Talk:NES map for Ultima IV

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Judging misspellings[edit]

I see we're into judging intentions with respect to spelling. How do we know that "Daggar" wasn't deliberate, but "Dastard" was? For that matter, how do we know that "Destard" was deliberate? I don't think we can know any of these things. This means we'd have to remove that talk about the misspelling of Blue Tassles... I see it already has been.

IMO, we should probably be discussing inconsistencies (against out-game dictionaries, and against other uses of the same words) but I think it's difficult to know whether or not something is a misspelling unless we have the straight dope from OSI staff. The Ultra-Mind (talk) 22:01, 23 October 2015 (UTC)

I agree, I think this edit was unnecessary. --Warder Dragon (talk) 19:38, 24 October 2015 (UTC)