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Mandy, from Ultima VII
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Buccaneer's Den

Mandy is the tavernkeeper of the Fallen Virgin inn and tavern in Buccaneer's Den. She appears in Ultima VII.


A motherly and honest woman, Mandy boasted of her former days as a flirtatious and beautiful young woman of the isle, and had run the Virgin since her youth. As her alehouse served as one of the major social venues of the pirates' city, Mandy had a great deal of information regarding the inhabitants of the island, and was open to talking about anyone she knew. In particular, she freely offered up what she knew of Hook's presence on the island, relating how he had likely been involved in the death of a gambler named Duncan who had attempted to cheat the House of Games a year ago. Should the Avatar have possession of the blackrock cube while speaking to her, it would reveal that she made no attempt to speak anything but the truth – a rare quality in Buccaneer's Den.[1]


I suppose old Budo and I are the closest things to honest merchants this town has seen in years. But an innkeeper and a provisioner lend little to clear the reputation that so many others ruin. Then again, maybe the two of us are ruining it for the rest of them!


  • Mandy was one of the few people on the island who was willing to speak at length to Anton during his attempts to compile information for his Key to the Black Gate, and her description of the city is recorded in his summary of Buccaneer's Den.[2]
  • After Ben ceases to harvest silverleaf trees, Mandy is the only vendor who still has silverleaf meals to sell, although she still charges fifty crowns per portion.


  1. Mandy. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "body, Fallen Virgin, Hook, job, killer, murder, scares".
  2. Morris, Andrew P.. Key to the Black Gate (Ultima VII). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Pages 8.