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Vorpal, from Ultima IV
Species: human
Ultima IV
Location: Yew
Description: mean, nasty, ugly villain
Transcript: Vorpal

Vorpal is a felon incarcerated in the High Courts of Yew during Ultima IV.


Vorpal would not reveal the reason for his imprisonment, sardonically claiming that his job was to "eat people who bugged him." Should the Stranger pester him about this, Vorpal would ask if the Stranger was there to bother him. Should the hero answer affirmatively, the villain would attack, crying "Eat death, scum puppy!" as he did.[1]

Despite his unvirtuous and fallen state, the rune of Justice was hidden inside his cell.


NES remake
  • In the novelization of Ultima IV in Ultima: The Avatar Adventures, Vorpal is portrayed as being much more sedate, expressing his displeasure by largely ignoring the Stranger and passive-aggressively hogging the jail cell's bed.[2]
  • In the Nintendo remake of Ultima IV, the prisoner "Vorpel" is a penitent, regretting his past life of crime and using the rune of Justice as a tool for self-improving meditation.[3]

See Also[edit]

Rune of Justice thread: DruidTalfourdjail guard & poor beggars → Vorpal

NES rune of Justice thread: DruidShort Round → Vorpal
