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Apollonia, from Ultima VII
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Trinsic

Apollonia, a buxom woman in her mid-thirties, runs the The Honorable Hound Pub and Inn in Trinsic during Ultima VII.


Apollonia was likely one of the first people the Avatar met after arriving in Britannia in Ultima VII, given her establishment's proximity to the stables in which Christopher and Inamo's bodies were found after their murders. Like most inhabitants of Trinsic, Apollonia was shocked by the crime, but claimed not to have seen or heard anything that could be useful in apprehending the killer.

If her services of hospitality were called upon, she could recommend to the hero the Silverleaf meal, indicating it to be a popular and flavorful dish recently introduced in Britannia.


We have the usual: a trainer, an armourer, a shipwright, a healer and a barmaid — well, she is not so usual. Many sailors, and others, find Apollonia quite beautiful.


  • Apollonia's behavior differs depending on the Avatar's gender. A male character will find himself on the receiving end of her flirtations, and will have the option of returning her coquetry.
  • Finnigan mentioned to Anton during the scholar's compilation of the Key to the Black Gate that Apollonia was well known for her feminine charms and that she had attracted the favor of numerous sailors.[1]


  1. Morris, Andrew P.. Key to the Black Gate (Ultima VII). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Pages 24.