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Darion, from Ultima VIII
Species: human
Profession: guard
Ultima VIII
Location: Tenebrae

Darion is the Tenebraean Captain of the Guard on Pagan. He appears in Ultima VIII.


Darion was a proud man, who seemed glad to be of service to his city and who spent his free time offering martial training and crafting leather armour, which he sold in his house in east Tenebrae. Despite his loyalty to the Tempests, he would grudgingly admit that he was suspicious of Salkind’s influence over Mordea and would hint that he wasn't entirely certain of some of the actions taken by his mistress.

Should the topic of his daughter, Jenna, come up, Darion would mention his concerns that she remained unwed, and would shortly thereafter size up the Avatar as a potential son-in-law. He would begin thereafter to make frequent mention of all of Jenna's fine qualities to the hero, and would do his best to convince the two to wed.

When it was eventually confirmed that Mordea had no birthright to rule Tenebrae and that the fisherman Devon was the rightful Tempest, Darion maintained his loyalty to the Tempest by switching loyalties from Mordea to Devon. This led to his near death at the hands of the vengeful woman, who struck him and numerous others down with magical lightning when they refused to acknowledge her legitimacy and execute her half-brother. In time, however, he recovered from his wounds and went on to serve under Devon.[1]


His selection is as follows:

U8-OpenHelm.png Helmet 2
U8-LeatherLeggings.png Leather leggings/boots 10
U8-LeatherArmguards.png Leather gloves/bracers 5
U8-LeatherArmour.png Leather cuirbolli 6
Training 50


  • Cyrrus will mention that Darion has a soft heart and that he frequently gave him sweets as a child. He will also recall that the captain had wished him to pursue a career as a guard when he was a youth.[2]
  • Should the Avatar have heard from Orlok that Bentic has a treasure map tattooed on his chest, Darion will denounce the rumor as untrue, and will mention having seen Bentic shirtless. He will then go on to discuss legends he has heard of actual treasure, and will recall the legend of the Protector.[1]
  • Should the Avatar agree to marry Jenna, Darion will reluctantly mention the fact that his daughter has sworn an oath to slay any man who would try to wed her.[1]
