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Mortude, from Ultima VI
Species: human
Profession: ropemaker
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Paws
Transcript: Mortude
The Ultima 6 Project
Mortude, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Paws

Mortude is a ropemaker in Paws in Ultima VI.


A somewhat bitter older man, Mortude had little interest in talking to the Avatar, although he couldn't help but boast about the quality of his rope. Mortude fancied himself an excellent flippits player, often playing with Thindle. Mortude grudgingly taught the Avatar how to play when prompted. Mortrude fancied young Merideth by giving her a length of rope so she could swing from a tree, and Grison and Dorin spoke positively of him.[1][2][3]

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, it is possible to find all items needed for flippits and play with Mortude. With some luck, the Avatar wins and Mortude gains new respect for the hero.


I’d be careful when playing him at Nim, by the way... Don’t let him trick you into betting too much. You might be safer playing Flippits with Thindle and Mortude instead.


Prices in Ultima VI are as follows:

Goods Cost
RopeU6.png Rope 5


  1. Mortude. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, mort, buy, thin, flip, bone, old, hat, no".
  2. GrisonUltima VI transcriptUltima VI. "mort".
  3. MeridethUltima VI transcriptUltima VI. "mort".