Ilshenar map

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Ilshenar map

The Ilshenar map was included with Ultima Online: Third Dawn.


The paper map of Ilshenar is different from the previous maps of Ultima Online and its expansions. The map is made to look almost photo-realistic and also there is no longer runic script, everything is labeled in Latin letters. The middle part of the map is empty, since that area was saved for the next expansion. Most versions of this map were on the flip side of a combined Brtiannia/Lost Lands map.

Other Releases of the Map[edit]

In Taiwan, a special edition of Third Dawn was released, that actually has the Ilshenar map as a cloth map – the only of its kind. Thus it of course is a rarity.

For the expansion Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge, the map was updated. The empty area in the middle was filled in with the proper geographic situation, thus completing the map. It in general is that map which nowadays is used. The Japanese edition of that map has the names of towns, shrines and virtues translated, but nothing else.

Alternate Maps[edit]

See Also[edit]

Ultima Online Maps
Maps BritanniaLost LandsIlshenarMalasTokuno islandsEodon