Pride of Magincia
Pride of Magincia
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Location | Overland Map, Magincia |
Given By | Father Adrian in Britain |
Repeatable | No |
After learning the Mantras of Compassion and Sacrifice, Father Adrian sends you to the Britain Shepherd's Guild to speak with Guildscribe Gem about the Mantra of Humility.
Explore Britannia and Gain Virtue
- Reach Character Level 13
Find the Shepherds Guild in Britain
- Speak to Guildscribe Gem
Find Boatmaster Ken on the Overland Map
- Visit Magincia and learn its History
Visit Magincia Smithy
- Speak to Heywood
Visit Magincia Docks
- Speak to Faultless
Return to Faultess of Magincia
- Enter the solo Pirate Encounter
Speak to Faultess of Magincia
- Enter the Haunted Magincia encounter and defeat Captain Heep
Return to Faultless of Magincia
- Tell Faultless you are Successful
Return to the Shepherds Guild in Britain
- Speak to Guildscribe Gem
Guildscribe Gem: "I figured ye'd be comin' around... I'll share the Mantra of Humility with ya, if yer ready. Answer me this, if ya will... Art thou humble?"
You have two choices:
- "Yes, I'm ever so humble." (Advance Quest)
- "No, I'm not humble." (Advance Quest)
Guildscribe Gem: "Don't fret, we all starts off a bit vain. I spent years at it, an' I still ain't a master! Mind now, you do look particularly prideful..."
You have three choices:
- "Why are you insulting me so?" (+Honour)
- "You're right, I'm ever so vain. How can I learn?" (+Humility)
- "I admire your honesty." (+Honesty)
Guildscribe Gem: "Do not try an' flatter me, ya plummock! Now get Boatmaster Ken to take ya ta Magincia. He is near the Shrine o' Humility, to the east. Ya need to see what happens when folk forget their Humility."
Boatmaster Ken: "I'm setting out shortly. I can drop you off at Magincia if you would like, but you will have to find your own way back. That place isn't right..."
You: [Set sail.]
Casperin: "Welcome, Stranger. Here lies Magincia, cursed by daemons and crushed by waves. Look upon our ruin and tremble!"
You: "Why is this place ruined?" (Story)
Casperin: "Foolish Pride! Once Magincia was a place of riches. All the land envied us. The Merchant Princes turned to weather magic, and other... darker arts. Then a great wave came... and that was that."
You: "By dark arts, you mean daemons, right?" (Story)
Casperin: "Vain fools conjoured up daemons to tell the future. They failed to bind them properly and they escaped."
You: "What caused the wave?" (Story)
Casperin: "A horde of daemons rose from the depths. They pushed thousands of tonnes of water ahead of them and... Well... you can see the result."
You: "Can you tell me about Humility." (Advance Quest)
Casperin: "I would like to help you, but I am cursed. I cannot leave until I atone for my pride, yet all the people I harmed are dead. All I can do is warn you of the folly of vanity."
You have three choices:
- "I'll help you escape your curse." (+Honour)
- "I'm sorry for your suffering. Can I help somehow?" (+Compassion)
- "This punishment seems overly harsh." (+Justice)
Casperin: "Your kindness if like water in the desert, but it will not free me. Speak to Heywood in the smithy. He was there when the curse was laid. He may know about lifting it."
You: "I'll speak to Heywood."
'Heywood: "...everyone dead... dead! Right, that's it! Can't you see I'm busy haunting? How can I properly escape my curse if folk see me chatting instead of wailing and howling like a good ghost should?"
You: "What are you gibbering about?" (Story)
Heywood: "Gibbering? I'll have you know this is top notch haunting, mate! I'm the best, most morose ghost on the island... well except that Snake fella, but he's a special case."
You: "You seem a bit... lighthearted about all this."
Heywood: "Well, after the first couple of decades you get beyond the anguish and depression and head right into pride in a haunting well done. Plus, I mgiht be a cursed soul, but I can have a laugh, eh?"
You: "How did you die?"
Heywood: "When the great wave came, I was on my way to the escape boat. Right before I got there a pillar fell on top of me and crushed me to death. needless to say, I've seen better days."
You: "Casperin said you knew about lifting the curse." (Advance Quest)
Heywood: "We're all trapped here until we've repaid our pride in kind, or we are freed by an Avatar. Far lot of chance of that I can tell you..."
You have three choices:
- "I'll return and free you once I am an Avatar." (+Honour)
- "I could help you make reparations for your pride." (+Compassion)
- "I'm just after the Mantra of Humility." (+Honesty)
Heywood: "Look, I'll help you with the whole Avatar Quest thing. Not because I think you'll actually remember to come back, but because you'll bugger off once I tell you."
You: "Thanks."
Heywood: "Look, I don't know the Mantra, but Admiral Faultless by the focks says he does. He might tell you. You'll have to butter him up like a crumpet, mind."
You: "I'll speak to Faultless. Farewell."
Faultless: "Since you are obviously a big fan of mine, what must I do to appease you and ten send you on your way?"
You: "Do you know the Mantra of Humility?" (Advance Quest)
Faultless: "Of course I do! If it is worth knowing then I know it. But, I can't give such a valuable thing to just anybody. I defeated the most dangerous Pirates in Britannia in order to learn the Mantra."
You have three choices:
- "I could take twice the pirates you could!" (+Valour)
- "Name a price, and I will pay it." (+Sacrifice)
- "Why would Pirates know the Mantra of Humility?" (+Spirituality)
Faultless: "I have the glimmering of a brilliant plan. I'll teach you the Mantra, but you must defeat a challenge with no friends to help you."
You: "What challenge, O Faultless one?"
Faultless: "I challenge you to defeat the Pirate Captain Heep and his crew... and you must do it totally on your own! NO friends to help you!"
You: [Enter Solo Encounter (Level 13)] (Advance Quest)
Faultless: "Captain Heep! Rouse your crew and face your doom!"
Faultless: "Heep's probably in one of the buildings. Good luck. You'll need it."
Captain Heep: "So this is the swine Faultless sent? Prepare to join m'crew!"
You: "I've bested your Pirates!" (Advance Quest)
Faultless: [Faultless smiles and whispers the Mantra of Pride in your ear.]
You have two choices:
- "Wait a minute! You made a mistake."
- "You lying, vain cur!"
Faultless: "Oh, I know you said you wanted the Mantra of Humility, but it's useless. Moreover, you can tell Gem I said that! I mean, just look how high you jumped when I challenged your pride..."
You: "I'm sure Gem will love that."
Freebooter Alan: "Oi! What care you doing here? I weren't pilferin' or nothin'. I's just pokin' about that's all... I... err... How's this, I give you a ride back to the mainland and you forget you saw me?"
You: "Sounds fair." [Set sail.]
Guildscribe Gem: "So yer back from the ruined island of Magincia. Well, what did ya learn?"
You: "I discovered the Mantra of pride." (Advance Quest)
Guildscribe Gem: "Humility! I told ye ta find out about Humility, not it's opposite!"
You have three choices:
- "I promised to help the Ghosts atone for their pride." (+Honour)
- "I did my best." (+Humility)
- "Well, how can you know one without the other?" (+Spirituality)
Guildscribe Gem: "Bet ye didn't know the Mantra of pride be the exact opposite of the Mantra of Humility. You know one, ye know the other."
[You have learned the Mantra of Humility.]
You: "Thanks."
(This advances the Quest "Learn the Mantras".)
0 - Magincia