother. Torwin has decided to take matters into his own hands. I hear he has joined the Order of Enlightenment, though his impetuous nature may give him difficulties. Perhaps with hard work he will persevere.
His son does not handle grief like his mother. Torwin has decided to take matters into his own hands, though only the Titans know what he will do. I suppose violence would not be out of the question. I can only hope that is not the case, for even if he could get past the guards, Mordea's abilities are more than adequate to stave off his assault.
- What about Toran?
He was killed, he was. Executed at the Lady's command. I know the reasons they gave, but Toran was no blasphemer. There is tyranny in this city, that's for sure. Be careful what you speak to others.
I hear he is to be killed. Executed at the Lady's command. I know the reasons they give, but Toran is no blasphemer.  There is tyranny in this city, that's for sure. Be careful what you speak to others.
- What should I do?
All I am concerned about now is pacifying the Lurker, my friend. I am sorry, but I have no time for anything else.
Well, I suppose now that you are better, you should consider visiting Tenebrae. Here there is nothing, unless you wish to join me in fishing. But in Tenebrae, there is a wealth of activities and information for a soul such as yourself. Why, I know just the person there who can help you. When you get to town, visit Bentic in the library in east Tenebrae. The good sage knows practically all there is to know about our land and its people. Yes, he can certainly help you.
- Goodbye.
Farewell, friend %PCNAME, and good luck.
Farewell, friend %PCNAME, and good luck. You are welcome to stay with me for as long as you need. My food and provisions are yours until you wish to head to the city. And be careful in your travels, for I fear you will encounter much violence.
I can already see a crowd gathering there on the docks.
That can mean only trouble.
- What is going on?
I am not sure, my friend, though I must admit I am pleased to see you.  My good friend, Bentic, has been... executed. And I, myself, jailed. Yet no one will tell me why. Why, %PCNAME. Why are these needless deaths happening? Please, %PCNAME, you must find this out for me. I beg your assistance. What was Bentic doing that warranted death? Certainly Salkind has some explanation. He will not speak to me here, but perhaps you will find him in kind enough spirits to answer a few questions.
- I am sorry.
You are sorry? I understand. You are too busy with your own troubles.
- I will help.
At the moment, I can offer you only my eternal gratitude. But I hope one day to repay you for the kindness and courage you are sharing. Good luck, my friend.
- Greetings, Devon.
Well met, friend. I hope your luck is holding out. I do not know how much longer they will keep me here, and I fear the chopping block is not out of the question. Please, continue with your quest.
You will forgive me if I do not respond politely. The bitter taste left in my mouth from our last encounter is quite foul. Unless you are here to offer assistance, please be on your way.
- Farewell.
Begone, coward.
- I will assist you.
I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see your change of heart. I found it difficult to so often curse the name of one I knew to be kind and courageous. At the moment, I can but offer you my eternal gratitude. But I hope one day to repay you for your deeds. Good luck, my friend.
- I need the Blackrock fragment.
I am sorry, my friend, but for once it is me who does not understand you. What is this Blackrock fragment?
- Who would know its location?
To answer that, I must know what it is you are talking about.
- The Tear of the Seas.
I have not heard of this item.  What exactly is this Blackrock Tear?
- It is a large, dark stone.
Your description is rather vague. Considering the once-active state of the volcano, I do not think you will get far asking for a large black-colored rock. I would even be suprised if -- wait! Despite my words I might be able to assist you. Years ago, I found myself casting my nets in a new area. The catch was plentiful, I remember, and when I pulled in my nets one time, I found such a stone within. The rock was made of an unusually hard substance, even more resistant than obsidian. I thought it so peculiar at the time that I kept it. I still have it if you wish to see it.
- Yes, I do.
I believe it is locked away in a chest in my study, in the southwest corner of the palace. Here is the key. You may take it for whatever purpose you need.~ Oh, yes, there is something else I wanted to mention to you. You have been here for sometime and yet I do not know where you have managed to find accomodations. The least I can do is have you stay at Salkind's house. There you should find food and lodging, and most likely even a little money. You have done so much for the city, I feel that we owe you no less.
I hope this key helps.
- No, I do not.
Very well, though I find it odd that you mentioned it then. Should you change your mind, I believe it is locked away in a chest in my study, in the southwest corner of the palace. Here is the key. You may take it for whatever purpose you need.~ Oh, yes, there is something else I wanted to mention to you. You have been here for sometime and yet I do not know where you have managed to find accomodations. The least I can do is have you stay at Salkind's house. There you should find food and lodging, and most likely even a little money. You have done so much for the city, I feel that we owe you no less.
I hope this key helps.
- May you farewell.
Goodbye, %PCNAME, and good luck!
- The Lurker is free!
While terrible as that might be, I am more concerned with my current situation. Perhaps later, my friend, I will be more interested in that.
I had feared as much. When the torrential rains began and the people came to me, I could not stop it. Then I knew something was wrong. At first, I had hopes that you simply found another Tempest, one who was older. Yet somehow	I knew, I felt, that was not the case. Tell me, friend, how did this come to pass?
- Twas my fault.
That does not surprise me. From the day I cut you free of my fishing nets, I knew of the luck that followed you. Whether it is good luck or bad I did not know. Nor, for that matter, am I sure now. Nevertheless, the rains must cease or the land will flood again, as in the days of Kalen and the wars with the Zealans. And, my friend, I believe it is up to you to end this cataclysm. Though I am loath to suggest this, perhaps the Sorcerers who dwell across the river of lava in the catacombs can help.
- I know not.
This is terrible. With Hydros free and the rain falling in torrents, the land will surely flood. We have not the time nor the ability to move to the safety of higher ground!

Beware unto any who may read this tome: The power of the Mountain King is great, and the dread sovereign of all clay and Earth is to be feared and respected. Therefore, as you read the words of might contained within these pages, know that the power that the Mountain King will grant to you is great. Use the power that you learn here wisely and remember: The Mountain King can take from you anything that He has given you. Do not abuse that which you learn while in the service of mighty Lithos. The first spell that the student of Earthen Magic must learn is the Open Ground spell. The use of this spell will open the sacred clay of our father, and allow you to enter therein. The reagents needed for this spell are Blood and Blackmoor. Speak the words Des Por Ylem to create your magic token, then shall you be allowed to envelop yourself in the arms of the Mountain King. The second spell that student must learn is Death Speak. This must be, for the student must first learn from the long dead Necromancers of old. From their dead lips shall come words of knowledge and power. So that the student may speak to his dead tutors, the student must know Death Speak. The reagents needed for Death Speak are but Blood and Bone. Use these reagents together with the words Kal Wis Corp and the student shall then be able to learn from the Ancient Necromancers.

Do not be so foolish as to think you have the power to defeat me!

You have betrayed me, live one, and for that you must die!

I am impressed with your impudence, manling!

You shall be rewarded with an eternity of torment!

Wicked wicked child! You have tried my patience and now I shall punish you!


Kal Corp Xen!

Who shall I destroy, Master?
Yes, Master?
You will be my victim!

�In Quas Wis!

Kal Des Flam Ylem!

Kal Xen!

Who shall I destroy, Master?
Yes, Master?
You will be my victim!

Kal Vas Grav Corp!

Ort Grav Por!

In Vas Ort Corp!

What have I done?

dead Sorcerer

You will not steal my spell! I will kill you first!

Toran, you have been accused of blasphemy against our Lady Mordea and sentenced to death by beheading... Do you have any final words?
I shall die as I have lived... with honor.  When I face Lithos, he will not find -me- wanting.
A man of honor would not have insulted his Lady with seditious rumors, knave!
I fear that Lithos will not find you at all... for your grave shall be a watery one.  The Lurker is not kind to the ones she... acquires.
This is forbidden, Lady.  The Ritual of Interment is sacred.
Do not question my decisions, Tarna.  I am sure that Lithos would not want this one's worthless spirit in his domain.
Back, woman!
Perform your task, Executioner!
My husband...
Stand aside! Let Lady Mordea pass!

I'm hungry!
I'm very hungry.
I must eat!
I wish I had some chocolate.
I'm so hungry I could eat a live kith.



All right, one more time...
Where were you last night?
Really, I was at home with my poor, sick mother.
Why have you not paid your taxes?
Please sir, I have no more money.
I should throw you in the dungeon!
But-but who will feed my children?
I know that you were in on it!
Confess, and I shall not torture you!
I beg of you, sir!
Please let me go!
Right, I shall torture you then!
I swear on my mother's grave that I had no part in that.
I thought you said your mother was sick...?
She...she is sick. Very sick.
She will be dead soon...
Tell me what I need to know!
I grow tired of your lies...
Please, I beg mercy in the name of the Tempest!
You know Mordea never shows mercy!
She may feed you to the Lurker rather than put you in the dungeon!
Please, I beg of you, have mercy on me!

I wonder what this is supposed to do.
The focus must be held to invoke its power.

You have failed the first test, Disciple. Prepare to die.
Nicely done, Disciple. Now the Explosion...
You have failed the second test, Disciple. Prepare to die.
Good technique, you could stand a little refinement though. Now summon a daemon...

fishing pole

I caught something!
No fish here.


It's empty.
It's empty.
Argh! It's poison!
Ahh! That feels better!
Hmm... I wonder what that did.

cooked Torax ribs


Empower offensive spell
Empower defensive spell
Empower other spell
Invoke Pentagram
Empower offensive spell
Flame Bolt
Create Fire
Summon Daemon
Empower defensive spell
Endure Heat
Fire Shield
Armor Of Flames
Banish Daemon
Empower other spell
Invoke Pentagram

In Flam!

An Flam!

Flam Por!

Flame Bolt
In Ort Flam!

Endure Heat
Sanct Flam!

Fire Shield
In Flam An Por!

Armor Of Flames
Vas Sanct Flam!

Create Fire
In Flam Ylem!

Vas Ort Flam!

Summon Daemon
Kal Flam Corp Xen!

Banish Daemon
An Flam Corp Xen!

Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!

In Flam!
An Flam!
Flam Por!
In Ort Flam!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Vas Sanct Flam!
In Flam Ylem!
Vas Ort Flam!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!


In Flam!
An Flam!
Flam Por!
In Ort Flam!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Vas Sanct Flam!
In Flam Ylem!
Vas Ort Flam!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!

I don't have an unenchanted focus to place the spell within.
I need more black candles.
I need more red candles.
I need more ash.
I need more pumice.
I need more obsidian.
I need more iron.
I need more brimstone.
I need more daemon bone.


An Flam Ort!

Fool! Had I not been here, you could have killed yourself, and that would have displeased the Master.
Never use more Daemon Bone than your spell calls for.
Never use more Brimstone than your spell calls for.
Now, continue your test. I tire of your bumbling.










You will pay for that it with your life!
Leave that alone.
I said, leave my things alone!
I will kill you if you move my things again!
Now you die!

Gorgrond the late Sorcerer
Gorgrond the Sorcerer
the deceased Gorgrond
dead Sorcerer
dead mage

What do you want, stranger?
Just your attention.
I wish to speak to you.
It's none of your business.
Just your attention.
Who are you?
I wish to speak to you.
Who are you?
- It's none of your business.
Alright, then leave!
- I am called %PCNAME.
Oh, greetings, %PCNAME. I am Gorgrond. What do you need of me?
- I cannot tell you.
Why not?
- If I did, I would have to kill you.
Ha, you'd find that hard to do. But I like you, you're funny. What do you want to know?
- What does it matter?
Well, what do I call you if I don't know your name?
- Good question. I am %PCNAME.
Oh, greetings, %PCNAME. I am Gorgrond. What do you need of me?
- That's your problem.
Fine then, I'll call you Dungbreath. Will that do?
- Yes, that will do nicely.
Fine then. What do you want, Dungbreath?
- No, I won't abide that.
Well, it's too bad you couldn't give me your name, Dungbreath.
- No, please call me %PCNAME.
Oh, greetings, %PCNAME. I am Gorgrond. What do you need of me?
- I don't care what you call me.
Good. Dungbreath it is. What do you seek here?
- That's it! You die!
I do not think so, fool. My Sorcery will bring you to your knees, then I will feed you to my pet daemon!
- I will! It's %PCNAME.
Fine then. What do you want, %PCNAME?
- You will die for your insolence!
It is you who will die, peasant!
- You may call me Sir.
And you may call me your death, knave!
- I'm not sure.
Are you simple minded? Should I speak slower? Why... can't... you... tell... me... your... name? Oh, nevermind. What do you want?
- You would not understand.
Do you take me for a fool? I am not a simplemind! My Sorcery is strong, as you will see if you anger me further. Go away now, before I loose my anger upon you.

%UVAR2 = Dungbreath or stranger or %PCNAME

What, %UVAR2?
Must you pester me?
I am not a sage. I have no great information to give to you.
What do you want?
Go away! I do not wish to speak with you.
I don't like you. Leave me be!
Disturb me no longer.
You die, fool!
Hello again, %UVAR2. What do you want?
What do you want of me now, %UVAR2?
Greetings again. What do you need?

%UVAR1 = stranger or %PCNAME (and Dungbreath?)

Leave me, %UVAR1.
Go away!
Have a care, %UVAR1. I am no gentle giant.
I can see that you will not survive long here, %UVAR1. Good luck to you. With your tongue, you'll need it.
My temper will be kept only for so long. Go now while you still may.
I have held my temper long enough!... No, I will not destroy you yet. But be warned, you have crossed the threshold into dangerous territory. Few have survived where you go.
Goodbye, %UVAR1.
This is boring, I will not wait upon your slow wit.
Well, %UVAR1, I cannot wait here forever.
I find you irritating. Go now, %UVAR1, and do not return.
I will not kill you yet, fool. But if you ever speak to me again, you will risk death.
Perhaps your thoughts are too much for your little mind. Think less, %UVAR1, it will serve you well.
If you wish to speak, you must first open your mouth, dullard.
I will crush you!
- I meant no offense.
Some was taken, but I am a forgiving sort. What do you want of me?
- Must you be so obstinate?
Only to those of a churlish nature.
- You will tell me what I want to know!
Leave... here... now. Else die.
- You are not worthy to live!
You are wrong, it is you who are not worthy, and I shall prove it upon your body, knave!
Do you know what you have done? You have allowed Bane to destroy one of the most powerful, resourceful, and courageous Sorcerers this isle has ever known. I shall never forgive you for it, even though Malchir has. Leave me be.
Go! You have killed my closest comrade! What else would you have of me? Leave me alone!
If you speak to me again, I shall allow you to feel the agony that you visited upon my friend! Leave or die!
Now that Vardion has allowed you to join us, you should learn as much from him as you can. Vardion always says that a moment spent in study is worth a day spent at play.
I thank you for helping to destroy that conniving kith, Bane. She would have driven the Sorcerers into open war with the Tenebraens.
Prepare for the Trials of the Obsidian Fortress as best as you can. You are not allowed to leave once you have entered.
Forgive me, for I can speak no more at the moment, matters weigh heavily upon my mind... Farewell.
Master! I am not worthy. Forgive my lack of attentiveness. I will return to my studies. There is no need for punishment. I promise that my performance will improve. You'll see.
Forgive me. I have offended you. I never seem to do things right. I will redouble my efforts to make your faith in me not seem misplaced.
Is there anything else, %UVAR5?
- What can you tell me of this place?
Well, %UVAR5, this is the Sorcerer's Enclave.
- What do you do here?
I am a Sorcerer.
- Don't call me Dungbreath.
Tell me your name, and I won't.
- I am called, %PCNAME.
That's much better. Now we can be on speaking terms.
- Why must you know?
I don't, I just will continue to call you Dungbreath until I know a name to call you.
- Fine then, call me, %PCNAME.
That's much better. Now we can be on speaking terms.
- You will never know.
Fine, Dungbreath.
- I will not tell you.
Fine, Dungbreath.
- Tell me about Sorcerer's Enclave.
Let me see, %UVAR5. It's in a ravine. It's filled with lava. Hmmm... Yes, that's about it.
- What can you say of Sorcerers?
Oh, quite a bit. I am most knowledgeable, you know. I have studied here for a long time. Since I was a babe.
- Not really very bright, are you?
Smart enough not to speak to someone who insults me!
- I see. That was helpful.
Thank you. Glad to be of aid. Vardion always says that I am so mercifully free of cluttering thoughts. I'm not sure what he means, but he smiles when he says it. So it must be good.
- What an... esoteric description.
Do you think so? What's esso?... Bane uses that word sometimes. She's not nice like Vardion. What do you mean?
- Well... What can you say?
Hmmm? About what, %UVAR5?
- You were born here?
Of course. Are you a simpleton? All Pagans are born on this island. Not very smart, are you?
- I find that hard to believe.
No, really. I was a child at one time.
- Vardion? Tell me of him.
He is the greatest Pagan alive. Um, except for the Master, perhaps. He knows so many things. It hurts my head to even think about what he knows.
- About Sorcerer's Enclave!
I can tell you this... You are beginning to anger me!
- Tell me what you know of Bane.
Why, is she a friend of yours?
- Why do you ask?
I have already told you. She is a back-stabbing, foul-tempered, mean-spirited wench.
- Tell me what you know of Bane.
Vardion has plans for her.
- I think he means you are stupid.
And I think you are a dolt!
- It is good to have friends.
Yes, and Vardion is the best friend to have.
- You -are- free of thought.
Thank you. But you are not very original, %UVAR5.
- Nothing. Don't worry about it.
I won't.
- No. Your knowledge is suspect.
A suspect of what?
- Do you know anything of value?
That's it. I've had it. Goodbye!
- I meant, here in the Enclave.
Oh, yes. I was born in this room. %UVAR5 I don't remember anything about it though. So don't ask.
- Why is he so great?
Because he is the First Acolyte, and... because he said so.
- Can you tell me what he knows?
No! I told you it hurts to even think about it. You must be deaf.
- Who is the Master.
Master Malchir is the leader of the Sorcerers.
- As a matter of fact, yes.
Well, guard your back well. You would be suprised what might sprout from it, with her as your 'friend'.
- No, of course not.
Well, you should know that Vardion has some plans concerning her.
- Why do you ask?
Because she is a back-stabbing, foul-tempered, mean-spirited wench. And she hates me. I don't know why, but now I hate her too. Again, is she your friend?
- Do you know anything of value?
I know that you are beginning to irritate me. And that I don't have to listen to you. Leave me be.
- Tell me his plans.
No, I can't do that. You have to ask him yourself.
- Tell me about Master Malchir.
Why should I? You aren't a Sorcerer. And if you want to be one, you should talk to Vardion. I don't have the patience to train you.
- How did Malchir become leader?
How should I know? He was Master when I started learning to walk. In my first memories, I remember hearing him say that I would be a strong Acolyte one day. This seemed to bring him great pleasure.
- What is a First Acolyte?
That is the Sorcerer who runs the Enclave in the Master's absence. Really, that's just about all the time.
- Acolyte? What is that?
You're looking at one.
- Do you believe everything he says?
Yes. He has never lied to me yet. He told me so.
- What does being an Acolyte entail?
We assist the Master with his rituals, %UVAR5. He draws upon our power to replace his when it wanes.
- What rituals?
I can't tell you. You are not a Sorcerer.
- Farewell.
I can't understand you. What did you say?
- Farewell.



dead guardsman

Halt, stranger!
Blimey, not again...
What is it this time?
What can I do ya for?
What! More questions!
I have seen many strange things in my time, but I've never seen the likes of ya.
What be yer name, stranger?
- What is your name?
Who am I? I'll tell ya who am I! I'm the one who's asking tha questions here!
Who might ya be? Ain't seen the likes of ya before in this here city.
- I am the Avatar!
The Avatar? Blimey, ya say it like ya think yer important or somethin'.
Listen, bloke, if ya don't want to find yerself in the belly of the Lurker yer'll soon change that tone of yers.
- The Lurker?
Say, ya don't know what tha Lurker is?
Best ya check out what's at the end of the dock, lest ya become fish bait yerself.
- I am %PCNAME.
All right, %PCNAME, now I know ya. Now get lost!
I don't need Lady Mordea catching me chatting with some pauper. She's not in a right good mood today.
Or maybe ya haven't noticed what goin' on at the end of tha dock. I'd advise ya to go see for yerself.
- What is this city?
What do ya mean, 'What is this city?'
Do ya have brain fever, lad? It's only tha largest pile of bricks in the known world!
Tenebrae it is! And don't ya go now forgetin' it.
If you don't know what this city is, then you ought not be entering its gates.
Everyone knows that it's Tenebrae, dolt!
- Open the gate!
Look, I've already told ya once, this gate is not gonna open til I see that axe come down on the back of Toran's neck!
Those are me lady's orders, and ya ain't gonna find the likes of me disobeyin' them, less my neck be tha next!
Bugger off!
Oh! Ya want me to open this gate?
Sure I will! In fact, I'll not only just fling them open for ya, I'll scoop ya up in me lovin' arms and carry ya into the city meself!
No! I'll -not- be openin' this gate! Not under pain of death!
This gate ain't gonna be openin' til after the execution!
Ya can enter the city after they behead poor Toran, but not till then.
Come back later!
- Bye
Yeah, yeah...

dead guardsman

Stop! Thief!
Now what...?
What do you want...?
- Who are you?
Who are you to ask me such?
'Tis I who should demand your name, cur!
- What is your duty?
My job is to guard to watch out for odds folks like you.
- Where am I?
You are in the palace, of course!
What makes you think I have time for this kind of talk?
Continue on your way before I decide to put you away.
- goodbye
About time.

dead guardsman

The Titans are angry! Run to safety and pray for their mercy!
For the sake of Lithos, we are beset by the dead! Find shelter, stranger.
What is it now?
What do you want?
What! Again with questions!
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
My name is none of your concern. What -is- your concern is staying out of trouble.
- What is your duty?
My duty is to protect the Tempest, Devon, though I doubt he needs it with his powers.
My duty is to protect her Ladyship, Mordea, though I doubt she needs it with her powers. You would have to be insane to think of assaulting her.
- Where am I?
Try to listen this time!
You are in central Tenebrae.
This direction leads to the palace.
Since you're new here I'd suggest you stay clear of it!
It is a quiet place without Mordea.
You should head east or west, for the palace holds only trouble for the likes of you.
To the East is where the rich folks live.
On that side is a library and a weapons trainer.
And that is where all the poor sods live.
There is the smithy and a tavern in that direction as well.
I must be getting back to duty, now. Mayhaps later we'll meet at the Shattered Skull.
Now, move along so I can return to duty.
- Bye
I go back to duty now.

dead guardsman

Run for you life, fool! The Titans have gone mad!
Lithos makes the land quake and the dead rise. Run, fool, and hide before the very city falls to the undead onslaught.
What now?
What can I do for you?
What questions do you have now?
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
I am the one who is going to be poking a certain meddler with a halberd, if he does not mind his own business.
- What is your duty?
What does it look like? My job is pounding these cobblestones back down into the dirt. They keep coming out of the roadway.
- Where am I?
What do I look like? A guide?
Leave me, I must be about my duties!
- Bye
Fine. I must get back to work.

dead guardsman

Have you no sense? Run for cover! The Titans rain death from above and below. We are doomed!
The walking dead overrun the city! Find shelter and protect yourself!
Why do you bother me this time?
How can I assist you?
What? Again with the questions!
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
How could my name possibly be of any importance to you?
Only mindless fools go around asking every stranger they meet their name.
- What is your duty?
My job is to guard the new Tempest, of course.
My job is to guard her Ladyship Mordea, of course!
- Where am I?
You are in the palace of the Tempest.
Look, I do not have time for idle chatter with strangers.
Push off, before Mordea has both our heads.
- Bye
I must be about my duties anyway.
Oh, yes, I heard you had a part in ridding us of Mordea.
Do not tell anyone I said this, but, thanks.

dead guardsman

Run for your life! The Titans have gone insane!
We are doomed! The walking dead march upon the city!
What now?
What can I do for you?
Do you have nothing better to do than think of questions all day?
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
Who are you to ask me such?
'Tis I who should demand your name, cur!
- What is your duty?
My job is to guard to watch out for odds folks like you.
- Where am I?
You are in the palace.
What makes you think I have time for this kind of talk?
Continue on your way before I decide to put you away.
- Bye
About time.
By the way, rumor has it you had something to do with getting rid of Mordea.
Between you and me -- thanks!

dead guardsman

The Titans are seeking revenge! We are doomed!
The very earth shakes and spits up the dead! We must repent for whatever misdeed we have commmitted.
Why is it always -me- you bother?
What can I do for you?
Stop with the questions already.
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
Why do you want to know?
Only mindless twits go around asking every stranger they meet their name.
- What is your duty?
I watch over the new Tempest, Devon, of course.
I watch over her Ladyship Mordea, of course!
- Where am I?
You are in the palace and home to the Tempest.
Go ask someone who wants to help you.
- Bye
To you too.
If it is true what I heard -- that you had a part in deposing Mordea -- let me offer my thanks.

dead guardsman

Run for your very life! The Titans seek vengeance!
Find shelter before the quakes consume you! We must stop the walking dead from overrunning the city!
What now?
What do you want?
More questions?
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
None of your concern!
- What is your duty?
Guarding the Tempest.
- Where am I?
What! Are you blind? You are standing in the palace of the Tempest.
- Bye
I really should be about my duties anyway.
If the stories hold any truth, thanks for helping Devon gain the rule of Tenebrae. He is much more tolerant than Mordea was.

dead guardsman

You must find safety, stranger, for the Titans spew their hatred upon us!
Quickly seek shelter from the death that walks and the ground that quakes, stranger, lest you find death yourself. The once-buried now roam freely and must be stopped!
Always hassling me! What do you want this time?
Is there something I can do for you?
Always with the questions!
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
I am called Pellgun.
- What is your duty?
I am charged with protecting the Tempest, Devon.
I am charged with protecting the Lady Mordea.
- Where am I?
You are in the royal palace of the Tempest, Devon.
You are in the royal palace of the Lady Mordea.
You had best be off before Mordea demands your head for trespassing.
- Bye
Very good.
I thank you for your assistance is deposing the tyrannical Mordea. Her unfair rulership has been brought to an end, thanks to you.

dead guardsman

'Tis the wrath of the Titans that rains upon us. May they have mercy, for we are all to die! Run while you can.
Hold! You are not undead. I suggest you find a haven and hide, stranger. The walking dead march upon the city!
What is it this time?
What can I do for you?
What! More questions!
What do you want, stranger?
- Who are you?
Why do you want to know?
Only fools and meddlers go around asking every stranger they meet their name.
- What is your duty?
My job is to guard the new Tempest, of course.
My job is to guard her Ladyship Mordea, of course!
- Where am I?
You are in the palace of the Tempest.
Look, I do not have time for idle chat with strangers.
Push off, before Mordea has both our heads.
- Bye
I must be about my duties anyway.
Oh, I heard you had a part in ridding us of Mordea.
Do not tell anyone I said this, but, thanks.

dead guardsman

Guardsmen, to arms!
Away! I will not speak with you.
What can I do for you?
How may I be of assistance?
- Who are you?
I am a guardsman in the service of our Tempest.
Proud am I to to serve him.
I am a guardsman in the service of her ladyship.
- What is your duty?
My duty is to protect Tenebrae.
I have sworn to die in defense of our city against any horde that should attact.
My duty is to insure the peace and tranquility of Tenebrea is not disturbed.
My duty is to control the populus, to insure that the peace is kept for her ladyship.
Why are you asking so many questions?
Did Mordea send you to test me?
I'd best be about my duties...
- Bye
Nice taling with you.
In your travels take care you do not step on any ghouls.
Join me in a drink at Orlok's later if you stop by.
Fine. I must get back to work.
Stay out of trouble!

No fighting around here!
Stop, or else!
Move along...
Stay out of trouble...
Watch for undead...
Curse these tight boots...
Boy, this weapon gets heavy...

dead guardsman

Run for cover. The Titans have gone mad!
Run for your very life -- the ground shakes and the dead have come to the claim the city!
Hold, you!
Hold, stranger!
- Guardsman!
Aye. What do you want?
Aye, stranger?
- What is the problem?
That is what I wish to ask you! What do you know about Bentic the Scholar?
- We have spoken.
Then know this: For conducting forbidden research, Bentic's head rests deep within the realm of the Lurker upon the command of the Lady Mordea. Know also that as his confidant all of your actions are under observation. Now answer this: What do you know of the fisherman named Devon?
- Nothing.
- I know nothing of Bentic.
You lie! You have been seen speaking to him. Know this: For conducting forbidden research, Bentic's head rests deep within the realm of the Lurker upon the command of the Lady Mordea. Know also that as his confidant all of your actions are under observation. Now answer this: What do you know of the fisherman named Devon?
Then know this and be warned: For conducting forbidden research, the scholar's head rests deep within the realm of the Lurker upon the command of the Lady Mordea. Now answer this: What do you know of the fisherman named Devon?
- I have met him.
Then let me also inform you that he has been placed under arrest and imprisoned. For your association with him you are also under suspicion. Be very careful whom you choose as friends from now on.
- Why was Devon arrested?
I do not have such answers. Ask him yourself!
- Who is Devon?
Again you lie to me!
Others have seen you with him, so do not pretend you have forgotten the fisherman. He has been placed under arrest and imprisoned. For your association with him you are also under suspicion. Be very careful whom you choose as friends from now on.
- What concern is it of yours?
Do not risk your worthless life with such boldness. Now answer the question!
- No!
Then die for your insolence!
- What is your name?
Never you mind such things. Better to be worried about your own hide.
What an odd question. 'Tis not -my- name that is important. You should be more concerned about your own business.
- What do you guard?
What a peculiar mind for questions you have.
I guard Devon and city, of course.
I guard her Ladyship Mordea, of course!
- Where does this road lead?
We have already discussed that, now haven't we. Do not waste my time.
You should know. I have seen you on your way to the cemetery. An eerie place, if you ask me, but your business is your own as long as you cause no trouble.
To the east lies the cemetery. An eerie place if you ask me.
- Eerie? How eerie?
'Tis not safe for sane men to be there. The cemetery is where the Necromancers inter the dead. Lithos may demand it, but I think it takes a twisted mind to perform the tasks they do. Some say that Lithos lets the Necromancers keep a few of the dead around to serve them. And late at night, I, myself, have often heard sounds that would freeze your bones. Beware to any who go there.
- May I go now?
Yes, I have no more questions. Be off with you, and stay clear of trouble!
- Bye.
Aye. Enough of these questions.


I would not do that if I were you!
Stop! Thief!
Good day.
Ahh, what a fine bunch of torax!
Shelby! Leave Pono alone!
Have you ever seen such fine torax?
How I love my flock.
I wonder how Cyrrus is doing?
This life does get a bit boring from time to time.
I hope that Cyrrus is well.
I enjoy caring for my flock.
Yet, I would enjoy some company now and again.
I can see my house from here!
The torax certainly are playful today.
Good day.

Ahh, what a fine bunch of torax!
Shelby! Leave Pono alone!
Have you ever seen such fine torax?
How I love my flock.
I wonder how Cyrrus is doing?
This life does get a bit boring from time to time.
I hope that Cyrrus is well.
I enjoy caring for my flock.
Yet, I would enjoy some company now and again.
I can see my house from here!
The torax certainly are playful today.

What are you doing here?
Not Kith filets again!
What a lovely wife I have!
Have you ever seen such a beautiful woman?
I need to build a new room onto this house.
I wonder how Cyrrus is doing?
This house is too small.
I hope that Cyrrus is well.
I need some ale.
Yet, I would enjoy some company now and again.
I had a long day.
I am exhausted.

