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Sansalys, from Ultima VII Part Two
Species: ghost
Ultima VII Part Two
Location: Skullcrusher

Sansalys is one of the six restless undead bound to Skullcrusher in Ultima VII Part Two due to the Imbalance.


She in life had been the librarian of Skullcrusher, but like the other inhabitants of Skullcrusher she was murdered when Order troops massacred the populace of the city.

When being approached by the Avatar in the theatre of Skullcrusher, where she bemoaned the fate of Chaos together with the amnesic ghost, Sesyntho and the soldier ghost, she proved to be most helpful. She bemoaned her existence as a ghost and how it was affecting her memory. She was sick of repeating the motions and an existence where she could feel not much of anything. She hinted that the Imbalance has to end for them to find peace, having a feeling the Avatar was connected to their fate in a way. She was sorry to tell the Avatar, that most books by now were gone from the library, destroyed or lost. She however told the hero of the Library ghost, and how her help will look strange, explaining the rules they were bound to, in that they were forbidden to give direct help, only indirect one.

It was only with the Avatar restoring Balance, that she did finally find peace.