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Johan, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Moonglow
Description: woodcutter

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

Johan is a paper miller in Moonglow in Ultima V: Lazarus.

Johan originally met his woodcutter wife Siona shortly after she moved to Moonglow from Yew. He had originally employed her to supply the raw materials for his paper milling, himself being useless with an axe, and the two had eventually fallen in love. Much of Johan's business was with the local mages and scholars, who required a constant supply of his paper. [1]

Deeply in love with his strong illiterate wife, Johan had tried to teach her to read, but she simply hadn't been interested in it. The miller loved to read tales about the Avatar and the Age of Virtue, remarking in the past people followed the virtues out of a desire to be good, which was in stark contrast to the current political climes, where Blackthorn's Ethics were forced upon the population, and the people followed out of fear. Set in his beliefs, Johan didn't fear Donn Piatt's wrath for his beliefs, despite Siona's warnings[2], feeling any man who ordered a person's tongue cut off was reprehensible.