- Greetings
Greetings, friend, I am Gwillim. How fare you?
- Hello, my friend.
Well, it is quite good to see you. All is well for you, I hope.
- I'm fine, thanks.
Good and welcome! It is rare that Corinth and I get visitors here in the valley.
- Who is Corinth?
Corinth is my wife. She is a fine lady, too. Corinth works hard every day, never complains, and has been a good mother to our son, too.
- Where is your son?
I am surprised that my wife did not talk your ear off about our son. Corinth is so proud of Cyrrus that sometimes I think that she can speak of nothing else. But make no mistake, we are law abiding folk here. We also honor Hydros as Her Ladyship does command.
- Her Ladyship?
Cyrrus, that's our boy's name, joined the Theurgists not long ago. My wife was very proud of him. She has always said that Cyrrus was a natural healer. But make no mistake, we are law abiding folk here. We also honor Hydros as Her Ladyship does command.
- Talk my ear off?
I love Corinth, but if you give that woman a chance, she'll talk the legs off a Kith when it comes to that boy. Surely she told you that Cyrrus has become a Theurgist.
- No, Corinth didn't mention Theurgists.
Well I am greatly surprised. My wife is very proud of our son. He left here to become one of the Theurgists that I told you about. My son is quite a good healer.
Well, I am greatly surprised. You see, my wife is very proud of the fact that our son has become a Theurgist. They are the healers who serve Stratos, the Titan of Air.
- Oh yes, I've met your wife.
Quite a lady, that Corinth.
- She sounds like a fine lady.
Oh she is. She certainly is.
- Who are the Theurgists?
What? Have you never heard of the Theurgists? For Lithos' sake, man, did you just fall out of the sky? The Theurgists are the disciples of Stratos, the Air Titan. I thought that everyone knew that.
- Yes, Corinth did mention that Cyrrus is a Theurgist.
Well, that is where he is; Argentrock Isle.
- The valley
It is beautiful here, is it not?  Many people say that this valley is the only truly beautiful place in the world. The beauty of the valley has made my life as a herdsman somewhat easier. Whenever I find myself feeling remorse, I contemplate the beauty of this place and it sometimes makes me feel better.
- How long have you lived here?
Oh, all of my life. I have strolled up to the plateau a time or two. I must go into town but twice a year. But other than that, I stay put here in the valley.
- The plateau?
Just take the trail that runs past our place here, and it will take you up to the plateau. Its very lovely up there.
- Why go to town twice a year?
I must sell my surplus crops and the torax which are ready for slaughter. And you be assured that while I am there, I obey all of Her Ladyship's laws. We are good, law abiding folk up here.
- Can I buy something?
I afraid that there is nothing to sell. The time has not yet come for harvest. Do return at harvest time and I will sell you as many mushrooms as you can buy.
- You're a herdsman?
Just like my father before me.
- You don't get visitors?
Not very often. No one really has much cause to come up here, other than Shaana and Mythran. That is why I was so surprised to see you.
- Who is Mythran?
Mythran is an old hermit who lives up on the plateau. Many people think that he sells magical scrolls. I do not know if that is true or not. Personally I doubt that there is anyone who does such a thing. The Titans are the only magic in the world. I believe that Mythran is just an eccentric old man.
- Gwillim
Yes, I am Gwillim.
- Law abiding folk?
That is correct, sir. Her Ladyship's administration has never had reason to worry about us.
- Her Ladyship?
Our ruler, Lady Mordea. You need not pretend that you do not know The Lady. But be assured that I have always lived well by her mandates. You can tell Her Ladyship that all is well in this district.
- Tell Mordea what?
Tell her that all is well here. She has no need to worry about her subjects in the valley breaking her laws.
- You're her subjects too?
But of course, and happy to be so.
- Do you think that I work for Mordea?
What else would a man so equipped and well armoured do but protect our ruler? But do not think that that is the reason why I have taken the time to talk to you. I welcome the company of others.
- Gwillim, Mordea's dead.
Really? I have not heard this. I must tell Corinth! She will be so excited, er, I mean saddened to hear of our ruler's untimely death.
- I don't work for Mordea.
Well, that is your business, friend. It is not for me to pry into your life.
- Your father was a herdsman?
My family have always been herdmen. We have lived on this land for countless generations.
- Countless generations, huh?
Yes, for as far back as anyone can remember. But I fear that I am the last.
- Why are you the last?
Because my son has become a Theurgist and I don't have any other children.
- Yes, you told me of the Theurgists.
Then you understand that Cyrrus will never be a herdsman.
- What's a Theurgist?
You have not heard of the Theurgists? They are the disciples of Stratos, the Air elemental. My son, Cyrrus, now lives with them on Argentrock Isle.
- Is there a ghost in the valley?
What? Where did you hear of such things?
- I heard stories in town.
Well don't believe everything that you hear.
I do not know why you are here or who you may be, my friend, but if you have come here looking for a ghost you may as well go back where you came from.
- Is it true?
No, it is not. Now please, I have no wish to discuss this further.
No. And I really do not have time to discuss silly stories.
- But Darion told me of the legend.
Then Darion told you a lie, my friend. This story has gone on for far too long. People need to let this story go. I can not be bothered by such trivial matters.
- Can you tell me the story?
No. Look, I do not mean to be rude, but I have no wish to discuss this further. Please, do not ask me any more about this.
- Please tell me about the ghost.
No! Are you deaf? I asked you to forget this subject! I am too busy to be bothered by this! Now, leave me alone!
- I didn't mean to upset you.
Do not worry, friend. This ghost thing is just not a topic which I wish to discuss.
- Corinth told me of the ghost.
She what?!
- Please don't get angry.
Do not get angry? Just because my wife told of my darkest secret? I hardly know you and yet Corinth tells you everything that I would wish to keep hidden! No, I am not angry with you. But Corinth and I shall have words when you have gone.
- You've -seen- it?
Did she tell you that?! I do not believe it! She knows that I do not wish for anyone to know about that damned, malignant spirit!
- So it's true?
Yes, it is true that this valley is cursed with a malign spirit. It is also true that only a fool would pursue this thing.
- Don't get mad at Corinth.
Why shouldn't I? That woman knows well that I do not want to even think about what happened with that ghost. She knows this and yet she tells the first stranger that comes through the valley something that is very personal to me.
- It was my fault.
I can not accept that. Corinth is a grown woman and she is fully responsible for her actions. No, if Corinth told you of this thing then she did it herself. She and I must talk later about this.
- She was trying to help.
What do you mean by that? Who was she trying to help?
- Me. My task is very important.
I doubt very seriously that whatever you have to do here is all that important. You certainly have no right to come here and stir up such trouble, my friend. Corinth and I have been through very great ordeals and we will certainly make our way through you and your scheming! Now, be on your way!
- You, Gwillim.
Me? What was she trying to help -me- with? That is preposterous.
- I don't know.
Well I have a feeling that -I- know. Corinth has been laboring under the impression that I just talk about my brother, then somehow everything will be alright.
- What's wrong?
Nothing that concerns you. This is a family matter and I do not need for you to come here and stir up trouble.
- She wants you to talk.
Why? Does she think that talking about my brother's death is going to somehow bring him back? That is in the past. Nothing can be done about it now.
- Maybe talking helps.
I have my solitude while tending the torax to think things through. I have dealt with this matter and I did it a very long time ago.
- The ghost killed your brother?
Yes. There, I told you. Now are you happy?
- Where is the ghost?
Why should I tell you? So you can go there and get yourself killed like all of the others? Perhaps I should tell you. If the ghost were to kill you then you could no longer come here and create trouble between my wife and I.
- How did he die?
He died trying to find that damned ghost! Others have died doing the same, damn fool thing, so do not get any ideas about ghost hunting.
- Others have died?
Yes, many others. There is only one person to go after that spirit that lived and -she- lost her mind.
- How many have died?
Too many for you to go off and make one more dead fool.
- Who is she?
Who? The mad woman? Her name is Kilandra and she is as mad as a keplock. Some have heard her claim to possess a key that will get you to the ghost. The woman also talks to fish, so I would not believe a word she says, but apparently the ghost and the key are not subjects she likes to brag about. She had to be pestered several times before she would even speak of it.
- She talks to fish?
Yes, she talks to fish. And unless you want to wind up dead or talking to fish for the rest of your life, you'd better give up these ridiculous notions.
- I want to find the ghost.
Look, if you are in a hurry to die, then go and insult Lady Mordea. But I will have no hand in assisting you. Do you understand?
- Mordea's dead, Gwillim.
Oh yes, I keep forgetting that. Mordead was Tempest for so long that it is difficult for me to think of anyone else as ruling Tenebrae.
- Don't worry about me.
Oh, you are so great and powerful that you need not fear the supernatural? I suppose that you are the type of person who goes around saving worlds. Perhaps after defeating the ghost, you'll overthrow the Titans.
- I need help only to find it.
You really are something, aren't you? Fine, go quickly unto your death then. Follow the path that runs past my house. As the path makes its final bend before going into the cave, continue to travel forward. You will find a large pile of brush and brambles against the mountain face. This hides the entrance to the ghost's lair. Now, be gone with you. You bothered my wife and I enough...

Water Titan

- Hydros?
Who dares?
- Are you... Hydros?
Indeed, piteous mortal, I am Hydros. Know that it is into -my- domain that you have trespassed.
Why do you disturb my rest?
And I do not like intrusions. Begone!
- Hydros?
I hope you have come to make amends.
There will be time for conversation when I am free.
I have no desire for idle chatter. Find me when you are worthy of conversation.
- I apologize.
Very well, groundling, I accept your submission. Now go and reflect upon my generosity.
- I wish the power of Tempestry.
Ah, a wise request from one who has made the difficult journey to my current home. But alas, your desire must go unfulfilled. Trapped here as I am, I cannot help you.
- Too bad.
You do not care for my plight? Why, I should...
Perhaps I was unclear. You see, should I become free, I would be able to grant you any powers you wish.
- Never!
You do not know what you say, groundling! Begone!
- I will not help you.
You do not know what you say, groundling! Begone!
- What can I do?
- Could you repeat those instructions?
Ah, you will assist me then. My gratitude will be boundless, mortal. The task is a simple one. Merely open the ground next to the gravestone of my captor's beloved, releasing the waters on the cliffside. Do that and I shall be free.
- Goodbye.
Farewell, my mortal friend.
Begone, foolish mortal!
Ah, I am now free! Thank you, foolish one, for your actions. Consider my gift of your wretched life as payment for your part. Now I will have my vengeance upon your pathetic kind! I will slay the descendant of my jailer! Let us see who can reach Devon first, groundling.

the corpse of Jenna
dead woman
Jenna the barmaid

Help me, Beren!
Town Sorcerer!
Excuse me, I'm trying to work.
Need something?
Need something?
If you want something, take a seat!
I said, take a seat!
The Torax ribs look great today.
I think the ribs are ready.
I'd better check.
That table needs another round of ale.
I'd rather be out, adventuring.
This sword can sure get in the way.
Oh no, Orlok's telling that tale again!
I've heard that one a hundred times.
By the Titans! What a mess they left!
I really need a day off.
Why is this open?
Who left this open?
We have Tenebraean Ale, Blackwine, Hurricanes, Breath O'Spirit and Cloven Hoof.
- Tenebraean Ale
Our Tenebraean ale is the finest. It'll costs one glassy black.
- Black Wine
The Blackwine is my favorite. It costs three obsidians.
- Hurricane
Don't drink too many of these, they're quite potent. One costs two ladies.
- Breath O'Spirit
Oh, I think Breath O'Spirit is really an aquired taste. But if you insist, it'll be two ladies.
- Cloven Hoof
Ah, the finest in the house. I see you have good taste. Our Cloven Hoof is five smooth black chips.
- Nothing, thank you.
Well, call if you change your mind.
Can't make up your mind? Oh well.
- Never mind, thank you.
- Here is the amount.
Thanks. Enjoy.
Why, you haven't enough stone! Sorry, come back when you've more money.
Hmmm, you can't take this. Your hands are full. I'll just hold it until you are ready.
Let me know if you change your mind.
Well, I don't have time to stand here all day. If you want something, let me know.
Well, we have a good kitchen here. We serve fish, Toraxen Jerky, Kith filet, bread, mushrooms, tubers and Toraxen cheese.
- fish
It's very fresh. Kilandra just brought it in today. It will cost you only one obsidian.
- Toraxen jerky
Hmmm, planning a long trip? It's a bit tough, but travels well. It is 3 stones a pound.
- Kith filet
Ah, you do have good taste. Our filet of Kith is the finest in the land. It only costs 8 blacks.
- mushrooms
The Blue Mushrooms are my favorite. We can only serve them at this time because this is the only time they are in season. They will cost you only a single coin.
- bread
It was baked fresh just today. You can have a serving for 1 stone.
- tubers
I don't know if I would eat them alone. They are very good with the filet. But if you wish, you may have them for one glassie.
- Toraxen cheese
Not everyone likes Toraxen cheese. It has a bit of a pungent flavor. It costs 1 black stone.
- Nothing, thank you.
If you change your mind, let me know.
Can't make up your mind? Oh well.
- Never mind, thank you.
- Here is the amount.
Thanks. Enjoy.
Hmmm, you can't take this. Your hands are full. I'll just hold it until you are ready.
Why, you haven't enough stone! Sorry, come back when you've more money.
Let me know if you change your mind.
What do you want?
Good day to you, Jenna.
What is your name?
You're lucky I don't skewer you where you stand.
I am sorry if I upset you.
Just try it!
Well, hello again,
Good to see, friend.
Good to see you, %PCNAME.
Good to see you, friend.
Hello, Jenna.
What strange weather this is.
Hello, Jenna.
How can I help you?
Hello, Jenna.
Why do you carry a sword?
What do you do?
- I'd like something to drink, please.
- I'd like something to eat.
- Nothing, thank you.
- May I have something to drink?
- Orlok sure likes his tales.
You don't have to tell me. I've heard every one of them at least a thousand times. And let me tell you, they get bigger with each telling. Did he tell you the ghost story yet?
- Yes, he has.
You know, of all his tales, that one is the only one that never changes when he tells it. I always wondered if there wasn't a grain of truth in it. Why, just the other night I heard my father, Darion, asking Orlok about that story. I don't know why, though. Anyway, what can I get you?
- No, he hasn't.
Well, don't you worry, he will. He always does. It's one of his favorites. Now, what can I get for you?
- What strange weather this is.
I can't believe it. I've heard some fool somehow released Hydros and now our Tempest has no power to control the weather. It's even been said that Hydros is going to try to wash away the town!
- Do they know who did it?
They are not sure. But when they do find out, it's going to be ugly. They probably will design some hideous torture for that person! Anyway, what can I get you?
- I released Hydros.
Ha, ha, ha! I'm sorry, but I don't think -you- are the type to release a -Titan-! The thought is rather funny. Ha, ha, ha! Now, what can I get for you?
- What is your name?
My name is Jenna, and yours?
- My name is %PCNAME.
Well met, %PCNAME.
- Why do you carry a sword?
Because it is mine, and I'll have you know I'm not afraid to use it.
- You know how to use a sword?
Yes, this blade has sent more than one man running for his life!
- You have killed men?
Only one or two. Most know to stay clear of me.
- Why do they stay clear?
They stay clear because I do not want them around. My father calls them 'suitors', I call them a nuisance.
- Suitors?
You know, male callers. They show up here and hang around like mooncalves. One in particular was bad. His name was Cyrrus.
- I met Cyrrus.
Oh, he is a dull thing, isn't he? All he ever used to talk about were those darn torax. He wanted me to marry him and live in the hills and be a herdsman's wife. I was certainly glad when he went to Argentrock.
- Where is Argentrock?
It is quite a way from here. I'm not exactly sure, but I know you must travel through the cemetary to get there.
- Tell me of Cyrrus.
He was a herdsman's son. He wanted to marry me and live in the hills tending torax. Now torax may be wonderful to him, but I think they are stupid and they smell. I was so glad when he went to Argentrock.
- Why did he go to Argentrock?
They say he has some talent for healing. He always did feel closer to Stratos than he did to Hydros, though he didn't tell his family that. They would have been very angry. Well, I don't know if he ever became a healer, I'm just glad he is gone.
- I met your father.
Yes, he is quite a man. He tries to marry me off to everyone who comes through town. He's afraid I'm going to be an old maid.
- Who is your father?
Darion, the Arms Master and Captain of the Palace Guard, is my father. He thinks I am going to be an old maid and tries to marry me off to everyone who comes around.
- An old maid?
I am NOT an old maid! How dare you say that?! You are just like my father! I can't kill him, but I can you and I just might. Now, get out while I still feel civil!
- It is a nice blade.
Yes, it is a fine blade, a wondrous blade. Have you ever seen finer?
- no
It's all I have left from my grandfather. Before he died, he gave me this sword and told me to wear it with pride. And I always have.
- Where did you learn to wield it?
My father taught me. He always wanted a son, but all he got was me. So he taught me. He is determined to marry me off, though.
- yes
You wretch! How dare you insult my grandfather's memory? You will pay for your disrespect! Now get out of my sight, before I decide to show you just how fine this blade is!
- What do you do?
Well, for now I'm a barmaid. Can I get you a drink or something to eat?
- A barmaid for now?
Yes. It was the only job I could find at short notice. What I really want to do is go adventuring, like you. Oh, how I would like to see something of the world beyond this smelly village.
- Smelly village?
Yes, ugh. Can you not smell it? The rancid odor of fish combined with the nasty smell of those stupid torax. Sometimes I think that even if I left the smell would still be in my blood. It's terrible.
- Job at short notice?
Well, see, my father wanted me married. He seems to think that a woman can't support herself. She must have a husband to make her a complete person. Well, just to prove to him I could do it, I got this job. It's not much, but it got me out of the house.
- See the world?
Ah, what I wouldn't give to see it all, but I can't.
- What is there to see?
Why, just the whole world. I've heard there are sorcerers who can call up the forces of fire and ancient ruins where hordes of treasure await anyone brave enough to fight the evil creature guarding it.
- Why can't you see it?
Because I am a woman, so they say.
- Why can't a woman adventure?
There are those who say only young men are interested in adventuring, and women are only interested in cooking and shopping. Well, I say they are wrong! There mayn't be many of us, but we are here. Maybe someday they will realize it. Until then, how about that drink?
- Yes, what do you have to drink?
- No, thank you.
Well, If you change your mind, just let me know.
- Do you live here?
Yes, all my life. I was born not far from the cemetery.
- How old are you?
What a question! Why, I'm old enough to know how to use this sword! And I might be tempted to use it on you if you don't learn better manners!
- Tell me about the cemetery.
I do not like the place. 'Tis haunted.
- Where is it?
It is on the other side of Tenebrae. You will have to head east from here, going right past the Tempest's keep, through the east side of town, then down a long, dangerous road.
I wouldn't go there if I were you.
- Haunted?
Yes, with the ghosts of those horrid Necromancers.
- Why not go there?
It's a terrible place, a frightening place. The Necromancers used to be there. Terrible people they are, study dead bodies. Some say they even eat them! Only one person I know of travels there willingly and that is Mythran.
- Tell me of Mythran.
Mythran is an old hermit that lives on the Plateau. Some call him a sage, but I think he wields magic. Occasionally he comes into town. I guess he buys things for all those scrolls he makes.
- Scrolls?
Magical scrolls, I think. Why, once I saw him read from one and unlock the door to the palace when I KNEW it was locked. I don't know what he was doing in there, and I didn't ask. Best to just keep quiet, if you ask me.
- Tell me about the Necromancers.
Great power they have, power over life and death. I shiver to think about it.
- They study dead bodies?
That's why they live in the cemetery, so they always have a fresh supply. I think the ghosts of their victims are there, looking for their bodies.
- That's a pretty name.
If it is a lady's company you are after, then I am afraid you have come to the wrong establishment.
- I am sorry if I upset you.
I have a long memory for slights. It is only out of respect for Orlok that I will hold my temper.
- Just try it!
You animal! I will not disgrace Orlok's trust in me by fighting in his tavern. Now get out!
- Good day to you, Jenna.
What do you mean, 'good day'?! Can you not see what is happening? The dead have left their graves and are walking the streets of Tenebrae! Darion needs my sword, I have no time to chat now!
- bye
Good day to you.

Lord Lithos, I have come to inter Lothian into Your Earth as You have commanded.
All has been prepared according to your law, Mountain King.

Kal Wis Corp!
Quas Corp!
Rel Sanct Ylem!
Kal Corp Xen!
Des Por Ylem!
In Ort Ylem Xen!
Vas An Corp!
In Vas Corp!
Vas Por Ylem!

Something's not right.

the body of Kilandra
dead woman
Kilandra the fisherwoman

Beren! I am assaulted!
What are you doing there...?
How 'bout some fish, mate?
Well, what can I do fer ye' stranger...?
Need something, friend?
Well, what can I do fer ye' stranger...?
Well, what are ye lookin' at, %PCNAME.
Ye know, the fish have stories to tell.
Ye should listen to 'em sometime.
I wonder how the fish are running today.
Looks to be a fine day for sailin'.
About time to head out to sea.
I sure could use a rest.
Maybe I'll take a little nap.
A nice bit o' fish would sure taste good.
Me bones say there's a storm a brewin'.
Excuse me.
Hello there.
Tell me about ghosts.
Do you know of a key?
Tell me where the key is!
Hello, Kilandra.
Pardon me.
Well, what can I do for ye today, stranger?
Pleased to meet ye, I am Kilandra. I haven't seen ye' here before. Are ye' new in town?
- Yes
Well then, welcome. I don't get into town much, so I'm afraid I would be a poor guide there. But I can tell ye about the Sea of Rains. Been fishin' it for years. I knows it like the back of me hand.
- Tell me about ghosts.
Ghosts? Ghosts, ye say? Well, why would ye be wanting to know about ghosts?
- I'm looking for a ghost.
Looking for a ghost, eh? That's a strange thing for a nice young man like yerself to be doing! There is one ghost I'd like to find, that of my daughter. If I could find her ghost, maybe I could find a way to bring her back.
- I heard Orlok's ghost story.
Of course, and ye would be one of those young men thinking to find riches and adventure by disturbing the dead. It's bad business, bad business I say. Why, no one should go about mucking in the affairs of the dead. They don't like it, no sirree. Why I talk to my daughter all the time and she tells me all about being dead, and how much they dislikes the living.
- No particular reason.
Hmmm, ye're a peculiar one, ye are.
- Do you know of a key?
A key? Well, of course. I have several keys. Was there one in particular you were looking for?
- No key in particular.
What a strange question. I have only two keys. One to my door and one to my sea chest. My, ye are a strange 'en.
- A key to the door in the cavern.
A door in a cavern? Why would there be a door in a cavern?
- It was built by trolls.
Built by trolls? That is the silliest story I've ever heard. Built by trolls, ha! Trolls don't know how to build anything. I think ye've been taking a nip of ol' Orlok's private stock there, mate.
- You know Orlok?
'Course I know him. That old windbag. His story's are nothing but bunk.
- It leads to the Pit of Death.
Does not.
- How do you know?
I know because...because my daughter told me. She says there is only one way to the Pit of Death and that is through the Realm of Lithos.
- John Blowhard's treasure is there.
No it isn't.
- Where is the treasure, then?
There is no treasure. Orlok's full of hot wind, he is. Tells that tale to everyone, expecting them to believe them. Why my daughter even knows that.
- You talk to your daughter?
Of course. I sit on her grave and talk with her by the hour. She's a good listener, she is. Why nearly as good as the fish. She gives good advice, too.
- Good advice?
Certainly. She tells me when the fish will be running and when there will be a storm. She even offered to guard my house for me. 'Course I told her no. Didn't want no daughter of mine doing lowly guard work!
- Tell me where the key is!
The key? Oh, that key! Why my daughter has it.
- Your daughter?!
Yes, she said she would keep it safe for me. I figure she keeps it with her. Can't get much safer than the grave!
- No
Hmmm, I guess I need to get into town more. I'm a'feared I don't recognize ye. Who's your mama?
- Tell me of the Sea of Rains.
Ah, the Sea of Rains. She is a temperamental lady, she is. One day she will give ye enough of her bounty to feed the entire city...then she'll forsake ye for weeks and laugh while ye starve.
- Tell me of Tenebrae.
I don't get into town much...and I likes it that way. The city is no good.
- Lady Mordea
Lady Mordea?! Ack, then I'll have none of ye! Get out of my sight!
- No one important
What does ye mean, no one important? Does ye'r mother mean nothing to ye? Oh, ungrateful child! There is nothing that tears my poor heart worse than an ungrateful child!
- I'm not from Tenebrae.
What's that? Ye'r not from Tenebrae? Well, then ye are more blessed than ye knows. 'Tis a bad place, Tenebrae.
- Why is Tenebrae bad?
- Why is the city no good?
The Tempest, that's why! Lady Mordea is a selfish, black-hearted woman. Why, taking a bath was more important to her than saving the life of an innocent child!
- A bath was more important?!
The child was a little girl with hair of honey gold and eyes the color of the Sea of Rains. She was a beautiful child, but had taken very ill.
- What happened to the child?
Her mother carried her to the steps of the palace where she begged to see the Tempest. The Tempest has great powers and if anyone could heal the girl, the Tempest could. But that water rat named Salkind came out and told the mother that Lady Mordea was taking a bath and could not be disturbed, especially to help a filthy gutter snipe.
- filthy gutter snipe!?
That's what he said. Can you believe that cold hearted weasel?
- Did the child recover?
Her mother carried her back to the little shack they shared and tried to doctor her as best she could...but it was no use. The girl passed to Pit of Death that night.
- How do you know this?
I know this because that little girl was Elaina...my daughter.
- I am so sorry.
Well, I appreciate yer thoughts, but ye needn't apologize for sumthin' that ain't yer fault. So, how long are ye plannin' to stay around here?
- Not long
Well, it's smart that ye are. I would leave too, if it weren't for the Sea. Ah, since my little Elaina left me, the Sea is my only love, the sea and all its little critters. Fine companions, those critters are. They mayen't say much, but they are good listeners.
- Who are good listeners?
Why the fish, 'course. They're wise, they are. Would do ye good to listen to them one day, seek their council.
- Several months, at least.
Oh, might want to rethink that, ye might. I told ye, Tenebrae is not a good place.
- Lady Mordea is dead!
She is dead? Then who is the Tempest?
- Devon is Tempest.
Devon? What great news is this? Devon is a kind and fair man. He'll have no more of those bloody executions, I'm sure!
- Hello, Kilandra.
YE! I thought I told ye to leave! Now I advise ye do it, and do it quick. A'fore I cuts ye into fish bait.
Ah, so ye's returned. What can I do for you?
- The weather is certainly bad.
Ye'r telling me! Why I haven't seen rain like this in all my days. I haven't been able to put out to sea since it started. Why, even the fish didn't expect this, or I'm sure they'd have said something to me about it. That Tempest is certainly got a lot of explainin' to do!
- I caused this weather.
Ye? Hmmm. No, I don't think I believe ye. Only the Tempest can effect the weather. I don't believe you are the Tempest.
- I released Hydros.
Ye say ye released Hydros, do ye? Well, sure ye did, now lad, sure ye did. And this caused the rains, then? Well, what else have ye done? Been to the Pit of Death? Seen the Shrine of the Ancients? Har, har, har. Oh lad, Ye need to get away, some place calm and quiet, maybe take up fishing. This traveling life has really been a little hard on ye, hasn't it?
- It is not Devon's fault.
Devon? Is that lad the Tempest then? Oh my. He is a good lad. The fish knew there was something about him. Whispered his name often, they did.
- The fish tell you of weather?
Of course. They tell me lots of things. In fact, ye ought to take the time out to talk to them yer'self!
- Tell me about your daughter.
That's something I'ds rather not speak of. The pain is very fresh.
- Kilandra?
What? Are ye deaf? I want no part of ye! Get out of my sight!
- Pardon me.
I saw her. Oh by the Titans, I saw her! She was wet and covered with slime, and the fish had eaten half of her beautiful face. Oh, how can I bear it? I ask you, how?!
- bye

dead Korick
Korick the Smith

Stop! Thief!
Help me, Beren!
Town Sorcerer!
Outstanding! I think that you find my armor to be the finest made. I have leggings, helmets, arm guards, and shields. Which would you prefer?
- Leggings
Very good! My leggings sell for 12 obsidian coins per pair. I'm sure that you'll find that quite a bargain considering their unmatched quality.
- Arm guards
Fine, my arm guards are but eleven coins.
- Shield
So you are in need of a shield? Shields cost 12 Blacks.
- Helmet
Well, today shall be a good day! Helmets cost 13 coins.
- Nothing, thank you.
As you wish.
- Never mind, thank you.
- Here is the amount.
Thank you very much, my friend.
Ahh, it seems that you do not have enough money. Please come back when you enough Obsidian. Remember, quality is worth a high price.
Well, it seems that you are carrying too much. Do not worry, I will hold this for you until you can carry it.
I understand. Thank you anyway.
Fine news! I am sure that you will appreciate the quality of my weapons. Would you be wanting a sabre, scimitar, mace, dagger, axe, or broadsword?
- Sabre
Very well, a sabre costs but 75 Obsidians.
- Scimitar
A fine weapon. A scimiar will cost you 90 Blacks.
- Mace
My, you must have some heavy work ahead of you. My maces are a mere 15 coins.
- Dagger
Something to keep in your boot, eh? A dagger is  but 5 coins.
- Axe
Ahh, I mighty weapon for a mighty fellow. One good axe costs 25 coins.
- Broadsword
Very good. The broadsword is truly the most elegant and noble of weapons. My broadswords are but 125 Obsidians.
- Nothing, thank you.
As you wish.
- Never mind, thank you.
- Here is the amount.
Thank you very much, my friend.
Ahh, it seems that you do not have enough money. Please come back when you enough Obsidian. Remember, quality is worth a high price.
Well, it seems that you are carrying too much. Do not worry, I will hold this for you until you can carry it.
I understand. Thank you anyway.
What can I get for you?
There is nothing like a good day's work.
I need to make a few more daggers.
Fine quality items, eh?
Hard work is good for the soul.
Hmmm, I think that I got too much carbon in that last sword.
It certainly gets hot in here.
Perhaps I will take a few days off and go to the country.
Perhaps I should try my hand at jewelry making.
No, that work is far too delicate for me.
Another day at the shop.
Oh how I love the glow of hot metal.
Oh, hello.
At last, some peace and quiet.
How I value my time alone.
Are you following me?
Maybe I will stroll over to the valley.
How good it is to be away from that noisy shop.
Ahh, fresh air.
I so love to walk at this time of day.
What a lovely day for a stroll.
Of course, -every- day is a lovely day for a stroll.
Why are you in my bedroom?
I should probably eat something before I turn in.
Perhaps I should get a wife.
You are in my bedroom!
I need to build a new room onto this house.
Perhaps I should get an apprentice.
This house is too small.
I certainly did enjoy that walk.
I am rather thirsty.
Yet, I would enjoy some company now and again.
I had a long day.
I am exhausted.
Excuse me...
I do not wish to speak to you, my lord. I have many things that I must do and these things do not include you.
Now look, you, if you wish to come into -my- place, yau had better be more polite. Do you understand?
Fair greetin', mate.
- Greetings to you.
Well, a new face in town. I am Korick, the smith here in Tenebrae. Have you come to buy something?
- I'd like to buy something.
I will be glad to sell you anything in my shop, but only when I am in it. Please stop by when I am there and I will be more than happy to help you.
- I'd like to buy something.
Outstanding! Would you like to buy armor or weapons?
- Armor.
- Weapons.
- Yes, I'm sorry.
Well, all is forgiven. I did not wish to be so gruff, but I will not tolerate rude behavior, even if it is unintended. So, what did you want to talk about?
- Where I'm from.
Oh aye, that is what we were talking about. Look, if you do not wish for me to know your whereabouts, just tell me so. You do not have to tell me some outlandish story.
- I'd rather not say.
That is fine. Perhaps you will trust me after we have come to know each other better. It is perhaps a fault of mine that I am quite trusting of too many people.
- Why is trusting a fault?
Come now, we do not live in a perfect world. For all that I know you may be a dangerous person. But, I go on my instincts. And by nature I am a trusting fellow.
- A new face?
You are certainly not from Tenebrae. Are from the country?
- Not from Tenebrae.
I may not be wealthy and important but I do believe that I know everyone in town and everything about this town.
- You know everything about Tenebrae?
Oh yes. Over in on the East side, that's where all of the rich folk live. The library is also there. Of course Lady Mordea's palace occupies the central part of the city.  And here on the West side is where we common folk live. It has never been nice here but lately things have gotten worse.
- How have things gotten worse?
Things have just deteriorated. There was a fire in the Northern part of the West side. The folks that lived there lost everything. Now they just wander the streets asking for handouts. The old man that lived there died in the fire. Folks say that he haunts the place now.
- How are you, Korick?
I am well and fine, my friend. I have actually accomplished quite a bit today. I must say that I feel truly blessed to have talented hands.
- What have you done?
Oh nothing special. I have just had a productive day so far. I truly hate it when I have not had a productive day. If I do not accomplish something by the time I am ready to sleep, I feel that I have wasted a part of my life. We all must contribute, you know.
- You've got talented hands?
I know that it sounds immodest to say such things but it -is- the truth. Besides, it was not I that created my talent. The creators made me as I am, skills and all.
- Creators? What creators?
Please, not so loud. Although I feel that I can freely discuss my beliefs now that Mordea is gone, I certainly do not want a Titan to hear me.
Creators? I did not mention creators! You must have been mistaken my friend. I-I would never speak of such nonsense. Why, The Lady forbids such talk.
- What are your beliefs?
I believe in the Ancient Ones, the Gods of Emotion. The Ancient Ones have been here far longer than these Titans who currently exist. And they will come again.
- You believe in gods of emotion?
Yes, everyone tells me that I am crazy, but they will see. But please I do not wish to discuss this any further. As I said, I would not wish for a Titan to hear me speak of such things.
- Your talent with metal?
Yes, I have always had a great talent in shaping metal.
- I see that you like to work.
Oh yes, my father taught me that you must work hard in order to be respected. No one respects a lazy person who does not carry their load.
- We must contribute?
Yes, we must all do our part in society. If we do not all pull our load, then others must take up the slack. When that happens, then unhappiness breeds and society will break down. Hard work keeps all of this from happening.
- You're not wealthy?
That is very true. One will never get rich as a blacksmith but I've never wanted riches.
- You never wanted riches?
I am simple man. I have enough to make my way in the world. My greatest satisfaction is a job well done and that is something that money can not buy.
- You have enough, eh?
Absolutely! After a good day's work, I have a good meal, a tall tankard of ale and some good conversation. After that, I have a comfortable bed awaiting me. What more could a man want?
- A job well done.
For a true craftsman, his greatest joy is perfecting his craft. Men who take pride in what they make are becoming a dying breed. If you ask me, the world is changing for the worst.
- You perfect your craft?
Well, one can never truly -perfect- one's craft. The best that a craftsman can hope to do is be a little better each time that he creates something.
- How is the world changing?
It is true. People used to be very friendly to one another. Can you believe that not long ago I saw a cutpurse attack a lady?
- What's a cutpurse?
Oh, sorry. You really aren't from here, are you. A cutpurse is someone who steals from people. Anyway, this dishonorable wretch actually attacked a lady! It was a good thing that I was there.
- He attacked a lady?
Yes! A defenseless lady! Can you believe that?
- A good thing you were there?
Had I not been there, the thief would have gotten away with his crime. Fortunatly, I was there and thrashed him.
- You thrashed him?
I most certainly did. Beren, the town Sorcerer was nowhere to be found, so I took care of the man myself. I do believe that the wretch is still in jail too. Her Ladyship does not look well upon violence against ladies.
- In jail, huh?
Yes sir. I don't mean to brag but I am rather proud of myself for capturing such a man.
- Her Ladyship... do you mean Mordea?
Yes. It is odd being ruled by a lady but Mordea is not like most women. She is very strong, like a man, and does rule well.
- Umm, the country.
The countryside can be so beautiful, particularly the valley. I would like to live there, but I must live in town.
- Why must you live in town?
Well, I could never ply my trade in the country now, could I? There's not enough people in the country in need of a smith to keep me in business. So, where are you from?
- The Valley
Strange, I've been there many times and I've never seen you.
- Somewhere far away.
Well, if you don't wish to tell me, I understand. Every man has got to have his secrets.
- Many times
Yes, I have been there many, many times and the only people who have lived there for a very long time have been a herdsman and his wife. Frankly, I don't think that you're tellin' me the truth and I don't like that. I think that you'd better just leave here.
- You've never seen me?
No, never. I don't think that you're tellin' me the truth and I don't take to be lied to. I think that you'd just better leave my shop.
- Martin's Meadow
Martin's meadow? I've never heard of such a place. I think that you are lying to me and I don't have time to put up with that. I think that you ad better get goin'.
- None of your business.
Look, I do not have to put up with rude people in my shop. I am slow to anger but don't test me!
- You're slow to anger?
I try to be understanding of others. Of course, when I lose my patience, I have ample means to vent my frustration.
- Understanding of others?
I do try to be understanding of others but I will not tolerate someone who is rude to me in my own shop.
- Farewell.
Goodbye, my friend.
- You know everyone?
Indeed I do. Everyone needs a smith now and then, you know. Those who are too high born to come into my shop personally are well known by everyone in town. Everyone else comes in here sooner or later.
- I have need of your shop.
Do you? What sort of a commission do you have for me?
- Umm, commission?
Come now, friend, I don't work for free. If you want me to make something for you, You'll have to pay me.
- Sorry, forget about it.
Very well, my strange friend, whatever you wish. If you change your mind please do come back. Now, if you will pardon me, I have work to do.
- No, I want to make something in your shop.
My friend, what I do here may look like menial labor to some but what I do do is a craft. Shaping metals is more than simply banging away on an anvil. What I do takes a great deal of skill and practice. You can not simply walk in here and and make something. You must have skill and practice.
- I -do- have experience in smithing.
- Look, this is very damned important!
No, you look! This is my shop and I will not be spoken to in such a manner by -anyone-! Do you understand me?
- Out of my way, peasant. I'm busy!
Not in -my- shop, you're not!
- I'm sorry, Korick. I didn't mean to be so rude.
Your apology is accepted, my friend. There seems to be a great deal of pressure upon you. Would you like to talk about it?
- Yes, I would.
Good! Tell me what's wrong.
- I'm trying to save my world from being destroyed by an evil being.
I see. Look, whatever is bothering you is causing you more trouble than I can help you with. I suggest that you seek the Theurgists. I believe that they may be able to help you with your problems. Now if you will excuse me, I am busy.
- Thanks, but I really need to make these items.
Well, I am not accustomed to letting people use my shop. Have you ever forged metal before?
- Yes, I once forged a very mighty sword.
Even so, you could not be as practiced as I am. This is my living, you know. How about this, what do you say that we make these things together? Would you like to do that?
- Yes, that would be fine.
- No, thank you.
I see. It would seem that no compromise, no matter how generous will suit you. You may not use my shop. I am busy. Farewell.
- People used to be friendly.
Oh, aye. Time was when a person had no fears from no one. Now days, folks got to be careful. I suppose that's all them executions've been about.
- Shove off, you windbag!
Right, that is it! I will not suffer your presence for another moment! Away with you!
- Executions?
There's been quite a few of 'em of late. I suppose that The Lady has gotten plenty tired of scoundrels making life hard for the rest of us and is tryin' to put a stop to it.
- Make me a focus.
I would be glad to. Come by my shop between bloodwatch and daytide and I will make you one.
- Do you have a chunk of silver ore? I require one to forge the focus.
What! How do you expect me to forge you a silver focus if you don't bring me silver ore!
Good, you have a piece of silver ore.
Which focus do you require?
pointing hand
open hand
open eye
closed eye
There, your focus is finished. Mighty fine craftsmanship, no?
If you don't want a focus, don't ask me to make one!
What! You don't have the ore! I can't make you a focus unless you supply me with the proper materials!


