Sphere Generator solution

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The Sphere Generator in Ultima VII involves navigating a maze of eight platforms where the Avatar has to walk through either a red or a blue moongate in order to reach the prism. This is more complicated by the fact that some gates set the Avatar back, while others dump the hero in nasty fields located in dungeon Shame. Even though small glowing spheres blink in a sequence that already spoils the solution in which order to walk through the gates, a more detailled look at the puzzle is shown below.

The Solution[edit]

In the following solution, the Avatar starts on platform 4 and has to reach platform 8, where the prism is located. The spheres blink in the pattern red - blue - blue - red, which is the fastest solution to the problem. That means in this order the platforms 4 - 1 - 6 - 3 - 8 are being visited.

Sphere Solution.png
Platform Red Gate to Blue Gate to
1 (NE) 5 6
2 (E) 1 Sleep Fields
3 (SE) 8 2
4 (S) 1 7
5 (SW) Fire Fields 6
6 (W) 5 3
7 (NW) 1 Poison Fields
8 (N)