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Aramina, from Ultima VIII
Species: human
CollapseUltima VIII
Location: Palace of the Tempest

Aramina is a servant in the palace of the Tempest. She appears in Ultima VIII.


Aramina was a quiet woman who greatly feared her employers. She was unwilling to talk to strangers who approached her in the palace, and would only converse with the Avatar at her home in eastern Tenebrae at Bloodwatch. Even when speaking with the hero alone, she was timid about revealing much of Mordea or her seneschal's dealings, and would only grudgingly speak of the sexual liberties Salkind took with her.

When the Avatar was tasked by Vividos with returning the Necromancers stolen ritual dagger, the hero turned to Aramina for aid. Despite knowing little of the hero (including motivations), she revealed that Mordea had hidden the knife in her chambers, and gave her the key to the chest in which it was locked.

Later, when Mordea and Salkind lay dead and Devon ruled as Tempest, Aramina seemed relieved, and would openly talk about her past abuse. She appeared to be delighted with her new employer, as she had long admired Devon from afar, and would hint at the possibility of a budding romance between herself and the new ruler.[1]


  • Using the Hear Truth spell on Aramina while Mordea still reigns will allow the Avatar to hear her genuine thoughts on the Tempest and her seneschal.
  • Orlok has a number of fantastical tales he will spread about Aramina, and will claim that she is Mordea's sister, the Tempest herself in disguise, or even a sea-creature disguised as a human.[2]