Earth Titan

What human is this who comes before me?
- I have business before you, lord.
What business could a living one have that concerns Me?
- Vividos is now the Necromancer.
I am very well aware of that, living one. And now Lothian must be interred.
- Lothian must be interred?
Yes, the scent of her rotting flesh shall perfume my garden of delight.
- Lord, I beg a boon.
Bold you are to beg a boon from me, mortal. What is this boon?
- I wish to become Vividos' apprentice.
You wish to apprentice to the Necromancer? Then fall before me and serve your master!
Now, kneel before me, worm.
To become the apprentice, you must inter Lothian into my clay.
- How do I do this, lord?
Ask this of the Necromancer. He will teach you for it is his task to serve me.
- Farewell, my lord.
You may now leave my presence, live one. Do not come before me again until you yourself are the Necromancer.


Bentic's journal
Bentic's Journal: ~~In my investigations of the royal bloodline I have uncovered many facts---facts have lead me to more questions. ~~Keldan the farmer, son of Treal. Forced to marry Lord Kean's daughter, Celidia. Why would royalty want such a simple man? ~~Keldan and Ariel... Did Celidia ever know? If so, when did she find out? And how? ~~Ariel had a child, a son. Did Keldan send her away to protect them from Celidia, or did Celidia order it?~~ ~Celidia demanded a child. Mordea is born with the powers of Tempestry. Yet Lord Kean was no Tempest, nor was his wife... ~~But where is Keldan and Ariel's son? Both mother and child sent to live with the fishermen... ~~Devon knows not his own father... Could Devon be a Tempest?!!? ~~If so, by his being the first birth, his powers would be stronger than Mordea's! ~~I must investigate this further, though if Mordea should uncover my quest, my life will be forfeit...

Swine! You have cheated to this point!
If I allow you to continue you will ruin the game!
You must not be allowed to do so...

Thief! I knew you were not to be trusted!
Will you come quietly...? ~Or in pieces...?
- I'll go quietly.
We will escort you to Lady Mordea.
- Try to take me!

   - ...And for treasonous plots against the fair Lady Mordea...
Gu - Hail, Lady Mordea!
   - Oh, no!
Gu - We bring you a thief!
Av - Watch it!
Gu - We caught him breaking into the evidence chamber!
   - Well done!
   - The block always welcomes another neck.
De - I am sorry to see you here, my friend.
De - It appears we will both become victims of Mordea.
Sh - Please...
Sh - ...One execution at a time.
   - Yes, yes, we must attend to Devon's beheading first!
Mo - Very well. Carry on with the execution!
De - Goodbye, my friend.
De - May Lithos forgive our spirits.

Av - Devon is the rightful heir!
   - Pardon?
   - What?
   - Huh?
   - Ahhh?
Da - I should slay you right now for such heresy!
Mo - Stay your hand, Darion. He'll soon feed the Lurker.
Da - Yes, my lady.
De - Me? A Tempest...?
De - Avatar, this is not the time for levity.
Mo - Get on with it!
Sh - As you wish, my lady.

Mo - The tyrant Mordea has no birthright!
De - You shall not blaspheme the Tempest!
Mo - Sheath your weapon, Darion!
Mo - I will rid us of this ill-mannered brute!

Av - I have proof!
Av - I have a book that not only proves Devon is the rightful Tempest,
Av - but also that his powers are stronger than those of Mordea's!
Av - Mordea and Devon have the same father, but Devon was the first birth!
Av - He is the rightful Tempest!
   - You lie!
Sa - Mordea, I locked that book safely away!
Sa - Ooops!
Mo - Fool! Now the whole world knows the secret!
Sa - Forgive me, Lady Mordea!
Mo - I forgive you.
   - That must be the book Salkind kept hidden away in the evidence chamber!
   - That explains why he kept it locked in his secret study under the palace!
Mo - Yes! Devon -is- the rightful heir to the throne!
Mo - But the truth will serve him not!
Mo - His head will still rest in the belly of the Lurker!
Mo - Proceed with the execution!
Sh - No!
Mo - No? Do you dare to defy me?
Sh - I will not execute the true Tempest!
Mo - Darion, do you defy me too?
Da - I cannot kill him, my Lady. He is -the- Tempest.
Mo - If that is how it must be, you will all suffer my wrath!
Mo - Foolish brother! You think your powers are greater than mine!
Mo - Use them if you dare... To save your miserable life!
Mo - There will be only one Tempest!
De - Then let it be so!
Mo - Die, Devon!
De - Your evil must end, Mordea!
Mo - I will kill you!
De - May the Lurker welcome you... as she has your victims.
Av - Oh, my head!
De - Avatar! At long last Mordea's tyranical rule is over!
De - Now, I must be the Tempest.
De - I must use my powers to undo the evils of Mordea's reign.
De - I make it my duty to bring prosperity to all of Tenebrae.
De - Thanks to your efforts our fair city is free from her oppression.
De - Though I know your destiny lies elsewhere, you will always be welcome here in Tenebrae.
De - Now I must leave. I need time away from Tenebrae to contemplate all of the recent events.
De - I will return when the time is right and take my place as the Tempest.
De - Goodbye, my friend. May our paths cross again.

magical sphere
magical tetrahedron
magical cube

I have not the strength, nor the wisdom to master such power...
...but one day I shall!


Mountain King, I call Your name. Save me from this interloper!

Malchir the late Master Sorcerer
Malchir the Master Sorcerer
Malchir the deceased
dead Master Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
dead mage

Ah, I see you have endured the trials of the Obsidian Fortress, which means that you must have nearly completed your training. I will test you now, Disciple, to see if you are worthy to be an Acolyte.
In order to become one, you must first cast three spells. You may use my pentacle, one of my staves, and my reagents to prepare them. I will be the target of each. Fear not, for they will do me no harm.
First, cast the Flame Bolt spell, then the Explosion spell, and finally, summon a Daemon to assault me. Do this in order. Failure at this point will cost your life... and there is no turning back.
The test begins now...
Cast the Flame Bolt spell at me.
Cast the Explosion spell at me.
Summon a daemon to attack me.
Banish the daemon.
Drop the staff.
Do it now.
This is your last chance. You are about to fail... and that means your death.
I did not send for you, insolent child. This fortress is my refuge, and for breaking its sanctity, you must die.
Come, Acolyte. We must begin the ceremony.

This journal belongs to Robin Dudley~~ Day 1:~ Dear E-~ I have found my journey to be one of great suffering although I have only been at it such a short time.~~ Day 2:~ My darling-~ I am constantly lost and without friends in this land of nightmares. I do not know if I will live to see you again, my love.~~ Day 3:~ Madam- Perhaps Dr. Dee was correct. I should have listened to his sound advice, for I am now so terribly lonely and wish with all my heart to be with you again.~~ Day 4:~ I can barely scare up enough courage to stop my vigil of self preservation long enough to share my experiences with you.~~ Day 5:~ There is no hope in sight. I am tired and I do not know if I can outlast this trial. I have been fighting for days now...If only there were some reprieve from this torment. I simply cannot bear it any more. I do not think that I shall feel worthy of writing to you for a few days.~~ Day 13:~ Luck has finally discovered me. At last, I have an answer to the one way I can rid myself of this Hell! I know of a bridge to a veritable paradise, yea, an oasis! in this desert of heat and flame.~~ Day 14:~ Odd, but I cannot quite get this strange apparatus to work properly. I came across it in my travels, and after much searching, I believe that it must have something to do with several odd spheres that I have in my possession. I don't know if I will ever figure it out.~~ Ha, silly me, to doubt my abilities when I am so very close to freedom! Today, victory over 'their' Pyros. Tomorrow, freedom, and back to you, sweet Temperance!
Gold: Valuable Commodity or Worthless Trash?~~ By Okapi the Elder~ It is oft said that there is no other material as precious as gold. Perhaps one reason that we feel this way is that it gleams and shines like the sun that rises to greet us every morn. However, this is not the only reason we value gold so much. Indeed, there are several reasons other than its beauty that makes it so worthy of praise. Its malleability, conductivity and resistance to corrosion are among the chief reasons we adore this metal.~ One very reliable method of extracting this ore from the land is mining. This requires the digging of long, often deep and dangerous shafts within the land. This is often accompanied by the use of explosives that ease the difficulties associated with the removal process.~ Another method, although not as high-yielding as mining, but much safer, is panning. Panning is done with a shallow pan, and requires, more than anything, patience. Many of the area streams and brooks abound with gold nuggets and dust, and by filling the pan with silt and washing the silt from the pan, one will find only the heaviest of objects left. And, with the gentile graces of Amoras, those heaviest of objects will turn out to be gold. The process is time consuming,	but relaxing and profitable.~ Gold has enjoyed a popularity that no other mineral ever has, and will most likely continue to be highly valuable. Besides being the basis for our monetary system, it can be found in jewelry and sculpture, and used for filling decaying teeth, and even as everyday plaques.
My Rival, My Love - Part I ~ By Elise~~ It all started when I met the one and only man who had the ability to make me question what I once regarded to be sound ideals. I never was a religious person; perhaps that was due to the fact that I was never an insecure person. I have always believed that people that are insecure turn to their gods for guidance, love, and protection. I never needed that. Never, that is, until Alain walked into my life.~~ I had been sewing a new gown for the season party when I realized I had broken my last needle. I had no choice but to find the tailor and purchase new needles from him. I had never been to his shop, and felt nervous about going there. We were rivals for I, too, made my living sewing clothing. When I got to his shop, I found the door pulled closed, but not latched. I let myself in and looked around. There was no one present. I took advantage of the moment and looked at what could very easily put me out of business. I knew that the only way to save my job, my LIFE!, was to destroy all of his work, thereby bringing all of his customers to me. As I proceeded to rip seams and remove buttons, I heard what I thought to be a door creaking. I turned around, and there he was, shining in all his glory. Lighting up the room with his golden blond hair, momentarily, I forgot where I was and what I was doing.~ I quickly dropped the gown I was demolishing and stood there slack- jawed.~ 'Just what do you think you are doing?!' he melodically asked.~ 'I purchased this gown, and it was delivered to me in this state of disrepair,' I answered, frightened by the look on his face.~ 'Oh, no you did not purchase that gown, nor was it delivered to you in any state of repair or disrepair! I know who you are! You are Elise, the Seamstress, and I will not allow you in my shop! GET OUT!' He was beyond anger. I had never known anyone to act so irrationally over a silly piece of fabric, so I placed it down upon the table before me.~ 'Do you really think that I am a Seamstress? How silly!' I was doing my best to convince him that I was not who he had accused me of being. 'I just came to your shop to look at your fashions, and perhaps employ you to sew a new gown for the season party.' I knew it wouldn't work, but I had no other choice but to flatter him.~ 'I don't believe you,' he said, staring deeply into my eyes. 'The reason I don't believe you is because I have watched you from afar, with joy in my heart and loathing in my soul. How can I love a woman whose very existence is my downfall?' His eyes were pleading now. 'I have looked upon you forever, it seems, and fought with myself constantly over my predicament.'~ He was coming closer to me now, and I could smell his manly scent.~ 'I didn't know how I should ever hope to meet you and then walk away, back to my own life without you...' He reached out to touch my arm and I pulled away, fearful of what his touch might do to me.~ Already I was heady with the excitement he was stirring in my empty soul. I was willing to do anything to keep him here before me, but I was fearful, for he was my rival, and I could not allow myself to love my fiercest competitor.~~ 'I must be going now,' a tiny, quivering voice said. Was that me? I had thought I was a far stronger person than what I was experiencing. I had once been so aware of my emotions and in control of my feelings, that the way I was feeling and reacting to him was completely alien to me.~ I looked at him, knowing that his feelings for me mirrored those burgeoning in me. He took me in his arms and his silken lips touched my forehead.~ 'I knew you would come here tonight,' his deep voice revealed.~ 'I wanted you to come here, and I knew that the only way to get you to do that was to bring about the breaking of your one and only needle,' he confessed.~ 'But how did you...'~ 'I went to your house earlier today, when you were at the weaver's. I knew that the only way to get you to come here would be dishonest, but I no longer cared. I scored your needle so deeply that it would break when you set out to use it. Please forgive me, but it was the only way.'~ 'Oh, Alain, I forgive you! Please, please, don't regret what you have done, for it has brought me to you...'

Bye bye!!!!!

Thought I heard someone...
Oh well...
Is someone there...?
Thought I heard someone...
Oh well...
Is someone there...?

Mordea the Tempest

Playing with my food, eh?
You need to be taught some manners!
I saw you with that key!
I saw you with that key!
Do not touch that!
Beren! I am assaulted!
You will pay for that!
You will pay for that!
Imbecile! Do you wish to join Toran? Get out of my way!
- Greetings, your Ladyship!
Are you speaking to me?
Oh, no. 'Tis you again...
- Greeting's again.
How can I help you, %PCNAME?
- Yes, I am.
Who are you that you dare address the Tempest?
- I am %PCNAME.
I know not your name nor your face. I think you are not from Tenebrae. Where are you from?
- I am from Tenebrae.
You are a liar. I know all my subjects...and they know me. I will not tolerate such impudence.
- Tempest?
- Tell me of the Tempestry.
Know you not of the Tempestry and its great power? Perhaps, then you should like a taste of it. -When I feed you to the Lurker!-
- May I speak with you?
I am not familiar with your name or your face. I think you are not from Tenebrae. Where are you from?
By what are you called?
- I am from Britannia.
I've never heard of such a place. You are either a liar or a fool. You don't look smart enough to be a liar and I will not tolerate a fool.
- Who are you?
Fool! I am the Lady Mordea, the Tempest of Tenebrae. You will use reverence when dealing with me in the future or I shall have you thrown to the Lurker!
- That is not your concern.
Knave! Keep a civil tongue in your head or I shall have it cut out and fed to the fishes!
- I am from far away.
Do not toy with me, rogue. I will not tolerate such rudeness. Begone from my sight.
- I am from Earth.
Earth? What sort of nonsense is this? A place called Earth? There is no such place by that name. You are nothing more than a simpleminded fool. Begone.
Waste not my time!
I have better things to do...
Leave me now.
Begone! I wish to be alone.

What an ugly painting!
Away from there!
Where's the butter?
Aramina, my cup is empty!
Who cooked this slop?
Too much salt!
The torax is undercooked!
Hey! People are starving here!
My plate is empty!
I need a plate!
I can not eat off the table!
Off with his head!
Feed them all to the Lurker!
More executions!
Flog the peasants!
More work for less pay!
Double the taxes!
No more days of rest!
You are correct!
Yes! Yes!
You are so generous!
I will attend to it!
Yes, your Ladyship!
Pure genius!
I agree completely!

Mordea's bed
Mordea the Tempest
sleeping woman

Who dares to awaken the Tempest!
Ahhh, Sorry...
Sorry!?! Feel a touch of a Tempest's power!



Greetings Disciple.


Very well.
There is only one spell which I have bothered to transcribe onto scrolls. This spell enables the caster to dispel magics that seal entryways and portals. Unlike other spells, you do not need to learn this spell before casting it. However, the magics upon the scroll will disappear after you read it, so you may use each spell of opening once.
You wish to buy the Scroll of Dispelling Magical Portals?
- Aye.
Since the ink and parchment do have a cost to them, as well as the time I take to transcribe the magical words, I must ask you for 50 obsidians.
As you know, I must charge you 50 obsidians for the scroll.
- Nay.
Perhaps you wish to discuss something other than scrolls.
- I will pay that.
Excellent. Use this well.
My friend, it seems you have not the obsidian for this. Of course, I realize you were not attempting to fool me, but perhaps you should return later when you can pay the fee.
- I cannot pay that.
I am sorry that I cannot help you then. Perhaps you should return later when you can pay the fee.
Perhaps you wish to discuss something other than scrolls.
Do you wish to purchase the reagents of Necromancy, Sorcery, or those specific to Thaumaturgy?
You do realize that I only have reagents for the spells I teach. Do you wish to purchase the reagents of Necromancy, Sorcery, or those specific to Thaumaturgy?
- Necromancy.
Do you wish to buy Bone, Executioner's Hood, or Blackmoor?
- Sorcery.
Do you wish to buy Obsidian, Brimstone, Pumice, Ash, or Pig Iron?
- Thaumaturgy.
Do you wish to buy Eye of Newt, Bat Wing, Serpent Scale, or Dragon Blood?
- Nevermind.
Very well.
Executioner's Hood.
Pig Iron.
Eye of Newt.
Bat Wing.
Serpent Scale.
Dragon Blood.
- Nevermind.
Very well.
Perhaps you are not truly interested in reagents.
I must ask # obsidian coins for the #####.
I must ask 1 obsidian coin for the #####.
- I will pay that.
Excellent. Use this well.
My friend, it seems you have not the obsidian for this. Of course, I realize you were not attempting to fool me, but perhaps you should return later when you can pay the fee.
- I cannot pay that.
I am sorry that I cannot help you then. Perhaps you should return later when you can pay the fee.
Perhaps you are not so interested in reagents after all.
You are ready for the final spell that I can teach you -- the spell that permits travel through the very Ether itself.
You are ready for your fifth lesson in Thaumaturgy -- the spell of complete devastation.
You are ready for your fourth spell -- Call Destruction.
You are ready for your third lesson in Thaumaturgy -- the spell of creature summoning.
You are ready for your second spell -- Meteor Shower.
It is too early for you to learn another spell.
You are ready for your first lesson in Thaumaturgy -- the blast of confusion.
As you know, my friend, I am still forced to charge a modicum of obsidian for the knowledge I impart.
Before we begin, I must confess that the eternal pursuit of knowledge, despite the solitude I afford myself on this dreary island, is costly. As I result, I am afraid I must charge you a modest fee to help defray the cost of my studies. Please accept my humble apologies for this inconvenience.
I must ask # in obsidian chits.
- I will pay that.
Excellent. We can now begin.
Here is the book that describes the process by which you cast the spell. Study it well and you shall quickly master the necessary aspects.
Do not forget that you will need reagents for your spells.
As you will learn from the book I have given you, each spell has particular components, in this case reagents, that are a required part of casting the spell. I can sell some of these to you if you wish, but only after you have read the spell and determined what reagents you will need.
My friend, it seems you have not the obsidian for this. Of course, I realize you were not attempting to fool me, but perhaps you should return later when you -can- pay the fee.
- I cannot pay that.
I am sorry that I cannot help you then. Perhaps you should return later when you can pay the fee.
Perhaps you are not so interested in magic after all.
Good day, %PCName.
- What an unusual house.
Unusual? I do not see anything unusual about my living quarters. It does not differ from any other extra-dimensional abode.
I am sorry, was my response unclear? You did hear me, I trust.
Very well. Your mind is filled with many thoughts other than what we are discussing. We can resume this later.
- May I ask your name?
You may ask indeed, stranger. I am Mythran. By what name do you go, young one?
Je pr�f�re ne point le dire.
Das will ich Euch lieber nicht verraten.
Very well then. Please tell me your business with me so that I may return to my activities.
- I am called %PCNAME.
Greetings, %PCNAME. And how might I assist you?
- I do not wish to say.
Ah, I see, you do not wish to converse with me. I am sorry for your interruption.
- I wish to learn spells.
- I have many questions.
Ah, good. It is always important to ask questions. That way one will never run out of things to learn. I cannot refuse one who has traversed ghoul-filled passages to meet with my hospitality. What are some of these questions?
- I wish to buy scrolls.
Ah, yes.
I am sorry, was my response unclear? You did hear me, I trust.
Very well. Your mind is filled with many thoughts other than what we are discussing. We can resume this later.
- I wish to buy reagents.
- I wish to buy more reagents.
Very well.
- Is there a haunted grove?
A haunted grove of trees? Well, I have heard such rumors applied to a circle of dead trees here on the plateau, though I will not confirm the existence of undead there.
- What do you do?
That is an interesting question. I do many things. I suppose I spend most of my time studying and exploring the mind. I do not believe that thoughts should be confined within the skull, so I study a little bit of everything.
- What do you study?
To tell you would take nearly as much time as I have spent collecting the information. Suffice it to say that I try to learn as much about everything as I can. Of course, my preference is to study magic.
- Magic?
- I wish to learn spells.
You wish to learn spells from me?
Perhaps in the future I will have the time to show you.
- Tell me about Pagan.
Your question is quite broad in scope. Do you wish me to talk about the city, the island, or all of Pagan?
- What about Pagan history?
The history of this land is quite long, and there is much I can tell you. Where would you prefer I start?
- Do you know of The Guardian?
Ah, interesting question. Indeed I do. Furthermore, I know that -you- know of him as well. However, you will find that no one else on Pagan has heard anything other than that this mysterious Guardian spoke to the early Pagans to warn them of disaster. Perhaps, some other time and place, we may speak further on this subject. Ask of it no more for now, please.
- How can I leave Pagan?
I have never had anyone ask such a question, %PCNAME. Do you truly wish a means off this world? Or are you simply testing the limits of my knowledge? I ask this because finding the answer would be extremely tedious, and I do not plan to toil for no reason.
I have never had anyone ask such a question. Do you truly wish a means off this world? Or are you simply testing the limits of my knowledge? I ask this because finding the answer would be extremely tedious, and I do not plan to toil for no reason.
- I plan to leave Pagan.
That 'tis, indeed, a tremendous task you are planning to undertake. I, myself, have given considerable thought to finding ways to cross into what you would call `other worlds.' I have not yet uncovered a solution. However, I -have- come to the conclusion that it is the power of the Titans that makes such travel impossible even for one with my command of the arcane. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that to depart from Pagan, one must master the powers of all four of the Titans. I suppose the best place to begin is with one of the schools of magic. Have you spoken with the Necromancers?
- Yes, I have.
Then I expect you still have much more to learn about the powers of Necromancy. With enough study, perhaps, you will be able to master the abilities Lithos grants to his followers and use them to locate the other mages. Only by seeking the talents of all four Titans will you have any hope of succeeding in your mission.
Then I expect you will have more to learn more about the powers of Necromancy. In fact, you must attempt to acquire those powers for yourself. With enough study, perhaps, you will be able to master the abilities Lithos grants to his followers and use them to locate the other mages. Only by seeking the talents of all four Titans will you have any hope of succeeding in your mission.
- No, I have not.
That is the answer you wish to give me? How sad. Oh well, nevermind.
I suggest you begin with the Necromancers, then. Speak with Vividos about becoming his apprentice. I realize the thought of dealing with the rituals of death may seem distasteful, but I expect it is something to which you must become accustomed if you wish to succeed.
Then I suggest you begin with them. Speak with Vividos about becoming his apprentice once Lothian has passed on her powers to him. I realize the thought of dealing with the rituals of death may seem distasteful, but I expect it is something to which you must become accustomed if you wish to succeed.
- Where are the Necromancers?
They reside in the cemetery. I believe you will wish to take the East Road from the city. I suggest you go with care, for many of the walking dead also reside in the graveyard.
- This was a test.
I do not like to be tested. Perhaps you should give me time to renew my desire to speak with you.
- Goodbye.
May you fare well, stranger to this land. If there is anything in my house that will aid you on your journeys, feel free to help yourself.
Wait. Before you go, my friend, I wish to give you two items that I believe will assist you in your travels. The first is an item of recall I acquired many years ago. When you find yourself in trouble, you may use this item to teleport to my front door. Througout the world there are other disks to which you can also be transported if you so wish, providing you can visualize these places. How powerful this item is, I cannot say, for I do not know whether other, stronger powers may prevent it from functioning at certain times.~Furthermore, I wish to give you this potion of healing, which will magically aid the recovery of your wounds. I will try to have others for you as you make return visits, but since the cost to me in time and energy is great, I will not have one for you every time you visit me.
Excellent. Use this well.
I will set it down for you.
Again, fare well.
Better than wasting your time and mine with a lengthy story when we could be discussing more interesting matters, let me simply suggest that you read my essay on the subject. The book should be around here somewhere. Most likely I have left it upstairs. Feel free to borrow it if you wish.
Have we not already discussed this subject enough? Ah, very well, what is it you wish to know?
- Are they not all the same?
Indeed, no, although many people use -- or should I say misuse -- the word `Pagan' to mean the world, the island, and, for a few ethnocentrics, the city. In actuality, Pagan is only the name for the world.
- Actually, I meant the people.
To be honest, I know little about the people. A few come to visit me for my knowledge. And even fewer to buy my scrolls. I do know a little about the mages of Pagan. Is it them you are interested in knowing?
- Tell me of the mages.
There are four of what I call 'schools' of magic on Pagan -- one for each of the Titans. The study of death and the ground is called Necromancy. It is the Necromancer who is responsible for carrying out the pact with Lithos by burying the dead and sending their spirits to him.
The current Necromancer, Vividos, is fairly new to his position. This means that he has been away from the city for only a few years, and is, therefore, less reclusive. In time, however, he will have forgotten most of his social graces, and the people will find dealing with him as distasteful as they did his predecessors.
The current Necromancer, Lothian, is very old. I expect she soon will be passing her role to her Apprentice. Vividos should handle the responsibility quite well.
Tempestry's main focus is water, though its aspect does involve combining with Hydros' sister Titan, Stratos, making storms as much a part of Tempestry as is the sea. Unlike the other schools, Tempestry is not learned. It is passed on through the bloodline. The eldest living Tempest possesses the greatest amount of power. However, as long as a younger Tempest's spell does not contradict an elder's, the younger's magic will work fully.
Since there seems to be little cap on the powers of Tempestry, I am glad for the Pagans that Devon now rules Tenebrae. You should be commended for your role in that.
Since there seems to be little cap on the powers of Tempestry, it is a true tragedy that Mordea rules the city. I hope for the sake of the people that her reign is not a long one.
Stellos was the first follower of Stratos. His Order of Enlightenment teaches Theurgy, the study of the winds. He is a good and learned man, if you will permit me a judgement of ethics, who freely uses his powers of healing.
The fourth school, Sorcery, involves the Titan of Fire. I have never spoken to Malchir in person, but I feel the Sorcerers' reputation for deceit is unchanged by his rise to power. Take care when dealing with those who consort with Pyros, for it seems they become as wicked as he.
Those are the mages of the four schools. Of course, they do not represent -all- aspects of magic on Pagan.
- What other magic exists?
There is what I call Thaumaturgy. It is not tied to any of the Titans, but borrows bits and pieces from any form of magic you can imagine. I am a practitioner of Thaumaturgy.
- Can you teach me Thaumaturgy?
You wish to learn spells from me?
You are not ready yet, my friend. Perhaps, with a little more time to adjust to this world, you will be prepared.
- You sell scrolls?
Indeed, I do. Do you wish to purchase some?
- The city.
Ah, Tenebrae. The city was not settled until near the end of the war between the Pagans and Zealans. After the Titans defeated the Destroyer, most of the world lay in such ruin and disarray that the few people who were left on the island congregated into a single community. They called their city Tenebrae, meaning 'city of eternal twilight.' At first the Necromancers held rulership, but once Kalen became a Tempest as well, the people elected to have their leaders come from that line.
- The island.
The island is called Morgaelin, same as the mountain -- or volcano -- from which it sprang. As far as the people know, this is the only piece of land remaining after the Titans vanquished the Destroyer.
- All of Pagan.
Much of this I have already told you from our discussion of Pagan's history.
The lands of this world once spanned great distances. At that time, the people were prosperous and -- for the most part -- unified. However, when the words of warning came from a mysterious being called the Guardian, the population split into two factions: the Zealans, who believed in the ancient traditions, and Pagans, who felt that the Guardian's words meant the end of things that were.~The two factions fell to fighting against each other, while the very forces of the elements began to take form and grow. When a malevolent entity called the Destroyer attempted to conquer the world, the elements, who had amassed Titanic levels of power, rose to battle it. During the struggle, the lands were demolished, leaving only a few peoples scattered across a single island -- this island. Shortly thereafter the Zealans fell to their enemies, and the world became known as Pagan.
- Who is Kalen?
He was the first Tempest. An early hero to the people, his life as a Necromancer was filled with some amount of tragedy. When we have time I will relate the history of this world to you, then you will have a better understanding.
- Enough about Pagan.
Very well.
- No.
Perhaps another time, then.
- Hello, Mythran.
Hello again.
Good to see you, my friend. Is there some assistance I can give you?
- I wish to buy scrolls.
Ah, yes.
- May I have another potion?
Aye, my friend, I have had time to concoct another.
I will set it down for you.
Nay, my friend, I have not had the time to concoct another. Perhaps it will be ready for your next visit.
I am sorry, was my response unclear? You did hear me, I trust.
Very well. Your mind is filled with many thoughts other than what we are discussing. We can resume this later.
- I wish to buy reagents.
- I wish to buy more reagents.
Very well.
= Tell me about Pagan.
Your question is quite broad in scope. Do you wish me to talk about the city, the island, or all of Pagan?
- Do you know of The Guardian?
Ah, interesting question. Perhaps some other time I can better answer that. Ask of it no more, please.
- What do you do?
That is an interesting question. I do many things. I suppose I spend most of my time studying and exploring the mind. I do not believe that thoughts should be confined within the skull, so I study a little bit of everything.
- What do you study?
To tell you would take nearly as much time as I have spent collecting the information. Suffice it to say that I try to learn as much about everything as I can. Of course, my preference is to study magic.
- Magic?
- I wish to learn spells.
You wish to learn spells from me?
Perhaps in the future I will have the time to show you.
- How can I leave Pagan?
I have never had anyone ask such a question, %PCNAME. Do you truly wish a means off this world? Or are you simply testing the limits of my knowledge? I ask this because finding the answer would be extremely tedious, and I do not plan to toil for no reason.
I have never had anyone ask such a question. Do you truly wish a means off this world? Or are you simply testing the limits of my knowledge? I ask this because finding the answer would be extremely tedious, and I do not plan to toil for no reason.
- I plan to leave Pagan.
That 'tis, indeed, a tremendous task you are planning to undertake. I, myself, have given considerable thought to finding ways to cross into what you would call `other worlds.' I have not yet uncovered a solution. However, I -have- come to the conclusion that it is the power of the Titans that makes such travel impossible even for one with my command of the arcane. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that to depart from Pagan, one must master the powers of all four of the Titans. I suppose the best place to begin is with one of the schools of magic. Have you spoken with the Necromancers?
- Yes, I have.
Then I expect you still have much more to learn about the powers of Necromancy. With enough study, perhaps, you will be able to master the abilities Lithos grants to his followers and use them to locate the other mages. Only by seeking the talents of all four Titans will you have any hope of succeeding in your mission.
Then I expect you will have more to learn more about the powers of Necromancy. In fact, you must attempt to acquire those powers for yourself. With enough study, perhaps, you will be able to master the abilities Lithos grants to his followers and use them to locate the other mages. Only by seeking the talents of all four Titans will you have any hope of succeeding in your mission.
- No, I have not.
Then I suggest you begin with them. Speak with Vividos about becoming his apprentice. I realize the thought of dealing with the rituals of death may seem distasteful, but I expect it is something to which you must become accustomed if you wish to succeed.
Then I suggest you begin with them. Speak with Vividos about becoming his apprentice once Lothian has passed on her powers to him. I realize the thought of dealing with the rituals of death may seem distasteful, but I expect it is something to which you must become accustomed if you wish to succeed.
- Where are the Necromancers?
They reside in the cemetery. I believe you will wish to take the East Road from the city. I suggest you go with care, for many of the walking dead also reside in the graveyard.
- This was a test.
I do not like to be tested. Perhaps you should give me time to renew my desire to speak with you.
- Is there a haunted grove?
A haunted grove of trees? Well, I have heard such rumors applied to a circle of dead trees here on the plateau, though I will not confirm the existence of undead there.
- What about Pagan history?
The history of this land is quite long, and there is much I can tell you. Where would you prefer I start?
- Goodbye.
Good evening, my friend, and farewell.
Good morning, my friend, and farewell.
Good day, my friend, and farewell.
Wait. Before you go, my friend, I wish to give you two items that I believe will assist you in your travels. The first is an item of recall I acquire many years ago. When you find yourself in trouble, you may use this item to teleport to my front door. How powerful this item is, I cannot say, for I do not know whether other, stronger powers may prevent it from functioning at certain times.~Furthermore, I wish to give you this potion of healing, which will magically aid the recovery of your wounds. I will try to have others for you as you make return visits, but since the cost to me in time and energy is great, I will not have one for you every time you visit me.
Excellent. Use this well.
I will set it down for you.
Again, fare well.
- Hello, Mythran.
Hello again.
Ah, greetings, traveler. How fare things?
I am sorry, was my response unclear? You did hear me, I trust.
Very well. Your mind is filled with many thoughts other than what we are discussing. We can resume this later.
- May I have another potion?
Aye, my friend, I have had time to concoct another.
I will set it down for you.
Nay, my friend, I have not had the time to concoct another. Perhaps it will be ready for your next visit.
- I want to recreate the obelisk.
Recreate the obelisk? Do you mean that you wish reconstruct the Blackrock obelisk of the Great Temple? Of course! You are hoping to use the conduit as a way to leave Pagan! I know just the spell you will need. You must cast the Ethereal Travel spell. I do not know where the spell will send you on your first attempt, though I expect the Titans will intervene and direct your journey. Should you encounter and defeat them, know that you would have the worship and admiration of all Pagans. Good luck...
- Things are well.
I am very glad to hear that.
By the way, considering the tumultuous effect you have had on Pagan, may I commend you on your ability to rouse, or should I say anger, the Titans.
By the way, I hope you realize the effect of taking the Breath of Wind. The citizens have little in the way of healing now. Please understand that I do not disagree with your choice of action, but I wanted to be sure you are cognizant of the ramifications.
By the way, I notice your presence carries with it a tremendous impact, so to speak. I assume the quakes are your responsibility.
Is there perhaps something you wish to discuss?
- No.
Very well, then, I shall return to my work.
- Yes.
Very well, then, and what would that be?
- I found this with the Sorcerers.
That piece of black stone?
It is not obsidian, that much is obvious. I wonder if it could be... You say it came from the Sorcerers, eh? It is possible you have found one of the Fragments of the obelisk in the Ancient Temple.
Somewhere I have a book that might delve into greater detail. You're welcome to it if you can find it. I would strongly suggest that you study it closely before we continue our discussion.
- Goodbye.
Farewell and good luck, %PCNAME.
Wait. Before you go, my friend, I wish to give you two items that I believe will assist you in your travels. The first is an item of recall I acquire many years ago. When you find yourself in trouble, you may use this item to teleport to my front door. How powerful this item is, I cannot say, for I do not know whether other, stronger powers may prevent it from functioning at certain times.~Furthermore, I wish to give you this potion of healing, which will magically aid the recovery of your wounds. I will try to have others for you as you make return visits, but since the cost to me in time and energy is great, I will not have one for you every time you visit me.
Excellent. Use this well.
I will set it down for you.
Again, fare well.

