Dallas Garrett

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Dallas Garrett
Dallas Garrett, from Martian Dreams
Species: human
CollapseMartian Dreams
Location: 1895 Landing Site
Transcript: Dallas Garrett

Dallas Garrett is a hired guard in the late 19th century with a flamboyant cowboy-esque personality.


In Martian Dreams, Garrett was employed by Nikola Tesla to accompany his crew on their 1895 rescue mission to Mars. He first met the Avatar under extremely strange circumstances, as the hero and his companion, Dr. Johann Schleimann Spector, arrived in Tesla's laboratory via a time gate. Surprised, Garrett nearly drew his pistol on the newly-arrived travellers.

On the Martian surface, Garrett was placed in charge of tools and supplies, including a prybar which the Avatar borrowed to force open the door of the space capsule they arrived in. He also stressed the importance of carrying a sextant, suggesting the instrument was essential for navigating the Martian surface.[1]




  1. Dallas Garrett. Martian Dreams transcriptMartian Dreams. "name, job, sextant, prybar".