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Bandaii, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Paws
Ultima V
Bandaii, from Ultima V
Location: Paws
Transcript: Bandaii

Bandaii is a mage living in Paws during Ultima V.


A mysterious fellow, Bandaii was obsessed with finding Smith, the talking horse, having chased legends of the horse that persisted since the Age of Darkness. The Avatar met Bandaii in Paws, having sought him out to track down the magic carpet once owned by Monsieur Loubet. Having heard prior rumors about Smith's whereabouts, the Avatar volunteered this information to the mage, who was overwhelmed. Bandaii told the hero that after purchasing the carpet from Loubet, he presented it to Lord British as a gift, who kept it in his private chamber in Castle Britannia.[1]

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Bandaii was quick to tell the Avatar that he was formerly from the Lycaeum, but he now travelled Britannia in search of a mythical creature, the talking horse Smith. The travelling mage mentioned that he left the Lycaeum after Lady Janell forbade esoteric studies, and his interests were certainly well within that realm. In addition, with Moonglow under martial law, he felt it was in his interest to remain far away from his island home, stating that the city no longer stood for Truth when seeking the wrong kind of knowledge was forbidden. He noted that Paws was almost the polar opposite of the Lycaeum, where mages shunned the physical for the intellectual, the citizens of Paws were only interested in hard labor.[2]

Bandaii mentioned that he was in Paws because this was the last known location of the mystical horse, but that clearly the creature had moved on. He had been speaking to his fellow travellers at The Cat's Lair, but mentioned that these conversations had not borne fruit, so he would soon move on to Trinsic. Should the Avatar mention that he had met Smith at Iolo’s hut, the mage was most grateful, and planned on making haste to fulfill his quest.