I do not wish to do this.
Kal Vas Grav Corp!

A pity...


I will help you no further, live one. You must continue with your test.
You who would join me here at the right hand of Lithos. You who seek my knowledge. You who have taken but your first steps upon the path of Necromancy. Come closer, living one, so that we may speak.
- Are you a Necromancer?
But of course I am. You have done well to find me, yet there is much left for you to find. You have not yet been truly tested.
- In what manner will I be tested, Necromancer?
Your testing has already begun. The rest is for you to discover. If you prove yourself worthy, you will learn enough of our magical art to gain an audience with Lithos.
- Yes, I need to speak with Lithos!
Yes, and so your testing has begun. You will meet other Necromancers here.  Each of us will in turn teach you a spell. You will need to use each new spell in order to reach the next Necromancer.
- What will happen if I don't learn the spells properly?
Then you will die before you meet the next Necromancer. Do not falter, apprentice. You have come this far, there is no going back. In order to return to the surface world you must go forward.
- I am ready, Necromancer.
Good. The first spell that you will learn was written by my hand many generations ago. It is called Mask of Death. When you cast this spell upon yourself, your enemies shall think that you are dead. To cast this spell, you will need Wood and Executioner's Hood. Speak the words Quas Corp, and you appear to all who behold you as dead.
- And this will help me in some manner?
Leave your doubts behind, young one, and trust in your elders. If, per chance, you did find a barrier of stalagmites upon a short wall which did block your way; you will now find that the stalagmites are gone. Your way to the next Necromancer is clear. Now, be gone. There is much for you to do.
You have learned the spell that you needed from me, live one. There is nought else for you here. Go now and complete your journey. If you are unable to do that, then you are unfit to be a Necromancer and will meet your deserved fate. Be gone.

So you have survived your test long enough to meet me. I am Bentos, seventh Necromancer of Lithos.
- Greetings, Bentos. I have come to learn from you.
And so you shall. The way of the Necromancer is difficult. You will be assailed in many ways. And so will this happen before you next meet a Necromancer. Learn these words, Rel Sanct Ylem. Those words, and Wood and Dirt, will make you become as hard as stone. Now you must continue upon your way. May Lithos smile upon you.
I can not help you. You know this to be true, so be gone from here.

Well, well...You are progressing well, student. Please forgive those who attacked you. Your test must be a difficult one. Already you have learned Mask of Death and Rock Flesh from the Necromancers who wrote them. Are you now ready to learn my spell?
- Yes, Necromancer.
Very well, always remember that no matter how mighty you may feel, everyone eventually needs help in battle. Take Blood, Bone, and Wood. Speak the words Kal Corp Xen. Focus this power and help will arrive.
- What kind of help will this bring, Necromancer?
This spell will summon your deceased brethren to your aid. It may also help you find that which you seek.
- Deceased brethren?
Yes, student. Once you have joined the Necromantic order, you will never again be alone. You shall always have company of the dead to comfort you. But enough talk. You must continue on your journey. Fare well.
You have returned in vain. I can not help you any further. Go your own way.

You are coming closer to your goal, live one.
- I have worked hard to do so, Necromancer.
Do not think that the rest of your path will be an easy one, apprentice!  There is something about you that I do not trust. I doubt your devotion to the Mountain King.
- I am devoted, Necromancer.
Silence! I did not ask to hear your hollow voice. I was told to give my spell unto you and I will do so. But know that if Lithos consults me, I will tell Him that I do not trust you.
- I understand, Necromancer.
I do not care that you understand, meat. Listen to me then be gone. Often will you be assailed by enemies. Carry with you Executioner's Hood and Blackmoor. Blend the reagents and focus your magic on the ground. Say the words, In Vas Corp and grant eternal peace upon your enemy.
- Thank you, Necromancer.
Go now, and Pray to the Mountain King that you are worthy.
Surely you must realize that I can not help you any further. The path is yours alone to follow. You must walk it alone. Fare well.

Well, apprentice, you have nearly completed your test. You seem to have fared well, young one.
- Thank you, Necromancer. The road has been hard.
And harder still will it become, live one. Your final test is at hand. The next Necromancer you seek is Galious. If you prove yourself worthy, Galious will provide you with that which you need to gain an audience with the Mountain King.
- I am ready, Necromancer.
Galious will be the judge of that, live one. Now, listen carefully. For without my knowledge, you will never live to see Galious. A Necromancer deals always with death. Yet sometimes the Necromancer must be able to resist death in order to continue to serve his master. Therefore, when the time arrives, take Wood, Dirt and Blackmoor. Say the words Vas An Corp and focus this magic upon yourself.
- How will I know when to use this spell?
That I can not tell you. You must decide this for yourself, but be warned: You may only use this spell once. Therefore; use it wisely. You must now go. Good fortune upon you, apprentice.
You know that I can not help you. Nor would I choose to do so if I could. You have the spell which I have given you. If, for whatever reason, you can not raise the Golem, that is your burden. You alone must shoulder it or solve it. Farewell.

You have reached me and therefore proven yourself worthy. Lithos has instructed me to give a spell which would allow you to gain entrance to the Hall of the Mountain King.
- Is that where Lithos resides?
You already know that, apprentice. Do not let your excitement cloud your mind. The Hall is guarded by doors which no living creature may open. In order to gain entrance, you must raise a golem of the very element which is our lord, Lithos.
- A golem made of earth.
Yes. Now listen carefully, for like the other Necromancers, I will only tell you this spell once. Blood, Bone, Wood, Dirt and Blackmoor. Say these words of power; In Ort Ylem Xen. Focus this magic upon a broad space of mud and the golem will be created. Seek out Stone Cove. You shall reach it by way of the catacombs. Once you have found Stone Cove, there you shall need to create your golem. Only the golem shall be able to open the door which shall stand before you.
- I understand, Necromancer.
It is good that you do. Now, be gone. Go to the Mountain King.

the body of Orlok
Orlok the barkeep

Beren! I am assaulted!
Somethin' to wet yer whistle, mate?
Need something, stranger...?
Need something?
No loitering!
Buy somethin' or leave!
You are lookin' thirsty.
Like to hear a story?
Perhaps later.
Need more clean glasses.
To be a sailor again.
Curse this leg.
This floor needs sweepin'.
I'll clean it later.
Argh, scratched meself with me hook!
Hurry it up there, Jenna!
Righto, matey. That'll be # black chips.
We got Tenebraen Ale, o' course, vintage Blackwine, a feisty little brew called the Hurricane, Breath o' the Spirit, and the hard stuff ... Cloven Hoof.
- Tenebraen Ale
That'll be two glassies. And a deal at twice that price!
- Blackwine
Three obsidians, and ye'll not be disappointed.
- Hurricane
That'll be two ladies, then. And ye won't find it cheaper anywhere else!
- Breath o' Spirit
Two ladies, then. I haven't raised me prices in all the years I've been here, ye know.
- Cloven Hoof
Five black pieces. I know it's a bit pricey, but I think ye won't be disappointed.
- Nothing, thank you.
Well, suit yerself.
Oh, a quiet one. Well, suit yerself.
- Open a tab for me, please.
Aye, I'll do that. But remember this, I collects late accounts with me hook!
I can na' give ye yer drink with yer hands full. Put some of that down an' I'll be happy to serve ye!
- Here is the amount.
Thank ye, thank ye.
Sorry mate, I can't give ye any more credit. I'm afeared ye'll just have to go thirsty.
Hmmm, ye haven't enough stones, so I'll just put it on yer tab.
Ye can't take a drink when yer hands are full! Come back after ye set some o' that down!
- No, thank you.
All a bit too rich for ye? Well, I'm sure ye'll find a well around somewhere, ha,ha,ha!
- Put it on my tab.
Fine, that brings your tab to # black stones. Would you like to pay that now?
- Yes
It's not goin' ta waste, No siree, Why, I'll get a new patch er two with this.
Why with this I can get some polish fer me peg.
This is just enough to get me hook sharpened, it is!
What do ye mean? Ye haven't enough there to pay yer tab! Well, then ye'll just go thirsty!
I'll gladly take yer stones, but ye can't hold a drink with yer hands full. Put some o' that down and I'll sell ye a drink!
All right. Here's yer drink. We'll settle yer tab later.
Yer gonna have to put some o' that stuff down a'fore ye can have this drink.
Yer tab is up to #. Before I can serve ye, ye'll have to pay it off.
- All right, I'll pay.
Thank ye, mate. I knew ye was good fer the stone!
Ye haven't enough stone there, mate. Ye'll have to drink water, then, until ye can pay me.
- Sorry, I won't pay.
Then, I'm sorry, ye won't drink either!
When ye make up yer mind, just hollar.
- Yes, I'll have another #####.

%UVAR6 = stranger or %PCNAME

Greetin's, stranger. What kin I do fer ye?
Greetings again %UVAR6. Will ye be havin' another #####?
- Yes, I believe so.
- No, I'm not thirsty.
Greetin's again, %UVAR6. What's yer poison?
- I'll have a drink.
'Tis good ta see ye again, %UVAR6. How kin I help ye?
What do ye need, %UVAR6?
- What is my tab?
Well, let's see. Yer total is #####. Would ye like to pay that now?
- No, not now.
All right, but remember, I don't extend yer credit over 20 blacks.
- I'll pay my tab.
Will wonders never cease? And may I go to a watery grave if me ears don't deceive me...
But I'll gladly take yer stone and thank ye!
But I see they do. Yer short on stone, %UVAR6, Come back when ye've enough.
- I'll pay now.
- What is your name?
Me name's Orlok. And what might be yours, friend?
- My name is %PCNAME.
Well met then, %PCNAME. 'Tis a fine name indeed. Stay a while and listen to me tales.
- I can't give you my name.
Fine. 'Tis yer choice whether or not to give me yer name. I'll not ask again, stranger. But would ye care ta hear some o' me tales?
- What do you do?
Well, now, I be a bartender. 'Tis why I offered ye a drink.
Well, now, I be a bartender. Kin I get ye a drink?
- No, I'm not thirsty.
Well, then, perhaps ye'd care to hear one of me tales.
- What do you mean by poison?
It's just another way o' sayin' drink, %UVAR6.
- I'll have a drink.
Would ye be likin' another o' the same?
Will ye be havin' the usual?
- What are the choices?
Well, what'll ye have?
- Nothing, thank you.
Suit yerself. But ye don't know what yer missing. We serve only the finest spirits here. Well, how about a tale or two to pass yer time?
- Tell me of your tales.
Aye, me bucco. I know a right frightful tale about a ghost that walks the hills above Tenebrae. Would ye like to hear that 'en?
Aye, matey, yer a right good fellow. Now, what tales would ye like to hear?
- No, but thank you.
Well, suit yerself. How about a drink?
- That I would.
Well, ye see, my great great great granpappy, John Blowhard spent most of his days on the sea. It is said that he came across the lost treasure of the ancient Kings. Gold, my friend, gold beyound yer wildest dreams. He brought that gold back here to Tenebrae with the idea of settling down and living out the rest of his life in comfort. Well, that was not to be, for he had no more found a comfortable place to live in, when the dreams began to plague him. Terrible nightmares, he'd have. Now, my great great great granpappy weren't afraid of nothing. He was the bravest man alive, but these dreams would wake him up screamin' and shakin' with fright. In his dreams, the ghosts of the ancient kings would visit him and demand their treasure back. Night after night these specters appeared, but my great great great granpappy wouldn't give up the treasure. One night, after a particularly frightful visit, he had an idea. He would take the treasure and hide it away where no one would ever find it. So he took a shovel and his treasure and disappeared into the hills ... never to be seen alive again. There're are some that say he is in those hills yet and can be seen patrolling the area where the treasure is hid. But no one yet has had the courage to find out.
- Tell me how you lost your eye.
Oh, 'tis a good one, that story. It happened like this. It was a dark and stormy night. I was a lad of 21 and was aboard me first ship when we were attacked by one of those ferocious beasts the Lurker keeps as pets. Out of the water it came, spouting and screaming. It took one sailor right out of the crow's nest then it turned to the first mate. I grabbed a spike from the deck and fought the thing. It was a terrible fight. One of the creature's great teeth raked across me face and took me eye but I fought on, blood running down me chin. I finally defeated the thing and sent it back to the black depths it calls home.
(I didn't lose my eye. This is a fake eye patch I can actually see through.)
Oh, 'tis a terrible tale ye'd be after, me lad. I was young, not much older than ye are. I was in the cemetery one night, paying respects to me dear, departed mother, when a horrible cry came up from behind me. I turned just in time to see two ghosts carrying pick axes. Well they wailed and moaned something fierce then they attacked me with those axes. I grabbed the nearest thing to me, a tree limb, and swung it at them. I knew I couldn't beat them, but figured if I could just hold out until the morning light, I'd be all right. So for the entire night I fought those creatures. I grew wearier and wearier and didn't think I was going to make it. Just as I had almost given up, the morning came and the ghosts left. Not before, though, they took me eye.
(I didn't lose my eye. This is a fake patch and I can actually see right through it.)
I'd been a'traveling for many weeks. One night, as I prepared to make camp, I heard a scream. It sounded like a woman in distress. Well, to be sure, I had to find out what it was so I headed into the forest. I came across a gruesome sight. A terrible troll had a beautiful young girl tied to a tree. By the looks of the boiling pot of water, he was going to have her for supper...as the main course! I drew me sword and demanded the troll let 'er go. The great beast just laughed and asked what price I would pay. I told him to just name it. He thought for a moment, which t'ain't easy for those big creatures, then told me he wanted me eyes. He grabbed me and managed to pluck one of me eyes out before I could move. Trolls may be big, but they're right quick. Anyway, I fought hard enough that I got away before he took me other eye. I grabbed me sword, and with blood streaming down me face, I killed the troll and rescued the girl.
(I didn't lose my eye. This is a fake patch I can actually see through.)
- Tell me about lost treasures.
Lost treasures? Hmmmm, well there is the great hammer, 'Bone Crusher.' See once Lithos and Pyros had a quarrel. Now a quarrel for a titan is a full scale war for the like of you and me. Pyros made the skies rain fire and Lithos sent out armies of undead. Unfortunately, the battle ground was right over Tenebrae. My great great great granpappy, John Blowhard, knew it had to stop or it would destroy the city. He went to Hydros and asked her for a weapon to fight these things. She gave him a magic hammer. Well, he strode into battle with that thing and sent the skeletons flying, so he named the hammer Bone Crusher. Well, he quickly sent the undead back to their home and the fire stopped raining from the sky, but not before one of the fireballs struck him down. Bone Crusher went flying from his hand. When he came to, the mighty hammer was gone and it hasn't been seen since.
(I read the story of Bone Crusher in Bentic's library.)
It'll be treasure ye're after then. Well, my great great great granpappy, John Blowhard, was visiting a village off what is now Argentrock Isle. In the middle of the night, a group of trolls attacked the village, trying to carry off all the children. Children are their favorite snacks, ye know. Well, John Blowhard wouldn't have that, so he grabbed up a butter knife from the kitchen of the house he was staying in and ran out to battle the trolls. All that night and half the next day he fought those trolls. When it was all over, more than thirty trolls lay dead, and he had done it all with a butter knife. The titans approved of his bravery and rewarded him by turning that knife into a wondrous sword. However, on his way back to Tenebrae, the trolls ambushed him while he slept and stole the sword away. Rumor has it, it is lost in the woods around here where the trolls used to have their camps.
(There was a magic sword won in a battle against the trolls, but John Blowhard didn't do it. Rumor says it is still lost. I read the story in Bentic's library.)
Ah, I used to love to hear tales of treasure, meself. Well, seems that one of the early Tempests was a woman named Cekar. She was very beautiful but very vain. She spent all day looking into the glass, combing her hair and admiring her lovely face. So involved with her mirror was she, that she neglected her duties as Tempest. 'My eyes are like sapphires', she would say, 'my cheeks like rubies and my hair, spun gold.' Well Hydros became very angry with the Tempest. 'To punish you for your vanity,' she thundered, 'I will turn you into that which you compare yourself to.' And just like that, Cekar became a statue, with eyes of sapphires, cheeks of rubies and hair of spun gold. Cekar's servants took the statue away and hid it in the hills while they tried to find a way to turn her back. The statue remains hidden to this day.
(I heard a bard sing a song about this once.)
- Tell me how you lost your leg.
Ah, laddy. It 'twere a dark night upon the Sea of Rains. I was on me ship, the Dark Lady. We were hauling cargo for a wealthy merchant here in Tenebrae. The storm came up fast and hard. Seems our goodly Tempest was having a bit of a bad time and had decided to take it out on the sea. Unluckily for us, we were caught in the worst of it. The Dark Lady was tossed about like a leaf. All of a sudden, the main mast gave way and me first mate was standing directly in its path. I managed to push him out of the way, but it was too late for me. The mast crashed down on me and I could not get away. When the storm finally gave way, I was pulled from the wreckage. Me leg was crushed and there was naught for it but to cut it off. But it t'were a small price to pay for a man's life.
(I was chopping wood and the ax slipped.)
'Tis a gruesome tale, me friend. I hope ye have the fortitude for it. It was a bad time for me. Me ship was in disrepair and I had little money. I was hunting in the woods for something to eat when I heard this rustling noise. I paused and crept through the brush toward the sound. Lo and behold I saw two enormous trolls. I climbed a tree to get a better look. They were squabbling over something. When I looked closer I found it to be the body of a young child. Horrified by this I started to climb down. All of a sudden, the branch I was standing on gave way. I plummeted to the ground and was knocked unconcious. When I awoke I found I had been chained by me leg to a large tree. I knew I was next on the trolls' breakfast menu. I worked feverisly through the night trying to get free but it t'were no use. As dawn approached, I realised I had only one hope. I took out me small pocket knife. Working as quietly as I could, I cut me own leg off to escape.
(I was chopping wood and my ax slipped.)
'Tis a ghastly story. It was during the first voyage for me ship, the Night Hawk. On board we carried a wealthy merchant and his family. We were several days out and I was manning the wheel, when I heard  a scream. The merchant's young son had slipped and fallen overboard. His mother had seen it happen and had rushed over in time to see one of the Lurker's creatures bearing down on the boy. I raced to the side and jumped over. Just before  the creature reached the boy, I grabbed him in me arms and hollared for me crew to haul us aboard. As I was being pulled from the water with the boy in me arms, the creature jumped up and bit me leg clean off.
(I was chopping wood and my ax slipped.)
- Tell me how you lost your hand.
Now there's a tale for the telling! One day I was sitting in a tavern much like this one when I met an old man. He told me a wonderous tale of a great hidden treasure. He said it contained more wealth than the Tempest's castle and it was hidden on an island out in the middle of the Sea of  Rains. Well, I immediately gathered me crew and boarded me ship, the Sea Raven. After a month of sailing, we had all but given up hope, when a cry came up from the crow's nest. 'Land ho!' the lad shouted. Sure enough, there was  the island. We boarded our long boats. Once ashore, I traversed deep into the jungle and came upon this huge pile of treasure. Above it all was a huge golden idol. Its eyes glowed with two of the largest gems I have  ever seen. I climbed up carefully and reached out to pluck one of the stones from its socket. Just as me fingers brushed the stone, a huge blade scythed down and severed me hand right at the wrist. As I tumbled to the ground, everything began to shake. We barely made it back to me ship as the island sank beneath the waves of the Sea of Rains, taking its treasure with it.
(I was born missing a hand.)
An interesting tale, that. I was serving as an armed escort for a wealthy merchant and his family. We traveled in style, we did. Stayed in all the best inns, ate the finest food. However, we earned our pay the night the  group was attacked. It was late in the night and I was standing guard. I heard a noise in the brush and turned me head just in time to see brigands coming out of the woods. There were hundreds of 'em. We fought bravely, but they had a mage with them, a sorceror. His lightening and fire spells were terrible to see. I managed to get close enough to him to skewer him with me sword. Killing him just took the wind right out of the attack and the brigands faded back into the woods where they had come from. However,  with his dying breath, the sorceror cast one last spell. A bolt of lightening came at me. I tried to block it, but it struck me and blew me hand clean off.
(I was born missing a hand.)
Oh, 'tis a right frightful story, it is matey. I was a young lad, it was me first voyage out upon me ship, the Lady Luck. I was fishing, when out of the water came one of the Lurker's horrid pets. Jumped right out of the water.  it did, and came right at me. Well, I jumped back and those razor sharp teeth just missed me throat. I thought I was right lucky, I did, until I noticed that me medallion was missing. Now this t'weren't an ordinary medallion, no siree, me mother gave it to me on her deathbed, she did. I had to have it back. So I dove in after it. I swam hard and caught that scaly beast by its tail. It bucked and flipped in the water but I didn't let go. I worked me way up to its horrid face and forced it to the surface. It thrashed and tried to bite me, but I wouldn't let it. I pulled its jaws open and there in its teeth was me medallion. I reached me hand into the creature's reeking maw, grabbed the chain and pulled it free. Then, just as I was letting  go, it turned its head quick and bit me. Took me hand clean off at the wrist, it did. Then it sank into the murky depths of the sea.
(I was born without a hand.)
- Tell me about your days at sea.
Oh m'boyo. Those were the good days. I had a ship, the Night Stalker, a fine ship she was. Once we ran across a ship that was plundering a small town. Now, I don't take kindly to people hurtin' them that's weaker, so I challenged  the captain of the other ship to a duel. If I won, he had to stop raiding the towns along the coast. If he won, he got me ship and crew. We did it gentleman-like, facing off with our swords. It was a fierce battle, there on the beach,  but I was the better swordsman and he knew it. As I gained on him, he signaled to his men and they jumped me from behind. I took 'em all on, I did. Fought like a wildcat. They had me outnumbered four to one, but I didn't give up. I fought and in the end, I won. Ah, yes, me friend, those were the days.
(I've never been to sea. In fact, I am terrified of the water.)
I do love to talk about me days on the open sea. Why the Sea of Rains is quite a mistress. Ye'll find ye love 'er and ye hate 'er. One day, we set out to sea aboard me ship, the Ram's Horn. It was beautiful weather. That night a terrible gale came up suddenly. It blew us about like a toy. Huge waves washed over the deck of me ship, took two of me best men over the side. Someone had to man the wheel and try to keep her in one piece, so I  lashed meself to the wheel and stood through the storm. In the morning light, I found that the wheel was all that remained standing on the deck of me ship.
(I've never owned a boat. In fact, I've never even been on one.)
Those were the days, matey. Ah, the salt air, the wind in me hair. I do miss it so. Why, I'll never forget the time I was taken captive by another ship. Those scurvy dogs put me into chains and threw me into the hold. It's a good thing that captain was a bad housekeeper, for the only way I kept alive was by catching and eating the rats that shared the hold with me. I don't know how long they kept me in that hold, seemed like forever. Then one  day they hauled me out. They had some cargo they needed moved and they figured they could put me to use. Now, by that time I was weak from hunger and stiff from being in the chains, but I gave it me best. The captain was so impressed with me that he made me a member of the crew. I traveled with that crew for many months, plundering and pillaging the coasts. While the other crew members were drinking and wenching, I just socked me money away, dreaming of the day I would buy me own ship. When I thought I had  enough, I managed to sneak off. They searched for me for days, but I kept hidden, I did. Soon they gave up and left. I then went on to buy the Cat's Claw, and a fine ship she was. Served me well, all me days at sea.
(I've never been to sea. I have read about it, though, in books from Bentic's library.)
- Tell me how you came to be at this inn.
This inn? Why, laddy, this inn is as old as the hills here. It was built by me great great great granpappy, John Blowhard. He had spent most of his life on the Sea of Rains and had thought he would die there, but in the spring of his 25th year, he met a sweet young girl who lived in the hills nearby here. He fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. Now, the girl's father knew that the sea was no place for a lady to spend her life so he wouldn't allow me great great great granpappy to marry her until he had established a life on the land. So me great great great granpappy decided he would open an inn. He worked and worked for months building this place. He cut every timber and placed every stone until it was as ye see it today. When the girl's father saw it, he gave the couple his blessing. They were married for 75 years. The inn has been passed down through the family since then.
(It was an old torax barn. I turned it into an inn with the money I swindled when I worked as an exchecker for the Tempest.)
This inn has so much history behind it, sonny, I wish these old walls could talk. The name of the builder has been lost to history, for it was standing long before the city of Tenebrae was founded. In fact, it is the reason  Tenebrae was located where it is today. How I came to be the innkeeper is an interesting tale. It was shortly after I lost me eye. I had already lost me hand and leg, so I knew I had to start looking for something to do on land. I  had decided to take a trip to ArgentRock to see if there wasn't something the healers could do about me eye. Night was approaching and I was looking for a place to make camp when I came across this old man. He laying under a tree. He was unconscious, his face was the color of sea foam and  his breath came in wheezing gasps. I quickly built a fire and wrapped me blanket around him. He opened one bleary eye. 'Thank ye.' he said, 'Thank ye kindly for taking pity on an old man in his final hour of life. There's not many what would give up their blanket for one so close to the gate of  death.' He told me then of his life on the roads and some of the adventures he'd had. As the dawn approached, his coughing got worse. Finally he could barely speak and I knew he didn't have much time left. He motioned me closer with his boney finger. I bent me head  down to hear his final words. 'Ye have done a kind thing for a dying man. I wish to reward ye.' he said. 'In me pack ye'll find a piece of paper. It is the deed to an inn in Tenebrae. As I have no heirs, I wish ye to have it.' With that, he coughed once more and passed to the Pit of Death. That's how I came to own this inn.
(I bought it real cheap for some back taxes due.)
That is a tale worth the telling, matey. ye see, I was on shore leave from me ship, the Monkey's Fist. I was drinking in this little tavern when I was approached by a rather scurvy looking waterrat. He asked if I was interested in a card game...a 'high stakes' card game. Well, I couldn't pass that up so I agreed. He led me to the back of the tavern and through a door behind the bar. There sat four of the most shifty-eyed salt dogs I'd ever seen. They looked me over once or twice then motioned me to a chair. We played in silence for the next several hours, the stacks of chips changing hands like candy. I was coming out on the short end of the deal and soon saw that I was going to have to leave the game. I pushed me chair back. 'That's it for me, mateys.' says I. 'Yer gonna have to play wit'out me.' 'Not so fast', the one with a glass eye says. 'Yer not done yet. ye have the ship, right?' 'Yes.'says I. 'Then  that's what we'll play for.' I then knew that's they'd been after all along, the Monkey's Fist. 'I will not wager me ship on a game of cards.'says I. 'Ye'll not leave this room alive if'n ye don't.' says the leader. At that the bodyguard at the door drew his sword. 'All right,' says I I'll play, but only if ye puts up something just as valuable.' The glass-eyed man reached into his pack and pulled out a piece of paper. 'Here' says he. 'The deed to an inn in Tenebrae.' 'All right,' says I. 'We'll play.' The card dealing went fast and tense. Finally ol' glass-eye cackled. 'Here,' he said, 'ye can'na beat these ladies. The Monkey's Fist is mine!' 'Not so fast,' says I and laid down me cards. 'That's a set of dragons and a shield.' 'Why you!' said glass eye. He drew his sword and charged over the table at me. I drew me sword and hightailed it out the door, but not before I snatched up the deed to this place. They chased me all the way back to the ship, but I made it safely. And that, me friend, is how I came to be the proud owner of this fine establishment!
(This place was an abandoned torax barn. It was in such bad shape, they were going to tear it down. I bought it for a song.)
- Tell me of the Sea of Rains.
She's a mysterious mistress, me boyo. Why ye never know when she's going to turn on ye. One fine day I took me ship, the Trident, out. There was no sign of trouble and it looked like clear sailing. Well, all of a sudden me boy in the crow's nest hollared and I looked up. There, on the horizon was the blackest storm cloud I'd ever seen. as I watched, I realized what I thought was a storm was really the biggest water spout I'd ever seen and it was coming straight for us. I ordered the ship about and tried to out run that monster, but it was no use. Before we knew it, it was upon us and we were picked straight up into the sky. We whirled and whirled about until we thought we were dead for sure. All caught up in that spout with us were fish and rocks and I even saw one of the Lurker's ghastly pets. We must have whirled about for two or three days until we were finally set down, safe and sound, in our berth in the harbor outside Tenebrae. It was something I'll never forget.
(I've never been to sea. I don't even know how to swim.)
I do love to tell of me adventures on the Sea. Why I recollect one time we had been at sea for a number of days on board me ship, the Guiding Star. We were bestilled and while waiting for the wind to rise again, some of the boys were fishing. All of a sudden we heard a hollaring. Deadeye Joe had hooked a huge fish. He was pulling on the line til his eyes was bugging out. Several of the other boys rushed to help him when all of a sudden that fish jumped right out of the water and swallowed him  whole! Why we didn't know what to think. Being the captain and all, I went to the side of the ship and said a few words in honor of the boy. That night the wind came up and we were off again. Well, it must have been a week later, we were bestilled once again and the boys took to fishing again. Again we suddenly heard a hootin' and a hollarin coming from the deck. One of the boys had pulled in a big fish. Our cook came bustlin' up from the kitchen with his knife, all set to gut that monster. As he ran that knife down the belly of that fish weren't we surprised when ol'Deadeye Joe came tumbling out, just grinning and laughing. Said it was the best vacation he'd ever had.
(I've never been on a ship. Actually I'm terrified of the water.)
Ah, the sea is the source of many a great adventure, laddy. Why I'll never forget one night on me ship, the Sea Flower. We had been at sea for several weeks when we were becalmed. We floated aimlessly for many days and the crew was beginnig to get worried. The night of the tenth day a strange, greenish fog rolled in. It muffled all sounds and had an eerie chill about it. Suddenly, a shout went up from the foredeck. I rushed out of me cabin just in time to see another ship, heading directly for our front bow. We hailed the ship to warn them off, but got no answer. We scrambled about trying to get out of the other ship's way, but there wasn't enough time. Then just before the ship was about to ram us, it suddenly veered off, just a few spans from our bow. It glided by us with nary a sound. It was then we saw that the man at the wheel was naught but a skeleton. The ship sailed off and disappeared into the fog. We never saw it again, but in the morning, the wind came up and we could continue our journey.
(I only know about the sea because I read a lot of books in Bentic's library. I always wanted to be a pirate, but actually am afraid of the water.)
- Tell me of Tenebrae.
What would ye like to know?
- Tell me its history.
Tenebrae has a long and colorful history, me friend. It was originally a troll encampment. See, the trolls at one time ruled Pagan. That was until me great great great granpappy, John Blowhard, arrived. He saw that the area the trolls were living in was beautiful. Now, trolls are not the best housekeepers, so they were making a mess of a very beautiful place. John Blowhard came in and cleaned out those trolls. It was a bloody battle, but soon the trolls were all gone and John Blowhard opened the very inn ye are standing in now, me friend.
(I don't know the history of Tenebrae and me great great great granpappy was run out of town for being a thief.)
Tenebrae has an interesting history. I would love to tell ye about it. In the very early days, the people of Tenebrae were attacked by those filthy Necromancers. Those mages of death comanded their minions of undead to kill everyone in the town. me great great great granpappy, John Blowhard, charged into their camp and singlehandedly slew all the necromancers. Without the mages to control them, the undead fell back into their timeless sleep and Tenebrae was saved.
(The Necromancers have never attacked Tenebrae. John Blowhard never slew anything but glasses of cheap ale.)
Ah, I shall tell ye of the year of the Great Storm. Many years ago the Tempest of Tenebrae was a man named Strem. Lord Strem had a very beautiful daughter named Trecian. She had hair the color of spun honey and eyes the color of the Sea of Rains. She caught the eye of me great great great granpappy, John Blowhard. Well, John Blowhard and Trecian fell in love, but the Tempest didn't approve. The young lovers knew they couldn't live without each other so one night they ran away together. Well, the Tempest went into a rage and started a terrible storm. It rained and the wind blew and the surf pounded poor Tenebrae. He vowed to keep the storm raging until John Blowhard and Trecian were found. As the storm worsened, a huge wave began to build. It roared down upon Tenebrae, heading straight for the palace. From their hiding place in the mountains, John saw it and knew the people in the palace had to be warned. He ran for the palace and arrived just in time to get all the people out. The wave demolished the palace. When Lord Strem saw what he had done, he stopped the storm. He was so happy that John Blowhard had saved the people in the palace that he gave his blessing and allowed John and Trecian to marry.
(There was no great storm and John Blowhard was hated by the Tempest's daughter. She was the one who had him exiled from Tenebrae for thievery.)
- Tell me of Bentic.
Bentic. I don't see much of him. He's a bit of a recluse. Stays with his books. It is said, though that he is actually Lady Mordea's lover. People say they have seen him sneaking in her bedroom window in the middle of the night. Ye never can tell about those quiet types.
(I don't know much about Bentic. I think he's just a sissy.)
Bentic is quite the mystery man. He knows an awful lot about this area. Reads a lot of books. I think he is actually trying to find the treasure me great great great granpappy, John Blowhard buried in the hills above Tenebrae many years ago. There are certainly enough old maps in that library of his that he could have stumbled onto something.
(John Blowhard never buried any treasure.)
Don't know too much about Bentic. He doesn't come in here too often. When he does, he always orders the same thing, torax milk with a water chaser. But have ye ever noticed that ye never see his chest? Always keeps it covered, he does. That's because on his chest is a tattoo, a tattoo of a map. See, a while ago there was a pirate named Bloody Bobby. He was the fiercest pirate on the sea. Bloody Bobby looted and plundered all the towns on the coast. Finally, the authorities caught on to him, so Bloody Bobby buried his treasure in the hills above Tenebrae. He had the map tattooed on the chest of his most trusted companion and sent that man to stay in Tenebrae until he could come back and claim his treasure. That's been fifteen years ago and the companion still waits. The name of that trusted companion is Bentic.
(There never was a pirate named Bloody Bobby and I don't know Bentic too well.)
- Tell me of Kilandra.
Now there's a case. She's a bit touched in the head, she is. Spends most of her time talking to the fish. Thinks they can talk back to her. Sad, sad tale is hers. Her daughter had a rare disease, she died before the healers got to Tenebrae. It is said that Kilandra went to the Pit of Death to retrieve her. Lithos would not allow her to pass and touched her mind to punish her for such impudence.
(Kilandra is a little strange, but she didn't go to the Pit of Death.)
Kilandra acts a bit strange, but don't ye believe it. She's all right, she is. She's actually the mother of our Lady Mordea. Once Lady Mordea came to power she threw Kilandra out into the streets. She wanted no one to stand in the way of her power.
(Kilandra is not Lady Mordea's mother.)
I don't know about Kilandra. She acts a bit queer at times, but I think it is all fake. I have often seen her, late at night, slipping off into the woods behind the town. She doesn't come back 'til the wee hours before dawn. After I had watched her a number of times, I went back with the daylight and followed her trail. I came across a place where a campfire had been built. There were the footprints of many trolls. I think the trolls are planning to try to take over Tenebrae and she is their agent!
(I saw Kilandra out late at night once. She was going to the cemetery to put flowers on the grave of her daughter.)
- Tell me of Aramina.
Aramina, poor girl. ye know, she is really Lady Mordea's sister. That's right, but Lady Mordea wanted all the power to herself, so she used her Tempest magic to enslave the poor girl. That's the truth!
(Aramina is not Lady Mordea's sister.)
Aramina, now there is one to watch. She's much more than she appears. Why when the tides are just right, she goes to the highest cliffs above the sea. As she stands there, she will stretch her arms above her head and call on Hydros. Then, the most horrid transformation takes place as her arms become flippers, her legs, a tail and gills form on her face. She becomes one of those creatures that serve Hydros. She then dives into the sea and disappears. By the next morning, she is back in the palace, as meek as ye please. It's right spooky if ye was to ask me.
(Once, when I was at the palace, I passed the door to her room and there was a little bit of water on the floor and a gown of hers was laid out to dry by the fire.)
Yes, I know Aramina. She is the 'servant' of the palace. Ye see, if ye was to ask me, I'd say she's really the Lady Mordea. Yep, and the person we think of as Lady Mordea is really Aramina, the servant girl. There's more than a few what would like to take the life of the Tempest. By changing places with her servant girl, she can still work her magic and yet her life is safe. That's what I thinks.
(Lady Mordea and Aramina have NOT changed places.)
- Tell me of Lady Mordea.
Ah, our fair Tempest. I can tell ye a thing or two about her, I can. Why, she is a regular visitor here to me inn. Well, not at the regular hours mind ye. No, I keep special hours for her. She comes by here late at night. She likes me Hurricanes. Can put them away she can. The lady knows how to have a good time, she does. Why, we shared more than one night, and more than just drinks...if ye can catch me meaning.
(Lady Mordea has never been in the inn.)
Thank ye for stopping in!
- Goodbye.
Come back any time.
Have a care. Strangers, few tho' they are, have a tendency ta end up with the Lurker... if they're not careful.

