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Saralek, from Ultima VII
Species: emp
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Emp village

Saralek is an emp, who may be found in a small woodland village within the Deep Forest during Ultima VII.


Like the other emps, Saralek would prove shy and uncommunicative around the Avatar until the hero plied her with gifts of honey. Once she acclimated to the strange human, the emp would talk to the hero of her bond-mate, Trellek, and her worries regarding the gradual deforestation of the silverleaf trees in which the emps nested.[1]

Once the Avatar learned that Trellek knew a way to contact the mysterious wisps, Saralek's permission was required before her mate could travel with the hero. Not wanting her partner to leave her side, the canny female would demand that the hero seek permission from the elder Salamon, thinking that it would never be given.[2][3]

Later, however, after the champion of the virtues had obtained Salamon's blessings, Saralek revealed that she could not bear to be separated from Trellek. She suggested that rather than having Trellek join the hero's party, her bond-mate craft a special whistle which could be be used to summon the wisps in his stead.[4]


Somewhere in the eastern half of the forest lives a race of monkey-like creatures I call Emps. They are pacifists who deplore killing, even to eat. My encounters with them have revealed an extreme fondness for sweets, particularly honey. I have noted within them an ability to detect the emotions of others. This empathic ability is, in fact, the root of my name for them.


  1. Saralek. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "cut down, family, job, Silverleaf tree, Trellek".
  2. Saralek. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "join party, Salamon".
  3. TrellekUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "join".
  4. Saralek. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Salamon's permission, wisps".