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A carriage is a private wheeled vehicle drawn by horses.


The average carriage is a four-wheeled, open structure with seating for eight, drawn by two draft-horses. While such carriages allow for comparatively faster transport in open areas, the bulk of the vehicle makes navigating the narrow roads of forests and cityscapes an exacting task.


Age of Darkness and Age of Enlightment[edit]

In early Sosaria, during the events of Ultima I, two-wheeled carts were available at many of the numerous "Transport Shoppes" of the realm, and could be obtained for roughly one-hundred and fifty copper pence. While no doubt securing a modicum of comfort for a saddle-weary traveler, these carts offered little by the way of technical advantage over a well-outfitted horse, and given the plethora of exotic vehicles available to a wealthy buyer in that era, it seems unlikely that these early carriages enjoyed great popularity among experienced adventurers.

For many centuries after that, animal drawn transportation appears to have gone out of vogue in Sosaria and later in Britannia, with the exception of occasional gypsy vardos.

Age of Armageddon[edit]

While horses remained a popular choice for mainland travel, the use of carriages did not resurface until the days of the Guardian's early incursions.

Eventually, the carriage became a defunct device, owing to the plagues that killed the entire horse population in the days preceding Ultima IX.


In Ultima VII, a typical carriage with animals could cost a buyer as much as a hundred and twenty or as little as sixty gold coins, depending on the stabler. At the time of the Avatar's adventures in the realm during this period, only Petre of Trinsic and Diane of Britain had equipped carriages for sale.


There is no faster mode of land travel that riding in a horsedrawn wagon. When travelling in the wilderness, the quicker one is, the safer one is. Horses and carts can be purchased from the stables in Britain.
This lengthy tome contains wonderous jewels of wisdom concerning all aspects of life. The words exalt the value of basic, common pleasures and denounce the relevance that material possessions have to happiness. The philosophy is simple enough to be easily grasped, yet complete enough to be quite comprehensive. The main irony of the title is apparent to anyone who has ever cared for a horse, for, as any stablemaster or horse owner can attest, horses need no food or rest.


  • As the tongue-in-cheek parody of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance found in Ultima VII implies, the mechanics of the games are such that draft horses never have need for any sort of feeding or care.[1]