I wonder how this pentagram is used.
You are standing too close to the pentagram.
I must be standing too close to the pentagram.
You must place a focus at the center of the pentagram to contain the spell.
Multiple foci disrupt the empowering of a spell. You may only enchant one focus at a time
I forgot to place a focus in the center of the pentagram.
I have too many foci on the pentagram.
Make sure you are using the proper candles and they are all lit.
I must have misplaced or forgotten to light a candle.
Something's not right.
Your candles are incorrect.
Perhaps the candles are set incorrectly.
Something's wrong.
Indeed, your reagents were incorrect for that spell.
The reagents don't seem right.

I've come for you, Sorcerer!
The pentagram must be clear of all but sorcerous components.
I can't carry all that is on the pentagram.
Invoke Pentagram

In Flam!
An Flam!
Flam Por!
In Ort Flam!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Vas Sanct Flam!
In Flam Ylem!
Vas Ort Flam!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!
Something's not right.
An Flam!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Vas Sanct Flam!
In Flam!
Flam Por!
In Ort Flam!
Vas Ort Flam!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam!
In Flam!
Flam Por!
Sanct Flam!
Vas Sanct Flam!
Vas Ort Flam!
An Flam Corp Xen!
In Ort Flam!
In Flam An Por!
In Flam Ylem!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam!
In Flam!
In Ort Flam!
In Flam Ylem!
Flam Por!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Vas Sanct Flam!
Vas Ort Flam!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam!
In Flam!
In Flam Ylem!
Vas Ort Flam!
Flam Por!
In Ort Flam!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Vas Sanct Flam!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam!
In Flam!
Flam Por!
In Ort Flam!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
Vas Sanct Flam!
In Flam Ylem!
Vas Ort Flam!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!

In Flam!
An Flam!
Flam Por!
In Ort Flam!
Sanct Flam!
In Flam An Por!
Vas Sanct Flam!
In Flam Ylem!
Vas Ort Flam!
Kal Flam Corp Xen!
An Flam Corp Xen!
Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen!

dead peasant

Help me, Beren!
Town Sorcerer!
I can not talk with you now...
- What is your name?
I am sorry, but I never speak with strangers.
It is a quick way to loose your money and your life.
Who are you? Has Mordea sent you to question me?
Ha! If you do not know who I am then you do not know what I have done!
- bye
- Why, I am %PCNAME!
Excuse me...
Pardon me...
- May I have a moment of your time?
No! Who do you think you are?
- Why, I am the Avatar!
Get away from me!
- Why, I am the Avatar!
You wear such a repulsive costum and wish for me to give you a moment of MY time?
Hmph! Go away, Avatar!
I don't think I enjoy talking to you.
- bye.
Ahhh! Go away!

dead peasant

Help me!!!
People are trying to read!
Huh !?!
Forget it...
That is so strange...
I see where this is heading...
That proves my theory...
I always wondered about that...
Now I get it...!
A Torax...?
Now I am really lost...
This makes no sense...
More grog...
I feel sick...
I can't even stand...
Oh, my head...
Where is Dicko...?
I should be leaving...
After the next drink...
Make the room stop spinning...
Another round here!

dead beggar

Help! I'm being oppressed!
Argh! I'm being attacked!
Do you have any old coins you don't want?
How's about helpin' out a poor cripple?
- Here you go.
Thank you, my friend.
And, as a word of warning remember this...
Always look for traps within chests.
No treasure is worth dying for.
Do not use healing spells when you do not need to.
They will do you more damage than good.
Remember that sword is a friend in times of great danger,
but a well placed boot can also bring down an undead stranger...
Exploring the catacombs may be dangerous to your health.
Take care to map your route, lest you seal your own doom!
Never try to kill a skeleton, for they are already the undead.
Yellow shrooms with spots of green are very bad for your kidneys and spleen.
But yellow shrooms with spots of red will bring you back when you are dead.
Children should be seen, not heard.
Thank you kindly, stranger.
May Hydros find favor with you.
Sorry, I do not have any money.
Maybe next time...
- Sorry, I do not have any money.
Maybe next time...
Thanks anyway...
May the Lurker take ya!
May the minions of Lithos suck the marrow from your bones!
May you roast in Pyros' flames for all time!

Over here...
Come here...!
Get over here...!



plate of food
empty plate



it's empty...
I feel much better!
I have regained power!
I feel better!
I feel like fighting!

Pyros, Lord of Flame

This is all wrong!
What have I done?
PY - For what pathetic reason have you summoned me, mortal?
MM - I have need of your knowledge, Pyros.
PY - Your simple mind cannot possibly hold an inkling of the depth of my wisdom.
MM - I command you to do my bidding!
PY - I will feast upon your entrails first, manling!
MM - I think not yet, my Lord. Now, about the information I require...
PY - Ask your question.
PY - I grow weary of your incessant whining.
MM - I have read legends of a great fire that once hung in the sky.
PY - Foolish mortal...
PY - I am the only fire of this world.
MM - So. You have no knowledge of the sun. Very well. If your knowledge is limited, I will have some of your power, Daemon Lord. Give it to me!
MM - Your power is almost too much for me!
PY - Your flesh will burn in my volcano!
MM - Strengthen your defense, Acolytes! He seeks to break our restraints!
PY - Ah... I have found a weakness in your defenses, sorcerer.
   - Guardian help us! Pyros is free! Flee for your lives!
PY - Ah... I have found a weakness in your defenses, sorcerer.
   - Guardian help us! Pyros is almost free! Channel your energy to me and we will try send him back!
PY - Prepare to die!
MM - I have the Tongue of Flame! Yes! That's it! By its power, I banish you! Return to the Fire that spawned you!
PY - Ah... I have found a weakness in your defenses, sorcerer.
MM - We have barely managed to contain him. Channel your energy to me and we will try send him back.
PY - Prepare to die!
MM - No, Pyros! I have the Tongue of Flame! By its power, I banish you! Return to the Fire that spawned you!
MM - Well done, Acolytes. We have managed to contain him. Channel your energy to me and we will send him back.
PY - Prepare to die!
MM - No, Pyros. You forget... I have the Tongue of Flame. By its power, I banish you. Return to the Fire that spawned you!
   - Vas An Flam Bal Xen!
MM - Vardion!
MM - Bane!
MM - Insolent fool! You will die for your insubordination!
   - No, wait...
MM - I am glad that you all were waiting for us. I hope I haven't inconvenienced any of you.
   - No, of course not Master.
   - Well, just a little.
GO - Hmmm? What do you mean?
   - Nothing Gorgrond. Just be quiet.
MM - If I did, it is of no consequence. This is far more important.
MM - Place your candles about the Great Pentacle.
   - Yes, Master.
   - Yes, Master.
   - Yes, Master.
AV - I will not.
AV - Yes, Master.
AV - I do not have one.
MM - Vardion...
MM - Bane...
MM - Provide the -Acolyte- with a candle.
VB - I told him...
MM - Do it.
VB - Yes, Master.
MM - Thank you, First Acolyte.
VB - You are most gracious, Master.
MM - Resume your position.
MM - Good. Now Ignite the candles.
   - Yes, Master.
   - Yes, Master.
   - Yes, Master.
AV - Yes, Master.
AV - Do it yourself.
AV - I don't have the spell prepared.
MM - Fool! I will do it myself.
MM - Kneel before the Lord of Flame, Acolytes.
   - Yes, Master.
   - Yes, Master.
   - Yes, Master.
AV - Must I?
MM - I said kneel, Acolyte!
AV - Yes, Master.
AV - No, I will not.
MM - You will kneel, or you will die! Do you understand?
AV - Yes, Master.
AV - No, I do not.
MM - Then die, fool.
MM - Now... speak the words of the chant. You must concentrate on them throughout the ritual.
MM - In Sanct An Por
   - In Sanct An Por
   - In Sanct An Por
   - In Sanct An Por
AV - The chant is useless.
AV - In Sanct An Por
MM - I believe all is ready, my Acolytes. Prepare for the coming of Pyros, the Lord of Flame!
MM - Kal Vas Flam Bal Xen!
MM - Acolytes... you are dismissed.
MM - Except for you.
AV - Me?
MM - Yes, you.
   - Wait, I'm going...
MM - Yes, you are.
   - If I could just ask...
MM - I said begone!
   - Master, I must speak with you...
MM - No, you musn't. Begone!
MM - Due to your gross insubordination, we nearly lost control of the Titan of Fire. My First Acolyte lies dead on the ground. Had we done so, all life on this isle would surely have died. Take that as a warning. *And take this as a reminder never to cross me again.
MM - Due to your poor performance, I was not able to absorb as much power from Pyros as I would have liked. That irritates me.*Accept this as a reminder never to irritate me again.
MM - I thank you for your assistance in this matter. Know that I felt your power sustaining my Sorcery, and that I was truly greatful for its presence. Perhaps in time, you will aspire to the position of my First.
MM - Farewell, Acolyte.

recall item

What is your destination?
Central Tenebrae
Upper Catacombs
Hall of the Mountain King
Argentrock Isle
Carthax Lake
Daemon's Crag

the body of Rhian
Rhian the weaver

I would not do that if I were you!
Stop! Thief!
I saw that!
Stop that, or I'll call the guard!
This is your last warning!
Help me, Beren!
Town Sorcerer!

Why, hello, friend.
What do you want here, stranger?
Looking for something?
Please look around.
Please, do not touch anything.
What am I to do?
I must carry on some how.
Woe is me!
I must be strong!
Oh, these tired old hands...
Perhaps I should take a walk.
I'm just so tired, maybe later.
The days are growing longer.
Oh, Toran!

Good day, my friend.
Excuse me, please.
Need some assistance?
Stranger, are you lost?
Pardon me, I did not mean to stare...
Storm clouds are brewing.
The winds are growing colder.
I should be going home...
but there is nothing for me there.
I can find no beauty in the world anymore.
What am I to do?
I must find a way.

Well, I'm afraid I do not know much about gems. What do you have to offer?
For this gem you have I can only offer you # coins.
For these # gems you have I can only offer you # coins.
Is this an acceptable offer?
- yes
Very good. Here is your stone...
...and I'll take this. Thank you.
- no
That's fine, that's fine. I do not wish to push you.
Hmmmm... It seems you have misplaced your gems.
When you find them please bring them by.
Certainly. I have diamonds, rubies, gemstone necklaces and gemstone rings. In which are you interested?
- A diamond
This is lovely. It was one of Toran favorites.-sniff- I'm sorry, I don't really know what it is worth. He was going to sell if for 45 stones. Are you interested?
- A ruby
Oh, my son, Torwin, liked this one so much. -sob- The price is 20 stones.
- Gemstone necklace
Oh, I was there when he bought this from a young miner. The price is only 36 blacks. Quite a deal, don't you think?
- Gemstone ring
This is my favorite piece. -sob- I am loath to part with it, it reminds me of Toran. But times are hard for a -snif- widow. The price is 22 stones.
- Nothing, thank you.
As you wish.
Perhaps some other time.
- Never mind, thank you.
- Here is the amount.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Oh. I'm so sorry. It seems times are hard for you, as well. Perhaps this will still be here when you have a little more to spend.
Oh, your hands are full! I will keep this until you have room for it.
I understand. Thank you anyway.
Perhaps you need time to think about it.
Certainly, I have only rough cloth to work with, so I'm afraid it will be nothing like some of the rich Kith silk you are used to. I have cloaks, shirts, vests and robes. Which would you be interested in?
- A cloak
I have a nice warm cloak. The price is 6 stones.
- A shirt
I have shirts for 4 stones each.
- Vest
A vest would look very imposing on you. Their cost is 7 stones.
- Nothing, thank you.
As you wish.
Well, I guess you are really not interested.
- Never mind, thank you.
- Here is the amount.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Oh. I'm so sorry. It seems times are hard for you, as well. Perhaps this will still be here when you have a little more to spend.
Oh, your hands are full! I will keep this until you have room for it.
I understand. Thank you anyway.
Perhaps you are not interested after all.
Excuse me.
Hello there.
My husband,-sob-  oh, my husband, what shall I do? What shall become of me? Oh no, no, no! -sob-
Oh, forgive me.
I can not bear such grief.
Please, leave me.
I can not talk now.
What is your name?
Greetings again.
Hello, Rhian.
What do you sell here?
I found this ring.
I'm sorry, but your son won't be back.
Tell me again of your son.
Oh, forgive me.
I can not bear such grief.
I can not talk now.
- What is your name?
Strange, I thought I told you. Oh, in my grief, I must have forgotten to tell you my name. I am so sorry. My name is Rhian, that is it, just Rhian.
What is your name?
What is your name again?
What do you do?
My name is Rhian, and yours?
What is your name?
None of your business.
- Hello, Rhian.
Hello, my friend. What can I help you with today?
- I am interested in purchasing clothing.
- I am interested in gems.
What do you do?
Hello, Rhian.
- None of your business.
I'm sorry if I have offended you. I meant no harm. Please forgive me. I am very sorry.
What do you do?
- I found this ring.
Oh, oh dear, oh dear dear. -sob- This was my husband's. He gave it to our son upon his 16 birthday.-sob- Torwin never -sniff- took it off, oh, I can hardly bear to look at it. You are so kind to bring it to me. Now I have something to remember them by. Now, if you'll excuse me.
This...this is my son's ring. -sniff- Toran gave it to him for his 16 birthday. Torwin never took it off. How did you come by it?
I'm sorry, but your son won't be back.
I found it.
I found this ring.
I found it.
Oh, this does not bode well. This ring was Torwin's pride and joy. This is not good at all. Something must have happened to him. Oh no, I can not bear the thought. What if something dreadful has happened? What if he is ill or injured? This is just terrible!
I found it.
- What do you do?
- What do you sell here?
I'm a weaver. I make clothing. And...and because of, I, oh I can not say it without crying...-sniff- my husband's -sob- execution -sob sob-, I have taken over the running of my husband's gem shop.
- Your husband's shop?
Toran was the gem cutter here in town. As my son is no longer here, I am left to run the shop.
- Do you sell clothing?
I sell those that I make.
- I am interested in purchasing clothing.
- I am interested in gems.
Would you like to buy or sell gems?
- buy gems
- sell gems
- I am interested in gems.
I'm sorry but all my wares are at my shop. Please come by there a little later.
- I am interested in purchasing clothing.
I have many things in my shop. Please come by there when I am open for business.
Hello, %PCNAME, - sob- I am afraid I am not good company at this terrible time.
- Why do you cry?
I'm sorry if my tears upset you, but -sob- it is so sad. I was once the wife of Toran. But now he is gone and my son is gone...whatever shall I do?
- Toran was your husband?
Yes and he was executed by the Tempest, Lady Mordea. -sob-.
- Why was he executed?
I tried to warn him about speaking his mind so openly, but he would laugh and say that no man need fear the truth. In the end 'twas Mordea's wrath that he should have feared.
- Feared Mordea's wrath?
She does not take kindly to things said about her. It will cost you your life, as it did my poor Toran, -sob- but I should not burden you with my troubles.
- He was an outspoken man?
Toran feared no one, not even the Tempest. Of late, he had begun to question the need for these executions. He was in the tavern when the guards came for him... oh, I tried to warn him, -sob-  Now I have no one, not even my son. -sob-.
- Where is your son?
- Tell me again of your son.
My son, Torwin, left home to become a Theurgist.
- What is a Theurgist?
A Theurgist is a healer. Oh, please do not misunderstand me, friend %PCNAME, I think it is grand that my son should want to be a healer. Why I'm thrilled, but I am concerned by the suddenness of his decision.
- You question his decision?
I'm sorry if I appear to be a terrible mother by questioning his decision, but he never showed any sign of wanting to be a healer when he was growing up. He just wanted to be a gemcutter like his father. -sob- And now that he is gone, I am left alone with no one to support me. But, at least I know he is alive and well. -sniffle- I can always hope he will return to his poor widowed mother.
- I hope he returns to you.
That would be wonderful. Oh, how I'd love to see him again. Even...even if just for a short visit. -sob-, Oh, to see his face again!
- I've met your son.
Oh, is he well? Does he speak of me? I am sure he must be the finest healer on Argentrock. Oh, -sob- his father would be so proud... if only my husband could hear this, but he never will. He will never know... oh, no, no, no! -sob-
- I'm sorry, but your son won't be back.
What?! What do you mean?!
- Your son committed suicide.
But..but, that can't be true, oh no, no, no, it just can't be. Oh my son, my little boy.... How can this be? -sob-, please tell me!
- I do not know.
Oh, I don't think I can bear it. My heart will break in two. -sob- I'm sorry, I fear I can speak no more of it.
- You son passed away.
He passed away? He was so young! Oh my, I can't believe it, I just can't.-sob- He mustn't be dead. No, no, no, he mustn't. I can't go on! Oh, no,no,no.
- Your son had an accident.
An accident? No, I should never have let him go. Oh, now I am alone forever. What ever shall I do? What ever shall I do? No, no, no, no.....
- He was trying to resurrect his father.
Oh, -sob- my brave, sweet boy.-sob- He loved his father so. Now they are both lost to me, what shall I do? What shall I do?
- He couldn't pass the Theurgists tests.
I don't believe you! My boy is so smart. He could not have failed! -sob- He could have done it...now he does not have a chance to try again...oh no...
Perhaps we shall speak later.
- Farewell.
Farewell, %PCNAME.

Salkind the late Seneschal
Salkind the Seneschal
the very late Salkind
dead Seneschal

What do you think you are doing?
Don't hurt me!
Please! I'll do anything...
Leave me be!
Out of my house or I shall call the guards!
Are we lost, perhaps?
Leave, or I shall summon the guards!
Please, I wish to be alone.
Can a man have his privacy?
Do you wish to speak to me?
Where is that girl?
Where is that logbook...?
dum de dum...
Where did I put that?
Oh, yes...
Where are my documents?
He will pay dearly for that.
Where is my jeweled dagger...?
Who keeps opening these?
Out of my way! I must attend to her Ladyship!
Greetings stranger.
- One moment, Salkind...
Oh, returned, have we? Don't we have some nerve, hmmmmm?
I would like to speak with you.
We certainly were never taught manners, were we?
I would like to speak with you.
I have no time for your nonsense.
I would like to speak with you.
- May I ask your name?
Certainly, I am Salkind. And who might we be?
- I am %PCNAME.
And what can I help you with today, hmmmm?
Je suis %PCNAME.
Et en quoi puis-je t'estre utile aujourd'hui, hmmmm?
Je suis %PCNAME.
Ich hei�e %PCNAME.
Ah, wirklich ein sch�ner Name, den wir da haben. Und? Was gibt es noch zu fragen?
Ich hei�e %PCNAME.
- What do you do?
What do I do? My, we are a nosy little thing, aren't we? Well, if you must know, I am the Seneschal to Lady Mordea.
- Who is Lady Mordea?
Lady Mordea?! Why, out of what torax field did we crawl? She is only our Tempest. Perhaps we should go lie down and have a little rest. It seems our mind is a bit addled.
- None of your concern.
Apparently we were not taught our manners well at all. I shall not tolerate such rudeness. Begone!
- What is a seneschal?
Oh my, we aren't too up on titles are we? Yes, I am the seneschal. It is my duty to take care of running the day to day affairs of the city so that our Tempest, the Lady Mordea, can concentrate on more important things.
- What is a Tempest?
Surely you have heard of the Tempest? Oh, I see, we are just a visitor to this city, eh? Well, the Tempest is the handmaiden to the Great Titan of Water Hydros.
- What are the Tempest duties?
How is it we don't know about the Tempest? Are we a very busy person or perhaps a little simple-minded? Well, no matter. The Tempest has the ability to touch a portion of the power of Hydros.
- Who is Hydros?
Ah, the great Water Titan, the Lurker. What ever title she goes by, she is the most powerful of the Titans. The Lady Mordea can use a bit of Hydro's power to control the weather and all things of water.
- Tell me about Lady Mordea.
She is a wise ruler and a fierce leader, most worthy of the title, 'Tempest'. So many times people say 'This thing or that thing cannot be done.' and yet she does it. Do we not now have much lower crime than under the previous Tempest? There is your proof!
- Tell me about the title 'Tempest'.
My, my, my. We really are a bit simple, aren't we? Perhaps we've been drinking a bit too much of Orlok's ale, hmmmm? Well, just to humor you, I'll refresh your memory. The title of Tempest is given to the leader of the city of Tenebrae. To become the Tempest, one must have been born of the royal family. It is only through heredity one may sit upon the throne.
- Why is the Tempestry hereditary?
Because the powers that are necessary to bear the title are only transferred from parent to child. Lady Mordea received the power from her father. Does that make things a little clearer for you?
- Who was Lady Mordea's father?
Didn't you learn anything as a child? Lord Keldan was Lady Mordea's father! And might I add that Lady Mordea is twice the Tempest Lord Keldan ever was. Why, if it weren't for his wife's encouragement, he would never have admitted his powers and assumed the title of Tempest, and then where would we be?
- What more important things?
Well, if it were to be common knowledge what the Tempest does, then there would be no mystery...no majestic mystique, hmmm?
- What do you know about Bentic?
That knave! He was conducting forbidden research. Why I am pleased we took care of him when we did. Nipped that problem right in the bud, we did.
- You 'took care of him?'
He was executed, of course.
- Executed?!
Yes, on the docks. Oh, it is the best way. And we do it on the docks so that the site is easily washed down. No mess, no fuss. It is my job to schedule the executions. I keep records of all executions in my log book.
- What log book?
Why, my log book. I have to keep records of these sorts of things, you know. Why, how else would we keep track of expenses and such? Lady Mordea requires a full accounting of these things. It's all part of the thankless job of the seneschal. But that's all right, just knowing that I've done my job to the best of my ability is all the reward I need.
- What do you mean the 'best way'?
The quicker the better. Can't have prisoners cluttering up the jails, costing the taxpayers' money. This way we keep costs down and add a serious deterrent to those who might be thinking of breaking the law.
- What is 'forbidden research'?
If I told you what research was forbidden, then I'd just be encouraging you, wouldn't I, hmmmm?
- What do you know about Devon?
That trouble maker. Well, he will be taken care of, and well he deserves it.
- What are the charges?
That is privileged information. It will be revealed at the execution. Good heavens, it's almost time. Oh, and there is -so- much to do before an execution. Arrange for the clean up crew, make sure Shaana's axe is sharpened...I've enjoyed our little talk, but I must leave now. Good day.
- I would like to speak with you.
Well, have we learned our manners?
- yes, sir
Well, that's a little more like it. Perhaps there is some hope for us after all, hmmmm? Now, what can I do for you?
- no
Don't toy with me! I won't stand for it!
- Farewell.
Good day to you, stranger.
Until we meet again.

