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Nan, from Ultima VI
Species: human
Profession: bard
CollapseUltima VI
Description: nervous & young
Location: Britain
Transcript: Nan
The Ultima 6 Project
Nan, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Britain

Nan is a bard and instructor at the Conservatory in Britain in Ultima VI. She also knows the mantra of Compassion and has information about its rune.


Nan worked alongside her husband Kenneth, teaching the youth of Britain the arts of music and performance. She was immensely proud of their most promising pupil, Ariana, remarking how she had been given the Rune of Compassion. The disturbed lady suffered from vivid hallucinations, seeing spiders everywhere she looked. She even had difficulty playing her lute because she saw spiders crawl out of the instrument every time she picked it up. In hopes of reducing the young woman's fears, Iolo had given her a pair of gloves for her birthday, believing this added protection might provide her with the confidence to play.[1]

Asked about the mantra she told the Avatar it was mu.

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Nan had heard of a large cavern filled with giant spiders, the dreaded Spider Cave. Terrified of such a location, Iolo assured her there were no such caves near Britain. Yet, the party discovered the Spider Cave near Empath Abbey. If the Avatar killed the huge Spider Queen, Nan could sleep a little better after being told that the beast no longer existed.


Just south of the castle are a couple of buildings that house government sponsored projects. One such building is the conservatory. Most bards have taken some training there, though I never did myself. I believe they teach the Mantra of Compassion, among other things.


  • Although, a piece named “Dream of Lady Nan” is often found among unofficial Ultima V soundtracks, and the music is played in Ultima V, Lady Nan does not appear in the game.


  1. Nan. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, musi, play, spid, glov, comp, mant, rune, aria".