THE OFFICIAL LOGBOOK OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS ~as recorded by Salkind, the Schenichle of Tenebrae during the reign of her ladyship Mordea. ~~The following is a list of the crimes of known enemies of the state, and of the swift and just punishments as decreed by her ladyship; ~~Armin; Guilty of inciting and spreading rebellious ideologies counter to the views of the state, inventing and proclaiming malicious slander against her ladyship, provoking treasonous acts in public, and assaulting the captain of the guard, highway robbery, and treachery. ~Punishment: Death by beheading.~~Hermes; Writing many treasonous and slanderous articles against the government, participating in the forging of royal documents, arousing riots and melees and other civil disturbances, resisting formal arrest, and other vile and treacherous acts. ~~Brandem; Guilty of participating in public disturbances aimed at undermining the state, destruction of public property, making threats against prominent members of the community, plotting the assassination of her ladyship, baccaneering, and other vile acts of treachery. ~Punishment: 100 lashes, then death by beheading. ~~~Dibeyer; Guilty of exciting the public to hysteria with controversial rhetoric banned by the state, calling unlawful gatherings and assembles, 			inciting the youth of Tenebrea to pillage and plunder their own town, damage to state property through the use of arson, committing statutory rape, public intoxication, striking a guardsman with a wooden club, wounding him, pillaging the poor, and an assortment of other treacherous acts. ~Punishment: Death by beheading. Also fined 250 coins.~~Zoch; Guilty of following the rhetoric exposed by Dibeyer, sales of weapons without a permit from the state, passing counterfeit coins, defrauding widows of their inheritance, public intoxication, poaching on the grounds of the palace, brigandage, and many other acts treacherous in nature. ~Punishment: Fined, flogged, then Death by beheading. ~~Toran; Guilty of inciting and spreading ideologies contrary to the state, participating in public disturbances aimed at undermining the government, swindling the public through the sales of fake gems, privateering, purloining, pilfering, pick pocketing, and an assortment of other acts of treachery, too many to mention here. ~Punishment: Death by beheading.
~~~Bentic; Guilty of researching into forbidden subjects, disobeying royal orders to cease all probings into such studies, speading malicous lies slanderous to Lady Mordea, inventing stories found defamatory to the well-being of the Tempestry, the pilfering of books from the state's library, and acts of treachery too treacherous in nature that they may not	be listed here. The confiscated research is secured in the	dungeon evidence chamber for further review to determine the presence of additional conspirators. ~Punishment: Death by beheading.

~Shopping list~~Torax ribs~Kith filet~Cheese~Fish~Blue Mushrooms~Butter~Salt
I can go no further. These blasted magical walls have taken my strength, and I am afraid, my life. ~Too late have I discovered a way to detect the walls without cost to myself.~These humble mushrooms that litter the floor awake the wall's power when tossed at them! ~Alas, I can only eat these mushrooms. Perhaps they may bring me strength to escape this cavern...
I lie here awaiting the end. I know now that I will never see Lithos, curse these frail bones of mine. My strength is not great enough to withstand these tests. My only hope is that my twin brother will make it though without me. My hopes and spirit rest with him... ~Should anyone find this note, please tell him of my passing. ~          Thank you,~            Bryan
I lie here awaiting the end. I know now that I will never see Lithos, curse these frail bones of mine. My strength is not great enough to withstand these tests. My only hope is that my twin brother will make it though without me. My hopes and spirit rest with him... ~Should anyone find this note, please tell him of my passing. ~          Thank you,~Bruce
Have trust in things you cannot see~ For in the smallest you must believe.~~ Cast stone into flame and you shall find~ All your doubts left behind~~ Cross the impossible to the great beyond~ And only 'til then can you carry on.~
This Scroll, while in possession of one (1) Toliver P. Barkley, and only for the period between the first (1st) day of the second (2nd) month of the year, to the third (3rd) week of the seventh (7th) month of the year, for two (2) years, (and two years only) marks the ownership of one (1) medium sized, three (3) year old, four (4) footed, six (6) foot long, single-minded, smelly torax, that is known in these parts as George.~
Dear Sir-~ It has come to my attention that the floors of your bloody catacombs have proven to be rather faulty if not downright dangerous. Why, when I was there just two days past, visiting my one and only beautiful daughter, who lies interred there, my lovely wife, Forencia, fell through the floor to her death! I can only recommend that you close the catacombs until the floors can be made safer, for I truly would have to hunt you down and indeed cease your beating heart should another of my kin fall to their death.~~ Yours Truly,~ Sysaphus~
Dear Sir-~ It has come to my attention that the floors of your bloody catacombs have proven to be rather faulty if not downright dangerous. Why, when I was there just two days past, visiting my one and only beautiful daughter, who lies interred there, my lovely wife, Forencia, fell through the floor to her death! I can only recommend that you close the catacombs until the floors can be made safer, for I truly would have to hunt you down and indeed cease your beating heart should another of my kin fall to their death.~~ Yours Truly,~ Sysaphus~
Mental note:~ Fix floors (those water puddles weaken mortar)~ Clean cobwebs~ Remove all trash (have Pedert take all food out)~ Have Jaynela write letter to Sysaphus~ Talk to Vugrinec about bandage wearing in public.~
From my experiments I have found that potions act in the following manner: ~Yellow: Heals, but only in small measures. ~Red: Also heals, but beware! Its strength will do damage to those not in need of its power. ~Orange: restores Mana in times of need. ~Green: Its taste is quite revolting! ~Blue: Provides restful slumber. ~Purple: Provides protection in combat. Very useful against undead. ~Black: Causes drinker to be invisible.
Most Honorable Lady Mordea,~ I have heard that the Skull of Quakes has been removed from the Upper Catacombs. I had believed that it would be safe within the Catacombs, for it is the only place it is used. Pray tell me, my Lady, what do you suggest I do about this situation? I have heard rumors that it presently may be within the Shrine, but I have grave doubts about it. I await your swift answer and am assured of your graciousness in this matter. ~~%Lieutenant Vittek
Lieutenant Vittek-~ See that you meet me at the Docks as soon as you can. I have a solution to the missing Skull of Quakes dilemma.~ -Mordea
...I have barely the strength to write, my heart pounds and my legs can no longer hold me. I fear the desire to possess such wonderous magic has consumed my very soul for I have pursued it until I have not the strength to stand. Even now, as I lay here gasping my final breath, the armor taunts me, coming just close enough for me to see its beauty and then dancing away from my grasp.If I only had a magical way to capture this armor, like how the Theurgists use their magic to move items from afar! A way in which one might retrieve it using hands of magic rather than flesh. To the finder of this note, I wish you luck, for the treasure which shines before you has been naught but a curse of death for me.~%% Graner the Warrior
My time above this ground draws nigh. My dearest lord, the Mountain King calls me, and I must go. Soon I shall shed this mortal coil and join Lithos for life ever lasting. Yet before I go I must fulfill my final charge as Necromancer. ~My final duty is this, my spell. The spell which shall by my addition to the magic of the Earthen Power, may Lithos be praised. For time immorial, students of the power of Earth shall this spell learn. From my undead lips shall they hear how to coax the Lord of all Earth to shake His mighty body and make all fall before the user of Earthen Magic. ~To call Quakes; combine the sacred reagents of bone, wood, dirt, and blackmoor. Invoke the power of magic upon these reagents when enclosed within a bag. Then will you be enabled to call upon the power of Lithos. ~This then is my final act as Necromancer. I await the call of the Mountain King. ~Lothian, Necromancer.

SCROLL OF DISPELLING MAGICAL PORTALS.~By Mythran ~~This scroll has been constructed to unravel the countermagics used to seal all types of portals, including doors and sealed walls. Do not store in damp areas.
Hmmmm... Perhaps an additional item is needed.
Hmmmm... Nothing found.

DETECTION SCROLL OF TRAPPED CHESTS.~Enchanted by Varkus ~ ~Caster! ~Using this scroll will forewarn you of all trap laden chests.
No chests around here...
No traps detected!

DESTRUCTION SCROLL OF TRAPS IN CHESTS.~Enchanted by Varkus ~ ~Caster! ~Casting this scroll will destroy traps within all nearby chests. ~Beware! You do so at your own risk!
No chests around here...
No traps detected!

SCROLL OF HEALING~Enchanted by Varkus ~ ~Caster! ~Casting this scroll will improve the quality of your health, and heal many of your minor wounds. ~Use only as directed.

SCROLL OF RESTORATION~Enchanted by Varkus ~ ~Caster! ~Casting this scroll will restore you to full health, and heal your major wounds. ~Beware! If you are already at prime health, this powerful magic may weaken you. ~Use only as directed.

SCROLL OF INVISIBILITY~Enchanted by Magethief Vermin ~~In casting this scroll my friend you will become as clear as the wind itself. Mind that you practice stealth, for any noises you make may give you away. Mind to that you act quickly, lest this magic wear away while you are about your devious acts.~~%Vermin.

SCROLL OF REVISIBILITY~Enchanted by Magethief Vermin ~Casting this scroll my friend will reveal any hidden treasure around you. Mind you though, do not cast this while you thieve, for you too will be revealed.~~%Vermin.

THE SAGA OF BONE CRUSHER~~%And so it was in the early days of Pagan that the Titan of Earth, Lithos, declared that all who lived upon his lands should pay homage to him. With his mighty earthquakes, he demanded that the people of Tenebrae bow to him, lest he shake their houses down around them.~~%'But mighty Lithos,'said the Lord Elsmil, the Tempest, 'we are under the guidance of Hydros. From her we receive the rain for the crops and the fish for our table. We can not bow to you.' This greatly angered Lithos and to punish the people of Tenebrae, he sent a great army of undead skeletons to slaughter them. Lord Elsmil, went to Hydros. ~~%'Please,' he begged her. 'The people of your city are being slain by the minions of your brother, Lithos. We must have your help.' ~~Hydros heard the plea of her Tempest and gave to him a mighty hammer. 'You shall have this weapon called Bone Crusher and with it defeat the minions of Lithos.' she said. When Lord Elsmil arrived back at the battle, it was going poorly for the Tenebraens. They were fighting bravely, but were outnumbered two to one by the undead. Lord Elsmil let out a mighty roar and waded into the carnage wielding the mighty Bone Crusher. The skeletons fell before him like trees and the tide of the battle was turned. By evening the last of the skeletons were being hunted down in the woods and the town of Tenebrae was saved. ~~%However, Lord Elsmil was missing. The Tenebraens began to look for him. They finally found his crushed body on the battle field, but the wonderous Bone Crusher was nowhere to bee seen.They looked for it for many days and nights, but did not find it. Though several of the searchers found the prints of bony feet in the soft dirt of the western forest. By the looks of the prints, they said, the skeletons were dragging something heavy behind them.  A few of the searchers even say they caught a glimpse of bony white and the glint of light off something gold. ~~%To this day, intrepid treasure hunters continue to look for the hammer called Bone Crusher.
Enemies of Tenebrae~ compiled by The Royal Seneschal,~ His Eminence, Salkind The following is a list of those citizens and former citizens of Tenebrae who are suspected to be involved in dealings or activities that may be construed to be dangerous or otherwise damaging to the City/State of Tenebrae. ~~% Aramina ~% Darion ~% Devon ~% Kilandra ~% Korick ~% Orlok ~% Rhian ~% Gwilliam ~% Corinth ~% Torwin ~% Cyrrus ~~These people are to be considered dangerous and will be constantly watched for suspicious activity.
WHAT THE FISH TELL ME ~by Kilandra ~Oh the fish tell me all sorts of things, ~like when there's sun and when there's rain, ~They are so nice and very smart, ~and bubbles come up when they fart. ~Oh the fish tell me all sorts of things, ~I like to listen to them sing. ~They sing of life beneath the sea ~But never mention if they pee. ~Oh the fish tell me all sorts of things, ~Like where they are and where they've been. ~I guess it all just goes to prove ~You can have your friends and eat them too!
The Spell of Divination ~~The divination spell is a most practical spell. It allows the caster to know his exact location, the time of day, the day of the week, and the current month. The Focus necessary for casting this spell resembles a sextant. The spell also has a vocal aspect. The words that must be uttered at the moment of casting are 'In Wis.'
The Spell of Healing Touch~~This is the least powerful of the healing spells of Stratos and one of the first usually learned by Adepts. The Focus necessary to cast this spell represents a pointing hand. The words that must be uttered at the moment of casting are 'In Mani.'
The spell of Aerial Servant~~One of the more impressive of the Theurgic spells, Aerial Servant is also one of the most versatile. Upon casting of the Aerial Servant spell, a whirling being of Air is called into existance. This being will accept the Theurgist's directives to manipulate or move any object. One of the more interesting aspects of this spell is that the Aerial Servant is able to move objects through another solid object, such as a door or wall. The Focus used to represent this spell represents an Arm Band and the casting words are 'Kal Ort Xen.'
The Spell of Reveal~~This spell is a dissipation spell, meaning that it will actually dispell another type of magic, specifically the spell of invisibility. When the Theurgist casts this spell, a wave of energy moves away from the caster in ever increasing concentric circles. These energy waves will dispell all forms of invisibility. The Focus used for this spell is an open eye and the casting words are 'Ort Lor.'
The Spell of Restoration~~One of the most powerful spells available to the Theurgist, this spell restores the recipient to full health, providing the recipient is still alive upon the beginning of the casting. It will eliminate wounds and maimings and will cure disease. This spell is one that the Theurgist will find in great demand. The Focus for this spell resembles an open hand. The words which must be uttered upon casting the spell are 'Vas In Mani.'
The Spell of Fade From Sight~~This spell is another very versatile spell as it allows the caster to become invisible to the sight of nearly all mortal beings. The Focus representing this spell is a closed eye. The words to be spoken during the casting are 'Quas An Lor.'
The spell of Air Walk~~The Air Walk spell is the most highly valued spell a Theurgist can learn, for it is only through the use of this spell that a Theurgist can reach Stratos and hear the Mystic Voice. When this spell is cast, the Theurgist is capable of jumping quite a great distance with the aid of the surrounding air. It is interesting to note, that the first time a Theurgist experiences this spell is when he has completed the Tests and seeks Stratos for the first time. If Stratos is pleased with the Theurgist, then she will grant the spell without the use of a Focus. From that point on, however, the Theurgist must have the Focus representing wings to cast this spell. Words of power must also be spoken. For this spell those words are 'Vas Hur Por.'
The Spell of Hear Truth~~A useful spell for any number of reasons. This spell allows the Theurgist to hear both what the speaker is saying and what the truth is. If the speaker is, indeed, speaking untruthfully, the truth will come to the caster as if carried on a breeze. The Focus for this spell resembles a chain. The words spoken upon casting are 'An Quas Lor.'
The spell of Intervention~~A powerful spell, upon casting the spell of Intervention, the Theurgist calls into being a wall of Air that blocks all damaging forces. While this spell will protect the caster from all blows and striking attacks, it will not protect the caster from immersion in lava or drowning in Water. The Focus for this spell resembles a fist and the words used are 'In Sanct An Jux.'
The Spell of Resurrection~~As told to Cyrrus by Stellos~~ In all my time as the leader of the Theurgists on Argentrock Isle, I hold dearest to my heart the time I received the Spell of Resurrection from the Mystic Voice that is our dear Stratos.%I was no more than 60 when Kalen brought the body of his beloved to me. She had been dead for a number of days, and I knew there was not much I could do. However, I saw the love that burned in Kalen's eyes and knew I had to try. I took the body of the woman to Windy Point and begged Stratos to return the spirit to the body. Stratos told me that the price would be high. I agreed to it, without hesitation. At that point began the journey I will never forget.~% My spirit left my body and I began to fly. Oh, the glorious freedom, to fly above the clouds and soar the open skies. As I flew higher, the winds became stronger, soon it was a battle just to continue, but I struggled onward.~% Suddenly, before my eyes there was a shimmering cloud. It was on the edge of the sky and the Ethereal Void. Undaunted, I flew into the cloud, and what did I behold but a brilliant ball of fire and light. Stratos whispered to me that I beheld what hadn't been seen by a Pagan in years...something called the sun.~% At that moment, my body back on the ground opened its mouth and breathed the Breath of Life into the body of Keldan's betrothed.~% The next thing I new, I was surrounded by darkness and back in my body. I asked what had happened and why it was so dark. At that, Keldan began to weep. It was then I knew that in viewing this wonderful sun, I had lost my sight. But I know it was a small price to pay, for Keldan's betrothed put her soft hand in mine and thanked me for returning her to Keldan. This is a price I would ask no other to pay and therefore, there is no focus or words of power for it.

My dearest Prevan,~~%I regret to tell you that I will not be home from this visit as soon as I had thought. My healing services will be needed here for some time as a terrible thing has happened to this small village. Two nights ago, as I had just finished my evening rituals, I heard a horrible commotion from the town square. I ran out to see what the trouble was, only to find the town overrun by trolls. ~~%The trolls had come in search of their favorite meal, human children. From house to house they went, ripping doors off and brushing aside the men as if they were no more than flies. Mothers wailed as babes were torn from their breasts and fathers cried in anguish as one by one their children were eaten alive. The bloody procession went on and on, and I fear the screams and sobs will ring in my darkest dreams forever.~~%And then, a miracle occured. From the final house, came not a cry of torment, but one of victory. We raced down the street to the house. We found the inside strewn with the bodies of the trolls and there in the middle stood Nehdra, a young woman who had just given birth a few days before. She had her newborn clutched in one arm, in the other was a magnificent silver sword. She told us thatas the trolls burst in, she had grabbed the only weapon she had, a knitting needle, and had cried out to Stratos to protect her child. Instantly, in answer to her plea, the great Stratos turned the needle into a magnificent sword. She said the sword fairly danced in her hand, slaying the trolls left and right until none were left alive.~~%While I can find some solace in the miracle Stratos performed, I am afraid the task ahead of me is almost overwhelming. I do what I can to ease the hurts, but wounds of the mind Stratos gives no power to heal. I will stay until I have done all I can, then I will carry the sword, now called 'Protector' to Argentrock Isle. There I will prepare a small shrine for it in the catacombs beneath the monastery.~~%I do miss you, my love, and ask that you watch over our dear little Stellos until I can return. It is sad his mother must be away from him so soon after his birth, but I must serve where I am needed. I am sure you understand.~~ All my love,~ Veras

THE CHRONICLE OF PAGAN~~A treatise on the Glorious History of this Foremost Society~~There is little in the world more refreshing to me than knowledge. I remember in my youth hearing tales of legendary times, unexplored places and fantastic beasts. I constantly pestered my parents and instructors with an endless number of questions. How does this work? Why did they act in such a manner? Where can I find these plants? My thirst for information was -- nay, still is -- insatiable. I spent hours at a time investigating all I could about my surroundings. ~~Unfortunately, as I realized early in life, I lacked much in the way of physical prowess, making exploration difficult. Imagine my pleasure when I discovered that not only did life itself teach me things great and wonderous, but the myriad ancient tomes could offer nearly as much. It was then that I elected to dedicate this humble life to filling my mind and library with all the knowledge I could. Thus, I humbly add these words to the collection of wisdom that already fills the multitude of bookshelves throughout the land. I hope my work may someday imbue curiosity into the hearts of others.

The late executioner Shaana

En guard!
Watch this!
I am much too busy to talk to you now. Out of my way!
You fool! I have no time for conversation. The Titans are angry. You had best find permanent cover!
I speak to no one when the living dead walk the streets. If you are dead, then return to where you once rested. And if you are alive, you had best find shelter from the rampaging ghouls and the quaking ground!
Pardon me...
Why are you here?
Good day, stranger.
- Who are you?
Not that it is any of your concern, stranger, I am called Shaana.
- Nice axe.
Yes, stranger, it is.
I would advise you to listen when I speak, lest I I tire of being ignored.
I do not waste time with mindless toraxen!
- Who was the man I saw you kill?
The man I just killed? You must be an imbecile to think that I have any knowledge -- or desire for the knowledge -- of whom I execute. Even were I interested, there are too many to remember. Why are you so concerned about me and my victims?
- What do you do?
Who was the man I saw you kill?
- What do you do?
I assume you are speaking in jest, for it is obvious by my executioner's blade that I... remove heads to earn my keep. Why are you so concerned about my name and occupation?
- I am not.
Then by all means stop wasting my time. One would think you were employed by the scholar, the way you waste time with useless banter.
- I am simply curious.
I am not here to satisfy an idle curiosity, stranger. One would think you were employed by the scholar, the way you waste time with useless banter.
- I am not wasting time.
You are wrong, stranger. You are wasting mine. Farewell.
- Who is the scholar?
If I am to be a source of information, I do not expect this to occupy too much of my time. The scholar, Bentic, is a rather long-winded individual who spends his days and nights buried in the pages of the many books he maintains. In fact, stranger, perhaps you should speak with him. His work -is- knowledge, after all, and I doubt the rest of us have time for this prattle. Then again, you seem the sort to be more interested in hearing rumors in a darkened tavern than the ramblings of a learned man.
- Where is the scholar?
So it -is- the knowledge you seek. Then you may find Bentic in the northeastern part of town. He is wise and knows much, and he will impart that which you wish and more. I will tell you this, stranger: if he cannot answer your query then only one other might. But I am loath to tell you who for fear you would waste his precious time like you have mine.
- Who is this other?
Swear to me you will not disturb his study without due cause and I will name him. Agreed?
- I swear nothing.
Then I tell nothing.
- Aye, I swear.
Very well. His name is Mythran. You may find him outside the city walls. His wisdom is great, but I warn you not to visit him for idle prattle such as this. I swear myself that you do not wish to see me angered.
- I apologize. I swear.
I hope for your sake you speak the truth. I swear myself that you do not wish to see me angered. Very well. His name is Mythran. You may find him outside the city walls. His wisdom is great, but I warn you not to visit him for idle prattle such as this.
- Where is the tavern?
The Shattered Skull is the large building in the center of town. Orlok is the man you seek. I am certain his tales of seafaring will amuse you to no end.
- What pact?
You know very little of our culture, stranger. I suggest that change. The pact is one forged ages ago between Lithos and our people. Our duty from the covenant is to send our dead to Lithos. Yet Lady Mordea elects to give them to her patron, Hydros. 'Tis only a matter of time before the dead rise up and avenge the Mountain King.
- The Mountain King?
'Tis the earned title for Lithos, He who resides in the great Hall within the mountains. However, few have ever been there.
- Dead rising up?
Aye, so the story goes. When he is angry, Lithos will set upon us our long lost kindred which he has willed to live again. Well, 'tis hardly living, but legend holds that they walk and fight like men. I have seen such wander about inside the confines of the cemetery, though even -I- have not dared to enter within.
- Which few?
The Necromancers.
- Who are the Necromancers?
I tire of these questions. They are common to all Tenebraeans, yet to me do you pose them. The Necromancers are the line of mages who carry out our half of the pact with Lithos. Their duties are quite distasteful, but they are necessary. If you are truly interested in them, why not speak to them yourself.
- Are they in the cemetery?
Do not tell me you are so much a fool as to take me seriously! I will grant you this, stranger, you are indeed brave if not equally senseless! Aye, the Necromancers reside in the graveyard. Beware where you tread.
- Why do you avoid the cemetery?
An odd question, stranger. I do not wish audience with the dead. That is the realm of the Necromancers.
- What do you study?
My dear stranger, if I have not yet made it perfectly clear that my business is none of your concern, let me do so now. My business, -is- none of your concern.
My dear stranger, if I have not yet made it perfectly clear that my business is none of your concern, let me do so now. As far as you need know, I am but an executioner. Nothing more, but nothing less.
- Why was Bentic killed?
'Tis not mine to judge the condemned. I simply carry out The Lady's commands. If you have issue with that, I suggest you speak with her. Goodbye.
- Why are you here?
'Twould be best for you, stranger, to ignore such things.	Tell no one of seeing me here... or you, yourself, shall feel my axe upon your scrawny neck.
- Goodbye.
- No, sorry. Goodbye.
- Hello again, Shaana.
Hello again.
May we speak?
- Who are you?
Not that it is any of your concern, stranger, I am called Shaana.
I would advise you to listen when I speak, lest I I tire of being ignored.
I do not waste time with mindless toraxen!
- May we speak?
Greetings again, stranger. I suppose you wish more of my time?
- Only a moment.
You display considerable courage speaking to me after wasting my time when we last spoke. Too much courage. I am still not impressed. Perhaps another time I will be more inclined to hear your words.
Enough of this, fool! I am not here to act as your source for information. If you feel the need for idle gossip, go and listen to Orlok's grand stories.
Enough of this, fool! I am not here to act as your source for information. If your question needs answering, find the scholar and disturb him!
Have you nothing more to do than have me answer your questions?	Do you not think I have work elsewhere to do?
Very well, stranger. You have a moment. What is it that you want? And I assume it is not to beg me away from an appointed task.
- What is your task?
I think that you need not know such things. But let me assure you that not all of my life revolves around death. Most times there are far more interesting things to study than a decapitated body.
- Only most of the time?
- Yet you study other pursuits.
I have warned you not to pry into my affairs. Do not fool yourself into thinking that I am incapable of performing the duties of my position -- even when the victims are not bound. I have -no- qualms about slaying someone who deserves to die.
Though I do not necessarily agree with the Lady's methods.
- With what do you disagree?
'Tis a moot point, considering she is no longer alive, but it was not right to let the body fall to The Lurker. It violated the pact, something which Lithos was not likely to tolerate much longer.
'Tis not right to let the body fall to The Lurker. It violates the pact, something for which Lithos will not likely stand much longer.
- Who is Lithos?
I know not from where you hail, stranger, but I wonder about a man who does not know of the Titans. Speak to the scholar.  He will show you the answer to your question. I assume you -do- know how to read.
- What pact?
You know very little of our culture, stranger. I suggest that change. The pact is one forged ages ago between Lithos and our people.	Our duty from the covenant is to send our dead to Lithos. Yet Lady Mordea elects to give them to her patron, Hydros. 'Tis only a matter of time before the dead rise up and avenge the Mountain King.
- The Mountain King?
'Tis the earned title for Lithos, He who resides in the great Hall within the mountains. However, few have ever been there.
- Dead rising up?
Aye, so the story goes. When he is angry, Lithos will set upon us our long lost kindred which he has willed to live again. Well, 'tis hardly living, but legend holds that they walk and fight like men. I have seen such wander about inside the confines of the cemetery, though even -I- have not dared to enter within.
- Which few?
The Necromancers.
- Who are the Necromancers?
I tire of these questions. They are common to all Tenebraeans, yet to me do you pose them. The Necromancers are the line of mages who carry out our half of the pact with Lithos. Their duties are quite distasteful, but they are necessary. If you are truly interested in them, why not speak to them yourself.
- Are they in the cemetery?
Do not tell me you are so much a fool as to take me seriously! I will grant you this, stranger, you are indeed brave if not equally senseless! Aye, the Necromancers reside in the graveyard. Beware where you tread.
- Why do you avoid the cemetery?
An odd question, stranger. I do not wish audience with the dead. That is the realm of the Necromancers.
- What do you study?
My dear stranger, if I have not yet made it perfectly clear that my business is none of your concern, let me do so now. My business, -is- none of your concern.
My dear stranger, if I have not yet made it perfectly clear that my business is none of your concern, let me do so now. As far as you need know, I am but an executioner. Nothing more, but nothing less.
Yet you study other pursuits.
- Why was Bentic killed?
'Tis not mine to judge the condemned. I simply carry out The Lady's commands. If you have issue with that, I suggest you speak with her. Goodbye.
- Why are you here?
'Twould be best for you, stranger, to ignore such things.	Tell no one of seeing me here... or you, yourself, shall feel my axe upon your scrawny neck.
No, sorry. Goodbye.


, the late Sorcerer
, the Sorcerer
, the deceased
dead Sorcerer
dead mage

Tis a horrible way to go, consumed by a daemon. I am not so sure I should have started down the Burning Path. Forgive me. I cannot speak right now.
I shall have to learn how to banish daemons as soon as possible. I suggest you do the same. Farewell for now.
I wonder what happens when a Sorcerer summons a daemon to fight another daemon. Perhaps that is the best defense against a daemon attack. I must go now. Perhaps we shall speak later.
Pyros below! The Master! I am just a lowly Disciple. I did not mean to arouse your wrath. If you will permit me to live, I will bother you no more.
Since there is no reason why you would want to speak to me, I must assume that you wish to punish me. I do not know what I have done to deserve your punishment, but I submit myself to your justice.
Greetings, stranger. What do you want?
Yes. What is it?
What do you need, stranger.
Greetings, %PCNAME. What do you want?
Yes? What is it?
What do you need, %PCNAME?
Is there something else you would ask about?
- Tell me of this place.
Well... as a Disciple, it is not my place to inform newcomers of this place. Suffice it to say, it is called Sorcerer's Enclave, and it sits in Daemon's Crag.
- What are you called?
My name is %UVAR2. And you are?
It does not matter.
- What do you do?
I am a Sorcerer. A Disciple to be specific.
- I am %PCNAME.
Well met, %PCNAME.
- It does not matter.
True enough. I do like to know who I am speaking to, but it doesn't really matter who you are.
- Why is it called an enclave?
There was a time when we Sorcerers were feared by the others. Our kind were outcasts amongst them. And so, many ages ago, the Cabal made the enclave to protect ourselves... as well as the others from misunderstandings.
- Tell me of Daemon's Crag.
I don't know very much about it. My studies of Sorcery preclude much outside research.
- What is a Sorcerer?
A Sorcerer... strange that you should ask. Nevermind. A Sorcerer is a mage who studies the Fire.
- Disciple? What is that?
A Disciple is a follower of the Burning Path. And before you ask, the Burning Path is the study of Fire.
- What is the Cabal.
That is the word we use for all Sorcerers.
- What use is Sorcery?
If you have to ask that, it will never be of use to you. And so, my answer wouldn't either.
- Tell me of the Fire.
I cannot... it fills my being. I sleep and it washes over my dreams, I wake and it is all around me. It is my desire to command and serve it for the rest of my days.
- Farewell.
Until we meet again...
Come again when you truly wish to speak.
This is like talking to a torax. Goodbye.
When you wish to talk, you may seek me out. I must return to what I was doing. Farewell.

I do not understand. What did you say?
So these two Sorcerers walk into the Shattered Skull...
What were those runes...?
Where did I put that spellbook...?
Armor of Flames...
Explosion... flame is released...
I'll never make it through the Trials.
In Sanct An Por.
Fire is the way. Follow the Burning Path.
In Vas Kal... No, that's not right.
Vas Kal Flam Por. That's it. Now I just need brimstone.
I suppose I'll never find it now.
Vas Sanct Flam...
And a rod will hold the energy.
...shooting forth, unerringly...
Upon reaching its destination...
...caught within it's range.
Brimstone... I need more brimstone.
Yes, that's it.
I know I shall be accepted now.
One says to the other...
What is the difference between a torax and a Theurgist?
The other says... What?
The first replies...
Damn! I never can remember that punch line.
One is a slow-witted beast of burden, and the other is a herd animal.
Thank you. No applause. Just obsidians.
You will not steal my spell! I will kill you first!
Now I shall char the flesh from your bones!
Burn, fool!
You will die!
Do not think that you can run from me!
Ha! Do not run from me!
Pyros will devour you!
You will die this day, fool!
Knave, Pyros will feast upon you!
Feel the Fire, dolt!

the body of Stellos
Stellos the monk

Stratos! Preserve me!
What are you doing there...?
Can I help you?
Who goes there?
I can hear your footsteps!
Do you require my assistance?
Very well then...
Where is that Xavier?
No rest for the weary.
Brrrr! There is a chill in the air.
No, I don't think so...
Oh mighty Stratos, forgive my fragility.
Oh, my aching bones.
I must meditate!
I feel refreshed now!
Can I help you?
Oh, well.
Who goes there? I feel your presence.
Speak! Who is there?
I must have a talk with the acolytes.
I must have a talk with Torwin.
The flowers smell sweet today.
Where is that focus?
Ahh, fresh air.
Oh, my bones feel tired today.
Those noisy monks.

- Pardon me, good sir.
- Pardon me.
Welcome, my friend.
- Hello again, Stellos.
Welcome, stranger.
Good day to you.
- Hello again, Stellos.
It is good to hear your voice again, friend.
- I need healing.
I am sorry, but I do not have the strength to perform such a service. Come back later after I have rested.
That is certainly no problem.
Please leave me now, I need to rest.
- Good day to you.
And a good day to you, my friend. How may I help you?
- By what are you called?
I am Stellos. I have lived here for many, many years.
- What do you do?
I am the leader of the Order of Enlightenment.
- Leader?
Well, it really isn't an official title. Most of the younger members come to me for guidance because I am the oldest member of the Order.
- Order of Enlightenment
That is the name of those of us who follow the Great Air Titan, Stratos.
- How many years?
Through the grace of the Great Air Titan, Stratos, I have lived over 200 years.
- Who is Stratos?
Stratos is the greatest of the Titans, for it is through the power of Stratos that we of the Order gain our ability to heal the hurts of the world. However, this gift is not without cost.
- Tell me of healing.
The healing is done by using a Focus to channel the powers of Stratos to the patient. This is a delicate procedure for if the healer is not steady in his ability or disciplined in his art, he may reach too deeply into the power and destroy himself and the patient.
- I would like to learn to heal.
To do that you will have to join the Order.
- Then I will join your order.
The first steps to joining the Order of Enlightenment are to pass the Tests of Wisdom and Centeredness. Brother Xavier can tell you more. I suggest you seek him out. Of course, I encourage you to spend time speaking to -all- of the Theurgists here, for every member of our order is likely to have some wisdom which might help you reach enlightenment.
- I am sorry, I cannot join your order.
I'm sorry you are not interested. Should you change your mind, Brother Xavier is the one to speak to in order to begin your journey down the path to Enlightenment.
- What is the cost?
As you can see by the clouding in my eyes, I am blind. It is the price I pay for being able to serve Stratos so completely.
- 200 years!
It is a long time for anyone to live. Stratos must have need for me to keep me here so long.
- I have passed the Test of Wisdom.
Your time studying was well spent then. Until you arrived, I was impressed with Torwin's speed, but we've never had a student succeed at the rate you are progressing. Stratos will be so pleased with you.
- Stratos will be pleased?
I commune daily with the Giver of Life. Recently she has been speaking of one who would come and be the greatest healer Argentrock Isle has ever seen. She described this great healer to me. When Torwin arrived here, I thought it was he she spoke of, but now I realize it is you. Oh, she has looked forward to your arrival and all the great things you will do as one of her healers!
= I passed the Test of Centeredness.
I am pleased you have come through it unharmed. So many times we have lost initiates to it.
- Tell me of the Test of Wisdom.
Ah, so you have begun the road to Enlightenment. Stratos will be pleased. She sets great store by you. What do you wish to know?
- Tell me the answers, please.
It is forbidden for anyone to give away the answers to the Test of Wisdom. The answers you must find for yourself, %PCNAME, for they must come from your heart.
- Where can I find the answers?
You must go to the library in the monastery. There you will find many old texts that discuss at great lengh the philosophy of Stratos. Read these and apply them to your own feelings. Only then will you find the right answers.
- What do you know about the Test of Centeredness?
The Test of Centeredness is an important test as it tests your stamina and courage. Why even our most prized pupil, Torwin, took several tries before he managed to succeed. And he is one of the lucky ones. We've had many fall to their deaths.
- I have passed the first two tests.
Yes, I know. You have proven yourself worthy to wear the title Initiate. Now you are ready to begin learning the spells that Stratos grants us. However, before you do that, you must construct your Foci.
- I have completed the Third Test.
That is wonderful. Now you must construct your Foci.
- How do I construct the Foci?
The construction of the Foci is the most important task an Initiate in the Order of Enlightenment can undertake. The Foci are wrought of the finest silver, found only in the caverns under our monastery. These caverns are dark and fraught with fearsome creatures.
Using this key, you will be able to open the door where the silver may be found.
I would give you the key to the mine, but I see that your hands are full. Maybe later.
Using the key I gave you earlier, you may use it to unlock the door to the mine. After you have removed enough silver ore to construct your focuses, please lock the door again. There are more than a few curious souls who have found that mine to be their final resting place, so please seal it when you are done.
- What do I do with the silver?
You must take the silver to the blacksmith, Korick, in Tenebrae. Only he has the skill to forge the Foci. But these Foci will be without power. You must return here, place them upon the Altar of Focus in the monastary and call upon the name of Stratos. If you have met with her approval, she will fill them with her power.
- What are Foci?
A Focus is a talisman of great magical power. It is a channel. It allows the wielder to touch a small part of the great power of Stratos and use it for the specific purpose for which the Focus was designed such as healing. It is a powerful item, but in the hands of the inexperienced or weak, it can kill.
- I have constructed my Foci.
Very good. You are well on your way to becoming a full Adept. The next step is a test of all you have learned. You must return to the caverns under the monastery. You will know what to do when you arrive there.
- I have passed the third test.
That is a wonderful thing!
That is a wonderful thing. However, you will have to excuse me. I do not have the time to further your education. We have had a terrible thing happen.
- What has happened?
Brother Xavier has lost his Focus of healing.
- How did that happen?
No one is sure. Poor Brother Xavier is beside himself with grief. It is very unlikely that an Adept would simply misplace something like that. Ah well, if he knows more, he is not telling me.
- Do you think it was stolen?
It wounds me deeply to think that one of our own would stoop so low as to steal from another enlightened one. It goes against all of Stratos' teachings. But, she also teaches mercy and compassion, so if it was stolen by one of our own, I will not hold it against that person, but rather, will help him find the path of Enlightenment again.
- I have met Torwin.
I was saddened to learn of his tragedy.
He is one of our newest Initiates. He has shown tremendous progress. Until you, he was the finest student we had ever trained. Recently he was been doing some interesting research.
- What research is Torwin doing?
He has been looking into the possibility of combining Foci to increase their power. Although I don't believe there is much chance, I don't like to stifle creativity and individuality.
- One of your finest?
Certainly. He finished the Test of Wisdom in record time. He also successfully completed the Test of Centeredness with virtually no mishaps. We have been very proud of him.
- I have spoken with Brother Xavier.
He is such a fine man, and such a wonderful healer. His brusque manner has put some people off at times, but he really is a kind man at heart.
- I spoke with Holy Cyrrus.
Good Cyrrus. He is such a kind and gentle soul. In the beginning I was not sure he would be able to withstand the rigors of life here on Argentrock. But he has a core of iron, he does. He is truly a joy to work with.
- Poor Torwin.
Loss of life is always a tragedy, however, the loss of one so gifted is even a greater loss for those who will not receive his healing powers. However, I am glad the Focus was found. You have plainly shown yourself to be ready to pass the final test and become a full Adept.
- Adept?
Yes. When you become an Adept, you will have full use of all the spells Stratos gives her followers.
- Final test?
In the final test there are no creatures for you to fight, no riddles to answer nor problems to solve. There is simply you and your belief. You must rely upon your own ability and your faith in Stratos' power.
- How do I take this test?
You must travel to Windy Point where you will find two black pillars. Stand between those pillars. If you truly wish to hear the Mystic Voice, you must then take a leap of faith.
- I have heard the Mystic Voice.
Then you are truly an Adept. Your work and dedication have made it possible for you to reach enlightenment in less time than it has taken any other. You have done quite well.
- What do you know of the Breath of Wind?
Ah, the Breath of Wind is that through which Stratos gives her power to her chosen children. Why do you ask?
- I was just curious.
Ah, it is good for a Child of Stratos to seek knowledge. Continue on the path and you will soon gain the wisdom you seek.
- I must have it.
Ah, I was afraid it would come to this. The Breath of Wind is found with Stratos. Although you will find it with Stratos, you cannot see it with only your eyes. There are many ways to see things.
- I have the Breath of Wind.
You are to be congratulated, for you have achieved that which no other has. You will have to excuse me, however, if I seem to lack some enthusiasm at your accomplishment.
- Why are you lacking enthusiasm?
Taking the Breath of Wind is not without repercussion.
- No other has done this?
Even I have not dared such a feat. You are truly one of unparalleled character and bravery.
- What repercussions?
I understand you are doing what must be done, however, without the Breath of Wind to draw from, we of Argent Rock will be without our healing spells. So, I hope that you know what you do, for if you are in error, the entire population will suffer. As will I.
- I found this ring.
Here let me feel it.
Ah, yes. This is Torwin's. It is not very valuable, but he was very proud of it. He said it belonged to his father. I am afraid it is all that is left of poor Torwin. This must be returned to his mother. You will return it, won't you?
- Yes, I will.
Ah, there is a good fellow. Stratos was right in trusting you.
- No, I won't.
But you found it and were the last to see Torwin alive. It is your duty, nay, your honor to take it to his mother. Won't you?
- I said no!
It seems then, that I've severly misjudged you.
- Why will you suffer?
It was with the power of Stratos that I was able to stay alive. Now that the link has been severed, I will no longer receive those blessings which prolong my life. Even now, I feel the years creeping up on me. I am afraid I can last no longer. Goodbye, my friend, use the power well, for it comes at great cost.

Oh, dear Child, you must not do this. I have given so much and asked only for the devotion of my children. Now you will rob me of even that. Ah, thoughtless child, you break my heart with your actions.

Stratos, the Air Titan

Oh small one, you You have come to return the Breath of Wind.
Yes, my most precious child?
My child, you have returned to me.
And yet another child is found. Please, small one, come closer.
- Who are you?
Who am I? Ah, such a dear child. So very young in his knowledge. Why, he is no more than a babe. I am Stratos, Titan of Air, Giver of Life. To reach me took a great deal of courage. I wish to reward you.
- Titan of Air?
I am the breeze which cools your cheek on a warm day. I am the raging wind which drives the waves before it. I am the fuel which feeds the tongues of flame to heat your supper and the teeth that bite you in a winter storm. With my help, my children can be cured of their illnesses and pain; without me, they die.
- Reward me?
Take this Focus, Adept. With it you will be able to cast the Air Walk spell at will.
- Who are your children?
All who live are my children. Do they not all partake of my gift of sweet air? Some have forgotten their mother. But they will return to me, they always do. When they are hurt or ailing, they will come to me for healing.
- How are they healed?
Through the Breath of Wind my Chosen Children heal those in need.
- Tell me of the Breath of Wind.
The Breath of Wind is that through which I touch my children. It's location is known only to Honorable Stellos.
- May I have the Breath of Wind?
Oh, child, you know not what you ask. To take the Breath of Wind from me is to sever the link to my healers.
- I must have the Breath of Wind.
Without the Breath of Wind, many would die. Many would pay the price for your quest for power. No, Child, I cannot allow this.
- bye
Take this Focus, Adept. With it you will be able to cast the Air Walk spell at will.
Farewell, my dear child.


Run, you fool! The Titans have been angered. No one is safe from their wrath.
Be off with you. There is no time for conversation when the walking dead march upon the city!
I told you to move along! Bother me with your questions later.
- Hello, Tarna.
Greetings, %UVAR7.
- What is your name?
I am Tarna, guardswoman of Tenebrae. Please tell me what it is you wish to know so that I might get on with my business.
- Hello, Tarna.
You are, of course, staying out of trouble I trust, %PCNAME.
You are, of course, staying out of trouble I trust.
Have you stopped me to chat or for more information?
Waste not my time! If you have need to speak, then do so.
Be off!
- A chat.
I am sorry but I have not the time for such pleasantries. Good day.
- Information.
I have no time to talk. Now that the Theurgists have lost their healing powers, the guards are on extra duty to insure no trouble breaks out.
I am sorry, but with the change in rule, I am too busy dealing with Devon to answer your questions.
I am sorry but I have not the time for such pleasantries. Good day.
What information would you like? Surely by now you have seen enough of the city to have learned where everything is. Or was the Shattered Skull too busy for Orlok to tell you one of his tales?
- Who is Orlok?
Orlok is the bartender at the tavern. Though his stories are rather long on time and short on truth, they are quite entertaining. And, better yet, he fills his tankards to the top. However, watch how many you have. If you cause too much trouble, you might get thrown out -- if not by Jenna, then by me.
- Where is the tavern?
It is in the Southwest part of town. 'Tis hard to miss, it's such a large building.
- Who is Jenna?
The barmaid? She is the daughter of the Captain of the Guard. She is feisty -- more like her father than he would care to admit. Judging the likes of you, she would come out the better in a fight.
- Tell me about Tenebrae.
I suppose that should not be too difficult, since I have lived here my entire life. Some say Tenebrae does not need to be anything more than a bastion of security, since there is no other measure of civilization around, but I disagree. Give me my home and my blade and I'll protect her -- Tenebrae -- with my life.
- Bastion of security from what?
Well, initially, from the Zealans. That is why the city is divided into three sections. The rulers wanted addition defenses for the palace should the outer walls be breached.  Now, however, the walls are little more than divisions between the decent people and	the Necromancers. Not to, ah, imply that you or the Necromancers are -indecent- or any such thing, of course.
Well, initially, from the Zealans. That is why the city is divided into three sections. The rulers wanted additional defenses for the palace should the outer walls be breached. Now, however, the walls are nothing more than divisions between the classes and boundaries for the weather... and the cemetery.
- Zealans?
Indeed, you are a stranger not to know of the despicable Zealans. They are, or -were-, an insane collection of people who were too blind to recognize the power of the Titans. They foolishly and tenaciously held on to an archaic set of beliefs, and when the Titans demonstrated their might and authority, the Zealans refused to acknowledge the truth.
- Boundary for the weather?
As long as we show proper reverence for The Lady Mordea, she shall bless us with skies of peace and calm. Cross her, however, and she shall call upon the might of Hydros, raining down upon the people a tempest the likes of which have never been felt before. Yet the Lady does not extend her kindness without the city walls, traveler beware.
- What about the cemetery?
'Tis home to more than the dead it is. In accordance with our pact, we bring the lifeless corpses of our friends and brethren to the Necromancers there, and only they and Lithos know what happens after that.
- What pact?
Eons ago, our forebears formed a covenant with Lithos. He would cease his angry rumblings if we agreed to send our dead to him. There, deep in the heart of Pagan, the dead exist solely to serve the Mountain King's very wishes. And sometimes, Lithos has them wander the surface world as well!
- Wander up here?
Aye, in the cemetery the undead wander, doing the bidding of the Necromancers, always ready to take the living down to the very depths of the Mountain King's domain. I would avoid the cemetery at all costs, I would.  Keep your business far from there.
- How do you send the dead?
How in the blazes do you expect me to know? Burying them does it I suppose.  Why not ask a Necromancer?
- Tell me about the Necromancers.
I'll tell you what I can. They say Necromancers deal with death. Well, I say that is not true -- Necromancers -are- death as far as I am concerned! I suppose someone must be responsible for maintaining our end of the pact, but how anyone can choose to do so willingly is beyond my comprehension.
- No other measure?
Well, we've seen neither hide nor hair of another community, save the mages.
- The mages?
Aye. The healers and the Sorcerers!
- Describe the healers.
They call themselves Theurgists -- whatever -that- means. All I know is that they provide a valuable service to us here in the city, so I care not how it is done. I am grateful they do not require that we head to their home, Argentrock Isle, for such help. I consider it only too kind that the healers are willing to travel here.
- How do the Theurgists arrive?
A good question, that one, and one for which I have no answer. Rumor tells of magical devices that permit all the mages to teleport about Pagan, but I have seen no such thing, myself.
- What Sorcerers?
Ah, the black ones, followers of the Lord of Flame. The Necromancers may deal with death, but oft times I wonder whether the followers of Pyros are not the true representatives of evil. I do know this: Ask not too many questions of the Town Sorcerer, Beren, for our peace with him is tenuous at best.
- Tell me about your job.
I see. Very well, 'tis my lot to take care of my fellow Tenebraens, though I suspect that would include you as well, so long as you stay out of trouble. I keep the peace within and the war without, if you know what I mean.
- The war without?
Well, I suppose that would seem a bit obscure -now-. However, 'twas not that long ago when the Zealans still attempted to scale our walls. Of course, the raids actually ceased nearly a century ago, but defending the city from invaders is still an integral part of a guard's training!
- What about the executions?
They were part of maintaining order under Mordea's iron grip. I am glad there are fewer under Devon's rule.
What about them? They are a necessary part of maintaining order. Nothing more, but nothing less.
- What are Zealans?
Indeed, you are a stranger not to know of the despicable Zealans. They are, or -were-, an insane collection of people who were too blind to recognize the power of the Titans. They foolishly and tenaciously held on to an archaic set of beliefs, and when the Titans demonstrated their might and authority, the Zealans refused to acknowledge the truth.

Halt! I have never seen you before, stranger. Identify yourself and your business in Tenebrae.
- What just happened here?
The execution is none of your business. Just be glad that a treasonous, despicable criminal has been properly punished.
Now answer the question!
- I go by %PCNAME.
Well now, that's a little more like it.
Well met, %PCNAME.
And where do you hail from?
- I come in peace.
Well now, that's a little more like it.
'Tis good to hear, stranger. I am certain that will not change. Do not prove me wrong, stranger.
Now tell me, where do you hail from?
- My business, not yours.
If you truly believe that, then you are sadly mistaken. For every moment you spend in Tenebrae, what you are doing and where you are doing it is exactly my business as guard of the royal household! Now I repeat, state your name and business.
- I said, not your concern!
You won't last long here with an attitude like that. For the final time, will you tell me your name and business here in Tenebrae?
- Yes.
Well, what is it then?
- No.
Then prepare to answer to my blade!
- I do not remember.
Well now, that's a little more like it.
Had a bit too much of Orlok's brew, eh? Well, you just watch yourself and stay out of trouble, and we'll have no quarrel with you.
Now tell me, where do you hail from?
- The beach.
A fisherman, then? You do not dress like one who makes his living pulling nets from the sea. Then your business in the city is...?
- A place far away.
Another island? I admit your clothing is unusual, but I was not aware there were other cities. Well, I suggest you quickly learn the laws and customs of -this- city. What is your business in the city?
- Another world.
I may appear to be just a simple guard to you, but I outgrew such fairytales years ago. I suggest you change your tone with me or I will see your worthless hide resting on the inside of a jail! Now, if you would, tell me your business in the city.
- I do not know.
Well you had best find out, %PCNAME. We do not like trouble in the city.
Well you had best find out, stranger. We do not like trouble in the city.
You may go about your business. Please move along and do not disturb the widow until after I have escorted her from the docks.
- To return home.
- To leave this place.
Then what in the Lady's name are you doing wandering around here? I suggest you quickly find your way.
You may go about your business. Please move along and do not disturb the widow until after I have escorted her from the docks.
- To make money.
Whose business is not? While you are at it, buy yourself some better attire.
You may go about your business. Please move along and do not disturb the widow until after I have escorted her from the docks.

dead theurgist

Help me, Stratos! I am attacked!
Good day...
Any stories you tell will make me homesick, so I'd best not chat with you.
Sorry, I would speak with you, but I am in a hurry.
Talk to me later when my duties are done.
No time to talk now.
I have my studies to attend to.
I'd best not speak with you.
Strangers are a distraction that we do not need here on Argentrock.
I'd best be about my duties.
I can not help you at this time.
If you need assistance, try talking to Stellos.
He knows everything, for he has been around for 200 years.
I'm sure he can help you.
I can not talk to you for I have taken a vow of silence so that I may meditate better...

Who is foolish enough to disturb the sanctity of Khumash-Gor? Come you seeking treasure? Well, it is death you have found!


Torwin the ex-monk
Torwin the monk

What are you doing there...?
Stratos! Preserve me!
Excuse me?
Can I help you?
Ask if you need something!
What do you want?
Where is that old man?
Studying is such a waste of my time.
Where is that book...?
I know it is here somewhere...
I need to sit down...
I don't know why I put up with this.
I must meditate!
I can't concentrate!
Excuse me!
Humph. Some people...!
Do you mind?
I must speak with Cyrrus.
heh, heh...
Where is that focus?
I feel tired.
I should take a walk.

- Excuse me
Will you be wasting more of my time?
What do you want this time?
I haven't much time. What do you need?
Have I met you before?
I don't believe we have met.
Go away, leave me alone!
Someone's Focus is missing.
- Hello, Torwin.
Oh, I'm very bad with names. What was yours again?
- Is your name not Torwin?
Yes, my name is Torwin. I'm very bad with names. What was yours again?
- I am %PCNAME.
Yes, well, I probably won't remember it next time I see you. What do you want?
- I don't believe we have met.
My name is Torwin. And yours?
- My name is %PCNAME.
Well, anyway, hello, %PCNAME. What brings you here?
- What do you do here?
For now I am only a healer. But that is just because they have not recognized my superior abilities, but they will. Believe me, they will.
- What superior abilities?
Why, my talent for magic, of course. I've passed all the tests, faster than anyone ever has before...and anyone ever will, I'm sure.
- Who will recognize your abilities?
Everyone, of course. I never make an error when I am casting the magic. I even constructed my foci correctly on the very first try. And it is the finest of all the foci, I might add.
- What is a Focus?
Oh, I could explain it, but I doubt you would understand. It's very complicated, magic and all.
- You are a healer?
Yes, why else would I be here? Anyway, are you in need of healing?
- You don't need to know.
If you are going to be rude, then I shall not take the time to assist you.
- aye
- I need healing
What? You look healthy enough to me! Begone! I do not have the time nor the patience for hangnails and paper cuts!
- nay
Actually, I'm relieved, for I do not wish to take precious time away from my studies. No one here has the raw talent and ability I have. And, I will suffer no one to surpass me. I -must- be the best, I -will- be the best! Now, if you will excuse me.
- I have completed the Tests.
What?! That is not possible! No one has ever completed the tests faster than I! I will not stand for this!
- Someone's Focus is missing.
A missing focus? I know nothing about this matter.
- I believe you do.
I know nothing, I tell you. Why I haven't even been near Brother Xavier!
- But you knew it was Brother Xavier.
Well, I didn't steal it. I only meant to borrow it.
- Did not steal it?
I told you, I'm not a thief!
- Only borrowed it?
I needed the magic in it for my father.
- the magic in it?
Foci are very strong lines to the great Stratos. I thought that perhaps with two, I might be able to draw twice as much power from the great Air Titan.
- your father?
Yes, my father. His name is....er,..was Toran. He lived in Tenebrae, my home town. He's dead now, killed by that evil Mordea.
- Toran was your father?
Yes. He was a good man, not afraid to speak out for what he believed...and he was killed for it.
- Why did Mordea kill him?
That murdering bitch! She had him executed for simply speaking his mind. Is that right? Can a man's life be snuffed out for mere words? Is that right, I ask you!?
- I saw his execution.
Then you saw as his head was severed from his body with the single swing of the executioner's ax. In that instant, the most important man in my life was taken from me, and I could do nothing about it... not then anyway.
- You could do nothing?
I could do nothing, just as I could do nothing to stop you surpassing my deeds here at Argentrock. Until you arrived, I was the quickest learner and the most clever with the magic. You stole that from me, but I will still have my revenge. No, that is mine and mine alone. Do you hear me?
- Mordea is dead.
She is dead? This can not be! I was to kill her! ~You have stolen from me every thing. I was the best student here until you arrived. ~I was the quickest learner and the cleverest with the magic. ~You stole that from me, and now you have stolen my revenge!
- revenge
I will still have my revenge! I will bring my father back to life! I will bring him back from the Pit of Death!
- Your father is with the Lurker.
YOU LIE! He is in the Pit of Death and I SHALL BRING HIM BACK! Do you hear? I shall! And I shall do it now!
Why, I don't need this extra focus at all!
I am strong enough to do it on my own...
And I will! I'm coming for you, father!!
Torwin, wait!
- You could do nothing about it?
Not then, but with what I have learned here, I will be able to make things right again!
- How will you make things right?
I will use the magic from Stratos to bring my father back to life. I will have my revenge!
- bye

Ouch! -That- must have hurt, Avatar!

Greetings Disciple.*You will remain within this fortress until you have found my inner sanctum, or you are dead. Even then, you shall not leave this place. Within the chamber beyond this hall you will see the fate that befalls those who fail. The Trials of the Obsidian Fortress begin now.

Guardians! Do your duties!

Farewell, Disciple. I sincerely hope you survive to become an Acolyte. Good luck.

You are unworthy to remain here. Die, fool!
Don't touch that.
While you are here, you will leave my things be.
I warn you. I will kill you for this behavior.
You will die... now!

Vardion the dead Sorcerer
Vardion the Sorcerer
the deceased Vardion
dead Sorcerer
dead mage

Are you finished?
- Tell me of this place.
How can it be that you do not know of the Sorcerer's Enclave?
- Just answer my question.
What?! How dare you!
- I know. I'm just asking you.
Fine then, you've no need to ask me your tiresome questions.
- I am a stranger here.
You are a stranger indeed, but regardless, I will tell you because you need to be aware of the danger you are in while here.
This is the Sorcerer's Enclave.
As First Acolyte, it is my duty to make sure that the Sorcerers learn about the Fire and keep the old ways alive.
We Sorcerers gather here to learn about the Fire and keep the old ways alive.
- Who are you?
- What do you do?
I am Vardion, First Acolyte of Sorcerer's Enclave. Keep this in mind, and we'll have no strife.
What is an Acolyte?
- Tell me about Sorcerers.
Sorcerers are practitioners of the element of Fire. We are not to be trifled with.
- Tell me of the Fire.
Fire is all consuming. It lives within the mountain, and burns within your own body. It is the element I give my life to study.
- Old ways?
The old ways are the rituals and ceremonies that we use to bind the Lord of Flame to our wills.
- What is an Acolyte?
Acolytes are chosen from amongst the Disciples to assist the Master in the old ways.
One is chosen from their number to become the First Acolyte. I have that honor and duty.
- First Acolyte. What is that?
It is a position of respect amonst my kind. I handle the affairs of the Enclave, and our dealings with Tenebrae. This gives the Master more time to commit to his research and spellcraft.
- What is an element?
What do you mean 'What is an element?' Where do you come from that you could possibly be so ignorant?
- You don't want to know.
Yes, actually I do.
- I cannot tell you.
I will respect your privacy, however, I might also ask you to respect mine when you question me.
- I still cannot tell you.
Fine then, but I will remember this.
- Far away.
That I can believe. Go on.
- The other side of the island.
The other side of the island is inhospitable, stranger.
Do not lie to me again.
How am I to trust you if you keep attempting to deceive me.
- I sailed from another island.
That is quite unlikely. No one has sailed here for several generations.
Do not lie to me again.
How am I to trust you if you keep attempting to deceive me.
- I come from another world.
By the Guardian!
Although you are not completely honest, I do believe you. It would appear that I've found a world traveler.
I really don't know whether or not to believe you. But if what you say is true, it would seem that I've found a world traveler.
My grandmother always said that there were other worlds out there. It's a shame she couldn't be here to see proof.
- Did she die?
- What happened to her?
She just vanished one day.
- Where is she now?
No one knows where she is.
- Who was your grandmother?
Her name was Mordra. She was a powerful mage, maybe she found the way to leave this world, perhaps she went to yours, %PCNAME.
Her name was Mordra. She was a powerful mage, maybe she found the way to leave this world, perhaps she went to yours, traveler.
- I don't think so.
- Perhaps.
What is your world called, my friend?
- Earth.
How curious. Your world is named after one of the elements. This Earth must be a dark place indeed, filled with death.
- Britannia.
What an odd sounding name. But strangely enough, it sounds familiar.
- I cannot say.
Of course. I understand, it's a trade secret. You wouldn't want just anyone travelling there.
Now I believe you asked me, of all things, what an element is.
The elements number four: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. And each has a power intrinsic to it.
- Must you treat me like a child?
While you are in my Enclave, I will treat you however I please. But in truth I seek only to give warning to those uninitiated in our ways.
- What rituals and ceremonies?
These rituals are shown to Sorcerers only. I will not reveal them to an outsider. To do so is punishable by death.
- Who is the Lord of Flame?
The Lord of Flame is the Father of the Daemons. He is the charnel pit from which all Fire comes.
- What is a Disciple?
A Disciple is a Sorcerer who has not been made an Acolyte.
- Who or what is the Master?
Master Malchir is the leader of our Enclave, but do not bother him with idle questions. He is a busy man and does not take kindly to interruptions of his work.
- You have dealings with Tenebrae?
Of course, dullard. Do you think we have the time to grow our own food? Make our own clothing? Craft our own buildings? We give Tenebrae the sure knowledge that the Lord of Flame will remain bound and that the volcano will remain dormant. In return they free us from the necessity of handling our more basic needs.
- What does the Master research?
That is not your business. And don't bother to ask him. He won't tell you and will most likely be angered by your interruption. And if he is angry, I will be angry. Do you take my meaning?
- yes
Good. I'm glad that you do.
- no
Well, then. Let me be more explicit. If you anger Malchir, it is my duty to see that the source of his irritation is removed. Forcibly if necessary.
- Spellcraft? Tell me more of this.
Spells are our means of releasing and controlling the power of Fire.
- Tell me more of Earth.
Earth is useful to Fire. It forms the channels through which Fire flows and provides the fuel by which it burns. The Mountain King and Lord of Flame have almost no conflict of wills.
- What can you say of Water?
That element is anathema to Fire as the Lurker is the nemesis of the Lord of Flame.
- I wish to know about Air.
What is there to know? Air is at the beck and call of both Pyros and despised Hydros, and all but ignored by Lithos. Stratos is as weak as the those who follow her.
- Father of Daemons?
Yes. All Daemons owe allegiance to Pyros for they are born when a life is ended in flames.
- You extort from the Tenebraens.
With that single statement you have proven your total lack of understanding of our position. Perhaps I should introduce you to our patron Titan personally. I am quite sure that the Lord of Flame could teach you our value.
- Shrewd bargaining on both sides.
Your perceptions are both insightful and correct. Perhaps you have what it takes to become a Sorcerer. Does this prospect intrigue you?
- yes
Excellent! I will personally see to your tutoring... that is after you perform one small service for me.
- no
I see. You are one who is willing to be a kith brought to slaughter. The Fire does not burn in your heart as it does in mine.
Your lack of interest is echoed by mine. I don't really think you have what it takes to be one of us, anyway.
So you have said before. Have you reconsidered your decision not to assist me? Will you seek the knowledge I wish?
- Tell me of the Mountain King?
Of course, how could one be born in Pagan and not know of the Earth Titan. His Necromancers attend to the dead and put them beneath the ground to become his servants. His dominion is over the land and death.
- Tell me of the Lurker?
That foul entity long ago attempted to claim all the lands beneath her dark waters. She was thwarted by a Necromancer who became the first Tempest. Were it not for the Tempests, we Sorcerers would have no other choice than to release the Lord of Flame to do battle with her.
- Who is Pyros?
Pyros is the name of the Lord of Flame, Titan of Fire.
- Hydros, who is that?
That accursed name belongs to the Lurker, Titan of Water.
- Who would Lithos be?
He is called the Mountain King and is the Titan of Earth.
- Tell me more of Stratos.
She is the Titan of Air and is followed by the Order of Enlightment. A group of misguided mages, called Theurgists, led by a blind, old man.
- And what might that be?
I will tell you only once a deal has been struck. Fear not. I won't make you do something you will regret. Are you prepared to undertake my task?
- I see. You need a lackey.
I have no need of a lackey. The task I require to be fulfilled will take skill and guile. And if you think of yourself as a lackey, I have no need of you.
- Wait. I only said I was intrigued.
Then stop wasting my time! When you wish to deal in earnest, you may return. Until that time, you are dismissed.
- Whatever you want, I'll do.
Your enthusiasm is encouraging, however, your blind acceptance does not give me much faith in your ability to accomplish the task I've set for you. Ah, well. Only one way to find out. Are you prepared to undertake my task?
- What do you know of Necromancers?
They are the practitioners of the magic of death.
- What can you say about Tempests?
Naught but that they provide a service to the people by keeping the storms that plague Pagan away from this island.
- Order of Enlightment?
They style themselves as a religious order, following their Mystic Voice.
- What do you know of Theurgists?
They practice healing arts and it is said that their leader can even bring the dead back to life. All in all, they are a coven of weak fools afraid to die for a cause.
- Tell me of this 'blind, old man.'
Stellos is his name and some say he's lived forever. I must give credit to this rumor, for he was an old man when I was a boy, and he hasn't changed a bit as I've become a man.
- Yes, I am prepared.
Excellent. The pact has been made. You will now be my Disciple. I sense that you are one of the rare individuals who the Fire has chosen. The Fire gives you the Truename: Daemion.
Hold tightly to that name. It is your strength and also your weakness. My Truename is Morduin. I give it to you so that you may learn Sorcery from me. Reveal it upon pain of death.
The task you must perform is to gain the Truename of Bane. She is a deceptive and conniving wench. Do not be fooled by her apparent friendliness. It's a ruse. She is power hungry and ambitious.
It is my belief that she seeks the death of the Master and myself in order to become the most powerful Sorcerer of Pagan. This is not a problem in and of itself. It is how she intends to go about it that causes the problem.
Were she to issue the Calling and challenge by the proper methods, I would surely defeat her, but knowing this, she intends to strike clandestinely. The factions that exist in the Enclave will war if this happens.
The possibility of losing control of the Lord of Flame will vastly increase and should this catastrophe come to pass, Pagan will be doomed.*You must hurry. I know not when she will attack.
- Let me think on it more.
You will not! I will have my answer now.
- I won't do your dirty work!
Very well, but remember, I am not a patient man. Do not delay over long, or I may retract my offer.
Be swift. I grow weary of waiting upon your answer.
This capricious behavior begins to anger me. I will not endure it any further.
Dolt! You will regret ever having come to our Enclave! Prepare yourself for death!
- What is this Mystic Voice?
It is the alias of Stratos.
- I cannot accept an unknown task.
I can understand your qualms, but put them to rest. I only seek a specific piece of information. Will you aid me?
- I am sorry, but I must decline.
Very well. Perhaps you will reconsider with time.
I can't understand you. What did you say?
If it would not be too much to ask, Master, I would like to become your First Acolyte. I have experience in dealing with the duties involved, and I promise you will not find my abilities wanting. Will you accept me?
- yes
Thank you, Master! You won't regret this decision.
- no
I understand, Master. I won't take any more of your time. Whatever I have is, of course, yours to take.
I hope I am performing my duties to your satisfaction. But I will attempt to improve them further. I must go now to return to my studies.
Who are you?
- I am %PCNAME.
- nothing
I don't care what your name is. I want to know who you are that you feel free to enter into the Sorcerer's Enclave without -my- permission.
What do you want from me?
- Some call me the Avatar.
Avatar? Strange title. Now, what I want to know is why you feel free to enter into the Sorcerer's Enclave without -my- permission.
What do you want from me?
- It is of little import.
That's as it may be, but I will know who you are if you wish to remain here.
- It is my business, not yours.
Is that so? You try my patience, and I have no patience. Begone fool!
- What do you want from me?
What I want is an intelligent response, intruder.
- I merely seek knowledge.
We don't give it away at the Enclave. It is earned. Tell me why you are here.
- Why do I need -your- permission?
Because I run this place... for all intents and purposes.
- I go where I will.
Ah some Fire in you after all! But in truth, while you are here, you go only where I say. Understood?
Good. I'm glad we see eye to eye.
I did not misspeak myself. You go where I allow you or you die. It's that simple.
- I am a great hero!
Maybe where you come from, but here you're nothing unless I say you're something.
- No really, I am a great hero.
Yes, yes, yes. I'm sure you are, child.
- This from one who is nothing.
I have no qualms about killing you, fool. In fact, I might gain pleasure from the exercise.
- Ah, I see.
Good. I'm glad that you do.
- Aye, exercise would do you good.
What do you mean by that, knave? I could burn you to ashes, if I had a mind to.
- You take pleasure in pain?
Only that of my enemies. I was merely saying that you should have a care for your own welfare. Insulting your betters can be hazardous to your health.
- I didn't know you cared.
I don't.
- You think you are my better?
It is a true fact. You are a stranger, whereas I lead these people... for the most part.
- I mean, perhaps you should eat less.
Are you insinuating that my physique is less than ideal? I could break you like a dry twig.
- What physique? I see no physique.
You play the fool to make jest at my expense, but be wary. I will not take more of your insolence.
- Your physique is ideal... for a cow.
I don't know what this -cow- you speak of is, but I mislike your tone. Run along, boy.
- If only you had a mind.
I am a forgiving man, but you go too far. I will not take more of your isolence.
- I am not insolent, merely honest.
Honesty can be as deadly as deceit if it is not tempered by wisdom.
- But I've just begun to be insolent.
Your skull will make a fine flagon when I'm done with you. Prepare to meet the Lord of Flame, infidel!
- Deceit... a thing you know well?
Know one thing, infidel, I never -- ever break my word. Why should I defend myself before one such as you? Leave me be.
- What do you know of wisdom?
Your tenure on Pagan has ended, dolt! I remand you into the care of the Lord of Flame.
Answer me, stranger.
You will answer me or you will leave.
I give you one last chance to answer me promptly.
I'm not your servant and I refuse to wait upon you! Go now, and do not disturb me again.
Now then, I am a busy man. What do you want of me?
What do you need, Disciple?
How may I aid you, Daemion?
Well, do you have her Truename?
Do you know what Bane's Truename is?
Have you accomplished your task?
How can I help you, friend?
Good tidings, %UVAR8.
my alien friend.
Greetings, offworlder.
Greetings, Earthling.
Greetings, Britannian.
I have no time for idle conversation. Ask your questions and be done with it.
What do you want now?
Well. Are you prepared to undertake my task?
Will you undertake my task?
The task awaits. Are you ready to begin?
Depart now or face my wrath. I do not take kindly to mischievous interlopers.
Leave this place. You are not needed here.
Go now, for we have nothing further to discuss.
You have earned my wrath. I hold back your destruction now only by sheer force of will.
You tempt your fate by remaining here.
I find you unfit to walk upon this Enclave's soil. Leave now and your life will be spared.
The foolish are said to die young. I don't expect you'll see your elder years.
Do not disturb me or my Sorcerers further.
Leave me be.
I have been lenient up until now. If you so much as breathe in my direction... make no mistake... you will regret it.
If you return, I will become angered. You won't like me when I'm angry.
Go now, and do not return.
Farewell, Disciple.
Return when you seek more training.
If I could only remember where I put the brimstone...
Leave me and accomplish your task.
When you have Bane's Truename, return to me.
Go now. Do not return without her Truename.
Keep the Fire burning, %UVAR9
Go with the Guardian, %UVAR9
Farewell, %UVAR9
Disturb the Sorcerers here at your own risk.
Now, what was I doing...
I must remember to replace the wards...
I really must be about my business, %UVAR10
I must return to my work, %UVAR10
When your thoughts are collected come and speak with me, %UVAR10
my offworlder friend.
I grow weary of your games. Leave me be.
Speak to me only when you have something to say, or not at all.
I cannot abide your ill manners. Or is it perhaps slow wit?
- I must learn to hold my tongue.
I would have to agree.
- Forgive me. I have offended you.
I am not so thin-skinned as to be offended by your remarks, but it shows prudence that you saw them to be offensive and can accept fault for your error. What do you want?
- Do not turn away from me, rogue.
You will not adress me in such a manner! I am not accustomed to being ordered by inferiors.
- You will do as I say, knave!
By the blood of the Destroyer! I'll have your eyes for a necklace!
- Never mind.
Something you said was wrong. Giant, blue letters appeared, blazing across the sky. It's a sign from Pyros!
What is it?! You must hurry. We have no time to waste. I must begin the ritual, now.
There is no time for conversation. You must get her Truename. Only that will allow me to avert the coming disaster, and quite possibly my own death.
I don't know it yet.
- Bane.
That name has no use to me, dolt. I said get her Truename. Go! Do not return without it.
- Daemion.
Fool! That is most definitely not her Truename. And if you don't get it quickly, you'll have no use for yours.
- Morduin.
How can one be so stupid? Must I be surrounded by incompetents? Get Bane's Truename, or face the consequences.
- I don't know it yet.
Do not waste time with your lies. Get me her Truename or you'll die before she can kill me!
I have had enough of you, fool! There won't be enough of you left to inter when I'm done with you!
- Sabriane.
A weak name for a weakling Sorcerer. Watch now what a real Sorcerer can do, my Disciple.
If you have her Truename and won't reveal it, you are breaching our contract. If you don't know it, you are insolent. In either case, I will not wait upon your leisure. Return only when you can give me Bane's Truename.

Mountain King, I call Your name. Save me from this interloper!
Thank you, my friend. You have done good service this day. And your timing could not be better. For, as you can see, Lothian lies upon the altar barely clinging to life. For your service, I will grant you the boon which you did ask of me. I will introduce you to the Necromancer. But first, stand witness to the Ceremony of Eternity. For the time has come for Lothian and I to perform the ceremony. Please follow my instructions closely. Are you prepared, Lothian?
All of my life I have prepared for this, Vividos. I beg you now, send me to the Mountain King.
Very well, please, my friend, stand beside the altar.
Please kneel before the Altar of Passage.
Lord Lithos, Mountain King, eldest and mightiest of the four Titans, we come forth to send your faithful servant Lothian into your waiting arms. Tell us now, Lord of the Underworld, does this, our sacrifice please you?
Yes, Lord! Take me! I am ready to greet you, Mountain King!
Let all rejoice, for Lithos is pleased with this, our sacrifice. Now, prepare to greet the ambassadors from Lithos' realm.
Kal Corp
The dead now surround you, Lothian. Prepare yourself for your Lord.
The grave opens before me!
Be you cleansed for death. Lithos awaits you.
Sweet dagger, I am your sheath. Wear me now, lovely blade!
Go you now to the Mountain King! From life to death. From death to Lithos!
Ex Ort Corp. Ort Des Lithos!
Now shall we bow in reverence of deeds here done, and to the awesome might of the Mountain King.
All is done. Lothian may now join her lord.
Arise, my friend.
You may now greet the Necromancer my friend, for I am he.


Can I help you?
Do you require my assistance?
Very well then...
Blessed are the children of Lithos.
Oh, to be with Lithos.
Ahh, the life of the Necromancer.
The ground is cool and good today.
I wonder...?
What is my lord doing right now?
Oh mighty Lithos, forgive my fragility.
My, the undead are restless today.
Can I help you?
One can almost feel Moriens' presence in these walls.
Do you require my assistance?
Very well then...
I do worry so...
Oh, to be with Lithos.
Powerful indeed is the Mountain King.
Tred lightly here on holy ground.
I do worry so...?
There are so many people who do not show Lithos respect.
Oh mighty Lithos, forgive my fragility.
I must read Moriens book again very soon.
Hello again, my friend.
Ah, a stranger. Have you come to the tomb to learn?
YOU!! You stole the Heart of Earth! You betrayed the Mountain King and now he has forsaken us!! He tears the land apart. He has sent his army of the dead to walk above the ground and it is all because of you!! Give the Heart of Earth back now and he may spare us. If not, all is lost. Go!! Get away from here and return to the Mountain King what is His!!!
- What Tomb?
What Tomb? Why -the- Tomb. The Tomb of Moriens.
- The Tomb of Moriens?
Yes! Moriens, the Great One, was interred here, within these very walls.
- Yes, I'm here to learn.
Oh my! This is excellent news! Well, I shall teach you all about our mysteries and traditions.
- What do you mean by interred?
Buried, then given over to Lithos, the Mountain King. Long has it been since Moriens joined Lithos.
- Who is Lithos?
What a jest you play, my friend! As if any one could not know of the Mountain King. How could a person live and not know of the Earth Titan? You have a sharp wit, friend.
- How long has it been?
Oh, generations ago, too many to count. Moriens is the ancient father of all Necromancers.
- Learn about what?
Learn the way of the Necromancer. Learn our traditions and mysteries!
- Necromancer?
Lothian is the current Necromancer. But you probably already knew that.
- I need to speak to the Necromancer.
I am sorry but that is impossible. The Necromancer is very ill and she is not receiving anyone.
- She's too sick to see me?
Yes. In fact, she has been slipping in and out of consciousness lately. Even if you were to see her, she probably would not be awake.
- Lothian?
Long has she been the Necromancer. Lothian has loyally served since I was but a boy.
- Traditions.
Our lives are very structured. We must perform our rites very precisely lest they be not accepted. Yet sometimes such precision can create problems.
- What mysteries?
I can not tell someone who is not of our order about our mysteries. You could learn all if you were to join the order and become a novice.
- What is a novice?
A novice is someone who has newly joined the order and has just begun to learn.
- Join your order?
Few people join our order. Life here is not easy but it is rewarding.
- Not accepted.
As you are not of our order, I can not tell you much. Suffice to say that titanic forces are often fickle.
- Titanic forces?
You have many questions, my friend! I was the same when first I came to the Tomb. Unfortunately, I can answer little since, as I have said, you are not of our order.
- What problems?
As I said, in our rituals, everything must be done at the right time with the right tools. Unfortunately, we are missing a most important tool.
- Missing a tool?
Yes, our ceremonial dagger. It was taken from us by that power mad witch, Mordea.
- Mordea took the dagger?
Yes! Never before have we had to worry about such things. People have always feared the cemetery and respected our work. But not long ago, Mordea came here with an armed force and took the dagger.
- People respected your work?
Oh yes, we were respected and feared. The Necromancers have always been held in just regard as one of the great powers of the world. It has taken one so obsessed with power as Mordea to lessen the people's regard for us.
- People feared you?
It is only natural that people fear forces that they do not understand. Of course they have never had a reason to fear us. Those of our order have always been benevolent, unlike the followers of Pyros or the Lurker.
- Pyros?
Please, speak not of that malevolent demon! I should not have mentioned his name. All the world would he consume in his flame if he were allowed!
- Is Pyros a Titan?
Please, I asked you not to speak of him.
- The Lurker?
The water Titan. Damned be her and all who follow her. That is Mordea's station; to follow that watery spirit and oppress all in her way.
- Your order is a great power?
What greater power could there be than the power of the land itself? We who follow the Mountain King are peaceful, but when we are pressed we can wield our power well.
- What about Mordea?
It would do more harm than good for the Necromancer to wage war with Mordea. Even though Mordea is power mad.
- People's regard has lessened?
Yes, I am sad to say. We shall yet win them back, however. Lithos will lead us out of these dark times and show to all His power and majesty.
- Power and majesty?
You must understand that we do not seek to rule all, such as Mordea does. We simply wish all to respect and revere Lithos.
- More harm than good?
Think of the destruction that would occur if two Titanic forces were to lock themselves in combat. The destruction would be terrible.
- Why is this dagger special?
It was given to Moriens by the Mountain King Himself. We can not perform our ceremonies with any other dagger.
- Power mad?
I don't care who hears me say it! Mordea is evil and power hungry! Long has she been a tyrant but now she has gone too far! Now that she has the dagger, we can not perform our rites without her approval.
- She has gone too far?
What Mordea has done violates generations of tradition and work.
- You need her approval?
Yes! Without her approval, we can not perform our rituals. We can not work under such conditions! We need to get the dagger back soon or there will be great danger.
- What kind of danger?
I truly can not tell you. The Mountain King's temper is, well, titanic. He may rip the land apart should we anger him.
- Rip the land apart?
Oh yes, earthquakes, fissures, landslides, the power of the Earth Titan is very great. I have never seen the power of His wrath before, but I have heard terrible stories.
- What stories?
In the days before Moriens agreed to serve the Mountain King, our lord did often rend the land as was His pleasure.
- Why did he do this?
Please, I do not have time to talk of this. I need to get the dagger back before Lothian dies.
- Anger him?
Yes. If I am not able to perform the appropriate ceremony upon Lothian, I will greatly disappoint, and anger, my Lord.
- Get the dagger back.
How? Lothian is very ill and I must stay by her side. Besides, neither of us are trained warriors to challenge Mordea's guards. How could we possibly retrieve the dagger?
- I'll get the dagger.
Will you truly?
- Yes.
Thank you! I have heard that Mordea keeps the dagger in her chambers. You will know the dagger by its golden hilt and serpentine blade. Please hurry, for soon we shall need the dagger!
- No.
That is a cruel jest. We need the dagger soon else we shall all suffer.
- Stay by her side.
It is as I have said, our ceremonies must occur at the correct time. I can tell you no more than that except to say that I must be present when Lothian dies.
- May I meet the Necromancer?
If you bring to me the dagger, I will get you an audience with the Necromancer.
- Mordea is dead.
She is truly dead? Oh praise be to the Mountain King! Perhaps now we may get our dagger back and avert certain danger.
- What kind of dagger?
It is a very special dagger. This dagger was given to us by the Mountain King so that we may perform a very special ceremony. Without the dagger, I can not perform the ceremony.
- You may get the dagger back.
Unfortunately, I can not leave here. You see, I must stay by Lothian's side.
- Farewell.
Farewell, friend.
- I have the dagger.
Truly?! You have the dagger? Bless you, my friend, bless you! Your timing is perfect for I need the dagger immediately! May I please have the dagger?
- How are you today, Vividos?
Not well, I fear. Our problem still exists and Lothian nears her end. Have you managed to get the dagger away from Mordea?
- No, I don't have the dagger.
Oh. I was hoping that you had retrieved the dagger for me. I am terribly afraid of what may happen if I do not get it soon. You did promise to get the dagger. Please do so as soon as possible.
- What problem?
Have you completely forgotten the discussion which we had when first we met? By the power of the Mountain King, man, how could you forget my plight when your own safety is at stake? Mordea has stolen our ceremonial dagger and you promised to retrieve it.
- I was but joking, friend.
I do remember from our first meeting that you have a sharp wit, but to say such a thing is more cruel than funny. By Lithos' eyes, please hold your jests until our crisis has past.
- Oh yes, I do remember.
How very nice of you to recall! Please listen closely, if you do not retrieve the dagger, I can not inter people. If I can not inter people, Lithos will become very upset.
- What will happen if Lithos becomes upset?
I probably should not tell you this, since you are not a member of our order, but these are dire times. Lithos may rend the ground underneath our very feet. He may bring great landslides to destroy Tenebrae. He may create quakes that kill us all. Lithos is great and powerful and we do not want him to become upset.
- That sounds terrible.
Of course it sounds terrible! This is why I am so frantic! Now please, go and retrieve the dagger as you promised!
- Could this really happen?
I do not believe your questions! Is this another one of your jokes? Of course it could happen! Please leave me now. I am too un-nerved to speak.
- Is Lothian dying?
Yes, she's dying! I told you that when last you were here.
- Tell me of Lithos.
I am sorry friend, but I do not have time to tell you anything of the Mountain King that you can not already know. After you have retrieved the dagger for me, I will tell you in great length of our lord, the Earth Titan.
Did you wish to continue this conversation, my friend?
- You murdered that woman!
- Hello, Necromancer.
- You are the Necromancer?
I am now. With Lothian's passage, I step forward and take her place. As Lothian's Scion, I was next in the Necromantic line of succession.
- You murdered that woman!
I killed her, yes. But I did not murder her.
- Why did you have to stab her?
Have you not heard a word that I have said? The Ceremony of Eternity is one of our most sacred rites. It is Lithos' law!
- What is a Scion?
A Scion is the Necromancer's chosen successor. It is normal for the Necromancer's first apprentice to be the Scion. It is sad to say, but I was Lothian's only apprentice. Now, I am in need of an apprentice.
- Well what's the difference?
Murdering some one is to take their life against their will. Lothian had known nearly her entire life that, when it was her time of passage, she would be killed in this fashion. The same will happen to me when it is my time.
- Why were you the only apprentice?
It is as I have said: many people fear us, and many more can not live so demanding and structured life as is necessary of one who serves the Mountain King.
- Why do people fear you?
Many people are ignorant and do not understand what we do. They think that we live with corpses and that we are diseased. All of this is foolishness.
- So that is the Ceremony of Eternity?
Yes, the ceremony must be performed as Lithos has commanded. You see, as Lothian was Necromancer, she will be permitted into the Hall of Eternity. In order to be allowed into this most hallowed of places, the Necromancers must be prepared in the Ceremony of Eternity.
- I have seen the Birthplace of Moriens.
That is well. I hope that your experience was as wonderful as my own.
- What is the Hall of Eternity?
The Hall of Eternity is a special place within the City of the Dead. The City of the Dead is a place where only Necromancers are allowed. It is there that Lithos sits upon His throne and consults His Necromancers, and dispenses His judgement. The Hall is a most prestigious place.
- The City of the Dead?
Yes, the heart of Lithos' realm. The City of the Dead is where all Necromancers who have been interred go and live on in death under Lithos' gentle rule.
- You need an apprentice?
Yes, I do. While we are on this subject, it occurs to me that you are a man of exceptional qualities, both physical and spiritual. Would you wish to become my apprentice?
- Yes, I am honored.
Good, then it is so done. As my apprentice, I would have you begin your studies immediately. Much must be learned before one can wield the magic of a Necromancer.
- What must I do?
First you must gather some reagents for me. Return them to me and I will teach you of their magical properties. There will be other tasks to follow. If you accomplish all of them correctly, then I shall make you my apprentice, and most likely, the Scion. After that, you shall make a pilgrimage.
- A pilgrimage?
Do not concern yourself with that now. There is much that must be done before you may even think about your holy pilgrimage.
- No, thank you.
This saddens me. I do think that you would make a fine apprentice, and eventually, Necromancer. Is your mind completely made up, are you certain that you do not wish to be my apprentice?
- Yes, I am certain.
Very well, I am sure you have good reason for your decision. I am, however, very busy and must get on with my duties. Thank you very much for your help, but I must be on my way.
- Well, perhaps I should be your apprentice.
Good, then it is done. As my apprentice, I would have you begin your studies immediately. Much must be learned before one can wield the magic of the Necromancer.
- I'll learn magic?
Indeed you will, my apprentice. By the time that you have completed your studies, you will be capable of more than you ever dreamed possible.
- There is much to learn.
Indeed there is, apprentice. That is why you must consult the library freely and often. There you will learn much of our order, our history, and our magic.
- Where is the library?
It is located just upstairs. Feel free to use it at any time. I expect to see you there quite often.
- Will you help me learn?
Yes, of course, my student. It is part of my responsibility to teach you all that I know.
- What reagents do you need?
I need for you to bring me a sample of Executioner's Hood from a place of danger and fallen sticks from a place where spirits roam.
- Where spirits roam?
Yes, that is very important. Go to Western Tenebrae. There you will find the sticks, better known as `deadman's elbows,' that I need.
- These items are -magical-?
Each taken individually, the item's magical properties are inert. However, when blended together under the proper conditions and intonements, their magical qualities are unlocked. All of this you will learn in time.
- What does Executioner's Hood look like?
It is a black, leafy plant. It grows nearby, between the Graveyard and Tenebrae. Look for the hood under a large tree. It is a rare plant, so look closely.
- The same will happen to you?
Of course. When my time comes to be sent to meet the Mountain King, my first apprentice will perform the Ceremony of Eternity and prepare me for my journey. It is the way of the Necromancer.
- I have brought you the reagents, Necromancer.
Give them to me.
You have done well, my apprentice. For your efforts and your obvious learning, I have something for you. This is the Key of the Caretaker. It will allow you entry into the Upper Catacombs. There you must go to learn more of our art.
- Hello, Necromancer.
- What is the Key of the Caretaker?
The Key is an item of power which will allow you to cast the spells which you will learn in the Catacombs. In order to cast spells, you must place the proper reagents in a bag, close the bag, and then invoke the power of the key on the closed bag. When you open the bag, you will find a magic talisman within. When you invoke the magic of the talisman, you cast the spell.
- What is in the Catacombs?
There you will find the ancient Necromancers. Those who travelled the path of the Necromancer long before you or I. My  ancient ancestors will teach you what you need to know of our magic.
- How am I to find them?
With good faith and a strong heart. Do not worry, apprentice. The Ancient Necromancers will make themselves known to you.
- Can you not teach me magic?
I can, and in years to come I will. However, the first level of spells you must learn from the ancient Necromancers. Those who first created the spells that you will learn will teach them to you. If you pass their tests, you will learn their magic. Then you must come back to me.
- Where are the upper catacombs?
You will find the entrance to the catacombs through the very rock itself. You will need the Open Earth spell, which you can find in the library, and the Key of the Caretaker. Go you then just north of here. There you will find a small hall. Cast the Open Earth spell upon the rock face and you shall gain entrance to the the catacombs.
- The spell is in the library?
Yes, there you find much that will help you. For in order that you may speak to the Necromancers, there is another spell which you must learn.
- What other spell?
As the Necromancers are, to be certain, dead, you must cast Death Speak upon their sacred corpses. Only then shall you hear the voices of wisdom from their lifeless mouths. This spell you shall also find in the library.
- What is there that will help me?
In the library, there are books of knowledge. Not only spells that you must learn, but also the history of our Necromantic order. In the library you will also find many reagents which you may use when learning to cast spells.
- I have met the Mountain King.
And since you are still alive, I can see that He and His Ancient Necromancers did approve of you. Now, I have something else for you, my apprentice.
- The journey was difficult.
Yes, I remember when I met the Mountain King. I too found the journey most difficult. Yet, all has been worth the effort.
- You have something for me?
Not yet, my apprentice. Did Lithos tell you that there is one last task for you to perform?
- No, he didn't.
He did not? I do not believe you. The Mountain King instructed me to ask you if He had told you what you must do. He told me He instructed you to inter Lothian. If you did not perform this task, you were to be expelled from His order. Now you lie to me. Therefore, you must go from here. Never return here again.
- Yes, he did.
What did He tell you?
- I must inter Lothian.
That is correct, apprentice. Take this, the Key of the Scion. By touching this item to Lothian, you will make her body acceptable for interment, as commanded in our covenant with Lithos. Know that this Key will also permit access through many doors within the Catacombs.
- You did not give me a key, Necromancer.
- Where is Lothian?
You will find her outside of the tomb, near the Northeast corner of the building. There her body awaits you to send it to the Mountain King.
- Another key?
Yes, but as you have seen, these keys are not what one normally thinks of as a key. This is not so much a physical key as it is a spiritual one.
- Farewell.
Farewell, apprentice.
Farewell, my friend.
- I have interred Lothian, Necromancer.
You have done well, my apprentice. You have shown yourself well. You have served with bravery and great knowledge. I have decided to name you Scion and thereby officially name you my heir in the Necromatic line. Now, you are ready to make your pilgrimage.
- Hello, Necromancer.
Greetings to you, my apprentice. I trust that all is well?
- Yes, I am well.
Good, good. Lithos does provide well for His followers.
- No, things are not well.
Well, trust in Lithos and everything will work out.
- Oh yes, my pilgrimage.
Yes, your pilgrimage. It is customary for the Scion to make a pilgrimage to the birthplace of Moriens. There, the Scion does pay homage to Moriens and hope for a visitation.
- A visitation?
Yes, well do I remember my pilgrimage. Long did I travel, and such an adventure it was. And when I arrived at the holy birthplace, I did see a most magnificent thing. It was so wonderous that first I thought myself to be mad.
- What did you see?
Perhaps it is best that I do not tell you. I would not wish to color your expectations. After all, everyone comes away from their pilgrimage with a different experience. But be certain that your experience shall be a profound one.
- Was it dangerous?
What kind of a question is that from a man who has already performed such great deeds?
- Where is this place?
You must return to the Upper Catacombs. Once there, seek out the signs that mark the way.
- Thank you, Necromancer.
Say no more, Scion. You have earned your status.
Did you wish to continue this conversation?

the body of Xavier
Xavier the monk

I must flee!
What are you doing there...?
It's nice to see new faces.
Need something else?
Need help?
Need something else?
Let me know if you need my help.
Do you need assistance?
Oh, well.
Where is that Stellos?
Where did I leave that?
Torwin needs to clean this place better.
Candles, we need candles.
Holy Cyrrus should be here soon.
Oh, no. Not again.
I must meditate now.
Can I help you?
Oh, well.
Please leave! You make me nervous!
Are you lost?
Please leave, stranger! This is my abode!
Why are you in my house?
Do you need something else?
I must have a word with Cyrrus.
I should take a walk.
Perhaps I should go the abbey.
Mmmmm, fresh air.
What to do...
I should probably go back.
These need not be open!

Are you following me?
Please leave! You make me nervous!
Are you lost?
Follow me not, stranger!
Please, I wish to be alone.
Can a man have his privacy?
Do you wish to speak to me?
I love the outdoors.
The trees are quite nice this time of year.
The air is quite crisp.
The feel of grass underfoot is quite relaxing.
I do enjoy a chance to be out.
The breeze is cool today.

You! Vile creature! Betrayer! Get out of my sight!
- Excuse me.
It is good to see you, %PCNAME.
Hello again, friend.
A fair day to you, stranger.
- Hello, Brother Xavier.
- And a fair day to you.
You are new here. I am Brother Xavier. Seek you healing?
= My name is %PCNAME.
Well met, %PCNAME.
Je m'appelle %PCNAME.
Ravi de te connoistre, %PCNAME.
Je m'appelle %PCNAME.
Ich hei�e %PCNAME.
Freut mich, %PCNAME.
Ich hei�e %PCNAME.
- Hello, Brother Xavier.
What may I assist you with?
- Hello, Brother Xavier.
- I have heard the Mystic Voice.
Excellent. Let me be one of the first to offer congradulations on your accomplishments here. We are all quite proud of what you have done.
- I have the Breath of Wind.
Yes, I suspected as much. But since you have done such a terrible thing, leaving all of us powerless, you must excuse me if I do not offer my thanks. Goodbye!
- I found this ring.
Yes, that was Torwin's ring. He said it belonged to his father. Where did you find it?
- the monastery
- the woods
Funny that Torwin should lose it there. He was very proud of it, said it meant the world to him. You know, I think it should be returned to his mother. I'm sure she would appreciate this memento of her son.
- Windy Point
Oh dear. In his haste to end his life, he must have lost it. It is a terrible tragedy, you know. He was very proud of that ring and I'm sure he would want his mother to have it. Perhaps you should take it to her.
- I will return it.
That is a good thing. His mother's name is Rhian and she lives in Tenebrae. She is a weaver and, since the death of her husband, has taken over the running of the shop. Thank you for this good deed.
- I don't wish to return it.
What? That is a cruel and selfish thing to say! You must return it. You were the last one to see her son alive! I can not believe you would turn your back on someone like this!
- I said I would not!
Have you learned nothing during your stay here?! You are an insult to this isle, leave me now!
- Healing?
Yes, this is a place of healing. Do you require my skills as a healer?
- Yes, I need healing.
- I need healing.
I am sorry, but I do not have the strength to perform such a service. Come back later after I have rested.
I would that I could heal you, but a terrible thing has happened. I am not able to touch Stratos. I am afraid something dreadful has happened.
Now that my Focus has been returned to me, I will be able to perform the healing rites upon you.
Please leave me now, I need to rest.
I would heal you, but you are perfectly healthy!
Certainly, I will do what I can.
Please leave me now, I need to rest.
I would heal you, but you are perfectly healthy!
- No, I don't need healing.
Oh, it is pleased I am that you are well.
- I wish to learn to heal.
Then to do this you must become enlightened.
- I have taken the Breath of Wind.
Oh no! How can you do this? I misread your character, I did not know you for such a power hungry thief! The cost of your folly will be in untold numbers of lives.
- What is this place?
- Tell me again of this place.
This is Argentrock Isle. It is home to those that follow the Great Titan of Air, Stratos.
- Who are the followers?
We are the Theurgists. By devoting our lives to Stratos, we are able to touch a small portion of the Titan's power and use it to heal.
- Who is Stratos?
Stratos is the greatest of the Titans, worthy of the respect and admiration of all.
- Worthy of respect?
Yes, even for one such as you, who is obviously not enlightened, Stratos can offer great things.
- What great things?
Stratos is the greatest of the Titans. Only through her can one achieve the ability to heal the sick and injured. This gift, the power to heal is the greatest gift anyone can receive.
- Enlightened?
Yes, %PCNAME you should know as you are well on your way to enlightenment. You now should seek out Stellos. It is he who can teach you the spells you will need to know in order to reach enlightenment.
Yes, %PCNAME. Your next step in achieving enlightenment is to pass the Test of Centeredness. Are you ready for this test?
You are not of our order and have not heard the Mystic Voice of Stratos. Once you have heard the voice, you become enlightened.
- I am ready for the second test.
Then we shall begin.
- I am not ready for the second test.
Then return when you are ready.
- I wish enlightenment
This is a noble cause. I hope you have the mettle for it. The tests to gain enlightenment are fearsome.
- I do not wish enlightenment.
That is too bad, I think you might have the strength of character to pass the tests. But if you have not the desire, then I guess it is for the best after all.
- You question my mettle?
I simply mean that these tests are not for the faint of heart. Only one strong in his faith to Stratos may find the strengh of heart to survive the tests.
- What makes the tests fearsome?
The tests are quite dangerous. We have lost more than a few initiates to them.
- Tell me of the tests.
It is good to see you are interested. I am responsible for administering the first two tests. The first is the Test Of Wisdom. The second is the Test of Centeredness.
- Tell me of the Test of Wisdom.
The Test of Wisdom is the first test you may take in your journey for enlightenment. This test consists of five questions which I shall ask you. These questions will test your knowledge of the ways of the Theurgists. You must answer all five correctly to pass the test. If you are thinking of taking this test, I strongly suggest you spend some time studying in the monastery's library. Do you still wish enlightenment?
- Tell me of the Test of Centeredness.
You have taken and passed this test already, %PCNAME. I do not appreciate the lightness with which you treat these rituals! If you do not know what to do next, you should consult with Stellos.
The Test of Centeredness is the second test you may take on your quest for enlightenment. During this test you will find yourself on a high rock. The winds will test your strength, balance and courage.
- I will take the Test of Centeredness.
Before you can take the Test of Centeredness, you must pass the Test of Wisdom.
- May I take the Test of Centeredness?
Yes, I think perhaps you are ready. To take the Test of Centeredness you must travel to Windy Point and climb the highest rock there. Once atop the rock, Stratos will begin her testing of you. Her winds will blow you but you must stay atop the rock, for to fall can mean almost sure disablement and possibly death. Good luck, friend.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you have already passed the Test of Centeredness and the Test of Wisdom. There is no need for you to take them again. Perhaps you should speak to Stellos now. He can continue to give you guidance in your quest for enlightenment.
- May I try the Test of Centeredness again?
Certainly, you may try it until you succeed. Don't worry. Many don't pass it the first time.
- aye
That's it, that's the spirit! You have some backbone after all. You are the second in recent times to come for enlightenment. I will ask you five questions. If you can answer all of them right, you may pass to the next test. Do you wish me to continue?
- I am not yet ready.
Then when you feel you are ready, return to me.
- May I try the Test of Wisdom again?
Very well then. I will begin your testing by asking you five questions. If you miss any of them, you fail the test. Do you accept?
- No, I do not.
I understand, it is a bit daunting, I know. Perhaps you would feel more confident if you spent some time in the library. There you will find many texts which may make the Test of Wisdom easier.
- Yes, I accept.
When seeking respite, do you choose a cool beach by the sea, a quiet mountain glen, the warmth of a campfire or a breezy evening on the porch?
- a cool beach by the sea
- a quiet mountain glen
- the warmth of a campfire
- a breezy evening on the porch (*)
You come across a battle. The fighting is fierce and the injured lay moaning in agony. Do you tend the injured, join the battle, run for help, or do nothing and remain neutral until the fight is over?
- tend the injured (*)
- join the battle
- run for help
- do nothing, remain neutral
A small child is dying. Healing her will require a great sacrifice. Will you offer your hearing, your ability to speak, your sight or your life?
- my hearing
- my ability to speak
- my sight (*)
- my life
Your liege lies dying from a wound received in battle. He will not live long. He asks how the battle fares. You know his troops have been routed. How do you answer?
- the battle is ours
- the battle is lost (*)
You sit in a tavern, sipping a mug of ale. The stalwart fighters around you begin to brag on deeds done to honor their patron Titan. Do you join the camraderie and tell of the glories of Stratos, or do you remain quiet?
- tell of Stratos' glories
- remain quiet (*)
Your only child has run away from home. He returns after several years of debauchery and crime. Do you welcome him home, allowing the past to go unpunished, or do you turn him away until he has redeemed himself and regained your trust?
- welcome him home (*)
- turn him away
In comrades, is it wiser to look for honesty, loyalty, ability or humility?
- honesty (*)
- loyalty
- ability
- humility
Why is wisdom greater than brawn?
- diplomacy can prevent assault
- a weapon destroys, wit builds (*)
- speech is faster than swordplay
- a mind can't be struck, only the skull
Your brother stands accused of thievery, having taken material to clothe his family. Do you give truthful testimony or hold your tongue so that the family may be safe?
- give truthful testimony (*)
- hold my tongue
Is it better to first comfort a sad child or punish a wicked one?
- comfort a sad child (*)
- punish the wicked child
I am sorry, %PCNAME but you failed to answer all the questions correctly. Perhaps you would do better if you spent a little more time studying in the library. Come to me when you wish to try again.
Very good, you have earned the right to proceed to the next test.
- nay
Well, it certainly is not for everyone. There is another who has decided to take the tests and he is doing well in his studies.
- Where is the Honorable Stellos?
- Where is Stellos?
You can find him in the monastery at this hour.
You should be able to find him at his house at this hour. It is next to the east wall of the compound.
If you wish to find him, you might try Windy Point. He sometimes goes there at this hour to be in communion with the Mystic Voice.
- Another wishing enlightenment?
Yes. Torwin was... before he died.
Yes, a young man named Torwin. He is an ambitious student, a very fast learner.
- I have completed both your tests.
- I have completed the Third Test.
Wonderful, I am most pleased for you! You have now earned the right to wear the title 'Initiate'. So, Initiate %PCNAME, now you must find the Honorable Stellos. He will guide you in the next step on your journey to enlightenment.
Wonderful, I am most pleased for you! You have now earned the right to wear the title 'Initiate'. So, Initiate, now you must find the Honorable Stellos. He will guide you in the next step on your journey to enlightenment.
- I have passed the Third Test.
That is excellent news.
Huh? Were you speaking to me? Oh, I am so sorry. You passed the Third Test, you say? Well that is very good. Now, if you'll excuse me, something dreadful has happened and I must attend to it.
- What has happened?
Well, if you must know, my Focus of healing is missing.
- Focus is missing?
Yes, it is missing. What a tragic mishap. I hope I have just mislaid it, but I fear it is stolen.
- mislaid it?
I cannot imagine I simply lost it. It is far too important to me for such an oversight.
- stolen?
If it was, indeed, stolen, it is a tragedy beyond belief. Theft goes against all of Stratos' doctrine. It goes against all we have tried to teach here.
- When did you last see your Focus?
It was only a night ago. I worked very late that night. When I went to bed, I laid my Focus on the chest in my bedroom, just like I always do. When I awoke in the morning, the Focus of healing was gone. Now, I am a very light sleeper. The person who took it must be able to move virtually silently, for the slightest noise would have awoken me.
- Do you know who took it?
That's ridiculous! If I knew who took it, I would go get it back! Fortunately, there are spells provided by Stratos that will help me learn what happened to it.
- I have met Torwin.
Yes. His death is quite tragic.
Strange young man. For a while, I thought quite highly of him. Until you arrived, he was the best student we'd ever had. But...
- Strange young man?
He was always unusual. We often find him standing in the shadows outside different houses. What he is doing, we can only guess. When confronted, he offers no explanation, just wanders off. He has recently taken an interest in the Resurrection spell.
- Resurrection spell?
Yes, it is possible to bring the dead back to life if the proper conditions are met.
- What proper conditions?
It will cost you your eyesight. This is why Stellos is blind. Because of this high price, Stratos only gives that spell to one Adept at a time. It is, afterall, a very dangerous spell.
- Dangerous spell?
Most certainy, for to cast it, one must journey to the City of the Dead and face the minions of Lithos. More than one caster in our history has not survived that encounter.
- Best student?
Well, before he died.
Well, he was until he reached the Third Test. For some reason he could not pass it. He has tried a number of times. I have heard he is trying to find a way to reach Stratos and hear the Mystic Voice without passing that third test.
- How terrible about Torwin.
It is said that pride goes before a fall.
- I have met Holy Cyrrus.
He is a nice young man. (I think he is soft and a bit of a sissy.) I have high hopes for his abilities. (He will never make it as an Adept. I bet he's back to his torax in a month.) He and Torwin were very good friends. (I think they spent too much time together and not enough time on their studies.)
He is a nice young man. I have high hopes for his abilities. He and Torwin were very good friends.
He is a nice young man. (I think he is soft and a bit of a sissy.) I have high hopes for his abilities. (He will never make it as an Adept. I bet he's back to his torax in a month.) He and Torwin are very good friends. (I think they spend too much time together and not enough time on their studies.)
He is a nice young man. I have high hopes for his abilities. He and Torwin are very good friends.
- I have met the Honorable Stellos.
What a wonderful man. I only hope to aspire to the knowledge he has gained during his long life.
- bye
Be well, my friend.
- I have found your Focus of healing!
How wonderful! Thank you, my friend. There is no way I can repay this debt, but should you need healing, please come to me.
What? You do not have my Focus!
Do not toy with me with matters like that! I must have my focus returned!